Last Unfortunate Event
Recap: Yankumi and Shin finally spent their first night together despite delays from her childhood friend wanting to finish the verbal battle with Shin, and Shirokin 3D wishing him good luck. Tsuchi took care of Imani, and she in return told him what happened in Hong Kong and with Uchi in detail. Kyou and the older kumi members were given the night off to let the younger members gain experience and Kyou and Ishikawa sensei began to turn up the flames, which Kyou quickly doused.
It was 10:00 the next morning before anyone associated with the wedding stirred, including Kekkon sama who downed a good amount of Kyou's "headache" medicine when she was finally relieved of her duties for the evening. It wasn't so much that she wanted to wash away all of the unfortunate events that occurred from the moment she agreed to coordinate the wedding until the climax at the wedding itself. Because of said unfortunate events, she was more certain than ever that she was the most skilled wedding planner in the business. She was confident that after this wedding, she could handle any challenge that was thrown at her in the future and no wedding could possibly compare to this one in terms of the trouble that was caused. Considering how she had managed to turn every unfortunate event at the wedding itself into a positive reinforcement of her skills, she had no problems accepting all of the offers she had received to coordinate other guests' weddings if her schedule allowed it. So, although she felt that this wedding would end her career (either due to a bad reputation or her nerves being rattled), she had to admit that it had actually elevated her career, her reputation, and her status to a higher level.
It was what she discovered after the wedding that caused her to drown her sorrows.
Flashback to seven hours earlier
Sawada san came over to Kekkon sama and requested her presence. "Kekkon sama, could you possibly spare a moment of your time?
Kekkon sama smiled. "Of course Sawada san." Inwardly she cringed thinking she was about to get her head handed to her for the events that occurred at the wedding.
When they were outside, Sawada san began somberly. "Kekkon sama, when my son informed me of his intention to marry a yakuza heiress, I was of course appalled. I feared the worse would happen with a marriage of this sort. And thus, I turned the care of this wedding over to you, Kekkon sama, the best wedding consultant in the business. I felt that only you were qualified to coordinate this wedding and prevent my fears from becoming reality. However, much to my horror, all my fears were realized at this wedding." Her face softened and she smiled. "Yet, I am relieved to say that I was not disappointed with your services. My initial appraisal of you was correct. Only you would be able to turn the nightmares that occurred into positive, memorable events that enthralled rather than appalled our guests. Thank you very much Kekkon sama. Furthermore, I will write you a glowing recommendation and refer you to anyone looking for the best wedding planner to coordinate their wedding." She bowed to the lady, and handed her an envelope.
"Thank you, Sawada san, only if I may be so bold, please do not recommend me to anyone from your daughter-in-law's family." Kekkon sama formally bowed.
"Understood." Sawada san nodded and continued. "Although, there are still many matters to tidy up and the gifts to sort and thank you notes to send, I believe Kekkon sama that you have earned a temporary reprieve. My dear, please leave whatever is left to your assistants and rest until the morning."
Kekkon sama was shocked. For a moment she was wondering if she was being tested by Sawada sama and should turn down the offer as she usually did. Seeing that Sawada san was sincere, and wanting to take full advantage, she quickly accepted. She grabbed her items, turned over the remaining duties to the hotel wedding liaison and her assistants, and headed upstairs. She pushed the button for a certain floor. She then looked around before knocking on the door of the person she most wanted to occupy her free time.
She was surprised when a woman answered the door. "Hai."
"Excuse me, I was looking for Kyotaro san's room." She spoke through the intercom.
"Yes, this is his room." She replied.
"Oh, well, then. Okay." Kekkon sama was taken aback.
"Would you like me to get him or is there any message?" The woman asked.
"Most certainly not." Kekkon sama replied and stomped away. "Why that, that, gangster." As soon as she was sure the door was closed, she opened the flask and took a swig. From that moment, her descent into the bottle was inevitable. And that is what caused her to drown her sorrows that night and ironically suffer the worst headache the next morning from the so-called "headache" medicine. Fortunately, her staff was on top of everything and was taking care of all of the post wedding arrangements.
At the same time, Kyou had awakened to return to his duties as Young Chief. He looked around wondering where the hell he was. He heard familiar snoring and went over to wake the younger kumi member whose room he inhabited. "Oi, Minoru, wake up. We got work to do."
"Just a minute Aniki. I just need to say goodbye to this bird." He spoke without opening his eyes and began kissing on the pillow he was holding.
Kyou smirked, took the pillow, and put it over Minoru's face, half-asphyxiating him in the process until he began flailing his arms wildly due to lack of oxygen and finally woke up. Kyou then tossed the pillow behind him.
Minoru was panting. "Ah, Aniki, I had a cool dream that turned into a nightmare. I was hooking up with this really fine broad, and we were kissing, and then all of a sudden she turned into this creature that was sucking all of the air out of me." He turned his neck left and right, stretching. "It felt so real, like I was really choking."
Kyou chuckled secretly but then ordered. "Let's go get the others and take care of our business."
Minoru nodded, got up, and then paused. "Ah Aniki, what about sensei?" He asked.
Kyou nodded. "Business before broads. After our business, I'll take care of it." He acted nonchalant but secretly hoped to delay long enough for her to leave so that he would avoid facing her.
Within thirty minutes, they had completed their rounds and Kyou found himself in front of his hotel room door all too quickly. He knocked lightly and waited before unlocking the door and entering. He looked around the room to see if there were any signs of his guest. Only the bed, which had been slept in, showed signs of anyone occupying the room.
"Hmph," he remarked out loud to no one in particular. "Figures. I thought she would return home as soon as possible." As soon as he spoke, he heard a noise behind him. Within a few seconds he had reached his sword by the bed and had it pointed at the direction from which he heard the noise.
As the bathroom door opened, he poised his sword to be about throat high of whoever came out of the bathroom, startling a freshly-bathed Ishikawa sensei. As a result, she dropped the towel wrapped around her hair.
"Sensei, I thought you had already returned to your katagi husband." Kyou said as he slowly and carefully lowered his sword.
Ishikawa glared at Kyou with her hand over her heart trying to recover from the fright. "You scared me to death. Of course I'm still here. Now, listen up and listen well Kyotaro Oshima. I will not repeat myself. My husband is not waiting for me to return home. I no longer have a husband to which to return. He passed on ahead of me. Ironically, that was the very reason that I finished with you. I didn't want to become a widow in the prime of my life. Yet, you are still here, and I am a widow."
Kyou scowled and picked up the towel to hand it to the sensei. "So, then should we continue from where we left off?"
"Are you talking about our conversation or …" Ishikawa left the words hanging in the air.
"Don't ever say that the Young Chief ain't no gentleman. It's lady's choice." He smiled.
"Then I choose this." She went over to him.
At that moment, Tsuchi woke up panicked in a sweat and looked at Imani lying next to him. "Imani …." He shook her lightly. "Imani."
Imani turned to face him and stretched and yawned lazily. "Mmmm … good morning, Hikaru, what's up?"
"Imani, is it true? Did Ren really ask Kekkon sama to coordinate a wedding between you and him?" Tsuchi asked.
Imani scowled at Tsuchi, rolled her eyes, sighed, and turned over to go back to sleep.
Tsuchi waited to see if Imani would answer and then prodded her again. "Imani, Imani."
"Naaaani?" Imani asked, annoyed.
"You didn't answer the question. Did he?" Tsuchi asked again.
Imani growled and then pulled the covers over her head.
Tsuchi pulled the covers back and looked at her concerned. "What's the matter? Why won't you answer me?"
Imani opened her eyes and glared at him. "You wake up a person who hasn't slept properly in four days to ask stupid questions, and you ask what's wrong?"
Tsuchi put his head down. "Oh, sorry."
Imani nodded and turned back over to go back to sleep.
"Since you are already awake can you answer the question?" Tsuchi asked sheepishly.
Imani turned over, sat up, pushed the covers away from her forcefully and sighed exasperated. "Yes, okay, yes he did ask Kekkon sama to coordinate the wedding."
"Oh." Tsuchi replied and was thoughtful. "Did she say yes?" Tsuchi asked.
Imani shrugged. "I don't know. Ask her, or better yet why don't you fly to Hong Kong right now and ask him. As long as you leave me alone and let me sleep." She lay down, turned over, pulled the covers back over her head, frustrated, to go back to sleep.
"Ah, right." Tsuchi nodded again and thought. After a moment he asked another question. "Do you think Kekkon sama would say yes if I asked her?"
Imani growled again frustrated, pulled the covers back, sat up, and looked at Tsuchi. "I don't know. I'm not a mind reader. Why don't you ask her?"
"But if she said yes to him, wouldn't she say yes to us? I mean is there any reason she wouldn't? What do you think our chances are?" Tsuchi asked.
Imani thought for a half-second before replying. "Well, think about it. After all the problems she had with Miko and niichan's wedding, would she really be eager to coordinate another wedding associated with anyone from Miko's family?"
Tsuchi replied before he thought. "Well it's not as if you're real s…" He stopped before completing the sentence as Imani glared at him. "I mean. It's not as if you two are blood-related."
Imani rolled her eyes. "We might as well be with all our similarities."
Tsuchi shrugged. "What, it's not like your family is yaku… oh, right. Well, it's not like your grandfather is the kumic… ah no. Well, he isn't any more since he is … yeah." Tsuchi paused to think.
Imani just stared at him thoughtfully waiting patiently for him to continue.
"Okay, okay, my family is not into politics and don't have to worry about scandals or people coming after them for revenge. There, that is one difference." Tsuchi stated proudly. Then he frowned. "But you do have those stalker issues."
"We." Imani pointed back and forth between herself and Tsuchi. "We have stalker issues."
Tsuchi cringed as he nodded. "But Kekkon sama doesn't know all of this. It should be fine as long as we don't tell her."
"Whatever you say, Hikaru." Imani replied skeptically.
Tsuchi still nodded smiling. "So, then you think she'll say yes, right? There shouldn't be any problems."
"Still not a mind reader." Imani lay down and pulled the covers over her. "But first you have to propose and get a yes from me." She remarked as she turned over to go back to sleep. "And for that to happen, I have to be well-rested." Imani emphasized the last few words.
"Ah." Tsuchi nodded and let Imani rest for all of two seconds. "So, did Ren propose to you and force you to say yes? Is that why he was so confident to ask Kekkon sama to be the wedding coordinator?"
Imani turned back over and sat up with her hands covering her eyes. She then wiped them and turned to Tsuchi. "No, he did not ask me to marry him, and I definitely would not have said yes had he asked." Imani replied frustrated.
"Then how could he have been so bold and confident? And why didn't he ask you?" Tsuchi wondered.
"First, you only ask that question if you have a reasonable expectation of getting a positive answer, which he should have known he wouldn't. And second, hello? He's a criminal. Those type of people do not ask permission for anything. They feel that they are entitled and don't need anyone's permission. So they take whatever they want. So why would he ask me?" Imani explained.
"Well, I thought he loved you and was so into you. If that's the case, he could have at least asked you." Tsuchi replied.
"You wanted him to propose to me?" Imani asked.
"Nooooo, no. No. Definitely not. I'm just saying if he loved you, he would have at least asked you, and if you said no, he could have said that he would marry into your family or something." Tsuchi defended.
Imani arched an eyebrow at Tsuchi, cocked her head and asked. "Sooooo, are you saying that you are willing to marry into my family?"
Tsuchi thought for a minute before scratching his head and cautiously replying. "Well, about that. I would, but seeing that I'm my father's only son, I kind of have to keep the Tsuchiya family name going. Besides, my grandmother would blame you and hate you even more. You know how she already feels about you and what she thinks of you. And it will be hard enough getting her approval as it is."
Imani nodded in agreement.
"And if I asked to marry into your family, I don't think your mom's side would like it, and your dad's side would probably pull a switch at the last minute and have me marry one of your cousins. You remember what happened with your cousin the last time we visited them? I couldn't forget about it." He asked.
Imani scowled at Tsuchi. "Oh, was it that memorable, that you couldn't forget it?"
"No, it was so scary I had nightmares." He shivered involuntarily. "But …" He pulled her to him and sat her on his lap. "I could never forget about what happened after that. That is the part that I never want to forget. That's my favorite part."
"Oh, and what was that?" Imani asked smiling. "I don't quite remember. If you could refresh my memory."
Tsuchi wriggled his eyebrows. "With pleasure." He embraced her in a deep passionate kiss. When they broke the kiss, he looked at her. "Did that refresh your memory?"
She nodded and smiled. "Yes, I remember. And I will never forget what happened later that night."
Tsuchi looked at her confused trying to recall. "Really, what happened?"
She smiled. "Well, later that night, we went back to our rooms and …" She paused giving him a sexy look.
"And?" He asked in anticipation.
"And we went to sleep and had a good night's rest." She moved off his lap, laid down, pulled the covers around her, and turned facing away from him to go back to sleep.
Tsuchi's shoulders and mouth dropped looking at Imani. Then he chuckled silently and lay down next to her putting his arm around her waist. "Imani?"
"Hm?" She replied drowsily.
"I love you." He said.
She sighed and took a pillow and hit him with it without turning around and went back to sleep.
Finally, let's check on the main pairing of this story and see how they are enjoying the morning after their first night of wedded bliss.
Yankumi woke up drowsily with a smile on her face and stretched luxuriously, yawning. When she finally opened her eyes, she turned to find Shin propped up on one elbow staring at her and smiling down at her. "Good morning, Mrs. Sawada." Yankumi beamed.
"Good morning, Mr. Sawada. I've always wanted to say that." Then she thought. "Wait, you've always been Mr. Sawada."
Shin kissed Yankumi on the forehead. "That's okay. I've been waiting to hear that from my wife for a long time. So how do you feel this morning? You don't hurt anywhere do you?" Shin smirked.
Yankumi giggled and then stretched and yawned again. "I'm good, but I'm hungry. Let's get dressed and go down to get breakfast."
"Why?" Shin asked her.
Yankumi arched an eyebrow in consternation. "I just said silly. I'm really hungry for some reason."
Shin enwrapped Yankumi in his arms. "I bet I know the reason." He kissed her on the lips. "But I am asking why do we have to get dressed and go downstairs to eat? Why don't we order room service and eat in bed? That way we don't have to get dressed and go anywhere, and then you can satisfy my hunger after we eat." He wriggled his eyebrows and kissed her again.
Yankumi's eyes had been closed during the kiss as she held her breath. She released her breath and opened her eyes. "But Shin, if we eat won't your hunger already be satisfied?" Yankumi asked innocently after considering it.
"Maybe my hunger for food will be satisfied, but my hunger for Kumiko can't be satisfied." He kissed her on the lips again. "I can never get enough Kumiko."
"Shinnnnn." Yankumi blushed after the kiss. Then she made a move to get out of bed. "Okay, you order room service, and I'll go shower and change."
Shin arched an eyebrow and grabbed her by her elbow. "If we aren't going downstairs, why do you need to shower and get dressed?"
Yankumi rolled her eyes. "Because Imani gave me something that she told me to wear our second day together, and she went through a lot of trouble to get it. So, I don't want to disappoint her."
Shin kept looking at her with his eyebrow arched curiously. "Uh, if you say so." He released her elbow and then quickly cupped her chin and drew her into a kiss. "Hurry up and come back soon, okay?"
Yankumi once again had her eyes closed as Shin kissed her. She opened them once Shin withdrew and then smiled shyly and nodded. Yankumi then hurriedly got up and ran into the bathroom. Meanwhile, Shin perused the room service menu. He made a decision and placed his order. He sighed, bored. He opened one of his gifts from the kumi while he waited. It turned out that it was an instruction manual for satisfying women. He was so engrossed in the book that he barely heard the knock on the door when room service came 25 minutes later. He grabbed a robe and tied it tightly around him, closed the door to the bedroom part of the suite, and opened the door to the young lady delivering breakfast. He showed her where to place the cart and looked over the food. He went to get some money and handed her a tip. He nodded. "Thank you miss."
She smiled at him flirtatiously having given him a thorough glance. "It's Momoka Aoi, but you can call me what everyone else calls me, Momo chan."
"Excuse me, WHAT did she just say?" Shin and the girl turned to see Yankumi standing there irked with her right eye twitching. Yankumi had finished dressing and opened the door at that moment.
Shin gasped and stuttered. "Ku-ku .. Ku ... mi … ko?" He stared with his mouth agape. "That dress?"
Yankumi smiled without it reaching her eyes. "This is the dress from the anime wedding that they confused with my dress yesterday. Imani got them to give me a version of it. Do you like it?" She asked with a pretend polite smile.
Shin could do nothing but nod vigorously as he stared.
"Good, then I'll dye it black and wear it at your funeral!" Yankumi replied yelling at him. "SA WA DA! I'm so going to kill you for bringing that little Peach tramp in here when we haven't been husband and wife for even 24 hours." Yankumi said, pulling out the wooden sword from the hidden sheath in the back of her dress and lunging forward toward him.
"Eh?" Shin replied confused and then quickly ducked out of the way. "But … but Kumiko." He protested as he ran around the sofa getting away from her.
Peach was standing watching dumbstruck, not knowing what to do. Shin had ran toward her running from Kumiko. He then shook her to wake her out of her daze. "Move or better yet leave if you value your life at all."
"She's serious?" The maid asked as Kumiko sliced the wooden sword to the immediate left of the girl whose eyes gaped at that point as she gasped.
Shin replied dryly. "Does that answer your question?"
Then the girl panicked running toward the door. "Oh my god, I don't wanna' die. I'm too young to have a funeral."
Yankumi smiled and replied. "Don't worry. There won't be enough of your body left to have a funeral when I get through with you." She threw the wooden sword at the girl as the girl headed toward the door, and it stuck in the wall next to the door. The girl looked at the sword, screamed, quickly opened the door and left.
Shin ran over and quickly dislodged the sword and got in a defensive fighting stance. "Now Kumiko, calm down. You have this all wrong. That girl came to deliver our breakfast. I've never seen her before today. I only have eyes for you. I only love you."
Yankumi stopped and had a sweet look on her face. "Really, Shin?" He nodded. Her eyes glinted and her face devilized. "Then come here lover boy let me show you just how much I love you. Do you think I'm that stupid to fall for your little lines so easily?" With that Yankumi went into attack mode again, chasing Shin around the room as he defended himself and the maid left thinking boy their foreplay sure is scary.
And so ends the series of unfortunate events or what I would like to call a Shinkumi wedding.
What? Did you really think it was going to end with them going off happily to their honeymoon without any type of issues or a fight? That would be too easy. I hope you enjoyed it. So now you can go back and read the final chapter in Gokusen, A Jdorama ending. Oh and by the way, Momo means peach.
A/N: I had the ending all planned out, but it was the dancing and the parts with Kyou that I had trouble writing. As usual, I like to start a new project when I'm about to finish an old one. So, I had to work on a few other things before I could concentrate on completing this one. If you've read Gokusen II Lost and found and wondered where those references to Tsuchi's grandmother and Imani's family came from, then be on the lookout for perhaps a one-shot and a bonus chapter for Gokusen II Lost and Found. Things will be explained in there. So to reiterate the chronological order of the stories it's Gokusen II: Lost and Found, except for the bonus chapter, then Gokusen a Jdorama Ending except the last chapter, A Shinkumi Wedding, all of it, then the last chapter of Gokusen, a Jdorama Ending, the oneshot, and finally the bonus chapter of Gokusen II Lost and Found. And that will complete my fan fictions for Gokusen. Thank you for reading and if you have any questions, just write a review. I answer all reviews.