Danny Phantom: Alternate Timeline – Phantom & Angel
Genre: Action/Adventure/General
Rating: PG-13
Disclaimer: I do not own Danny Phantom (The show belongs to Butch Hartman). DP owns me. ..
Summary: (Post PP) Danny is on the edge, with his newfound awkward popularity, onslaught of ghost attacks and crumbling relationship with Sam, Tucker suggests that the Halfa take a vacation. Where else would he go to but Clockworks to watch some other timelines? (Crossover with Justice League)

DP: Alternate Timeline

Phantom & Angel


Danny wore a heavy scowl on his face as he dodged Skulker's missiles. Paulina was not shutting up anytime soon from below and the Halfa could swear that Sam's glare was burning a hole straight into his back as the pink A List teenager continued her loud, albeit screechy, cheer. The ghost boy gritted his teeth as he drove a fist at the other ghost's head and pummeled the hunting ghost repeated in venting his pent up anger.

Things were not going well for 15-year-old Daniel Fenton, otherwise known as Danny Phantom, his superhero alter-ego. After the disasteroid crisis had passed, his identity had been blown to the entire planet. His home became swamped with reporters on a daily basis, no one would give him the privacy he wanted, the ghosts were still unrelenting in their attacks on Amity Park and his relationship with his best friend and current girlfriend Sam Manson, or whatever was left of it, was surely crumbling into the dust, almost to look as if it never existed. Danny Fenton officially hated his now public life.

Skulker now lay on the ground in a twitching lump and Danny viciously sucked the dazed ghost into the Fenton Thermos and capped it. Immediately as he had done so, pictures were snapped and shouting had ensured. He forced to keep a neutral look on his face while his inside was screaming bloody murder for bystanders who were stupid enough to NOT run while there was a ghost attack. For the love of whatever high deity above, why couldn't they understand the reason why he asked them to run was not because of private matters, but to prevent them from getting hurt during the battle? It didn't help matters that Valerie was still in disbelief that he, Danny Fenton, was Danny Phantom, both the same person. She still shot at him on sight. And a majority of those shots were aimed at his posterior. This was one of those times.


"I've got you now Ghost! You're not taking Danny image anymore!" His patience was beginning to wear thin as the Valerie (under her guise as Red Huntress), charged up her ecto-gun at him again. She would've fired until someone barked out from below.

"That's ENOUGH! Valerie Gray, before I revoke your Ghost Hunting license, you will leave NOW! WITHOUT shooting at Danny!"

Danny could almost cry with relief as his best friend and current Mayor of Amity Park, Tucker Foley came storming through the crowd looking even more pissed then he had ever seen him before. But that alone didn't stop Valerie either.

"You may be Mayor Foley, but I'm not going to let that Ghost use Danny!" Tucker threw her an exasperated look and wrung his hands in the air.

"For the love of…He IS Danny you moron! Make it clear in your head and stop deluding yourself! Phantom equals to Fenton. They are both the same person you nitwit! Now OUT! Before I revoke that license of yours and make sure you'll never hit another ghost again!"

Valerie let loose a string of curses before flying off in a huff. Tucker spun his heel and turned to the rest of the watching populace with an extremely infuriated look splashed across his face.

"Now for the rest of you! Are you brainless enough NOT to run when he tells you to run!? For crying out loud, he's trying to prevent you all from being squashed by ghosts and here you are distracting and pissing the crap out of him by staying put and not caring for your own safety?! Get out! And I'd better NOT see any of this in the front pages tomorrow either. And there is NO autographing session either Paulina Sachetz!"

The Latino teenager pouted and was ready to argue until Danny hovered behind Tucker with his arms crossed against his chest, looking none too pleased with the situation. Immediately the crowd dispersed in a hurry, knowing that it was very rare to see their hero looking upset and positively wary of their presence. Danny faintly heard a chilling laugh from the Thermos and shook it roughly to shake up its occupant inside to be quiet. Days like these were not going to end well. In fact, none of his days were ever ending well nowadays.

He'd thought Sam would understand better enough to let it go sometimes but he would forget a painful point about her. No matter how individualistic, independent and different Sam was, Sam was still a girl. And she was possessive over him.

"I don't believe her! Cheering that stupid cheer in front of these people! Argh! How stupid can she get?!" Danny roughly pinched the bridge of his nose and from a side glance, caught Tucker massaging his temples as Sam continued her tirade. Danny knew she cared, but the awkward popularity that soared within a night was taking its toll on them. They could no longer have private time with each other and it burned her patience down to nothing. Danny found himself at the wrong end of the stick whenever Sam started ranting. He was briefly considering changing his sexuality but thought otherwise with the crazy media attention that was still raining down on him but went into the probability that he will never get another girlfriend so as long as his half life continued and remain a bachelor for the rest of it. It was so much easier to be that way.

"Sam! Cut it out. You're making Danny feel worse here!" Immediately the Goth vegetarian clamped her mouth shut and shot him an apologetic look. Danny just gave her a weak smile in return and allowed the two rings of light to travel in opposite directions of his body to change from the superhero Phantom to the normal average Fenton. Danny gave a loud sigh and rubbed the back of his neck tiredly.

"Looks like it's another cancel Sam…"

"I know…I know…" The despondence in her voice made Danny wince. It hurt that they couldn't spend much time with each other, no matter how much Tucker tried to get them private time, nothing just seemed to be going right anymore. Danny, for one didn't see a point of having Sam even more depressed than her usual self when he wanted her to be happy. He had to make a choice. And he made it after some hesitation.

"Maybe this isn't working out as much as we thought it would…" Sam head shot up, eyes blazing with anger.

"What? You too good for me now?!" Ah crud. She even took it the wrong way! Danny immediately flung his hands out in desperation to explain himself.

"NO! I meant that with all this crazy mofo happening! It's making you even more depressed than your usual gothic self and frankly I'm feeling upset about that too! I want to make you happy Sam, but somehow looking at our relationship right now, I don't really see it working!" The hurt in Sam's eyes didn't leave and Danny couldn't bear it anymore. He ran his hand through his messy raven bangs and scowled at the floor.

"Look, Sam. I really wanted to see it work out. Seriously! But with this…media attention, it's been making you more depressed. And I don't like it when you're depressed…as in, any more from your usual gothic day." He hastily added, knowing that she made it a point to be depressed on a daily basis, being a Goth, "And I really think you deserve better. Much better than this Sam."

Tucker's eyes glanced carefully from one friend to the other. This was one of the very few tense moments the trio ever had in their years of friendship. Sam was staring straight at Danny; her facial expression was unreadable while the Halfa was looking down on the tiled floor, scuffing the toe of his shoe on it.

"…I'm…going to need some time by myself…" Sam finally uttered out before fleeing the scene. Danny gave an extremely pained sigh and looked up to see the sympathetic look on the African-American's face. The blue-eyed boy could not summon enough will to even give him a weak smile as the darker teen took his shoulders and gently pushed him out of the currently trashed Amity Park Mall.

There was going to be hell with the media in the next few days.

Tucker watched as Danny ungracefully crashed onto the couch of his Mayor office, all the while he had one hand covering his face and the other still held the Thermos tightly. All this crazy media and lack of privacy was really starting to send his best friend to go mad. Tucker quickly took out various possibilities that could help Danny and could only summon one that was the most feasible idea at that moment.

"Danny, I think…no scratch that. You NEED a vacation." The dark skinned teenager stressed the word 'need' at his best friend. The other teen hadn't looking up at him from his position from the couch and didn't look like he was going to respond either. Tucker sighed and turned, clicking his quick dial on the Mayor phone and bringing it to his ear.

"Hey Jazz. No, he's ok. Just very tired and stressed." Tucker paused, allowing the older Fenton sibling to stress out her worries about her brother before calming down to let Tucker continue, "Nah, its ok. You needed that. Anyway, could you pack some stuff for him? No, not ghost hunting stuff. His clothes and regular stuff, like for…2 weeks?" Tucker paused once again to hear Jasmine Fenton give him a skeptic sounding sentence that made him sigh.

"Look Jazz, I'm sending him on a vacation. God knows that he needs it. He broke up with Sam earlier and all this media attention is going to drain him even more. No, I am not sending him to Kansas. I'm leaving it up to him where he wants to go for those 2 weeks as long as he gets some time to wind down. Ghost hunting? Well, despite popular belief that I'm stupid not to know ghost hunting, I know how to use your parents' weapons well enough to protect the town. I'll probably enlist your parents' help too and yours, if your interested."

The conversation continued for a while until Tucker clicked the phone shut. He turned to see that his best friend had yet to move from his position and was still, by all means, stoning at the ceiling. Now he had to take action.

"Danny." No response. Tucker sighed again.

"Daniel." The hand that covered his face slipped off and Tucker found himself getting glared at by those baby-blue eyes that loathed his first name being mentioned. It reminded him too much of the fruit loop known as Vladimir Masters. The dark skinned teenager shrugged.

"That was the only way to get your attention. Now up, you are going home, getting your stuff and going on a 2 week vacation." Tucker pulled Danny up by his underarms and the pale skinned boy had fallen off the couch with a thump.

"Wait a sec! 2 week…vacation? Tucker, school starts in 2 weeks, and there's still protecting the town from the ghosts! Besides, where can I go for a freaking vacation?!"

"That's for you to figure out. Look Danny, it'll keep you out of media attention and give you some time off to blow some steam. I can suggest that you can take your vacation to somewhere quiet in the Ghost Zone, Frostbite? Dora? Wulf maybe? It's not like you have an enemy in ALL ghosts mind you. You really need this time off. And don't worry about the town. Sadly enough, Valerie will be protecting it, but I'll be keeping an eye out for her with your parents and Jazz."

Danny opened his mouth to protest but was cut short by Tucker's own Foley glare going straight at him. Tucker didn't have Sam to back him up then, but Tucker had matured enough to know when it was needed to give an extra punch in whatever he wanted to be known.

"Danny, in all our years, and including our diaper ones, you've called the shots. It's my turn to take over now. You NEED this break. You need to re-energize yourself. These past few weeks are already getting through your skin even worse then that time where we found out about that evil alter-ego of yours of the future." Tucker saw Danny flinch at the mention of his future evil self but continued, "You need to find yourself again Danny, its already worrying us enough as it is about your physical body enduring pain from these attacks, but your sanity is at risk too. We don't want anything else to happen to you. Ok?"

Danny crouched on the floor, mulling over Tucker's words before looking up to give him a weak smile.

"Thanks Tuck…" With a wink, Tucker grinned back at him.

"Don't mention it. You've been the one protecting us all this time; it's our turn to protect you. Besides, seeing that dissolved relationship can give you some time to rethink about it." Danny gave Tucker a grateful nod and finally stood up from the floor. He grasped hands with him briefly before walking out the door in a flash of light; Danny Phantom soared high in the air with the occupied Thermos in hand and flew in the direction of Fenton Works. Tucker could only hope that 2 weeks was enough for Danny to regain his sanity back.

Danny flew back into his room through the open window where he saw his red-head sister sitting on his bed with a backpack filled with his clothes and other necessities. Changing back to his human form, Danny quietly embraced Jazz in gratitude, of which the older Fenton returned. Jazz had seen how much Danny had changed in the months after the Disasteroid. Dark bags colored the bottom of his eyes and the usually sparkling blue was now dulled down so drastically, she feared that he may have sunk into depression with all that was happening to him.

"I've packed whatever you need for you. Yes brother dearest, including your underwear." She teased as he gave her a look of mock horror that his older sibling had taken to digging into his closet for his underwear, "And only 2 weeks since school starts back in exactly 2 weeks ok? But I have to ask…where will you go?" the teal-eyed girl watched her younger brother curiously as he shifted his weight from one foot to the other while pondering that thought. Tucker had said that it was his decision where he wanted to go and had given him the suggestion of Ghost Zone, since not ALL the ghosts there believed him to be their mortal enemy, beside the fact that he would not hold back on beating them up before sending them back to the Ghost Zone.

"I was…" Jazz looked up from her inner-musings to see the hesitant look in her brother's eyes as he continued,

"I was thinking of visiting Danni…but most probably Clockwork." THAT was a surprise. Danni, she knew was a clone of her brother and he was protective of the younger Halfa, but Clockwork?

"I see…Just take care of yourself ok? Mom and dad will be back later tonight and I can tell them what happened. Tucker said we were going to protect Amity Park with you on vacation. Good thing mom has a better aim right?" The light-hearted attempt to joke was met with a quiet laugh from the younger of the Fenton siblings as he hugged his sister once more.

"Yea. Make sure dad doesn't go near the bazooka again, I'd hate to see the mess that needs to be cleared after that thing is fired." The two siblings chuckled at the thought of it, lightly bantering as they trooped down the stairs to the laboratory basement with Danny holding his backpack and the Thermos. The eerie green glow of the ghost portal was active and Danny promptly stuffed Skulker back into the Ghost Zone roughly before handing the now empty Thermos to Jazz.

"If you need anything, I still have the Fenton Phones ok? 2 weeks…is pretty long with the ghost attacks ya know?" Jazz lightly punched Danny in the shoulder, giving him a brave look.

"And you think we'd cower at them? Hah! I think not, I'm sure we can handle them Danny, most of the ghost that have been appearing aren't your regular ones that love to bust your butt." Danny protested loudly at the statement while Jazz grinned and gave him another hug.

"Take care ok?"

"I will. YOU take care of yourself, mom and dad. As well as the town please."

Jazz gently shoved her brother towards the portal where he waved and transformed into his ghost half before flying into the portal. The older sibling, like Tucker, hoped that 2 weeks was enough rest for Danny.

Danny tumbled through the portal and immediately set off to Clockwork's tower. He knew it was in a remote area of the Ghost Zone and was hardly noticed by most other ghosts, their eyes tended to slide away from the Master of Time's abode. Danny was hoping that Danni would be there too, it would probably save him time trying to find her lair around the Ghost Zone. The white haired teen wondered if Clockwork would have foreseen him coming to visit him at this point of time. He was after all, the Master of Time, and he practically knew everything.

Danny dodged Kitty and Johnny13 quickly before they could even realize it was him and continued on his way to Clockwork's. He mused slightly over the irony. If he had continued to stay in Amity at this point of time, he would have gone mad and probably would have turned into the evil self that he was trying so hard to suppress. Everything was always connected in some strange ways, not even he could fathom them.

The Halfa found his goal and quickly raced to the gates. He wasn't surprised to see them creak open slightly for him to enter. Swiftly he entered through the gates and through the door that opened after. The constant ticking of various clocks and the creaks of the cogwheels turning was becoming normal to his ears; Danny had become accustomed to hearing these sounds whenever at Clockwork's zone. He had visited Danni many times before and he was almost immune to the noise.

Quietly, he wove his way through the passages of the lair and met with an amused Clockwork at his office, with various screens of alternate timelines showing in the room. Clockwork shifted from his child phase to his middle aged phase and floated over to him.

"Welcome Danny. I had a feeling you would be coming here."

"It was either here, or getting my butt roasted in other parts of Ghost Zone. Besides, I think you knew I was going to come here soon." He joked lightly as the Master of Time chuckled and shifted into his old aged phase. Clockwork tapped his staff and grinned.

"Of course…I know everything." The gentle mirth in the elder ghost's eyes made Danny laugh. Clockwork had become a second father figure to him and he thoroughly enjoyed spending time with him, even though it was limited with his contract of 'meddling' with timelines.

"It is however, unfortunate that I cannot stay with you in the duration of your stay here. Although, I believe Danielle will be visiting very soon. And I suppose you would like to see her again." Danny nodded in understanding, the Observants were always on his case, but knew that even they couldn't control Clockwork too much from preventing disastrous happenings in timelines. The green-eyed teen then pondered. What could he do here…? His eyes swept across the room and eyed the screens.

"Would…it be ok if I watched some of the timelines?" Clockwork gave an all knowing smile and reached out to call upon some of the screens.

"Of course. But I do believe, that these ones, would interest you the most, Danny Phantom. I must leave now and I will be back when the 2 weeks are up. Enjoy your stay here." With a flick of his wrist and a swirl of the hands of the clock, the Master of Time vanished to wherever he was meant to be. Danny floated to the couch that had appeared during their conversation and flumped down on it, setting his backpack to his side.

He eyed one of then screens a little before pointing to one of them, which gently grew in size from its tiny self to the form of a large screen television and allowing the rest to slide to one side for later observance. Danny leaned back against the couch and watched with interest. The scene of the screen was familiar before it clicked. This looked like just after the time he had first battled Skulker with the purple-back gorilla report he had to make and at the point of time that he, Tucker and Sam were at Nasty Burger talking about weekend plans… After Technus had trashed his parents' lab too. But there were subtle differences now. His eyes glued themselves to the screen as he watched the timeline that seemed so far from his own, yet so close at the same time.

Authoress' Notes:

1) Read Profile for warnings
2) Remember, this is an ALTERNATE TIMELINE of the DP continuity, going back to the first episodes to start off from though PP HAS happened (in the Original timeline) and various episodes are changed to suit the plot along with 'new' ones.
3) Reviews will be loved much. If you wish to critique this work, please make it constructive. Flames will be used to warm myself up in the cold winter freeze
4) I'm still figuring out the edit/preview system. And I STILL think the format looks wrong D: (Hasn't posted in 4 years :o)
5) Thanks for reading! :3
