Multicolour Words

by GunslingerBlok

Chapter 01

So, this basicly is my first (One Piece) fic ever. I've had the pleasure of following the series for quite a while now, though mostly anime, since the manga is only at volume 9 here in the Netherlands. Ohyeah, the Netherlands, that's where I'm from. Wich means my english is pretty crappy, so please don't flame too much about that, I know my grammar is bad. I still decided to try to write a fanfic anyway, so I hope you guys will still enjoy it.

The title 'Multicolour Words' is actually the title of the song I was listening to while I thought of this story. Multicolour Words might have multiple meanings, but the meaning I wanna focus on with this fic, is that multicolour words are words with more meanings than one. Erhm.. this was a weird explenation of the title..

The story? Yeah, still completely have to figur that one out. All you have to know is; Zoro is his grumpy old self, going to the university, and Luffy is the fluffy little boy everybody loves! And there's gonna be lots of ZoLu involved, including some AceSan. Yes, I know SanUso is more loved than AceSan, but Usopp's nose is scaring me (yeah, you try snuggling with Usopp without your eyes getting poked out xo!) I'll probably add him in the story anyway, just not as Sanji's lover.

As you, most likely, already guessed, this fic is AU. Wich is gonna be hard for me, since writing in the usual universe of One Piece is already a tough cookie, let alone AU. Next to that, me being a Dutch 15-year-old, I absolutely have no idea what university is like. I might think up my own rules, lol. Well, that'll be enough rambling for now…

Note: As stated above, please don't flame for my bad english. Correct that, don't flame at all. You can critizise to let me know what I can improve, but flaming will be used to keep my house warm.

Note 2: I'll try my very best to keep characters In Character, but concidering this is my first fic, that might be a problem. Please tell me when they are REALLY OOC, thankyou 3

Note 3: You probably should know about Luffy, Zoro, Ace, Nami, Sanji, Usopp, Chopper and Robin, and perhaps some other minor characters from around and before the Arabasta Arc.

Disclaimer: If I owned One Piece, I would be partying with Oda-san somewhere in Japan, thankyouverymuch. One Piece is copyright Eiichiro Oda.


The rain was pouring from the sky, soaking everything that could be soaked on the campus. With a bored look on his face, the green-haired teen stared out of the window, barely being able to see anything because of the raindrops sliding down the window. Why was he here again?

He didn't even remember the reason for signing up for university at all, and yet, two months after finishing high school, here he was, waiting for someone to give him the instructions about his classes. Yawning widely, he turned away from the window and stared at a monitor, hanging a couple of meters away. There was a blue-haired girl visible, promoting the university.

"Welcome to East Blue University, the number one university of the country! We specialize in many different studies, from-"

A second loud yawn escaped the boy. He was about to fall asleep, damnit, why did they keep him waiting for so long? And as if he had said the magic words, a young woman entered the tiny waiting-room he was sitting in.

"Roronoa Zoro? Please follow me, so we can give you your instructions." A warm, but horribly fake, smile appeared on the woman's face as she turned around to leave the room again. Zoro grabbed his coat, wich was lying next to him, from the couch, and followed the woman. A third yawn escaped from his mouth.

"I'm sorry to have you keep waiting for so long, there were some problems on the campus. Appearently one of the students set his bed on fire. Not on purpose ofcourse, though we did have problems before with this boy," the woman spoke, looking over her shoulder to make sure the teen was still following her. "Actually, he might become your future roommate.."

As if stung by a bee, Zoro's face went from total-boredness to ultimate-grumpy. Ofcourse, he had to get the kid that set his own bed on fire every now and then. Great, just great. Seriously, why am I here again?

"But don't worry, the fire-corps is located nearby, so whenever you smell smoke, start screaming and we'll alarm them. They're used to fires on the campus by now, so they know how to react," the woman continued on rambling, as if she honestly thought Zoro was listening to her. He, on the other hand, didn't hear a word she said after telling him about his future roommate.

Damnit, how long is this hallway gonna be? We've been walking for ages now… Zoro sighed, going with his hand trough his hair. And the woman wouldn't shut the hell up either, what the fuck was wrong with this place? He didn't like it, he didn't like it at all. He knew coming here was a bad idea. Stuck in his own thoughts, he suddenly bumped into the woman, who had stopped walking rather abruptly. He mumbled a soft 'sorry' after he took a step back and stared at the door they had stopped for.

"Inside here, your instructor will be waiting. He'll take you around the campus today, and also show you where your room is. Erhm..-" The woman suddenly started blushing, as if she was emberrased to tell what she was about to tell. "He's…. a bit aggressive against freshmen.. so.. be carefull.." She let out a soft giggle, before pushing open the door and stepping aside so Zoro could enter the freshly revealed room.

The room was as boring and empty as the waiting room, with only one window. The walls had a light grey colour, just as the floor. The ceiling was coverend with brightly shining lamps, and right in the middle, his back turned to the door, was a blonde man standing. He was tall, thin and was wearing a tux. A cloud of greyish smoke was hanging around his head, leading to the conclusion the guy was a smoker. Zoro grumbled something that sounded like 'grutterftr' and cleared his throad. As if the blonde had just noticed the two entering the room, he turned around and started at the green-haired teen with right eye. His other eye was hidden behind a shining golden lock of hair. An impressive curly eyebrow was lifted by seeing the freshman he was about to give a tour around campus. A cigarette was hanging from the corner of his mouth.

"Sanji-san, this is Roronoa Zoro. Please give him a quick tour around the campus and.." the woman's voice became hardly hearable when she continued. "And.. please try not the hurt him too much.. The last freshman still hasn't left the hospital.."

Seeing the blonde's mouth turn into a grin, this was something Zoro couldn't ignore. "Yeah, like curly-eyebrows overhere could even give me the tiniest scratch.." he grumbled, just hard enough so that Sanji could hear it. Before the thought of what he just said might've been a mistake could go trough his head, a foot was flying trough the air, aiming for the freshman's head. Thanking god for his quick reflexes, Zoro ducked, the foot touching the tips of his green hairs and then crashing into the doorframe, leaving a pretty impressive hole.

"What the FUCK are you doing?" Zoro yelled, as he jumped forward to grab the blonde's collar. "What is your problem, asshole!"

"You are, Moss Head." The blonde growled. "Insult the eyebrow and I'll kick your ass all the way to hell, damnit!"

"You got a problem with my hair, Princess?" Zoro hissed, lifting one first-formed hand in the air, ready to punch the blonde's shining teeth right out of his mouth. Sanji let out an aggressive sounding 'rahr', lifting his leg, also ready to start the fight. This was when the woman interrupted.

"Please, Sanji-san, don't fight him," she yelled, though her voice was almost smothered by the angry growls Sanji and Zoro where throwing at eachother. "My boss will kill me if you break down this place again! Please, for me?" As if a switch was turned, the blonde's angry expression dissapeared as he pushed Zoro's hands away and rushed over to the woman's side. He grabbed her hands, holding them tightly while flaring his nostrils and making kissing sounds. With a disgusted look on his face, Zoro stared at his guide, who turned into a ladiesman so fast, it took him about a second.

"But ofcourse, Yuuko-chan, anything for you!" Sanji bend down to kiss her hands. "Aaah it's so unfair we can't be together! Why is it not allowed for a secretary and a student to have a relationship, I still don't understand it. Yet, your beauty keeps improving and amazing me everytime I see you!" As he kept on rambling and rambling to the, by now tomato-coloured, woman, Zoro's anger kept on growing too. He didn't wait hours in that damn waiting room to see this asshole hit on the secretary. He snorted and turned around, almost running past the two people who had managed to make him sick in the past couple of seconds.

"I'll find my own way around!" He yelled over his shoulder, leaving the two behind as fast as he could. He left the hallway, passed the waiting room he was in before and opened the door leading outside, too late noticing it was still raining. Before he knew it, he was soaked, but refusing to go back inside again, he kept walking forward. By the time he had crossed the large square, wich was surrounded by buildings, about 4 floors high, he was cold, shivering and even more wet than he was before, if that was even possible. He took a quick look around, staring up at the buildings surrounding him.

Since this was the campus he was walking around on, those must've been the rooms wich the students of East Blue University call home for a whole year long. Just the idea of such a tiny room, having the share it with a complete stranger and to call it 'home' made Zoro shiver. Though that also could have something to do with the the rain, wich was still pouring from the skies, and the fact that he was wearing nothing more than a t-shirt. Since his coat, wich he kept in his hand the whole time, was soaked too, he couldn't wear it anymore. This day was just getting better and better. Perhaps, if he went inside the huge buildings, he could try to find his room, perhaps meet his roommate, just to get that over with…

Ofcourse, he didn't have his keys, nor did he know wich room was partly his, since that was part of the information the blonde had to give him during the tour around campus. Swearing and calling the rainclouds above him every bad name he could remember, he still went trough the large wooden doors that led to the inside of the student hostel. Right before the doors closed, an awefully familiar voice reached his ears.

"Hey, Marimo! Wait up, asshole!" The blonde, who appearently found the time to leave his beloved 'Yuuko-chan' alone for a while, had followed him trough the rain. He kicked the wooden doors of the student hostel open and entered the building hastily, trying to stay at least a little bit dry. "Damnit, bastard, don't fucking run away just like that, I still have to give you your keys and that damn tour too."

"I don't need your frikkin' tour, just give me the keys and leave me alone." Zoro grumbled. He felt like punching the guy in the face for the 'Marimo'-insult, but decided against it. This day was too fucked up already. He held up his hand, in wich Sanji dropped a single key. A number was carved into the handle.

"96A…" The green-haired teen looked around, searching for anything that could lead him to room 96A. However, the hallway was completely empty, except for a photo of a very grumpy looking old lady. Sanji, noticing Zoro had no idea where to go, mumbled something that sounded like 'follow me', and went right. The freshman, who didn't feel like getting lost in his own student hostel, followed against his will.

The entire way they walked was as boring and empty as the hallway they first entered. The only decoration there was, was freshly-washed laundry from the students, wich was hanging openly and exposed in the hall. Another thing Zoro didn't like. No fucking way he was hanging his laundry in the hall.

After walking for about five minutes, in wich they turned left and right about ten times, Zoro started to wonder what on earth was going on with this building. There was no way the building was wide enough to have space for them to have that many turns. He ignored it, however, when they reached a staircase. Sanji started climbing it, and Zoro followed a few meters behind him.

They passed the first floor and the second floor and climbed higher untill they reached the third floor. Here, Sanji turned right and stopped after a couple of meters.

"Here it is, room 96A." He knocked on the door, looking over his shoulder to Zoro, who was a few meters away from him, out of reach of the blonde's legs. You can never be too carefull. "Get over here, asshole, this is your room, not mine. Meet your roommate."

"Don't call me that, curly-eyebrows…" Zoro growled, walking towards the door, eyes focused on the blonde.

"Damnit, I already told you not to insult the eyebrow, Moss Head!" Sanji raised one leg, ready to kick, as Zoro grabbed the ladiesman's collar again. But before they could actually start fighting, the door of room 96A opened, and a head popped out, staring at the two.

The head belonged to a man, about the same age as Zoro was. He had black, untidy hair wich was mostly covered by a big orange cowboy hat. His face was covered with freckles and his eyes seemed to be stuck on the 'lazy/tired'-mode. He held up his hand as a greeting. "Yo."

"Ah, Ace-san." Sanji dropped his leg immediatly as he saw the black-haired teen's face appear. Zoro let go too, turning around to see what his new roommate looked like.

"Sanji-san, goodmorning!" The guy, who appearently was named Ace, opened the door completely, and smiled at the blonde. Other than the weird cowboy hat and just as orange shorts, he was wearing nothing. Zoro felt a shiver climbing up his spine as he took a quick look outside trough a nearby window. It was still raining like the sky had burst open, so why was this guy hardly dressed?

"He's my new roommate?" Ace asked, pointing a finger at Zoro. The freshman grumbled. He could've just asked him himself.

"Yeah, I'm afraid he is. Sorry." Sanji threw a dirty look at Zoro, who tried his best to ignore the blonde. Fighting on his first day at campus really wasn't on his to-do-list, though sometimes as he already noticed, it was just hard to ignore the sonuvvabitch.

"Please, come in. It's a bit of a mess right now, and there's only one bed, but I'll explain that later." Ace's smile widened as he said that, like the was proud of the fact that, wich Zoro noticed as he entered the room, half of the room was scorched. Next to that, there was a bed-shaped clean spot in the middle of all the black.

"I assume that's where your bed was suppose to be?" Zoro mumbled, as he pointed to the clean spot. He walked to the middle of the room and looked around. On the left, there was a small sink and a sink unit. On the right there were two large wooden doors, one of them being open and giving view to a walk-in-closet. The closet was stuffed with the same orange shorts as Ace was wearing, including two more of the ugly orange cowboy hats. There where also a bunch of black t-shirts, wich seemed like none of them had been touched in a long while. The green-haired teen automaticly assumed the other door led to a similair closet.

Now that he was in the room, Zoro started to understood why the black-haired teen wasn't wearing that much. It must've been over 30 degrees celcius. He walked to the heating and cought it stuck on the highest.

"Yeah, how'd yo-.. oh, so you've heard already..." The roommate's face turned a soft pink colour. He lowered his head a bit, so his hat would cover his eyes. "Please believe me if I say it wasn't on purpose. I know the other students think I like setting things on fire, but that's really not true. I just… happen to drop the match every now and then." He laughed nervously, turning around quickly to face Sanji again. "So, Sanji, how've you been?"

As the blonde and the black-haired teen started a conversation, Zoro looked around some more. There was indeed one bed, wich, he assumed, was his bed. Next to it, there where three boxes piled, two large boxes and one very long and thin box. He walked to it, opening the long and thing box, revealing three beautifull and high quality katana. He was surprised when he had heard that weapons such as these weren't forbidden on the campus. He still thought that was fishy.

He took one of the katana's out of the box, one that was white, the opposite of the other two katana's. Zoro unsheatened it a bit, caressing the blade with his fingertips.

"That's a pretty cool sword.." A soft voice came from over the freshman's shoulder. He jumped up in surpise, almost hitting his new roommate with the handle of his katana. Wait… Since when could people sneak up on him like that? He hadn't heard Ace at all, though he usually could still sense when someone was trying to get close.

"Th.. Thanks.." Zoro sheatened the sword and bend down to pick up the other two. "So.. If your bed is burned down.. where are you going to sleep?" He certainly didn't feel like giving his own bed away, let alone share it his orange-obsessed roommate.

"Don't worry, a new bed is delivered by tonight," Ace answered. "That bed is all yours. By the way, I don't think I've properly introduced myself yet." He held out his hand. "The name's Portugues D. Ace!"

Laying down his katana's on his bed, Zoro took Ace's hand and shook it. "Roronoa Zoro. Guess we'll be stuck for a while together.."

"Guess we are, Zoro-san." Ace turned around, staring at the scorched wall wich used to be known as his-side-of-the-room. "Guess I'll start cleaning that now, before my new bed arrives.. Ohyeah, the other closet is yours." He nodded towards the two wooden doors on his left. "Since you won't have much time tomorrow, it might be smart to unpack today."

"Wh… wait, what do you mean 'I won't have much time tomorrow'?" Zoro quoted. Had he missed something? Did lessons already start tomorrow?

"You don't know about introduction-day? Tomorrow, you'll be stuck with the rest of the fresmen for the entire day, getting to know eachother." Ace looked over his shoulder and grinned widely. "And I can tell you, it's boring and annoying as hell!"

"Great, just great.." Zoro muttered something unappropiate before grabbing the other two boxes, putting them on his bed, and opening the top one. It was stuffed with normal black jeans and plain-coloured shirts, wich he took to his new closet to put them away. After doing that, he opened the second box, wich held some of his personal belongings.

Right next to his bed was a small cupboard with a few drawers in it. He took a cellphone, an Ipod-mini and a picture from the box and put the first two items in the upper drawer, while the picture was held in his hand for a while. There was a tall man, around his 40ths and a younger girl, who looked around the age of 12, with dark blue hair showing.

"Your girlfriend?" Ace's voice, way to close again, said. Zoro turned around faster than he had wanted to, almost tripping over his own feet.

"STOP doing that!" He yelled, as Ace took a step back. "Stop sneaking up on me, damnit!"

"You really think you should say 'damnit'? Wouldn't your girlfriend mind? She seems sweet."

"She's not my girlfriend, and no, she wouldn't mind. She couldn't mind.."

"Oh? What's that suppose to mean?"

"Doesn't matter, just go back to your cleaning." Zoro turned his back to Ace again, grabbing some more of his belongings from the bottom of the box and stuffing them in the cupboard. Ace, getting the hint, turned around too and walked to the huge black spot on the, what used to be light yellow wall. Right when Zoro wanted to put his katana's away, under his bed, he heard a suspicious sound. It sounded like a match being lid. He turned around to see what Ace was doing.

Indeed, it was a match being lid. By Ace. Who was standing right on the spot where his bed used to be, staring at the fire with such love in his eyes, it made Zoro feel incredibly uncomfortable.

"Ace-san, you really think you should.. I mean, you just burned down your own bed.." Zoro took a small step closer, ready to catch the match, if Ace was to drop it. "You really think you should be playing with fire again?"

"Perhaps I shouldn't, but I can't help it." Ace's mouth spread into a wide smile. "Fire is the most beautifull thing in the world, it really is."

Zoro seriously doubted that, but didn't go against it. It was clear there was something wrong with his new roommate, his thought being confirmed when the teen closed his eyes and made a soft snoring-sound. He was shaking for a couple of seconds, before falling down and crashing onto the floor. The match, miracliously, was still on fire.

"Oi… Ace-san.. Oi!" Zoro carefully walked closer. It could be a prank, and he really didn't feel like having to hear the story 'how he was fooled by Ace' over and over again. In his thoughts, the blonde was telling the story to all his friends with a huge grin on his face. Quickly pushing that thought away, Zoro closed in on his roommate. The closer he got, the harder a grumbling snoring-sound got. He was sleeping?

"Perhaps you should put that out. The match I mean. You don't want your bed to be burned down too, right?" A cheerfull voice said from by the door. Zoro looked up, looking who was talking to him, when he noticed a rather skinny, but about as tall as Zoro was, young boy with raven-black hairs. He was wearing old, faded jeans and a brightly red t-shirt. On his feet he was wearing battered sandals. But the weirdest thing of all was the old strawhat balancing on top of his head. His mouth was spread into a smile and right below his left eye was a scar.

It took Zoro a while before he was recovered from his confusion after seeing the skinny boy, but then remembered the match Ace was holding was indeed still burning. Quickly he ducked to grab the match and put it out between his thumb and indexfinger. With a sigh of relief, he stood up again, staring down at his roommate, who was still fast asleep.

Then he remembered the weird boy, and turned around to look at him. "Thanks.. I guess.." Zoro muttered, taking another look at the boy's weird outfit, before deciding this campus really was stuffed with crazy people.

"That's okay," The boy entered the room, kneeling down next to Ace, and taking of his hat, to lay it down next to him. "He probably should've told you as soon as you met. This happens quite often, you know."

"What, that he suddenly falls asleep?"

"Yeah," The boy's grin dissapeared for a while, before returning even brighter and larger than before. "Ace has narcolepsy."

"Narc-what?" Zoro sighed. Great, appearently his roommate was a pyromaniac with narc.. whatever.

"Narcolepsy!" The boy laughed. "Took me a while before I could pronounce it too, but basicly it means Ace just falls asleep every now and then. He's usually awake within a couple of minutes again, though."

"Right.. and.. who are you?" Zoro asked. The boy seemed to know a lot about Ace, so they must've been friends or something. Perhaps even related. There were some resemblances between the two.

"I'm Luffy, nice to meet you!" The boy said eagerly, jumping up again. "And you?"


ZOMG, finished already! Yes, I know, it wasn't much of a chapter, but it's still just an introduction to the story. So.. now I want reviews XD please tell me what you think of the story, if the characters were IC and if this story has any potential at all. I really wanna know if I should continue this or not, lol. So please review!