Author has written 7 stories for Kingdom Hearts, Katekyo Hitman Reborn!, and Hetalia - Axis Powers. Hi! You've stumbled across my userinfo, so let me award you by telling you something about myself. Name's Celen, age is enough to be legal, current fandoms include Kingdom Hearts, Hetalia, One Piece and Katekyo Hitman Reborn. I tend to read more than write, but enjoy doing both. And that's about everything you need to know. I don't write much, but I hope you enjoy the few stories (or drabbles, actually) that I have here. For more fics, go to my writing journal, as I upload all my new fics there. |
1066716 (0) A Spot of Bother (67) Akane-Rei (18) Aleirian's Chosen (12) BlossomsintheMist (35) Blue Funk (23) Bye-Friendos (11) callistana (15) Ceasefire (113) chaparral-crown (3) CrazieDasie (20) Emilie Fauve (2) | enamors (3) Enisy (9) FastForward (70) Halkatla (0) hostilecrayon (73) Justine Lark (29) Miss Puppylove (12) NicoleTwilight (4) paintthesilence (7) QueenStrata (106) RainbowSerenity (37) Reidluver (41) | risokura (87) ShadowAili (0) SnowFire13 (2) Solmae (24) Sowing Poppies (14) Sryn-chan (0) Tehri (0) TreeStar (19) WasabiLemon (4) |