Duo's Family Rewrite

By Ammie Hawk

Disclaimer: I, in no way, shape, or form, own either Gundam Wing or Harry Potter

Summary: One year after the Mariemaya Uprising, the Gundam boys decide to join the Preventers. Upon entering, they have to go through various tests and screenings. One of these tests uncovers a long-lost family of one Duo Maxwell. Crossover with Harry Potter. AU Potterverse, sixth year.

Chapter 1: Say What?!

Duo Maxwell, the former pilot of the Gundam Deathscythe, was sitting quietly in the conference room of the Preventers Head Quarters. He, along with his fellow pilots; Heero Yuy, Trowa Barton, and Quatre Winner, were waiting for Lady Une to arrive and give them the all clear to join the prestigious underground organization. They had completed the paperwork and all the medical examinations to join, they were just waiting on the former OZ colonel to actually induct them in.

The braided teen was just starting to fidget in his seat from sheer boredom, when the door opened and in walked Lady Une, closely followed by the Preventers on-site doctor, Sally Po. Once both ladies were seated, Une cleared her throat and looked around at the four teens.

"I'm sorry to have to put you through all this," she said, smiling softly, "what with your war records and all it shouldn't be necessary, but sadly, I do have to follow basic procedures."

"We understand, Lady Une," the polite blond across from Duo nodded slightly.

"I'm happy to say that all of you passed with flying colors," the brunette shook her head. "However, before I officially induct you into this organization, a few things came up on a couple of your tests."

"Like what?" the normally stoic Heero scowled slightly.

"Doctor Po?" Une motioned for the blonde woman to proceed.

"It's nothing to worry about, Heero," the doctor smiled at the former Wing pilot. "However, one of the tests required is a DNA test, having to do with the new laws put in place to find homes for the war orphans. It doesn't affect any of you directly, as you have all been emancipated and will be turning eighteen within the year, however, we thought that you would be interested in those results."

"You sayin' some of us got families?" Duo scoffed. "Aside from Quat, that is?"

"That is exactly what we are saying, Mr. Maxwell," brown eyes leveled steadily on the braided teen. "In fact, you and Mr. Yuy are the ones we discovered have families. Now, Mr. Yuy, when we say discovered, it is a bit more complicated than that. Your mother and her family died many years ago, and your father's family, what little we found on them, are also deceased."

"Then why are you telling me this?" Prussian blue eyes narrowed suspiciously.

"Calm down, Mr. Yuy," she scowled. "There was one name that we could not trace passed the age of eleven. We know he didn't die at that age, considering he had to be alive until at least the age of sixteen. Now, the reason we are giving you this information is that we are hoping with your skills, that you will be able to track them down, one way or another. And we are also hoping that you can use those skills to help us improve the Preventers resources so we can better continue to find homes for the still numerous war orphans."

"Are you going to continue being vague," the former Wing pilot said tersely, "or do I get a name?"

"The man we are looking for," she sighed heavily, "is your father. He would be about thirty-six years old, and, at one point in time, went by the name Severus Snape."

"Hn," Heero nodded, filing the information away for later.

"This ain't funny, Lady," Duo shook his head, frowning. "I'm an orphan."

"While that remains true, Duo," Sally took over once again. "Your parents are, in fact, dead, however, we have uncovered that you have a living aunt and a fifteen year old brother. Your aunt, your mother's sister, is married and has a sixteen year old son. All four of them live together in Surrey, England."

"You have two days to prepare for their arrival," Lady Une said in a no-nonsense tone, noting the former Deathscythe pilot's blindsided expression. "Chang is retrieving them as we speak. This is in accordance with the Family Reconstruction Act. I expect you to be here at 0800 on that day, and you may bring whoever you wish along with you. Now, with that being said, let's get you lot set up as Preventer agents."


Surrey, England

Wufei Chang was not a happy camper, no sir. He had been assigned the task of retrieving one of his friends' and fellow pilots' newly discovered family. The mission was rather beneath his abilities, but as it was one of his fellow pilots involved that made these people almost his family too. He had scoffed at the assignment when Lady Une, his superior, had given it to him, but as she had pointed out, this was a good opportunity to get a feel of these people before setting Maxwell loose on them. The fact that he was on this mission, however, was not the reason for his ire. No, he had completely accepted the mission.

As soon as the plate touched down in England, things had started to go downhill. He was supposed to have a car waiting for him, but the assholes at the rental place didn't have his name or codename, or even the Preventers, on the registry, so he'd had to pay out of his own pocket for the damn car. Une was so reimbursing him for that one. Then there was the annoying drive from London to Surrey. That in and of itself wouldn't have been a problem if he hadn't been driving the monstrosity of a car that could easily fit six to seven people comfortably.

Then he had to find the damn house. Scratch that, the house was easy enough to spot; it was in a nice neighborhood, with well tended lawns and the little gardens out front. Yeah, it was suburbia hell. The thing about Four Privet Drive that stood out, however, was the fact that it was almost too perfect. The family that lived there had to be obsessive about keeping it up, to have it look that good. Not even Quatre's houses had that level of perfection, and he was the fucking Winner heir.

He parked on the street, and made his way up to the door. There wasn't a car in the drive, but the file he received did state that the man of the house worked regular hours, so he wasn't too concerned. He rang the doorbell and waited. There was no answer, even after several tries. He knew he couldn't give up, this was Maxwell's family after all. So, he sat down on the step to wait for their return, it shouldn't be too long.


Harry Potter sat gloomily in the backseat of his uncle's car. He had just finished his fifth year at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry and was on his way back to the Dursleys for summer break. While most teens would be looking forward to their vacations, Harry Potter wasn't, for more reasons than one. Not only was he going to be separated from his friends for most of the break, but he had just lost his godfather, a man he barely knew but had loved like a father nonetheless. Sirius Black had been his last chance for any semblance of a normal family, and now that was completely taken away from him. Once again, Voldemort, the darkest wizard since Grindlewald, had taken away someone he loved.

The wizard jerked sharply from his thoughts as Uncle Vernon pulled into the driveway of Number Four Privet Drive. He sighed as he looked up at the two story house he'd be spending the next two months in. However, he noticed something strange as he slipped out of the backseat; there was an unfamiliar black car parked on the street in front of the house and a uniformed young man stood at the door of the house.

He didn't recognize the uniform, but he knew it wasn't the local law enforcement. His stomach clenched in sudden fear as he thought of what this man could want. Maybe the Dursleys had finally decided they had enough of him and were having him shipped off somewhere. Not that he would mind too terribly much, anywhere was sure to be better than the Dursleys, but his headmaster, Albus Dumbledore, was expecting him to stay with them.

"Mr. Vernon Dursley, I presume?" the agent greeted politely, trying his best not to sneer at the man. God, he'd seen pigs in better shape. On top of that, he'd been waiting for two hours for the Dursleys to arrive, but no matter how irritated he was he was going to be professional about this.

The fat man nodded in acknowledgement, "How can I help you, officer?"

"I am looking for a Mrs. Petunia Dursley, and a Mr. Harry Potter," he crossed his hands in front of him in a non-threatening gesture, so as not to intimidate these people, the small boy in the back had already paled upon seeing him.

"I am Petunia Dursley," the horse-faced woman frowned at the man. "Would you like to come inside? We can discuss this matter over tea."

Anyone with half a brain cell could tell the invitation wasn't sincere. She just wanted him off her doorstep so the neighbors wouldn't gossip, if the darting of her eyes in every direction was any indication. Wufei felt it was a bit late for that, considering he'd already been there for two fucking hours. Though, if they had been home when he first got there, he would've accepted, even if it wasn't sincere, he loved watching people squirm. Okay, he may have picked that up from Maxwell, not that he'd ever admit it out loud.

"I'm afraid there's not time for that," he shook his head to clear his thoughts, his short ponytail following the movement. "It is imperative that you and young Mr. Potter come with me, we have a shuttle to catch."

"Now, you listen here, boy," Vernon lunged forward and latched his meaty fists on his collar, and it took everything within the former Shenlong pilot to not retaliate, "you won't be taking any wife anywhere. Not without explaining yourself."

"I demand you unhand me this instant, sir," the agent's jaw clenched in anger. This pig only mentioned his wife, did he not care about his nephew at all? "Unless, of course, you'd like me to take you into Preventer custody for manhandling an officer."

"P-P-Preventers?" he spluttered, drawing his hand back as though burned.

"Yes, the Preventers," the Chinese teen had to use all his self control to keep himself from smirking. Yeah, that shut him up. "Now, I suggest you head into the house and pack for a week, Mrs. Dursley, Mr. Potter." Then he added, more as an afterthought, "You may feel free to join us, Mr. Dursley, as well as your son. However, we leave in fifteen minutes."

He was pleased to see the fat man and the horse-faced woman shuffle the obese teen into the house with a speed that would've made Heero proud. However, he wasn't sure why the small raven was still standing on the porch with him. Didn't he know he needed to pack?

Harry sighed and went over to the still open car and retrieved his school things from the trunk, as well as Hedwig's cage from the backseat. He knew his uncle would beat him for taking his things out in front of this stranger, but what real choice did he have? He didn't know what the significance of the title Preventer was, but Uncle Vernon was obviously scared of the man. With that in mind, he knew he'd get a worse beating if he kept them waiting because he didn't get his clothes out of the back.

He flipped the latch on Hedwig's cage and offered his arm for a perch. She hopped on and he absently began scratching her head, wondering what to do with her for the next week. In a bout of inspiration, he quickly located a scrap of paper in the glove box, as well as a pen, and scrawled a quick note to Ron and attached it to the owl's leg.

"I need you to stay with Ron for a week," he told the owl quietly, stroking her lightly. "He'll take care of you, you know that."

The snowy owl hooted once in affirmation before lifting off into the air. Harry watched her go, not sure if he'd see her in the foreseeable future.

Wufei watched the teen from his post at the door, not sure what he was doing wasting his time with the things in the car. Didn't this boy realize he was in a hurry to get out of there and back to his regular job? He scoffed as he realized the boy was taking an actual owl from the backseat and then letting it out of the cage.

"Don't you realize that was very foolish?" the Chinese teen scowled as the bird took off, though, he was more curious to know what the hastily written note had said. "I'm sure that bird won't last in the wild, not if it has been in captivity long."

"Huh?" confused green eyes turned to regard him. "Oh, Hedwig? She'll be fine. She's trained. I just sent her off to a friend's for the week. I didn't want to leave her here unattended."

The former Shenlong pilot nodded once. He'd heard of trained birds, which would explain the note, though in his opinion it was a rather medieval practice that he'd thought had fallen into obscurity long ago. He'd have to ask Trowa about it when next he saw him.

"Very well. But you should head inside and pack. You have less than ten minutes now."

"Oh, all my stuff's right here," the shaggy haired raven, Wufei wasn't sure whether it was Dudley Dursley or Harry Potter yet, patted the truck next to him. "I just got back from school. It would take more time for me to go upstairs and unpack and then repack."

The agent nodded again. So this was Maxwell's brother, it had to be. The Dursley boy's school had been out for almost three weeks now.

After awhile, Harry began to fidget nervously under the other's gaze. He wasn't sure why, but this man intrigued him. I mean, come on, it wasn't everyday a Muggle officer wanted him for anything. He would've been more worried if it was an Auror standing at the door.

The Chinese teen almost smirked as he watched the now dubbed Harry start to fidget in the silence that had fallen over them, definitely Maxwell's brother. He watched the curiosity form in those emerald depths, much the way the former Deathscythe pilot's did, and he was almost anticipating the question brewing in that head. The braided teen always managed to surprise him when he was like this.

"So," the bespectacled teen tried for nonchalance by leaning on his trunk, much to the other's amusement, "what is a Preventer anyway?"

It took all the self control that had been trained into him not to gape openly at the boy, and then, in his confusion, he said a very Maxwellish thing, "Have you been living under a rock for the past two years?" God, he needed to stop hanging out with that braided idiot.

The young wizard blanched slightly at the tone, but thought up a plausible excuse for not knowing, "I don't get out much, nor do I stay up to date with current events. I mainly focus on my studies."

"I see," the former Shenlong pilot lied, that made very little sense to him at all. He knew that every school in the ESUN was required to do a study in recent events, Lady Une and Relena had made sure of that. "The Preventers is an organization dedicated to maintaining the long fought for peace in the Earth Sphere Unified Nations."

"Oh, right," Harry nodded, still rather clueless. "I think I heard it mentioned a few times when my uncle was watching the news."

That still made no sense to the Preventer agent, but before he was able to counter that claim, the three Dursleys barreled out of the house, each carrying a suitcase. He led the four new members of Maxwell's family to the car, only pausing briefly to pick up the deceptively heavy trunk by their car. He didn't miss the dark scowl thrown Harry's way by the pig he called an uncle, which promised some sort of pain in the near future, but it really wasn't his place to fix it at the moment. Maybe he could get Une to call for an investigation later, but for now he'd let it be.

As they piled into the monstrosity of a car he'd rented, he was actually shocked to see how cramped it could become. He felt sorry for Harry, who was sitting in the back between his aunt and cousin. He almost wished he could shove Vernon Dursley back there and have Harry sit in the front with him, but then there wouldn't have been any room in the back for anyone else. So much for this car seating seven comfortably, but then again, he didn't think he'd be hauling pigs around.

"Now," Vernon said gruffly, as Wufei started the car, he was sure the obese man was going for intimidating, but it wasn't working, he'd been a Gundam pilot after all, "you want to tell us why you dragged us out of our house like that?"

"I didn't drag you anywhere," he answered calmly, but rolled his eyes slightly and added in his head, 'If I had there would've been cuffs involved and possibly a gun.' "And I'm sure you have all heard of the Family Reconstruction Act?"

"Yes," Petunia leaned forward from her place behind her husband, her brow furrowed. "But we don't have any other family."

"Ah, but apparently you do, or I would not be here," he smirked slightly, he never expected denial about it from the Dursleys, this made this mission that much more fun. "It just so happens, Mrs. Dursley, that your sister, Mr. Potter's mother, had another son."

"I've got a brother?" Harry scowled. "But that's not possible. My parents died when I was one."

The horse-faced woman's jaw began working furiously, as though she were biting back the words she wished to say.

"Aunt Petunia," the wizard leveled her with a glare, knowing that he wouldn't suffer any consequences while the officer was with them, "is there something you'd like to tell me? Maybe something about my parents you didn't tell me five years ago?"

Petunia huffed indignantly and sat back in her seat, a dark frown on her features, but she didn't answer her nephew's questions. Though, it did raise questions in the Preventer's mind about how these people had raised Maxwell's brother, if he didn't know anything about his parents until five years ago.

The rest of the trip to Brussels was made in silence, with none of the Dursleys speaking to either Wufei or Harry, and Harry, apparently saw no reason to bother the agent with questions about his newfound brother.

Ammie: Okay, so here it is, the long awaited rewrite. My muses decided to take a vacation, so I figured it would be a good time to work on something that needs me more than them at this time. Hopefully they'll return soon. Anyway, I will post the chapters as I get them finished. Some of them will not be much different from the originals, but this one in particular needed some work. Anyway, please let me know what you think.