Reviews for A Different Set of Keys
bleachfan462 chapter 18 . 6/9
Thanks for writing this! :)
Obzerps chapter 12 . 5/26
Bro I just thought of how epic it'd be to summon Kaido to fight Acnologia on Tenrou island, if there's a key for Kaido
Obzerps chapter 3 . 5/26
Bruh imagine Ace being one of the 12 strongest spirits, lol not happening
Obzerps chapter 3 . 5/26
Wait how does this work again? Is the Oceanus Realm just the OP world and they do their thing when they're not summoned?
cg037 chapter 18 . 3/18
A nice story so far, keep up the good work.
King of Fans chapter 12 . 1/26
Good character

Well done Lucy. that reckless stunt you did Took away 1/2 of phantom lores winning conditions and drastically boost your chances of getting into the S class trials.

Next awesome fight scenes with Ace. Him finding good counters to those shadow monsters, and A guy who can control fire despite him being made out of the stuff.

Lastly Akainu has something to say about Ace living forever.
King of Fans chapter 11 . 1/26
Good character

Well once the guild war is done it appears Lucy will just had to summon Franky to make them a new guild hall.

Great job with the Jinbei and Juvia fight. Is this man karate is a perfect counter to her water. Plus myself a bunch of readers and even the fish man himself knew her water body along with any other similar ability is practically useless agents a Haki user.

Lastly I bet Jinbei is probably really upset at himself at the fact Lucy got her self into a situation where she was forced to close his cabin wall he was on duty.
King of Fans chapter 9 . 1/16
Good character

I fill sorry for Brook Got summoned twice and got KO immediately.

I couldn’t help but laugh when they said Franky brook the sky and The site work wasn’t even surprised.

Robin is actually a pretty good counter to ulter’s time magic. She could literally sprouts hands on all the Cristobal and on the wizard herself to incapacitate her. Not to mention if she uses ice make magic it would likely be extremely weak and hard wall she’s tied up and her body is being twisted in unnatural angles.

There right take a just call in the magic council to wheel out the frozen demon.

Lastly I wonder how them capturing Zalty and Lyon Will affect The timeline. Considering if Lyon where to pull any moves to take that demon cycle would become wanted criminals. Wall I don’t think Robin will just let Zalty run free unscathed.
King of Fans chapter 8 . 1/15
Good character

And So Robinson has been introduced, and I loved everyone’s reactions to her. Specially in the fact she is just as scary as Erza.
King of Fans chapter 7 . 1/15
Good character

I really like how the thousand and sunny was used as their means of sailing and I have a feeling the ship is going to be their main mode of transportation for the guild and team Natsu for several reasons I am not going to get into.
However the fact the ship can keep Natsu from abandoning ship, and a fairy is driving it being two of them.

I couldn’t help but laugh at the fact Gray essentially had to walk all the way there and immediately collapse.
King of Fans chapter 6 . 1/14
Good character

I couldn’t help but laugh at the fact Lucy’s mind was completely on paying off Nami, and zoro for 75% of the chapter.
Not to mention the giggles from Ace sleeping through Natsu accidentally lighting him on fire.

Interesting idea with Lucy being charge for property damage due to Zoro cutting down demons and buildings, and some people speculating Nami made the tornado.

That’s actually a pretty good idea that Lucy wanting to become S class to Pay for the spirits. Especially when you consider Zoro and Jinbei would definitely give her the power to accomplish this. All she needs now is to increase her magical reserves, or get some sort of way to fight by herself a Little bit better.
King of Fans chapter 5 . 1/14
Good character

Nami was literally a perfect candidate to dispel the wind barrier.

Behold Lucy’s most expensive spirit.

I love the look on everyone’s face when Zoro literally cut down lullaby in single attack along with the surrounding area.

Lastly Lucy mined completely melting down after receiving the bill, is the funniest joke yet.
King of Fans chapter 4 . 1/14
Good character

Lucy being considered a vehicle gets me every time.

Why do I have a feeling people are going to mistake Brook for a evil spirit, and Lucy as a necromancer a lot.

Lastly why does not surprise me that Brook would ask for underwear for payment. Considering the only other payment I can see from the Skelton is meeting a certain whale.
King of Fans chapter 3 . 1/13
Good character

Forgot to mention this last chapter, but Frankly getting along super well with Natsu and happy makes a lot of sense.

That makes a lot of sense and why that form of magic is rare. One piece pirates are stronger then your average celestial spirits, but are far harder to Control, and would want payment.

Lucy scored big time with Chopper. He’s adorable, has several combat forms ( more than other Zoans), is a trained doctor, can talk to animals, and he is literally paid by complements and/ or Cotton candy.

Really like the reindeer’s interactions this chapter, specially with Happy and Lucy. All we need now is Wendy and The little reindeer to have a good conversation with each other.

Lastly interesting choice so far.
The sunny would be extremely handy in traveling.
Brook is a skilled swordsman I can freeze people or cut them down with ice of the underworld. Plus his music Will a great source of entertainment and his soul powers could be a good counter to certain types of magic.
Robin, can literally put a bend peoples bodies in Waze there’s not supposed too, wall just standing around. Can sprout eyes all over the place for reconnaissance. Those two factors along with her experiences makes her great for interrogation and other dirty work. Not to mention if they stumble upon some sort of ruined or ancient artifact it can act as payment, and they could get valuable information.
Not much to say more about the Fishman except he’s practically free, considering Lucy gives all her spirits respect.
Franky is both good in a strait up fight, and has a flexible arsenal. Any damage fairytale does or when they’re building needs repairs I am sure the guild will have enough Coke for the separate to do a quick repair job. Not to mention he’s relatively cheap.
Lastly Zoro is interesting because unless he’s fighting someone like Erza, he is not going pop up super often, Because unless Lucy Raids Cana’s alcohol cabinet, or suddenly wins the lottery, Zoro will not appear that often for the first few arcs.

Lastly The straw hat crew will get along super in fairytale.
King of Fans chapter 2 . 1/13
Good character

Ace is A unique choice to replace Leo. Considering they are pirates rules are not as big of a deal.
Especially when you consider Sabo, White beard, and luffy would never let Ace die for magic exhaustion when they can save him.
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