Author has written 39 stories for Doctor Who, Sherlock, Nightmare Before Christmas, and Sherlock Holmes. Wow I've never updated this before. Uuhm, hi! Thanks for visiting my profile and following me and reading my stories and reviewing things (hint, hint). I love writing and though I may not be very good at it, I like to do it anyway. Don't hesitate to talk to me or ask questions about things. I don't always reply to reviews but sometimes I do. I usually write in the middle of the night, so often times I'll have terrible grammatical errors, so please forgive me. If you have any prompts or suggestions, pleeeease let me have them! You can PM me or leave a review and for the most part I'll write whatever anybody gives me. Thank you so much for reading! I'm now on AO3! jamesgatz1925, same as this, and as of now I have one story that hasn't been posted on this. Go find it! |