Reviews for Ash Tree
Guest chapter 16 . 7/22
Great story. I wish we heard about them fixing the wards. But my question really is why the students would be sent home. I would think just cancel classes for a few days get new teachers for the other classes. They are underage so they have their magic why would they leave magic school? This makes no sense to me
Aratherfluffyfatcat chapter 16 . 7/19
Enjoyed the story thanks
Sourcewalker chapter 16 . 6/10
Great story. I very much enjoyed reading this. Thank you for sharing your work with us. May you and yours stay healthy and safe in these troubled times.
crocket chapter 3 . 5/28
sassenach is Scotish a wee sassenach is the saying
Firehedgehog chapter 16 . 5/26
KMH1 chapter 16 . 5/17
Thank you for your story. I've never seen the crossover show, but even still, it was fluid and easy to piece together.
The only recommendation I have is to double check when you have prefect and perfect in sentences. There were a couple of switched meanings.
Thanks for sharing your hard work!
whitetigercub chapter 1 . 5/16
Welcome back to the community. We grieve with thee for the loss of Frau. I enjoyed this story immensely and love that the Wizarding World, as a whole, finally faced consequences for their lack of action. One question, was the entire world affected by Lady Magic's decree or just Wizarding Britain?
Therio chapter 16 . 5/16
Another lovely story GenkaiFan, I really enjoyed it. Thank you for taking the time to share it with us.
Guest chapter 4 . 5/15
I know it's an overused complaint, but this chapter seems to have some 'tell, but don't show' issues. "Harry learned wandless magic. It turns out he should have been doing it wandless all along."

In addition, the whole chapter comes across as a bashing of literally everything outside of this little slice of Irish hinterland. "The gifts were better. The food was better. The education was better. He didn't miss his old friends at all (despite them also going through the Ministry ordeal) because the new ones were better." It's even weirder because I can't tell if it's just author bias or if it's also supposed to show how much Harry is being brainwashed by his magic (like how an addictive drug triggers dopamine release in the brain).

I respect that you tried something new with this fic and avoided some of canon, but it its current form it just doesn't seem to work. Just bashing and disregarding canon (without even establishing the changes in this as an AU) defeats the purpose of making this crossover to begin with. Anyone can say "this is stupid". But if you can't produce something equal to or better than the source material, then your alterations to canon just end up looking childish. Anyways, just my opinion.

Doesn't seem to be the story for me, but thank you for sharing it anyways.
Guest chapter 1 . 5/15
Sadly, you cut the story terribly short. The last couple of chapters didn't seem to fit the previous 14 chapters.

It's almost as if you have used a deux ex machina (or should we call it a pooka ex machina) to quickly end it
Guest chapter 2 . 5/15
*So, I won't apologize if you wanted a more realistic story.*

The paradoxical irony of this statement is amusing to me. Kind of bland writing for a story start, but at least the setting is rather fresh compared to other fanfics. Thanks for the story.
teedub chapter 16 . 5/10
Thank you for this story, I quite enjoyed it.
bkerrmom1 chapter 16 . 4/24
I love this story sooooo much ! Stay safe !
bkerrmom1 chapter 15 . 4/24
Absolutely fantastic chapter !
bookivore chapter 16 . 4/21
I understand that Harry's story ends here, he has become part of a different world and no longer finds the wizarding world important. If there were someone responsible with power in the wizarding world THAT story could be finished by showing how that person helped them adjust to their new circumstances, unfortunately not much if any to choose from who still have magic, are responsible people, and have social power.
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