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Joined Jan 28, 2009, id: 1819562, Profile Updated: Jun 22, 2012
Author has written 2 stories for Code Geass, and Left 4 Dead.


Real Name: Unknown...

Date of Birth: Unknown...

Hometown: Somewhere dark...

Current Projects:

Code Geass: A Different Path - Pairing: Lulu/Euphy

Status: In progress

Note: Updates of this story are highly random

Abandoned Projects:

Rouge - Pairing: OC/WitchOC

Status: Abandoned

This story was abandoned due to a very bad lack of ideas. If I get any new/better ideas related to it, then I may start it up again...

Potential Projects:

Code Geass: The Queens of Zero (formerly known as "The Four Queens")

Planned Pairing: Lelouch/C.C/Euphy/Shirley/Kallen

Plot Details:

Note: Please read the author note at the end of Chapter 10 of CGADP to understand how this story came to be

This is an AU story based on the concept that the girls that are mentioned in the pairings above (not including Kallen due to her romance will be more close to her canon path AND C.C due to her only meeting Lelouch in Shinjuku) have met and interacted with Lelouch before in some way:

Euphy: As stated in the canon story, she was Lelouch's first love, though in this case, it is deeper to the point of willingly joining Lelouch when he and Nunally are exiled to Japan. After going through the invasion of Japan, she agrees to follow LI Lelouch in his quest to destroy Britannia. Note: During their stay with the Kururugi Family, Suzaku develops a ONE-SIDED crush on her.

Shirley: Unlike the canon where she only meets Lelouch at Ashford, Shirley will instead meet Lelouch when he was younger when her father (who according to the canon is a reporter) came to do a report on Marriane and her rise to becoming an Emperors Consort.While the interview occurs, she meets Lelouch, Euphy and Nunnally and they all become best friends. By the end of their time together, Shirley has developed a crush on Lelouch and after some "secret talks" with Euphy, they both agree to share him when they are older. Following this, Shirley reunites with them once they join Ashford Acadmey and sheand Euphy plan to make sure they keep their promise from their childhood. After Shirley learns about Lelouch's ambition (long before the Shinjuku accident) she agrees to help them with their goals.

C.C Her story follows the canon up until she is released in Shinjuku. After the incident, she takes a more active role in the Black Knights while still maintaining her attitude as per her contract with Lelouch. She slowly begins to fall in love with Lelouch as she witnesses his actions in battle and whenever they are alone. Eventually, she joins the harem.

Kallen: As stated above, Kallen's romance will occur similar to the canon story. She will hold her love for Zero in this story like the canon until she discovers Lelouch is Zero, in which she will face a brief emotional conflict before for she finally accepts her love and joins the harem.

Nunnally: In this story, I plan to not have Nunnally blind and crippled like she was in the canon. While she still maintains her cheerful personality, she still holds some scars from the assassination and the invasion, resulting in a more serious attitude during battle and more specifically the desire to protect her precious people to the point where she would disregard her orders if they don't allow her to protect them. In terms of her being in Lelouch's harem, it is still debatable but she will most likely be part of the harem (she did promise to marry Lelouch when she was younger). Note: To get a better idea of her character, look up the Nunnally from "Code Geass: Light in the Darkness" by Sdebeli, seeing as my Nunnally is modelled of his.

Lelouch: Unlike the canon where Lelouch was horribly unfit, he is forced by Euphy and Shirley to work out so that he at least does not have the academic ability of a wounded marshmallow. In this story, he also manages to make use of the resources left behind by the Ashford Foundation before the assassination (namely the knightmare simulators andunsized warehouses). Using these, Lelouch and the girls begin to train themselves as knightmare pilots to the pointtogether three of them can keep up with Suzaku. Also, unlike the canon, he can run his ideas through his girls and get their help in removing any flaws in his plans.


Euphy - Azure Queen

Shirley - Emerald Queen

C.C - Amber Queen

Kallen - Red Queen (may be changed to Vermillion)

Nunnally - Phantom (If I name her a Queen, her name may be subject to change)

Note: All Queen Titles are based off their eye color except Kallen and/or Nunnally

A light in the Darkness by Dunedain ranger of the north reviews
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Left 4 Dead - Rated: T - English - Hurt/Comfort/Family - Chapters: 4 - Words: 6,526 - Reviews: 26 - Favs: 22 - Follows: 23 - Updated: Mar 3, 2010 - Published: Apr 16, 2009 - Complete
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Code Geass: A Different Path reviews
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Code Geass - Rated: T - English - Romance/Adventure - Chapters: 10 - Words: 28,799 - Reviews: 237 - Favs: 505 - Follows: 510 - Updated: Jun 18, 2012 - Published: Feb 2, 2009 - Lelouch L., Euphemia L.B.
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