Revenge of the Darjetii

By: TheDeadGirlRisen

Beta'ed by: N/a

Author Notes: Diegogarciv and I were talking about star wars and ended up creating this idea. Hope you enjoyed this little one-shot.

Diegogarciv: Finally break the Rule of 2 and make a true Sith empire already damn! Shouts from the distance with the popcorn, wearing my sith outfit. Surrounded by Plagueis, Gravid, Revan, Bastilla and Kreia.


Word Count: 2695

Date Written: 4/4/20 - 4/6/20

Date Posted: 4/6/20

"Only Sith deal in absolutes."

Obi-Wan Kenobi

It was hot, stifling. Sweat drenched their clothes. Making it cling to them as they stare at each other. Anakin felt as if something was off. A feeling in the air was warning him that change was coming. Lava bubbles burst and hissed as he stared at his former master, demanding an answer.

Obi-Wan gave a hum, non committal sounding. Sending a wave of rage coursing through his veins. How dare the betrayer act all casual. As if this entire situation was amusing.

"It's your own fault you know, your misplaced loyalty to Sidious is what drives you and Padme apart. Do you really believe that Sidious wants to save her? He has twisted your mind, and you have let him do it."

He snarled, "Don't lecture me! I see through your lies! I do not fear the Dark Side as you Jedi do!" He spat out, glaring at his former master. "I'll bring peace, justice, freedom, and security to my new empire!"

"Your new empire?" Obi-Wan repeated, his voice sounding more amused then shocked.

A small part of him didn't want to kill his former master, didn't want to believe that Obi-Wan had betrayed him, "Don't make me kill you."

"My allegiance is with Master Yoda."

Anakin growled, hand gripping his lightsaber, though it remained unignited. "If you're not with me, you're against me."

"Only Sith deal in absolutes," Obi-Wan said.

"That itself is Sith talk!" Anakin retorted, shoving his masters fallacy at him.

What answered him was a smirk, "Indeed."


Everything on this planet was red.

What should not have been red was the blade that ignited from Obi-Wan's lightsaber. Why was it red?! It didn't make sense.

He stood staring, his own blade remaining unlit. He couldn't comprehend the sight of his master with a red blade.

Obi-Wan chuckled, "Red has never been my color, but it does come in handy for moments like this."

"Stop lying! You can't be sith!" Anakin shouted in denial, blue blade lighting as he glared at his former master.

"Can I not?"

Anakin snarled, rushing at Obi-Wan. The man calmly raised his blade deflecting the shot, not a movement wasted.

"Wasteful, I thought I trained you better," Obi-Wan provoked, eyes glinting with a yellow sheen.

Just as Sidious had briefed him he let the rage flow through his veins, burning as hot as the molten lava that flowed on this waste of a rock.

"Foolish padawan," Obi-Wan scolded as he easily deflected another attack. So far his master had made no move to attack him. Hadn't even moved to dodge him.

His grip on his saber tightened as he rushed to attack again.

Each and every single hit was blocked. Casually.

"I'm starting to bore, do show me what you learned from that failure of a sith. If you don't, I might have to teach you a lesson myself," Obi-Wan taunted, the faintest hint of a smile on his face.

"There's nothing more you can teach me old man!" Anakin spat. Fury boiling his blood. He wanted to make Obi-Wan bleed, to lord over him that he had surpassed him. How dare his former master try and claim to be sith?!

"No?" Obi-Wan responded, voice turning mocking. "Form One then."

Anakin's confusion lasted only a moment before he realized Obi-Wan's stance had changed, becoming the starting stance of Shii-cho.

Obi-Wan raised a hand, gesturing him forward. Taunting him. Anakin released a snarl and charged forward.

Only within a split second later he was disarmed. Lightsaber sent out of his hand and Obi-Wan's red blade pointed at his neck.

"Stand up," Obi-Wan commanded, moving the blade away. Warily watching Obi-Wan, he did. "Pick up your lightsaber."

His former master made no move to attack him as he followed the order.

"Form 2."

With that Obi-Wan took the Makashi salute. Anakin was more hesitant this time in attacking, memory's of fighting Dooku flashing in his mind.

It didn't matter, with only one move he was once more at Obi-Wan's mercy. This couldn't be possible! He was clearly stronger than his master! Whenever they had previously sparred he had been winning against Obi-Wan, sure usually it was long and drawn out. But he won! Not like now!

Had his master really been holding back this much?

"Form 3."

Soresu. Obi-Wan's most proficient form. Strike after strike, nothing got through. The defense was impenetrable. His breaths became ragged, he knew he was wearing himself out. Becoming weaker while his former master seemed energetic as ever.

Disarmed again.

"Look at you Padawan, used to be so great, so much potential. And all because of Sidious you throw it away. You were stronger as a Jedi than as this failure of a Sith. Sidious was a failure, and by following him you will be as well. Come back to me, Anakin. You can be my apprentice, learn how to truly unleash the power of the dark side."

"You can't be Sith! The rule of two forbids it!"

Obi-Wan laughed. "The rule of two is coming to an end! The true Sith empire shall reign again!" Obi-Wan declared, eyes fully glowing a sith yellow.

"Form 4." Was Obi-Wan's only warning before he rushed making his first direct attack of the fight. Anakin was hard pressed, struggling to block all the strikes that Obi-Wan threw at him.

Frantically he parried to the left, to the right, back to the left, over, under, right again, now up, then left.

Suddenly he had a blade pressed to his neck. and Anakin could only wonder where the blade came from.

Obi-Wan backed away, resetting their positions as he smirked, "Five."

Desperation clawed at him, he had to do something, find some way to beat Obi-Wan, surely his master was bad at one of the forms?!

He struck at his Master who defended, Anakin attacked a few times, never piercing through the defensive form of Shien. Obi-Wan fave a disappointed sigh as he finally counterattacked, the blade nearly cutting off Anakin's mechanical hand.

"Form Six"

It was all over in his first strike as Obi-Wan force shoved him away, causing Anakin to land harshly against the ship, coughing as he tried to regain oxygen into his lungs.

But, he only breathed in the sulfur of the planet, burning his lungs with the ash filled air.

"Form Seven."

Vaapad, or if Obi-Wan used the more dangerous Muyo version. Taught to only those Mace approved of. Did that mean Mace had taught Obi-Wan? Or did he learn it from someplace else.

All thoughts flee out of his mind as Obi-Wan charged in, slashing at him, aiming to wound him. An onslaught of attacks that he couldn't keep up with and Obi-Wan grazed him, leaving burns over his arms, chest, legs.

After 7 strikes Obi-Wan lept back, smirking, "So I have nothing more to teach you?"

Anakin just stared, body trembling, posture stooped over as he heaved in lungfuls of the tainted air. Obi-Wan gave a hum, and Anakin's lightsaber flew out of his hand towards his former master. He looked over the lightsaber for a moment before clipping it onto his belt.

He weakly reached out, trying to recall it back to him, but his lightsaber didn't even budge. He felt tired, so much more tired than he had a moment ago. Obi-Wan sauntered over, a self satisfied smirk on his face. "I beat you, padawan. All without even having to tap into the dark side, I could have easily severed your from the force, I could have burnt your body to a crisp, I could have shoved you into the lava. I could have easily vaporized your body."

Numbly Anakin shook his head, it just… it just wasn't possible. Obi-Wan couldn't be a sith. This was a trick. It had to be.

Yet, Obi-Wan had sith eyes. He felt like the dark side. A storm rumbling and powerful, filling the air with a tense energy. Obi-Wan looked at him, "Oh Anakin, had you only told me about Padme I would have helped you. Become my apprentice, and I shall save Padme."

"How can you save her?" He questioned, desperately trying to hold back the hope that sprung in his heart. He wanted Padme to live and stay safe. Anything for Padme.

"Do you really think that Palpatine is the only one who knows about manipulating Midi-chlorians?"

Anakin straightened up immediately, staring with wide eyes at Obi-Wan, "You can save her?" He breathed out, hope springing in his heart.

"Yes, I can, but you must swear your allegiance to me," Obi-Wan said.

He hesitated, his mind seemingly in a tug of war between Obi-Wan and Palpatine. Obi-Wan had always helped him before, but at the same time his master had lied to him. Had kept everything a secret.

But… so had Palpatine, the sith hadn't revealed to him that he could save Padme until just today, and he had told him about the dreams months ago. Obi-Wan had always done his best to immediately help him though. If Obi-Wan said he could help… then Anakin believed him.

He kneeled, "Please, master. Save Padme. I pledge myself to you."

"Good, rise now, as Darth Avarice."

He stood up and followed as Obi-Wan turned walking over to Padame who he kneeled beside, his master put a hand on her forehead, a look of concentration coming onto his face. After a few minutes Obi-Wan gave a satisfied hum. "I have stabilized her life force for now, we should move her onto the ship."

Anakin nodded at him, and carefully he picked her up, cradling Padme to him as he walked to the ship. "She will be fine for awhile, we need to get to Coruscant, Master Soveranus is waiting for us."

"Soveranus?" Anakin repeated.

Obi-Wan chuckled, "Known to the galaxy at large as Master Yoda."

Anakin gaped, even as Obi-Wan's early words repeated themselves in his mind. "My allegiance is with Master Yoda."

Yoda was a sith?

How? When? Just what was going on?

"What's your name then, if Yoda is Darth Soveranus?" Anakin questioned, unable to keep his mouth shut.

Yellow eyes gleamed at him, Obi-Wan's lip curled up, "I am Darth Apateon."

Anakin placed Padme on a bed and stood by her side, even as Obi-Wan went to pilot the ship.

"Took you so long, what did?" Yoda questioned as they exited from the ship.

"Sorry Master, my apprentice needed a lesson," Obi-Wan stated, bowing before Yoda.

Yoda harrumphed, "Kept me waiting, you did. Time to kill the last of Bane's bloodline, it is."

Anakin followed behind the two, still majorly confused, despite the briefing that Obi-Wan gave him, or probably because of the briefing. The fact that there existed a sith order hidden within the Jedi order was mind boggling.

They walked unimpeded to the chancellor's office, the hallways were eerily silent, not a person around. Finally they arrived and Palpatine scowled.

"Master Yoda, you survived. And here I was starting to believe you were dead," Palpatine sneered.

He saw Palpatine look at him and felt the anger that flared from the sith master, "I see you choose to return to the Jedi, shame that your wife won't be able to live because of your decision."

Anakin glared back, "My Master will save her!"

Obi-Wan smirked, "Darth Plagueis's holocron was quite pleased to tell me all about manipulating Midi-Chlorians, I have become quite proficient in the technique as well."

"No jedi can learn the technique," Palpatine replied.

"That is very true," Obi-Wan agreed, eyes that were once more a normal blue twinkled in amusement.

"See Vader, that foolish Jedi can't save your wife."

Anakin frowned, "That's not my name."

He wasn't Sidious's apprentice, wasn't Vader.

Anger burning through his veins, covering the disgust he felt, the pity, the horror. He had to kill them, to save Padme. Anger was better than the self loathing he felt. So he let the anger burn as he attacked each of the younglings.

Palpatine sighed at him, "Pity that you are so foolish," he said before turning to Yoda, "I have waited a long time for this moment, my little green friend. At last, the Jedi are no more."

"Waited, I too have. Now, time it is, for the true sith order to rise."

This seemed to throw Palpatine off, "So you admit that you will die?"

"No. It shall be you who dies," Obi-Wan spoke up, "Bane's foolish line has existed for too long."

Palpatine scowled, but he seemed wary now, yellow eyes glaring at them in suspicion. "Who are you?" He finally asked.

Yoda chuckled, and the chuckles echoed becoming a sinister symphony. Green eyes bleed red, staring out with the promise of violence at Sidious, "I am Darth Soveranus, of Revan's line."

Obi-Wan stepped up next, "I am Darth Apateon, of Revan's line, and this is my apprentice, Darth Avarice."

A stunned look came across Palpatine's face, "You…. you're sith? But…" The Chancellor stumbled over his words, seeming unable to comprehend the fact that Yoda and Obi-Wan were sith.

With a hiss red blades ignited from Obi-Wan and Yoda as they leapt at the Sith, taking advantage of his shock.

Palpatine blocked the attack with his own lightsaber, his yellow eyes glaring at them. Anakin stayed back, knowing that if he entered the battle he would die. Yoda… Obi-Wan… both were insanely good, they switched between multiple styles, some of which he recognized, others he didn't.

The battle lasted for what seemed like forever, but in reality was only 10-20 minutes with Yoda and Obi-Wan being victorious. "Avarice," Obi-Wan called to him, and it took Anakin a moment to realize he was being called to.

"Yes master?"

"Prove that your ties to the weakling are forever shed."

He nodded walking over to the downed form of Palpatine. The chancellor said nothing, being only able to wheeze from when his throat had been nearly crushed by Yoda. With only a small moment of hesitation he cut off Palpatine's head.

Padme smiled at him, joy alight on her face, "I'm so glad that you came back to me Ani," She said gently raising a hand to caress his face.

"I'll always be by your side," he told her, wishing to squeeze her hand, but his arms were occupied with holding onto his daughter.

Obi-Wan stood next to him, holding onto Luke, all signs of him being a sith hidden away.

"I still can't believe that Chancellor Palpatine was a sith lord," she murmured, looking tired.

He sent a worried glance to Obi-Wan, who handed Luke to a medic droid and checked on Padme, giving him a slight smile to let him know everything was okay.

"Everything is a bit of a mess right now, and what was left of the senate voted in Master Yoda and I to be the leaders of this 'empire' until we can sort it out and return it to the republic it's supposed to be. Unfortunately this will take some time as Palpatine left it a mess."

Padme just nodded, not knowing as he did that they had no plans to return it to a republic. Apparently, Master Yoda and Obi-Wan had waited for years for the perfect moment to take control, and because of Palpatine they had it.

Now that they had that control they weren't going to let go of it.

Padme gestured for him to hand over Leia, so he did and then picked up Luke from the medical droid, kissing the little baby's forehead as the boy slept peacefully.

One Year After Palpatine's Seize For Power

Greetings citizens, it is one year ago this day that former chancellor Palpatine tried to seize power and create his own empire, which the Jedi valiantly stopped. The remaining Jedi have regrouped, and rooted out traitors of their own, ones who had supported Palpatine and wanted to see the corrupt chancellor in power. Master Yoda and Master Obi-Wan are now the elected rulers of the empire until they can fix the mess that Palpatine left.

We of course wish them the best of luck in sorting everything out and bringing the republic back to its former glory.