Tke: yeah, having a bad day, eating, playing Monopoly on comp, got ipod back from my mom, and am going to see Zodiac tomorrow. Another day in the life of Sam.

Riku: you made that sound completely fun.

Tke: shut up bite me.

Riku: meany.

Tke: hn, do disclaimer.

Riku: Sammi doesn't own a damn thing, if she did, she wouldn't be here right now.

Tke: … well… I probably WOULD…




Shrouded-Obsession: Lol, glad you love it

Santi: I'm guessing the squeal means you like it XD

Mina The Forgotten Memory: … I hate coffee… drinks it anyways FUELLLLLL!!!! And some times I say crying is worth it.

An Unhealthy Zemyx Obsession-: none of that is a problem at all, my best friend saw me typing your name up, gasped, and scream out 'I WANT THAT NAME!!' So your name IS loved.

Minamotogirl: I might end up calling them the two "R"s; it's a catchy name.

Lalala: Lol, my OTHER story, laugh, anyways, they will. Sora's just dating his crush, wouldn't you be the same?

Beatrisu: I don't think I'll get in trouble; too many people do it anyways. I think the replies are just for lazy people that just don't want to write all this shit out. And it doesn't affect all my chapters; they're all certain lengths for reasons. If a chapter doesn't have a lot in it, that means the next chapter will have more or exciting stuff, it's just the way I roll. (I mean, write, sorry, playing monopoly on my comp XD)

Angel-Yuripa: reading all my stuff raises eyebrow can you handle that in one night? XD;;; but apparently it's possible laugh

Loli: isn't that just the most enjoyable word ever? I swear it's addicting. SHAZZAM!!!

Leonxheart: oh don't worry, they'll have a great time having hot sex—er getting to know each other… snicker

Silver Wolf: don't bite me!!!! I'm completely innocent!!

Mizutamari Hakanamori: I guess it's a word, my College Prep Teacher (English) just used it the other day laugh oh well, I blame it on him! I still wanna try pop rocks and coke…

Celendiar: thank you so much for saying that! I feel better than usual!

Tenchu-Jinchu: I think Roxas and Riku have the toughest time… not that I care. XD Well, I care about Roxas… Riku's just a pain in the ass.

Draco's Worst Nightmare: I think this is the only vacation they'll get to do this anyways, so take your chance, ne?

ShadowAolo: I was actually thinking of this while setting up my vacation trip to Maui, my grandparents and I go to Maui every summer, so I was planning XD.

Bebe-Suke: Some high school stories are really good, but there are others that just make you want to go Blegh… thanks for saying that

Pixiestixx: AxelSora is one of my favorites, it's not my OTP (Soiku is, obviously) but I really do like the pairing.

IrisWriter18: I'm continuing!!

Musician In The Making: you're addicted to my writing style? Not many people say that, thank you!

Squee-Tastic: Riku and Sora will get together, you can count on me!

Kiagou-Chan: detailing is like a hobby for me. If someone gives me a plain sentence, I take like… ten minutes just to detail it.


Chapter 3:

Seeing The Club


"What's up Sora?" The blond had asked, giving Zexion a smile that forced his breath to catch in his throat.

"This is Zexion, he works at TTRS!"

The blond had watched Zexion weakly give out a hand before he grabbed it and held it between both his hands, "You work at TTRS?! WOW!! What do you do!?"

"I-I'm a manager…" Zexion whispered, cheeks dusting pink as he moved his head back to see the blond who was inching his face closer to his own.

"WAIIIIIIIII!!" The blond began to scream before talking to Zexion like he normally would. "SodoallTTRSmembersactthesameorwhat?Iwastalkingtoonebeforeandtheyjuststartedtoscreamatmeforenoreason!ThenItiredtotalktoanotherandtheyglaredatmeandwalkedaway,kindalikeLeondoes.Andyouknow,Leoncanbelikeatotalhardassandhe'ssocomplicatedandsoyeah—!!"

Sora instantly covered the blond's mouth, "So Zexion, this is the annoying boy in the portrait, Demyx."

Demyx gave a smile, "Don't call me Demyx though, call me Demy-chan or something? CanIcallyouSexyZexi?Itjustseemstofit,yaknow?Butthat'sokayifyoudon'twantmeto,that'sjustthewaylifeisIguessandmaybeit'sjustthewaysomepeople—."

"As you can see, he's very talkative." Sora smiled, once again covering Demyx's mouth.

Demyx pouted, "I'm not annoying!" Just realizing what Sora said a while ago.

"How about you show Zexion all of Naminé's paintings you have?"

Demyx's eyes lit up like a child's at Christmas, "YEAH!!" He grasped Zexion's pale hand and pulled him towards his dressing room/office, "Come on Sexy Zexi!"

Sora sniggered, watching Zexion's face turn a healthy flush of color.

Suddenly his phone vibrated in his pocket, he pulled it out and looked at it with a questioning glance.

"AXEL!!" He cried out, hugging the phone for dear life before opening and placing it to his ear just in case Axel was going to get his voice message system.


"Leon!" There was that joyous undertone in Sora's voice that alerted Leon that Sora called for more then just to say 'hi' like usual.

"What Sora?" Leon's deep and dark voice came through the machine.

"We might get TTRS to have us!! Get your ass down to the club!!" and with that, Sora hung up, the dial tone loudly rapping against Leon's ear. He hung up and redialed another number and put it on speaker while getting dressed.



"Oh, hey Leon, nice timing, you just got me when I got off of work!"

"Your boyfriend gave me a call just now."

"Laugh. What'd Sora say?"

"He said we might get a job with—."

"Oh right, that, yeah that's true. Remember how Sora and I met that Riku guy yesterday at work? Well apparently, his friend is in charge of getting new bands in, and he brought that friend to vacation."

"What's this friend's name?"

"… Ro—… dammit… I'm totally forgetting… give me a second." He was apparently just getting out of traffic and parking, and by the sound of the wind being knocked out of him, it was safe to say he was at the club and Sora pounced him. Axel had begun to talk to Sora, "Hey, Sora, baby, what was the name of the guy that's listening to us? The one that might give us the records deal?"

"… I think…"

"You think?"

"Oh wait, it was Roxas! Roxas was the one! He's in the club right now, with Riku, Demyx, Zexion, and Cloud!"

"You heard the kid." Axel chuckled, "His name is Roxas."

Leon just sighed, "I'll be there in five."

"Got it."


"Got it." Axel hung up his phone, watching Sora slip his arms around his neck.

"Memorized?" Sora grinned, leaning up slightly.

Axel leaned downward; pecking his lover softly on the lips, "Line jacker."

"Never!" Sora jokingly cried out against Axel's lips before he smiled as Axel wrapped an arm around his waist. "We need to show them around."

"Hm, let's go then." Axel slipped his arm casually against his lover's waist and pulled him inside the club.

"I also told them the black room was Leon's office."

"Could've said yours." Axel smirked, smacking Sora lightly on the ass and causing the brunette to give a small yelp.

"I wasn't thinking that far!" Sora whined.

Axel just smirked.


"Glad you could all be here!!"

Riku watched, amused as Roxas jumped ten feet in the air at the sound of Axel's voice filling in.

"Didn't we just see you?" Cloud jokingly asked.

Axel 'tutted' him, "Now why can't we see more of each other? You hate me that much?"

Cloud chuckled, "Maybe."

"Don't be rude." Came Roxas's hiss.

"I really don't mind Roxy!" Axel let go of Sora and came and gave a big hug to Roxas.

Roxas made a noise and turned a bright red.

'Strange!' Riku thought, 'I didn't know Roxas squeaked!!'

Axel just gave a grin, fingers curling around Roxas's upper arm. "How do you like my club? Built it myself."

They all gawked at him.

"If you count paying others to build it for him, as building it himself, then, yes, he did." Sora smirked, Axel pouted.

"I heard Demyx mention the Black Room." Cloud started.

Demyx, Sora, and Axel froze.

"Yeah, Sora said it too."

Was it them, or was Axel almost glaring at Sora and Demyx who were shrinking?

"The Black Room is for members I've known the longest." Axel supplied, he wasn't lying, but he wasn't exactly telling the truth, "I will allow them in there to be away from the club, and they can do anything they want in the room. Well yeah, almost anything, no rape or murder or something, because then I'm killing 'em myself!"

'Reasonable.' Was the only thing they could think of.

"S-so, have you tasted Demyx's Tropical Paradise?" Sora offered, trying to get a change of subject, "D-Demyx, you should make it."

Demyx nodded, catching on, and rushed behind the bar the others sat around. They watched him pour and mix drinks, only then did Roxas's eyes trail to Sora and asked him, "So who does what in your band?"

Sora was shocked Roxas wasn't glaring at him or anything, but he responded anyways, "Well, Demyx is the main singer and base, I'm second singer and keyboard/piano, Axel does guitar, and Leon does drums."

"Leon?" They asked, having not met him yet.

"What?" Came the snappy voice behind them, turning to see a rich chocolate brown-haired brunette, with stormy blue eyes, tanned skin, and dynamite body.

Riku and Roxas nearly burst out laughing as Cloud squeaked.

Sora bounced up to the brunette, showing him off as if he was a prize, "Squall Leonhart, our Drummist."

"That's Leon." The brunette grunted out, smacking Sora lightly on the head.

Sora pouted, but complied, he skipped, literally skipped, back to Axel and grabbed his hand, "Axel and I had an errand to run, we'll be back in time for the show."

Everyone said their goodbyes cheerfully, lingering eyes on each other.

"Do you feel like your being watched?" Axel whispered, stepping out of the club.

"Hell yeah." Sora answered, trying to get the hairs on the back of his neck to calm down.


"I-I don't t-think this counts as errands…" Axel answered, taking another right as he turned off his blinker.

Sora gave a small fussy noise, continuing his actions.

"C-Come on Sora! W-we're almost there!"

A second later, Sora sprang up, pouting, cheeks flushed, and a small bit of white drabbling down his chin. "Be a meanie."

"I just don't want to get in trouble for you lowering yourself and snorting crack." (What did you all THINK he was doing? Evil grin)

"Oh, all right." Sora sighed, watching Axel stop the car before they got out and headed inside the building.

'Destiny Islands School of Clothing and Design' stood on the shinning gold plaque on the brick building.


"You want me to create you outfits?"


"In only a couple hours!"


She frowned, then closed her eyes while shaking her head, "It's a good thing you've all given me your sizes."

Sora smiled, squealed, and glomped her, "Arigatouarigatouarigatouarigatouarigatou!!!"

"Yahhh!!" Kairi sighed, peeling the brunette off her, "Axel, go get us some lunch, Sora and I can start on the clothes."

Axel nodded, stepping out and leaving since he knew his friend's likes and dislikes.

"So anyone I should be there for?"

Sora blushed, "Kairi!"

She grinned, "What? I'm only trying to get you a true boyfriend and not a fuck buddy!"

"Axel's not a fuck buddy!"

She gave a smile, "You're right, he's not, he's your savior that you'd do anything for."

He frowned but helped her with the pieces of fabric anyways.


Demyx whimpered, crying out lightly as Sora raised the pencil to his eye.

"Hold still Demyx, just close your eye."

"B-b-b-but what if you POKE me?!" He cried out, obviously scared like fuck.

"Don't worry Demyx." Sora cooed as the blond closed his eyes, Sora added the pencil to each eye, "I'll miss on purpose."

Demyx's eyes snapped open as Sora pulled away, his lips into a pout, "SORA!!"

Sora giggled, fixing his shirt.

Stage Rules #1: Always put your outfit on BEFORE your make up.


Stage Rule #2: Always put something to cover your outfit.

Kairi grasped the shirt, using a special chemical on it, "Demyx, keep ruining this shirt and I murder you."

Suddenly Axel's head popped in the doorway, "We're on." He then grinned at Sora, "Sexy."

Sora smiled back, walking toward him with a nervous Demyx behind him, "Why thank you kind sir."

They met Leon and the curtain and walked on stage.


Tke: another chapter, another hour. Just kidding.

Riku: that was lame.

Tke: I know, sue me, I'm dead tired.

Riku: at least it's almost the weekend.

Tke: waiiiiii!! One more dayyyyyy!!! YAY!!!!!!!!!

Riku: that's always something to look forward to.

Tke: yeah, it is… oh wait…

Riku: what?

Tke: I have work Friday and Saturday.

Riku: awwwww, poor baby.

Tke: shut up