Reviews for Lace
magda1991m chapter 1 . 10/2/2013
SO... I have to comment.
OMFG. I LOVE YOU? Q_Q You are now my GOD of D18!
I have never in my life read something so good. I was reading few of your fics on my phone befor going to sleep. EVERYDAY FOR A WEEK?! U took my life xD Oh myyyyy. I love you!
Your stories are really something! I adore ur innocent Kyouya from Lace *-*
Fuck, I can't write anything coherent xD
I need to polish my English and write something.
I will read today something from you as well xD
All I fav'ed I had read.
Love you heart
Guest chapter 1 . 6/4/2013
ERMAGERD! I love Kyouyas last line! I can die peacefully now... *dies of nosebleed*
Sasa-Cookie chapter 1 . 7/2/2012
at first I was a bit shocked that you made the two prostitutes but damn ... it was a great story *blush*
NatalySleyter chapter 1 . 2/1/2012
Usually I don't read AU, cause I'm more interested to see my fav charas as they are, BUT your story is something. At the beginning I was a little shocked about Mukuro and him being a prostitute, and all this situation was kinda strange (I really didn't get some things), but then it was...damn hot, your smut is amazing, your Dino is so sexy...Thanks for such a nice story!
ShawolsMVP chapter 1 . 10/1/2011
Omg this is one of the most awesomest one shots I have ever read XDDD one thing bothered me though, I wanted Dino to like...suck Hibari's nipples (/) haha i am so so dirttttttyyyyyyyy~ totally loving that Dino was still as sweet as can be~ 333
TheEndofTag chapter 1 . 9/5/2011
seven words: love it and it was burning hotttttttt!

ValleyofDemon chapter 1 . 9/4/2011
This is EXTREMELY sexy. My favorite story of yours by far!

I love the idea of Mukuro and Kyoya living together and being prostitutes. Can it get any better than that?

The beginning Is just hilarious. Gotta love pervy Mukuro and innocent Kyoya. The middle is so delicious. Damn Dino. And the ending is just sweet. Lmao Mukuro did an awesome job sending Kyoya that picture of him. A jealous DIno is a good Dino!

You're such a good writer. WRITE A BOOK, I'LL BUY THEM ALL.
RainingArrows chapter 1 . 6/18/2011
Hmm, this was very entertaining.

I love Hibari's relationship with Mukuro and how the relationship between Hibari and Dino developed.

I feel that Hibari was a little OOC though...but not in a bad way really.

It was still a wonderful read! XD
Yachiru443 chapter 1 . 6/11/2011
this was really good./
rachel-chanx3 chapter 1 . 4/22/2011
Kso, I was supposed to review this like, a month ago... xD Sorry.

Firstly~ You're incredibly amazing at writing. I admire how well you can write in first-person, and make them completely in character!:D

It was a really... interesting/different type of plot. :)

I adore your Mukuro. xD “Oh, don't look at me like that, we both know you'll bottom." Oh, and well, your Kyouya... and Dino... xD

And I love how Hibari kept forgetting he was wearing lacy panties. XDXD

The smut was really well done & detailed~:)

"You know, Rokudo called you a stallion."

"Is that a compliment, Kyouya?"

"Horses are herbivores,"

"You've already moaned this herbivores name more than enough times." This was one of my favourite parts.:D It’s so cute.:3

(I just noticed, but Dino’s last sentence, it should be ‘herbivore’s.’)

Oh, there was one other super tiny mistake:

“The fool wasn't inside there as well, but that didn't mean I wasn't going to g through his drawers in search of my own clothing.”


It was really fun and amusing to read, and I enjoyed it immensely. :)

Amazing job with this~
MOnO.13 chapter 1 . 4/21/2011
i couldn't finish this fic after four hours P I also blame you for bothering me by chatting with me!:DD But who cares. I LUV THIS FIC ;3

Is Kyoya in lacy panties that sexy? Hell yah. Even Mukuro in a red thong! Wuts next? Dino in a tutu? Believe me. Someone told me that and my imagination of him got destroyed _

Kyoya as a fail prostitute...nice idea.

"What did he do wrong?"

"He touched me."

"He's supposed to touch you!

I luv that! You just made my day. Seriously.

The smut was just delicious. Dino became more serious there. Kyoya's lucky he even had the panties or else he'd be itching until smut.

Whoo! 3 Good luck with your next stories!
df14-blacksnow chapter 1 . 4/14/2011
I don't know if I should laugh, I should blush, I should squeal, or I should fall in love with this stories and your other stories...oh wait...I guess I did those things at the same time~

This is a first for me, I mean, Mukuro and Hibari in a frenemey (friend/enemy)relationship, or like best buddies (on Mukuro's part, while Kyouya just always)...I love it ;)

The best part is the part where I can imagine Dino's shocked face when he saw Hibari wearing the lace, and I can imagine Mukuro laughing on the other side of this story with a victorious laugh...

Good Luck and God Bless~
poobaoger chapter 1 . 4/4/2011
THIS WAS THE FIRST AND THE BEST D18 story i've ever read. you have set my bar to a whole- notha - level :D
KirishimaYui chapter 1 . 4/3/2011
This was the first KHR fanfics I've read. Your writing style was amazing! I couldn't stop smiling at Hibari's stubborness and Dino's teasing. It's just so adorable, and I felt myself blush / All of them were so in character, and I could imagine all the comical moments as if in the anime. This story was so worth procrastinating my homework haha. Nice job keep, up the great work!
Reni-is-ishida chapter 1 . 4/2/2011
HOT like usual! Aimee-san, i love ur story!

I want to see Dino's blushing face! I envy you, Kyoya!

Pliz make more D18 stories. .

I am a fans of your. .

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