Sorry for taking so freaking long to update!

A shout out to all my awesome reviewers!

Thank you so much purplesparkz02, anitsirhc (wow, you are so nice!), LiliesOnPluto, DarkSmile, ozzyfan97, Bunni16, Endless moonlight, MARSisred07, Senshi'sBard, IrisAyame, Neal, walaakongkwenta, iryna, secret, and boyarina

You have all melted my heart with your amazing words –sniffle- :D

I don't own Wallflower


He walked into her room without knocking, thinking too much about what happened last night to worry about the consequences. It was pretty early; he hadn't slept very well; so he expected her to still be in her room, possibly sleeping. He was disappointed to find, however, that she was nowhere in sight.

"Sunako?" he had to at least try.

Great, this was the only place they could talk about anything in private and there was no way he was going to risk having the others find out what had transpired between them. He had even been able to keep his little experiment idea a secret from the others so far, which was quite a feat in that house.

He closed the door, deciding to wait a few minutes. Looking around, he noticed last night's popcorn bowl still sitting between the beanbag chairs. He smirked a little, God he was a genius. She'd made so much progress so quickly. Even though he was sure the lack of proper lighting had a lot to do with his success the night before. Oh well, no use dwelling on trivial matters when he had much better things to think about; like that very nice make-out session for instance.

His continued scan of the room landed his eyes on Sunako's four "friends". He walked up to Hiroshi.

"What are you looking at? Don't worry; I haven't completely stolen her from you yet."

He made his way over to George and Josephine, 'How did you do it George?' then, without really thinking, he grabbed their skulls, turned them toward each other and pressed their teeth together in the only kind of kiss that two skeletons could share.

His heart stopped.

'Shit.' What if that was all that Sunako thought it was?

He didn't have much time to dwell on this before he hit the floor rubbing the bump forming on the back of his head.

"Coming into my room without permission, bright creature?"

He jumped up, dodging a swift kick aimed at his head.

"I need to talk to you about what happened." He spoke quickly, hoping to end her tirade.

It worked. She stared at him with wide eyes and he chose to continue before her wrath returned.

"Do you remember our first kiss? How I told you it meant nothing if there was no love behind it? Just like kissing a skull."

She blushed. Of course she remembered. She had almost jumped off a building because of it.

He took her blush to mean that she did. "Well, I wanted you to know, that what happened last night, wasn't like kissing a skull to me."

He was staring at her so intensely that she had to look away. That's when she noticed the position George and Josephine were in. Her blush deepened and she turned to run, but Kyohei caught her arm before she made it very far.

"Hey!" He turned her to face him. "I want you to tell me the truth Sunako. Was it really just the same as kissing John to you?"

She couldn't answer; she couldn't even look at him. She didn't want to risk getting a nose bleed and ruining her streak.

Unfortunately, he misunderstood her silence.

"…I see… Well, if that's the case, then you can rest easy. I won't bother you again."

He knew it was cheesy, but his heart hurt. Is that really all she'll ever think of him? He stepped past her, not really sure what he planned to do. Maybe he'd take a nap. That's usually what he did when he was feeling shitty.

'Wait!' Sunako couldn't deny that she was incredibly embarrassed, but she couldn't let him just walk away, especially after what he just said. Won't bother her again? That isn't what she wanted! The thought of a future where Kyohei left her alone and didn't annoy her every day, once a dream come true, seemed so terribly lonely and boring anymore that she couldn't bear it. So she sucked up her shyness and her pride and reached for him. "No, Kyohei!" It had come out a little more high-pitched than she liked.

He stopped. She had grabbed hold of his sleeve so it wasn't like he had much choice in the matter, but, at that moment, he doubted he could've taken another step away from her anyway. She very rarely said his name, but those few times he'd heard it flow past her lips he'd had a hard time calming himself down afterward. But he loved it. Especially the way she said it, like she wanted him, needed him to stay there with her. He couldn't keep his heart from its sudden frenzy. Finally, he turned to face her, her hand still gripping his sleeve tightly.

She stared at the floor between them intently, focusing all of her energy on getting the words out of her mouth and not collapsing in the process. "I… It… it wasn't the same… as kissing John…"

Kyohei took a step toward her and placed his hand under her chin, forcing her to look at him. He appeared just as calm as ever and Sunako couldn't help but be a bit annoyed. Here she was, nervous out of her freaking mind, while he stood there as if he hadn't a care in the world! Little did she know, he was currently very concerned about the state of his ribcage, what with his heart hammering away at it.

"This isn't just because you want more chocolate is it?" This was meant to be a joke, but Kyohei reminded himself that this was Sunako he was talking to. She would do just about anything for chocolate. Any doubts he had were quickly brushed away, though, when he saw her reaction to his question.

She looked genuinely offended. He noticed she was even pouting slightly, which he couldn't help but find adorable.

Grinning like the Cheshire cat, and letting a low chuckle roll from his throat, he wrapped his arms around Sunako's waist and pulled her to him.

She was a little surprised, partly because she was letting him do this with no complaints on her part what-so-ever, but mostly because she was finding it rather easy to contain the blood-works.

"Good, cause I can't promise I'll always have some on me." He suddenly gave her one of his sexiest looks and had a rare, but fitting, Ranmaru moment. "But I have an endless supply of these…" And he kissed her, softly at first, but his feelings quickly took control and passion reigned as Sunako joined in on the action.

Sliding her arms up his chest and around his neck, she pressed herself to him as he hugged her tighter. He didn't taste like chocolate at all this time, but that was ok, she could definitely get used to the taste of just Kyohei.


Woo, it's complete! I like it :) but you are the important ones! What did you think?

Reviews are to me what chocolate is to Sunako! Just kidding, I don't think anything could replace chocolate (except Kyohei) … But reviews are amazing anyway!

Again, thank so much to everyone who reviewed, favorited, and just plain read my story! I know it was a pretty short one altogether…

Love love love!
