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![]() Author has written 19 stories for Naruto, Bleach, Resident Evil, Left 4 Dead, Get Backers, and Carpathian Series. http:/// Link to my Deviantart profile. Please visit. Hello everyone, I have found myself typing on my story 'What Could've Been'. And I'm happy to say it is back on track! I seem to have lost all the inspiration and desire to continue this story for a while, but now I'm back and better then ever! So enjoy it, and please review! I'm not getting many anymore! D: Avatar: Chibi Ulquiorra, drawn by myself! Age: 21 Gender: Female Favorite color: Blue or Red (Depends on my mood.) Eyes: Blue and every now and then gray Hair: Blond Hobbies: drawing, writing, eating, sleeping, reading manga and watching Anime (Its a hobby right?), and reading fan-fiction of course. Most of my Fandoms include: Naruto, Danny Phantom, RedvsBlue, Fire Emblem; Radiant Dawn, The Carpathian Series, The elder Scrolls series, Dragon Age, The Dark-Hunter series, Left 4 Dead, Resident Evil, Teen Titans, Zombie Loan, Chrono Crusade, Code Geass, Halo, Excel Saga, Wallflower, Getbackers, Futurama, Durarara and Bleach. My favorite couples: Naruto: Naruto and Hinata (Its just so cute!): Sakura and Sasuke (Don't ask, its better if you don't.): Shikamaru and Temari: Choji and Ino: Tenten and Neji: Asuma and Kurenai: Jiraya and Tsunade (Sorry but this couple is just too funny.): Pain and Konan Danny Phantom: Danny and Sam (Its just an obvious couple but also my favorite.): Tucker and Valerie (She likes him, I know it.): Dash and Paulina (What can I say? They deserve each other.) Fire Emblem: Neasala and Leanne: Reyson and Vika: Ike and Elincia: Soren and Mia: Mist and Rolf: Rafiel and Nailah: Sothe and Micaiah: Laura and Aran: Jill and Haar: Zihark and Ilyana: Marcia and Oscar: Lucia and Bastien: Lethe and Mordecai: Astrid and Makolov: Calill and Largo: Titania and Rhys: Rannulf and Lyre: Kurth and Ena: Geoffrey and Sigrun: Keiran and Tanith: Noland and Fiona: Tormod and Sanaki: Marcia and Oscar: Heather and Volke: Nasir and Allmedia: Resident Evil: Rebecca and Billy: Jill and Chris: Wesker and Alexia: Steve and Clair: Leon and Ada: Chrono Crusade: Chrono and Rosette: Joshua and Azumaria: Teen Titans: Beastboy and Raven: Robin and Starfire: Jynx and Kid Flash: Cyborg and Bumble bee: Bleach: Momo and Toshiro: Orihime and Ichigo: Rangiku and Shuhei: Kenpachi and Retsu: Isane and Hanatoro: Renji and Rukia: Shunsui and Nanao: Renji and Rukia: Tatski and Chad: Futurama: Leela and Fry: Kif and Amy: Code Geass: Lelouch and Shirley: Suzaku and Euphemia: Cornelia and Gilford: MIlly and Rivelz: Druarara: Shinra and Celty: Erika and Walker: That's all of them for the moment, there is more I just can't remember them all. Anyway welcome to my profile and I hope to be able to update my stories soon, Bye! To those who have read my profile and my one lone story I think you from the bottom of my heart. What could've been is the only story from me Kurotsuki-Tenchi. The others are the creations of my sister who shares my profile. The reason I have only one story up right now is that I'm going to finish my current one so I don't get sidetracked. But do not worry! There will be more stories eventually! ╔═╦╦══╦══╦╗╔╦══╦══╗╔╗ ╔╗╔╦══╦═╦╦══╦══╦══╗╔╗ ╔═╦╦══╦══╦╗╔╦══╦══╗╔╗ x ╔╗╔╦══╦═╦╦══╦══╦══╗╔╗ Put this on your page if you love NARUTO X HINATA(and to help them gain world domination mu haha MU AHAHA) (ALL HAIL FANDOM!!) Due to the fact that we can only make 1 profile on our e-mail address my sister will also using this profile to post stories so if you want to ask about her here she is: Muahahahaha... I am Shirotsuki-Tenchi, and I am here. Ultimitly due to only having one e-mail adress I am forced to share this profile with the other. Unlike my other sister I am different, I like different things and I have a different type of humor. I currently have many stories out, though one is just a song-fic. I wasn't going to post it but my sister convinced me. I was working on 'The Solution' but not any more, I have lost most of my inspiration so yeah. I will post Oneshots and maybe a few more stories, I just don't know yet. Gender: I am of the female gender Age: Like you need to know Hair: Dark Blond Eyes: Blue Favorite color: Black Hobbies: Reading Manga, watching Anime, writing, reading, and drawing. I enjoy Yaoi, so if that offends you I particullarly don't care. Leave me any bad messages or reviews and I'll just delete them, your opinion does not matter to me. I do like straight couples as well so don't get your underwear in a bunch. Now that that is out of the way I will tell my favorite couples. Naruto/ LeexGaara: KankuroxKiba: KakashixIruka: KotetsuxIzumo: GenmaxRaido: NarutoxHinata: SasukexSakura: KurenaixAsuma: InoxChoji: ShikamaruxTemari: HidanxKakuzu: DeidaraxSasori: PeinxKonan: JirayaxTsunade: Bleach/ GrimmjowxUlquiorra: SzayelxNnoitra: IkkakuxYumichika: RangikuxShuuhei: ToshiroxMomo: KenpachixRetsu: IchigoxOrihime: RenjixRukia: IsanexHanataro: ShunsuixNanao: Code Geass/ LelouchxShirley: SuzakuxEuphemia: CorneliaxGilford: MIllyxRivelz: Resident Evil/ RebeccaxBilly: JillxChris: WeskerxAlexia: StevexClaire: LeonxAda: Fire Emblem/ NeasalaxLeanne: ReysonxVika: IkexElincia: SorenxMia: MistxRolf: RafielxNailah: JanaffxUlki: SothexMicaiah: LauraxAran: JillxHaar: ZiharkxIlyana: MarciaxOscar: BromxNephenee: LuciaxBastien: LethexMordecai: AstridxMakolov: CalillxLargo: TitaniaxRhys: GatriexShinon: RannulfxLyre: KurthxEna: JanaffxUlki: Durarara: ShizuoxIzaya: ShinraxCelty: ErikaxWalker: Getbackers/ BanxGinji: KazukixJuubei: SakuraxMakubeX: RenxEmishixAmon: ShidoxMadoka: Hat-kunxglasses-kun: RenaXKakeru: AkabanexHimiko: As you can see I also enjoy many of the same couples as my sister Kurotsuki-Tenchi, what can I say? Great minds think alike. So if you like any of my straight stories then there is a large chance that you'd like hers. '' /l、 Yaaaay kitty! This is Kitty. Copy and paste Kitty into your ~Grimmjow and Ulquiorra approved of this! |