Reviews for Sword Art Online, Aincrad but different
jiongu-naruto chapter 54 . 6/13
I LOVE this story! I really REALLY like SAO fanfics with Kayaba being innocent of trapping everyone in the game. I understand how the whole CORVID-19 situation could make it hard to focus so thank you for the heads up.
mnorsyafiq92 chapter 54 . 6/5
take your time with the new idea man... hope u come back soon
Guest chapter 54 . 6/1
This story is a masterpiece! I love the concept you use of attempting to write their journey through every floor, something I had not seen yet and I assume other authors are just too lazy to do it. The feels in this story are phenomenal and we will wait for your return!
Shiranai Atsune chapter 54 . 5/28
No worries! i'm willing to wait, no matter how long it takes.

Awww, please don't give up on this story!
giacomoX chapter 54 . 5/28
I can imagine. This global situation is a giant pain in the ass. So It's not hard to see it must be difficult birthing new ideas. So take all the time you need. Hope to see more about this story eventually cause it's really good. Meanwhile I'm curious about these new ideas you have.
AshAndMistyForever chapter 4 . 5/27
I really appreciate that you're fleshing out Klein's group a bit more. I always wanted to know how they'd act, how they'd work together, and how they survived together. It's a really nice touch to the story. Also I really like all the subtle story nudges you're doing. Such as Kirito influencing Asuna wanting to cook. Great chapter.
AshAndMistyForever chapter 3 . 5/26
Oh man, the ending plot twist. I did not expect those characters. I'm really happy with the way you wrote this chapter because, well you kept and changed things for the better. Honestly I thought it was dumb in the anime what happened to Diavel. Oh well, here's looking forward to more chapters.
AshAndMistyForever chapter 2 . 5/26
Loving the conversations and you captured Argo's personality so well. I enjoy reading her conversations and everything about this chapter. Excited to read the rest of the story, even if it might take me some time.
Joeclone chapter 53 . 5/25
AIKO NO YOU WERE TOO YOUNG! SAO has just crossed the line. Whoever is responsible for her murder has to be connected to the death game. Detective Suguha time! It’s deeply personal.
giacomoX chapter 53 . 5/24
It would be good if a possible next arc would be similar to Fairy Dance with Yuuki and Aiko in place of Kirito and Asuna. Or if she's meant to die physically either way maybe the idea of Deep Scan and leaving her alive in a virtual sense would be good. She would have much more freedom
giacomoX chapter 53 . 5/24
Why? Just 1 chapter to kill her off? Bringing Aiko back just to be motivation to Sugu? Hope this is actually a cliffhanger and she survives. It wouldn't make much sense imo.
giacomoX chapter 52 . 5/9
So Ran and Merida logged out instead of dying? Thank goodness. Can't wait for next
Joeclone chapter 52 . 4/25
I’m shaking...this whole thing was incredible
KazukiSenn chapter 1 . 4/22
Awesome chappie as usual. This chapter... was a long time coming. My only fear is that this will lead Kibaou off the deep end completely now. Good stuff!
TheSib chapter 52 . 4/21
Yikes this was one hell of a chapter. Very emotional. Wondering how next chapter will go. Probably a collab of everyone dealing with the deaths I suppose. In any case, keep up the good work.
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