Chapter 7
The man that comes inside is surprisingly young and handsome, probably in his early thirties. He walks with a grace that seems to be common around these people, but for some reason, his posture and the slight tilt of his head is more regal. He's wearing typical Chinese clothes he doesn't know the name of but are really... snug around his torso while leaving the sleeves loose, showing a body made for battle. The shirt-like dress is a burnt orange with a phoenix embroidered in gold dancing around his chest, while his pants are black with gold accents.
And Harry, well, hasn't felt as undressed as he feels now since he was in elementary school, wearing Duddley's cast-offs on his first day to school. Which he thinks is understandable as he's literally only wearing a robe.
"Fon, it's a pleasure to have you here," he says, but he's not looking at the way Fon's head twitches, as if he's trying hard not to bow. Nor the hard stare he gives the man, accompanied by a smile that makes him look dangerous.
No, the man is looking at Harry.
The man glances at Harry, ignoring his words completely. "And with such an interesting company."
"My apologies if I can't say the same, sir." And that's enough for Harry to stop locking gazes to focus on the smiling young woman standing behind the unknown man. She's beautiful, in an exotic way, with her eyes narrowed shut and her seemingly frail frame. The long dark blue dress with green accents she wears doesn't hide the thin knives on her exposed thigh.
"Interesting, indeed," the man murmurs, making Harry turn to him once again.
Fon glares, but doesn't interrupt as the man nods his head in greeting at him and Dimtr.
"Hello," the man says in English. "My name is Kai. This is Juan."
As the auricular only helps him in understanding Chinese, he needs to answer back in English, but first he collects all his wits and tries to bring some of the pride he feels when he's a phoenix. With a blink, he relaxes his shoulders and smiles at the man, none of the tension visible on his bearing. "Hi. I'm Harry."
The man blinks, his lips curling up. "Your accent is so… British."
Before he can say 'I'm British', he stops. "I've been around there most of my life. It stuck."
"So it seems." The man, Kai, finally acknowledges Dimtr. "And you?"
"A simple scientist, I assure you," Dimtr says with an uncaring shrug that contrasts with his too intelligent eyes. He glances at him as if asking him what his plan is, which makes him realize that they didn't discuss any plans while talking.
"He's my friend. I was showing him a skill of mine when we came across your men fighting against Fon," He exhales softly at the sudden hard expression on Kai's face. "I didn't like it, so intervened."
"And how you knew who to help?" he says in a mild tone.
Harry glares. "Being a phoenix makes it simple to judge a situation. It was easy to know who the hostiles ones were."
"So, you admit being a phoenix? I find myself hard to believe. You look pretty human to me."
"Currently human doesn't mean I'm not a phoenix." He sighs minutely before looking up. "My secrets are my own. I think we are here for another reason, aren't we?"
Kai gives him a penetrating stare, but nods. He turns to Fon once again. "You're a member of the Triads. You swore your life to us."
Fon's eyes take on a dangerous glint. "And you swore to take care of myself and mine."
"And we did," he says in an almost bored tone, still talking in English. "We put a roof under your head. We fed you and clothe you."
"What about my sister? She was promised the same, wasn't she? You knew she was going to die if she remained a hostage."
"She received the same treatment that others did. And better, because of who your family was. You were given privileges, which now I understand them to be an error if this temper tantrum is anything to go by. She will need to return or you die."
Fon's placid smile turned into a sneer. His posture loosened, but it was obvious he was ready to attack. To prevent this, Harry put a hand on his arm, using his connection to his animagus form to send reassurances through the mental link.
"I don't think so," he says softly, but in a clear tone.
Kai gives him a speculative tone. "What is it to you? Are you courting Fon perhaps?"
Fon's head snaps at him with slightly widened eyes. Not wanting to show his confusion and embarrassment at those words, he ignores it completely and continues with what he's going to say as if he's never been interrupted, "I admit that I've grown fond of him and his sister. I've also invested my time in their safety. If they only want freedom, who am I not to help them?"
"Because you're a phoenix?" Kai says in a mocking voice.
Harry shakes his head. "Because I've got the power to help."
"How humanitarian of you," he says before his tone takes on a harder edge. "And what are you going to offer us to appease us?"
"Your life. I think that's a fair equivalent exchange, don't you?"
The man snorts delicately. "And here I thought phoenixes were fair beings."
"We represent rebirth, transformation. If we have to burn something to ashes to cleanse it, we will do so." To this Harry sighs. He clenches his fist once to remind himself he has fingers now before refocusing his gaze again. "But you're right, a phoenix is not meant to battle, but to heal and protect. However, I know that if this turns into a fight, I will be better able to fight as a human. "
Even after all the years of fighting and struggling, when he was asked if he wanted a position as an Auror apprentice, he couldn't help but decline, so tired of it. It made him realize that while his life has been one struggle after another, and surviving feels more familiar than living, he hates to fight.
Doesn't mean he won't do it though. So, he glares, taking a hold of the Death magic he's been so unsure to touch and dispersing it lightly onto the air, but mostly focused on Kai and around those men he feels are hiding in the shadows of the room. They all shiver, even Fon and Dimtr even if it's not his intention. "And be sure of it, I can and will fight, even if it goes against my nature to do so."
"Is that a threat?" Kai says in a breath, not shaky at all.
Harry feels ghostly fingers caressing his face and he can help but lean into it, the breath of Death against his ear. His next exhale is visible in the now frigid air,
"No," he exhales more than says, and he thinks he can see the edge of a scythe near Kai's neck. "I don't make those empty promises."
The air, if possible, gets even colder. Harry tries to reign the Death magic, but it comes syrupy and hard to grab. Now the men are visibly trembling. And the former loose grip around his face tightens when one he hears a thump of Juan falling to the floor, gasping for air as she struggles to grab her knives.
Kai's gaze is still on him, unmoving but filled with an unknown emotion.
A phoenix song is perhaps one of their most characteristic abilities after their tears. People used to say they could uplift an entire battalion with their song, as well as bring peace between dangerous creatures by just hearing it. He later realized it could be used to sadden a person and make them angry and just… persuade their emotions as they wanted it.
Wizarding kind was lucky Phoenixes were so indifferent about humanity. And wise.
He's not either, but he still has a strong moral code,
And, while he knows how dangerous his song can be, that doesn't mean he doesn't still use it to conform himself or others.
Not wanting to show his nervousness, he starts humming unconsciously as he often does while on phoenix form. And, surprisingly, he feels his vocal cords fill with magic even while in human form as they do when he's a phoenix. He feels the air turn warmer, frigid fingers receding from his face as he turns his hum into a soft song that's more vocals than words.
When the temperature is once again normal, he stops.
"Sorry about that," he says, his voice higher from the last tone he made. It's so embarrassing it makes his cheeks turn redder. He clears his throat. "It's been a while since I've been in a human body."
Kai exhales noisily, his previous regal countenance broken for the moment as he sits down on the cushion that was put for him. Considering he's taken the brunt of Harry's ire, he's surprised he can still move with grace.
Juan slowly kneels next to him, her face still smiling and placid but her tone betraying her lack of control in her emotions. "Master?"
"What was that," Kai asks, almost harshly, faint traces of sweat covering his forehead.
Harry fidgets on his seat, all his regal behavior from before lost. He glances at Dimtr, who is running a hand through his hair and shaking his head, and at Fon, who is looking curiously at his cheek. Harry unconsciously wipes it with a hand and can't help but glare when he sees the sooth marring his fingers.
"Yeah, real mature," he mutters angrily and swears he hears a cackle on the back of his head, reverberating against his skull. "As I said before, my secrets are my own. Just know that I've marked Fon and Dimtr under my protection. Whatever you wish to do with them, make sure it doesn't make me upset."
He can feel Fon staring a hole through his head, but he doesn't glance away from Kai who is now watching him consideringly. "Perhaps we can form an agreement if you tell me what was that you did before?"
Hary wants to swallow the bile that wants to form at the thought of acknowledging it. He looks down for a moment before looking at Fon, thinking of his sister and how she cried. How resigned but happy Fon was at giving her sister a chance to escape.
He touches his cheek, the one marred with soot, and exhales. "That was Death magic... Being a phoenix makes attuned to it."
It's a lie, but it's still as near the truth he can say.
It took Harry a moment to regain his wits, but when it did, he asked, "Is Draco going to be fine?"
Death let out a grating laugh. "I only stopped time, Master."
"You only—" He stopped and took in a shuddering breath at the absurdity of the claim. His fingers went to the back of his neck, where the tattoo of the hallows appeared and made him incapable of using low shirts anymore. "You're Death."
The being before him nods slowly, his grin taking on a condescending tint. Harry ignored the lizard-like part of his brain that urged him to run and sat on one of the free couches near to the being. He takes that time to sit, to examine the being in front of him.
They were hard to look at as if there was a notice-me-not placed upon them. He could barely register the black cloak, darker than any black he's ever come across. A cane was being held between pale fingers, long and thin of a grey color. It was easier to see the wisp-like smoke that surrounded him than the actual being. And if there was one thing he could see clearly was the wide smile on his face, showing pearly white teeth.
Harry finally found his voice after long seconds of simply breathing. "Why now?"
"You weren't ready before."
"And now I am?" he said, a slightly hysterical edge to his voice.
"No, but time approaches. It was better for it to be soon. You need to prepare for your time here is nearing its end."
"What do you mean?"
Death didn't answer, dragging the moment dramatically. "Have you heard of black phoenixes?"
Harry frowned. "I know I'm one but none of the books in Hogwarts had any information about them."
"It is hard to find, but people will find."
That made some part of Harry curl up in resignation. "Let me guess, they're 'special'?"
"Indeed they are, but not in the way you are thinking, Master. They are seen as an omen of death and rebirth."
"W-What? Are you saying my transformation is an omen?"
That came out on a slightly high pitch he hadn't intended.
"But you said-"
"That they are seen as one. Your transformation has more to do with you conquering the Hallows than anything else."
This was all too much, Harry thinks as he presses the back of his hands onto his eyes. "And I'm guessing people will find out about it, right?"
"And I will be seen as the next Dark Lord or some other shite?" When there's no answer he looks up to see the being gone. Draco blinking rapidly as he looks from the spot he was standing on to the one he's currently sitting.
"What bloody Hell happened, Potter?"
Harry sighs. "I'll need liquor for this conversation, Malfoy."
This time Draco's gaze focuses on him. Harry doesn't know what he sees but the blonde suddenly looks almost worried. "Well, then better call to Kreacher for some."
Harry smiles, it's a tired, resigned smile but it's one.
A/N: Woah. It's been some months, hasn't it? Oops. I only have the excuse of finally finding a job. And with that and studying. Ugh. I just didn't want to write, okay?
My inspiration went down the drain.
So yeah, this is me just assuring you that I'll try to update. And probably Bandaged Hand will have a new chapter in the next couple of weeks, for those that are waiting for it.
I'm mostly done with this chapter because I needed something to get on the writing routine and this is fun and easy to write.
Though if you've any prompts you want to give me to practice more, I'm all ears.