Reviews for Altered Paths
Guest chapter 13 . 4h
Having just read through the majority of your fics in my spare time during the last few weeks, I've found that you're an incredibly frustrating author.

On the one hand I really wish you'd just sit down and finish what you start.

On the other hand, well, the majority of everything you start is highly interesting and, for the most part, refreshingly unique either as a whole or just in the way you put your own spin on things.

It's very annoying being both grateful and annoyed that you keep writing new things, but at the end of the day I really don't have any say over what you write so I suppose I'll just have to be happy with what I get.

Please keep up the good work, regardless of what you apply it to!
Korst chapter 1 . 7/30
Soooo, Madison also triggered?
Ep chapter 14 . 7/28
Jack Inqu chapter 14 . 7/28
"Teenage parahuman lesbian lovers" made me think of Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, which probably says some interesting things about how my mind works.

I'm very glad that Taylor and Emily were so open and honest with each other; I get kind of tired of poor communication being used for drama in so many stories. The big question is, where do they go from here?

Take care, good luck, stay safe, stay healthy, and I look forward to your next update.
Beeswax2 chapter 14 . 7/28
Wonderfully done !

The only thing I could possibly wish for is longer chapters
and quicker posts.

This is beyond belief a great story as I am completely hooked !
shugokage chapter 14 . 7/28
Poor Emily doesn't understand that parahuman can be humans that know that they are mess up people.
Guest chapter 14 . 7/28
Looking forward to the next chapter
tf330129 chapter 14 . 7/28
Keep it up :)
Zeuseus chapter 14 . 7/28
Heh, refuge in audacity. I approve. Good choice going with Piggot's pov here.
Dracowoman chapter 14 . 7/28
still loving the story, but please do not bird of hermes Taylor.
Quatermass chapter 14 . 7/27
Emily being introspective isn't as rare as you'd think. Have you ever read ack1308's "It Got Worse"? Which is, incidentally, a brilliant and hilarious story which I MUST recommend. It and "Taylor Varga" are the best "Worm" fanfics I have ever read...
TheWickedTruth89 chapter 14 . 7/27
Great chapter, I can't wait to see more.
Malhavoc Shadowlord chapter 14 . 7/27
A refreshing change of pace. Maybe not terribly canon compliant, but then again, I thought a lot of canon characters held the Idiot Ball so tightly it merged with their flesh.

Very straightforward of Taylor there and 100% accurate in how terrifying she now is. At any time, she could drag every cape in the Bay into the Shadow Realm, from the comfort of her home, with then being able to do fuck-all about it. She is "No, you fuck off!" incarnate.
thereaperd chapter 14 . 7/27
So, hard ass bitch, meet nuclear deterrent. (And likely creator of the Nazi apocalypse.)
anthonym3 chapter 14 . 7/27
... Taylor just took a crowbar to every single expectation that everyone had. I find it dumb that she would expose herself to an authority figure when, before she triggered with Pride's power, every problem she had was born (either directly or indirectly) from power figures.

Please elaborate as to WHY she is taking this... extreme risk. Is she able to PUNISH any actions against her that are actively malevolent? Is she confident that any attack on her person (because the PRT is a leaky wet blanket when it comes to information security) will fail?

Please plug this potential hole...
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