A/N Thanks to EnlightenedSkye for the review. I really appreciate your input. I regret to say I have to admit I did not get Princess Skye from your name :) As always, I am just borrowing these characters.
Being assured that Archer was up to it, the Queen called for another meeting two days after the shooting. So far, the investigation seemed to support the idea that there were no other parties involved, but General Thrang had ordered that Helena and Skye would only leave the palace under armed guard for a while.
With the Queen and Princess Skye thanking T'Pol and Archer once again, it didn't take long for the proposition to be okayed.
Resisting an invitation to stay longer, Archer and T'Pol prepared to leave for Tellar.
After saying their personal goodbyes to Jhamel and Shran, telling them to contact them at once when the baby was born, they also promised to be sure to get together again.
When the Queen and Princess told them goodbye, everyone was shocked when Skye suddenly impulsively leaned forward and kissed Archer on the cheek. She then blushed a beautiful blue.
As Archer sat in the Captain's chair, Captain Tillman smiled, "Well, you have done it again, Ambassador, getting another planet on board and saving the life of a Princess."
Archer smiled, "You forgot about Commodore T'Pol saving the Queen," And then smiling and looking over at T'Pol who arched her eyebrows "And my getting a kiss from a Princess."
Seeing T'Pol and the look on Tillman's face, he smiled broadly and turning to Edwards, "All right, Ensign, let's get out of here; set a course for Tellar, Warp 5."
As the participants took their seats, Jane McBride could hardly believe what had been accomplished since she had decided to start the Mercy McBride Foundation. Looking back, she marveled how she had ever pulled the whole thing off.
She had been so naïve. She had to smirk to herself when she remembered her trying to run it all on her own, out of her house.
She looked around the table, still astonished that she had managed to assemble such an amazing team. Of course, the big catch had been Edward Crowder. It was his leadership and genius that had inspired the others.
Then she looked to her side and felt herself welling up with emotion. And then there was John. She knew that without him, they would not be where they were. It was just not his leadership, but what he meant to her. It was his love that had kept her going.
She felt a deep sense of sadness that it was Mercy's death that had started it all, but at the same time was proud they had used her as their inspiration.
Calling the meeting to order, she gave the floor to Edward.
"Before we begin, I regret to say that we will be losing a member of our team. Dr. Phlox has stayed longer than I am sure he ever intended. I think we should acknowledge how Starfleet has been so supportive and allowed him to remain with us."
"I can not overemphasize the tremendous help that he as been. I think all of us agree that without his contribution we would not be where we are today. Thank you, Doctor."
As the other's clapped, Phlox smiled, "Thank you for those kind words. Let me say that I have never worked with such a talented group. I am proud to have assisted, but let's be clear, you are the ones who deserve the credit."
Edward spoke back up, "All right, let's proceed. As you all know, the testing has produced no obstacles. There have been no side effects and our patient has shown no problems. It is our unanimous opinion that we should proceed on the assumption we have a workable solution."
He smiled, "It is our belief that no one should ever need to die of Torrin Syndrome again."
Jane McBride felt herself tearing up. John smiled and reached over and hugged her. Recovering, she began, "I will never find the words to thank you all for your work. I am overcome by how much I owe to all of you and how wonderful you have all been. You have made my dream of seeing to it that Mercy did not die in vain. Thank you."
Edward looked at the others, "I speak for all of us that we accept your thanks, but, don't ever doubt that it is you that made this all possible. It was your vision, your drive, that inspired us all." He smiled ruefully, "I know that I never thought that anyone would make me a part of a team."
As the others laughed, John spoke up, "Based on what you had informed us, we have submitted documentation to the Terran Drug Approval Committee. It should not be too long before we are given the okay to proceed. In anticipation of that, the Foundation has arranged with Gallant Pharmaceuticals, one of the premier companies for the production of drugs in the world, to begin production as soon as we get the okay."
Jane broke in, "We have also started a fund to assure that no one who needs the drug will ever be denied because of lack of resources."
John then rose, smiling broadly, "And now, we have arranged for a small celebration. He reached down and placed a case of Andorian Ale on the table. "Doctor Phlox has graciously provided us with the opportunity to enjoy what he assures us is an excellent beverage.
With the others a little shocked, he started to fill some glasses. "I think a few toasts would be in order."
Somewhat later, everyone had to agree it was indeed an excellent choice. They did decide to call it a day when Dr. Chow started to kiss everyone, including Jane.
Natalie Tucker looked around her living room. She was still a little surprised she had managed to get them all together for a girl's night.
Everyone was fortified with a glass of wine except for the two pregnant women. Hoshi was of course very pregnant but Mary Robbins was starting to show as well.
She had been thrilled when Penelope and Madeline had agreed to attend. And of course there was Ellen. Natalie thought back how many times her sister-in-law had been there for her.
For a brief moment, she thought how much Elizabeth would have enjoyed knowing these women. Pushing that into the back of her mind, she turned to Hoshi, "Well, Hoshi, you look great. Travis must really be taking care of you."
Hoshi smirked, "More like I am taking care of him."
As the others laughed, she smiled, "He has been great, but like me, can't wait for it to be over."
Madeline broke in, "Hoshi, do you know if it is a boy or a girl?"
"It's going to be a girl."
Mary asked, "Have you and Travis picked out a name yet?"
"Yes, Yoshiko"
Beth smiled, "That's a pretty name. Is there any significance in you choosing it?"
For a moment, Hoshi wonder if she could tell them it was the name of her daughter when they had encountered the other Enterprise. But then she knew she couldn't open that can of worms.
"No, just a name we had heard somewhere and liked."
Natalie asked, "Have you heard from Archer and T'Pol? Are they going to be back in time?"
"As you know, they recently finished up on Andoria. As long as they don't spend more than a few days on Tellar, they should be back in time."
Ellen spoke up, "I know it is old news now but I have to admit, it is still amazing to me that they are a couple."
Hoshi smiled, "I suppose it does seem that way. But if you would have seen them together through the years, it was obvious there was always something between them."
Without thinking, Beth blurted out, "Wasn't she involved with someone else too?" Then realizing who that was she started to stammer, "I… I…"
Natalie smiled at her, "Relax, Beth. That was a long time ago and a much different time. But the three of them are still very close."
Madeline surprised everyone by asking, "How about you, Hoshi, did you ever wonder about the Admiral and you?"
Hoshi was stunned for a moment and then smiled, "I think at one time or another every woman on Enterprise had thoughts of wondering of what it would be like to be with him. After all, he was bigger than life. But I think it was mostly just hero worship."
Changing the subject, Hoshi turned to Penelope, "How about you and Malcolm, Penelope, when are you two going to tie the knot?"
Penelope had been surprised when she had been invited by Natalie and had been a little nervous about attending. But she found she really enjoyed being around these women. "We have decided we want to be married before Malcolm has to leave, but like Hoshi, we hope Admiral Archer can get back in time to marry us. Malcolm really wants him to do it."
Natalie broke in, "Has Malcolm heard any more?"
"No, just that he is next in line for a command position."
Madeline joined in, "We are so proud of him." She said sadly, "it is too bad that Dad isn't alive to see it."
After a brief silence, Natalie asked, "How about you, Mary, do you know if it is going to be a boy or girl?"
"No, we haven't wanted to know." She smiled fondly at Beth, "We will be thrilled either way."
Penelope looked around, "You have a beautiful home, Natalie."
"Thank you, would you like a tour?"
When everyone agreed, they spent some time exploring.
When they returned to the living room, they drank a little longer, talked for a while and then decided to call it a night. Hugging everyone and thanking them for coming, they said their goodbyes, and with the exception of Ellen, who was staying with Natalie a couple of days, left.
After they left, Ellen started to pick up but Natalie told her to leave it until morning.
Asking her if she wanted another glass of wine, Ellen agreed and after pouring themselves a glass, they sat down on the couch.
Ellen smiled, "That certainly was a diverse, interesting group of women."
"Yeah. I was a little nervous that it might be awkward for some of them, but it seemed everyone had a good time."
Ellen nodded and there was a time of silence as they both sipped on their wine. Then Ellen seemed to make a decision. Sitting down her glass, she took a deep breath, "Natalie, I want to tell you something."
Natalie sensed this was something important. She waited patiently.
"Dave and I are planning to separate for a while."
Natalie was stunned, she had never expected hearing anything like that. She finally got out, "But why? I thought things were fine between you." Then she got a little angry, "That damn brother of mine didn't cheat on you, did he? I'll kill him."
"No, No, Dave would never do anything like that." She smiled ruefully, "In a way, I almost wish it was something like that."
As Natalie sat silently, Ellen went on, "No, it's nothing either of us did, it just… we have drifted apart. It's like we are just two people living in the same house."
She picked up her glass and took a deep gulp, "It has been this way for quite a while. We have ignored it because of Dawn, but I just don't want to live like this anymore. It's not fair to either me or him."
Natalie struggled to understand, "Have you talked to anyone? Have you considered a marriage counselor?"
"No. We have agreed maybe we just need some time apart. Dave's going to get an apartment. We have agreed Dawn will stay with me in the house, but that he can see her whenever he wants. He has also thought about just leaving town for a while."
Natalie finally asked, "Do you still love him?"
Ellen teared up, "Yes. Yes, I do. That is what makes this so hard."
"Do you think he still loves you."
"He says he does."
Natalie moved forward and gave her a hug. "If you guys still love each other, that's what counts. I think you will find out you do want to be together."
"I hope your right. I just know we can't be together right now."
Natalie spoke up, "You know, you and Dawn are welcome to stay with us anytime."
"Thank you. But I need to be alone for a while. I have a lot of thinking to do."
"I understand. Just know I am here for you."
After a pause, "Ellen, do you care if I call Dave?"
"No. He is your brother. I know you are worried about him too."
Ellen started to rise, "If you don't mind, I think I'll turn in. It's been a long day."
Natalie nodded, "I understand. Good night, I'll see you in the morning."
Natalie sat for a while, sipping at her wine. Finally, she picked up her phone, "Dave, this is Natalie. Ellen told me what is going on with you and her. Is there anything you would like to talk about; I just want you to know I am here for both of you."
Dave told her he wasn't ready to talk, but appreciated her concern and would keep in touch.
She thought about calling Trip, but decided she would wait to discuss it with him until he got back from his conference. She selfishly wanted him to leave and come back to her, but didn't want to have him need to make that choice. He had been looking forward to attending this conference for a long time.
Sighing, she decided she would see if she could get to sleep. She was glad now she had decided to have Charlie and Rose stay over at Myra's. They didn't need to deal with an emotional mother right now.
Elise Gardner sat up, wondering what had awakened her, then she looked with horror as she saw her husband clutching at his chest gasping for air.
Fighting not to collapse, she quickly called Starfleet Medical. She then sat there helplessly until the medics arrived. They fought to stabilize him and then rushed him to the Shuttle. She sat in the Shuttle, quietly sobbing, as they continued to frantically work on him.
President Samuels sat up, irritated at someone knocking at his door. When he opened it, he found a distressed aide who told him, "Mr. President, it's Admiral Gardner. He has had a heart attack. They don't know if he is going to make it."
A stunned Samuels hurried to get dressed and was quickly ushered to his Shuttle. Upon arriving at Starfleet Medical he hurried inside.
He was met by a somber Colonel Robert Hastings, head medical doctor. "I am sorry, Mr. President, there was nothing we could do. Admiral Gardner is dead."
Samuels found his way to the room, and finding a sobbing Elise Gardner, did his best to console her. He stayed at her side until her daughter and son arrived.
The next day he contacted Admiral Duval and informed him he was now the Commanding Officer of Starfleet.
Archer and T'Pol had just left a meeting with the Premier and his cabinet when they were surprised to see a very somber Captain Tillman waiting for them.
Taking them aside, "There is no good way to tell you this. We just heard from Starfleet. Admiral Gardner had a heart attack."
Archer and T'Pol were stunned, Archer asked, "How is he? Is he going to me all right?"
"Ambassador, Commodore, Admiral Gardner didn't make it."
Archer struggled to understand. He couldn't believe it. Then he realized, only he and Preston Duval were left from the original pilots of the Warp 5 project.
As T'Pol laid her hand on his arm, he felt her sorrow and grief. He also felt her love and concern. He let her know how much she meant to him and that he was all right.
The news of Gardner's death quickly spread to all the Planets of the Alliance. Everyone was stunned and saddened. Everyone had deep respect and admiration for him. With the sadness came the realization of what he had meant to the Alliance. They could not help but wonder what would happen with his passing.
Knowing Gardner would want them to carry on their work, Archer and T'Pol were able to get the Tellarites to agree to join in the attempt to form a charter. They knew part of it was to honor Gardner's memory, knowing how he was a major supporter of the idea of a Federation.
Archer and T'Pol then hurried home, pushing the George Washington to the limit. They arrived in time to take part in a memorial to his memory.
Both Archer and Duval delivered Eulogies, but everyone was overcome by the moving and inspiring speech by the President.
Today we honor the passing of a great man. Matthew Gardner was one of the original participants in the Warp 5 project. Although he was not to be destined to pilot a Starship, he found his calling in being a driving force in the growth of Starfleet. And when Admiral Forrest fell, he took up the mantle. He was the guiding force in the formation of the Alliance and a major factor in our eventual victory.
In those dark days after the attack on Earth, he was a tower of strength. While I suffered through the loss of my family, he became a symbol of the resilience of the people of Earth, presenting an example of the need to grieve, but also the need to move forward. All of us owe him a great deal.
He was a champion for the drive to maintain the Alliance, to build upon it.
I am proud to say that as a result of his and the efforts of many others, the four planets of the Alliance have agreed to move forward with the plans to construct a new Federation of Planets.
I am just sorry he will not be alive to help us in that effort. We will miss his presence but will be inspired by his memory.
But more than that, Admiral Gardner was a good man. He was my friend and a friend to many of us on this podium. When I was at my lowest, he was there to lift me up.
And most important of all, he was a loving father and husband. He leaves behind a widow, a son. a daughter and two wonderful grandchildren.
I know you all join with me in conveying our deepest condolences to them and reach out to them with our love and prayers.
Although Matthew Gardner has physically left us, he will always be remembered as Mankind moves forward, to be with us as we go on new journeys and reach beyond the stars.