![]() Author has written 46 stories for Fruits Basket, Gakuen Alice, Shugo Chara!, Maid Sama!, Just Listen, Boys Before Flowers/꽃보다 남자, Harry Potter, Twilight, Sherlock, Avengers, Cyberbully, 10 Things I Hate About You, Doctor Who, Victorious, Wallflower, Star Wars, Sonny with a Chance, Torchwood, Hustle, Rise of the Guardians, Foyle's War, Yu-Gi-Oh GX, S.A, Sarah Jane Adventures, Teen Titans, H2O: Just Add Water, Bones, Criminal Minds, Firefly, Night Huntress series, Code Breaker, Primeval, X-Files, Flashpoint, and Thor. Heyyyyyy! I'm Ripplerose(You can call me Ri ;) and I'm 18, and I'm SO happy that this site exists! So many talented writers post stories for us(the adoring public. _ heehee,me) I live in Illinois, in the oh so corrupted country of the United States(still love my nation though). :D Hope everyone who reads this likes my stories! Favorite Activities:Writing, swimming,reading,playing soccer,fencing,drawing,painting,singing, and chilling with my friends. Favorite Books: Oh there are SOOOOO many! A few are: "Eragon","Only the Good Spy Young","Heist Society","Marley and Me(adult version)","Twilight Series", "Bartimeaus Trilogy",Night Huntress series,"Harry Potter Series"(DUH who doesn't love a little magic?), and "Peter and the Starcatchers Series". Favorite TV shows/cartoons: well, my dad refuses to pay our cable bill now, so im stuck watching my fav shows online. YAY. *Insert eye-roll here* Some of my fav shows are:"Doctor Who", "Fruits Basket","Kodocha","Teen Titans","Gilmore Girls","Jonathan Creek","Foyle's War","Inspector Lewis","Switched at Birth", "10 things I hate about you", "What I like about you","Miss Marple", "Shugo Chara", "Hatenko Yugi(Dazzle)", "Victorious","Bones", "Sherlock", "Criminal Minds", "Firefly", "Serenity", "Merlin", and "Supernatural". List of my fandoms: Whovians, Sherlockians, Potterheads, Browncoats, Demigods, Mockingjays, Poke'maniacs, Bonehead, Swifties, Dragon Riders, A.R.C angels, and Merlinites. Favorite Color: Blue,Turquoise Favorite Subject: World History, World Religions, Global Relations,Native Cultures Birthday:September 28 Favorite People: The heroes, the friends, the goofballs, the phsycos. The laughers, the sneerers,the waiters, the strikers. The tie-dyes,the bookworms,the geeks and the nerds, all of us are family. All of us are one. Favorite Quotes: "Sing like no one is listening, love like you've never been hurt,dance like no one is watching, live like its heaven on earth." -Mark Twain(Samuel Clemens)_ Personally i think those are words to live by, don't you think? _ "Today you are you that's truer than true. No one on earth youer than you." -Dr.Seuss Man:"So you think it WAS murder?" "If you haven't you should. These things are fun and fun is good."-Dr.Seuss Usui:"Woof!" "There are some things you can't survive without becoming good friends, and knocking out a 12-foot mountain troll is one of them."-J.K Rowling. "Behind every successful man is a woman rolling her eyes." "Sometimes I just lay on my bed, stare at the stars and wonder: Where the HECK is the ceiling?" "You were born an original. Don't die a copy." -James Mason "Our greatest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our greatest fear, is that we are powerful beyond belief. We ask ourselves; who are we to be smart, fun, beautiful and talented? Actually, who are you NOT to be?" "Be a first rate version of yourself not a second rate version of someone else." -Marilyn Monroe Steps over molten pile of ash where a evil henchmen used to stand guarding the door* "Don't get up. I'll let myself out." "Dobby never meant to KILL harry potter! Just injure, or severely maim. But never KILL." -Dobby(harry potter) "Hope is a strange thing. Hard to build up, and very easy to squash." "Just remember, happiness can be found even in the darkest of times. One only needs to remember to turn on the lights." -Professor Dumbledore "And what about me? I've seen the world! I saw the fall of Troy! I pushed boxes at the Boston Tea Party, and now im going to die in a dungeon! IN CARDIFF."-Doctor Who(the 9th doctor) "Momiji:Tohru!!! Kyo was mugging me!! "If he was half as funny as he thinks he is, he'd be half as smart as we know he is" -Copyright, MY BEST FRIEND "Hattie! That's her name! Thank you, I needed to know what name to put on the restraining order." -Prince Char(Ella Enchanted) "Shout, and I'll break down the door." -Ijori (fairest) “He winced, then shook his head, looking over at the fountain. Who knew the truth could be so hard for Owen Armstrong, the most honest boy in the world. But if I asked, he would tell. That I knew for sure.” –Just Listen(Sarah Dessen) "Ron: Don't talk to me. "Peeves: We did it, we bashed them, wee Potter's the one, And Voldy's gone moldy, so now let's have fun!"-Harry Potter and The Deathly Hallows "*Hermione watching Ron go over Devanation Homework* "Hermione: Stop moving, both of you. This is devil's snare! You have to relax. If you don't, it'll only kill you faster! "Fred: Oh get out of the way, Percy. Harry's in a hurry. "Don't worry, you're just as sane as I am"*holds newspaper upside down*-Luna Lovegood(Harry Potter 5) "Remember, if the time should come when you have to make a choice between what is right, and what is easy, remember what happened to a boy who was good, and kind, and brave, because he strayed across the path of Lord Voldemort."-Albus Dumbledore(Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire) "Hermione: We can't just walk into Hogwarts! We haven't got a plan! "Kat:You don't care if I never wake up. "Kyo: One of these days, I'll make you say you're sorry! Ayame: [clasping Yuki's hands] Yuki, let's deepen the bond between us brothers! Shigure: So, anyway, I was wondering if you could stop by the house and take a look at Tohru's cut. That is, if it isn't a problem. Momiji: Are you sure? Shigure said it hurt really bad. "Shigure: Tohru's very cute, in a sweet sort of way. Shigure: I picked out the perfect outfit for Tohru to wear when she cleans the house. She's gone to long with out having a decent maid outfit. "Just because you're gone doesn't mean chaos will erupt in South Korea"-Goo Jun Pyo(Boys Before Flowers) “I liked him better when he was messing up proverbs.” – Yijung(Boys Before Flowers) Jandi : “It’s strange. “ Barnabas Collins: "You locked me in a box, for over two hundred years!" Carolyn Stoddard [about the planned ball] "The only thing missing is Alice Cooper." Thor:"I have unfinished buisness with Loki." Natasha Romanoff(Black Widow): *stares at onslaught of alien soldiers* "This is just like Budapest all over again." Natasha Romanoff[Discussing attacking Loki] "They're basically gods!" Maria Hill: "When did you become and expert on thermonuclear astrophysics?" Tony StarkCall it, Captain Natasha Romanoff: Doctor, We're facing a potential global catastrophe." Loki:"What have I to fear?" "The universe is vast and complicated and ridiculous. But sometimes impossible things just happen and we call them miracles."-The Doctor (The Pandorica Opens) Lestrade:"And exactly how many times DID he fall out the window?" Sherlock[to Lestrade at murder scene] "Shut up." John:"So why are you talking to me?" Sherlock[To Anderson] "Thank you for your input." [closes door in Anderson's face]-Sherlock(A study in Pink) Rory: "No, Doctor, seriously don't. I let her drive my car once." Doctor: "We can all have a flirt later, now we need to move!" Tony:"Jarvis, have you ever heard the story of Jonah?" Martha: "So..magic and witches. It's all a bit Harry Potter." Martha: *watching the Doctor sonic the computer* "What's that then?" Doctor: "Mels. Short for...?" Amy: "So that's Melody." Doctor: [To Craig] "SO what did you call him? Will I blush?" John: "You do realize this is a bit embarrassing?" Martha: "I like that. Humans. I'm still not convinced you're an alien." Doctor: "You graffitied the oldest cliff in history!" "The Doctor: The human race just keeps on going—keeps on changing. Life will out. Ha!" -New Earth The Doctor: "1979! Hell of a year! China invades Vietnam. The Muppet Movie. Love that film. Margaret Thatcher. Ugh. Skylab fell to Earth with a little help from me. Nearly took off my thumb. *walking out of the TARDIS* And I like my thumb. I need my thumb. I'm very attached to— *sees the armed men on horseback* —my thumb. *to himself.* "1879. Same difference."-Tooth and Claw The Doctor: "No but the funny thing is Queen Victoria actually did suffer a mutation of the blood. It's historical record. She was hemophiliac. They used to call it the Royal Disease. But it's always been a mystery because she didn't inherit it. Her mom didn't have it, her dad didn't have it. It came from nowhere." Mickey: "It's a spaceship! Brilliant! I got a spaceship on my first go!" The Doctor: *Searching for Rose and Mickey after he comes back from the fireplace* "Rose? Mickey? Every time! Every time! It's rule one. “Don't wander off.” I tell them, I do. Rule one. There could be anything on this ship."*sees horse* -The Girl in the Fireplace The Doctor: *To Rose* "It's back on the ship. Rose, take Mickey and Arthur, get after it, follow it. Don't approach it, just watch where it goes." Rose: "Oh look what the cat dragged in. The Oncoming Storm." The Doctor: "The human race. For such an intelligent lot you aren't half susceptible. Give anyone a chance to take control and you submit. Sometimes I think you like it. Easy life." -Age of Steel The Doctor: "Oh Lumic. You're a clever man. I'd call you a genius except I'm in the room."-Age of Steel The Doctor: "Hold on a minute. You've got two hands, Mr. Connolly. Two big hands. Why is it your wife's job?" Policeman: "Wait wait wait. Where do you think you're—ah!" *Doctor flashes psychic paper* "I'm very sorry sir. Shouldn't you be at the Coronation?" Jefferson: "You're telling me you don't know where you are?" Scooti Manista: "People. Look at that, real people!" The Doctor: "Here we go. Comin' in! Human Beings. You are amazing. Ha! Thank you." Ida: "Well, we've come this far. There's no turning back." The Doctor: "We've found something. Looks like metal, like some sort of seal. I've got a nasty feeling the word might be "trap door." Not a good word, "trap door". Never met a trap door I liked." -The Impossible Planet The Doctor: "Sorry about the hijack, Captain. This is the Good Ship TARDIS. Now, first thing's first. Have you got a Rose Tyler on board?" The Doctor: "You made it worse!" The Doctor: "Interesting. Some sort of Absorbatrix. Absorba...clon. Absorbaloff." The Doctor: "I'm not really a cat person. Once you've been threatened by one in a nun's wimple, it kind of takes the joy out of it."-Fear Her The Doctor: "So you find the breach, probe it, the sphere comes through. Six hundred feet above London. Bam! It leaves a hole in the fabric of reality. And that hole, you think, "Oh, should we leave it alone? Should we back off? Should we play it safe? Nah!" you think, "Let's make it bigger!"-Army of Ghosts The Doctor: *talking about Jackie* " Jackie Andrea Suzanne Tyler." Mr.Stoker: "There's a thunderstorm moving in and lightning is a form of static electricity. As was best proven by... anyone?" Martha: "Blimey, did you have to pass a test to fly this thing?" "There will always be people who say mean words because you are different, and sometimes their minds cannot be changed. But there are many more people who do not judge others based on how they look or where they are from. Those are the people whose words truly matter." Starfire (Teen Titans-Troq) "He never raised his voice. That was the worst thing. The fury of the Time Lord. And then we discovered why. Why this Doctor who had fought with gods and demons, why he'd run away from us and hidden. He was being kind. He wrapped my father in unbreakable chains, forged in the heart of a dwarf star. He tricked my mother into the event horizon of a collapsing galaxy, to be imprisoned there forever. He still visits my sister— once a year, every year. I wonder if one day he might forgive her. But there she is! Can you see her? He trapped her inside a mirror. Every mirror. If ever you look at your reflection and see something move behind you—just for a second—that's her. That's always her. As for me, I was suspended in time. And the Doctor put me to work standing over the fields of England, as their protector. We wanted to live forever. So the Doctor made sure that we did." -Brother(Doctor Who-Family of Blood) Sally: "I love old things. They make me sad." The Doctor: "Listen, gotta dash. Things. Happening. Well, four things. Well, four things and a lizard."-Blink Martha: "It's a bit odd though. Not very one hundred trillion. That coat's more like World War II." "No, but if you bury the most dangerous thing in the Universe you'd want to remember where you put it."-The Doctor(The Pandorica Opens) "Personality can open doors,but only character can keep them open." -Elmer G Letterman Ash: "I've been lied to, cheated, and generally abused;just because me and my friend here were trying to earn an honest crust,when Rasputin here came and kidnapped him!" *points at leader of the Russian gang* -Hustle (Episode 2 season 8) Garcia: "Yes 45, native american, ma'am I have all that, what I really need is identifiable information. *Pause* "Yes I know what a closed adoption means, do you know what a court order means?" *shakes head as J.J walks in* "You know what ma'am, i am DONE being nice. If you look to your screen, you will notice that your cursor is moving on its own. That's me hacking your secure network. Now, I have her profile, now I have her social, and now, cuz you're grouchy, I'm gonna send your boss those Jamacian vacation photos. Check you out, no tan lines." -Penelope Garcia(Criminal Minds) Garcia: *handing out electronic pads to the team* "Welcome to the 21st century. Yay technology. Everyone has their own tablet." Hotch: "Garcia, not that I don't appreciate your efforts, but exactly WHERE did the funding for these come from?" 'Eddie: No. Reid: "Hotch, I was a 12 year old child prodigy in a Las Vegas public high kick like a nine year-old girl." -Criminal Minds (Season 1 episode 6) Garcia: "You've reached Penelope Garcia in the FBI's office of supreme genius."-Criminal Minds Garcia: "One guy owns half a dozen shoe stores up and down the east coast." "Penelope Garcia's office of how may I save your ass today?"-Criminal Minds(Garcia) "Oracle of Quantico, speak if you dare to hear truth."-Garcia-Criminal Minds Garcia: "Font of all knowledge check my flow." Hotch: "How is it having Gideon around?" Garcia: "Are you lonely in the Lonestar State? And are you wearing chaps?" Reid: "Thank you Garcia." Reid: "What did you think of Ryan?" Morgan: *talking to Garcia on his cell when the BAU team in on the plane* "Don't make me spank you when I get back." Reid: "So, you work for the government. Don't you read the reports?" Al Russo: "Who made this car? Fisher Price?" Rapunzel: "Something brought you here Flynn Rider. Call it what you will, fate, destiny..." Rapunzel: "Whatever the reason, I have decided to trust you." Beth:"Just drive like you're in Rome!" Kevin:"27 dresses. This is insane. You live in New York. You can not be eating up space like that." Kevin: "What about you? You don't have any needs?" Yahiro: "The thought of being your real boyfriend has never crossed my mind. Don't worry Megumi-chan!" The Doctor: "I can't see! I've gone blind!" Madge: *sees the paper her husband's reading* "Oh, not the war again! If people keep reading about it, its actually going to happen eventually!" -The Widow and the Wardrobe Amy: "I dreamed that I was pregnant, I was big as a boat!" Jackie: "You can get compensation. Arianna got 400 quid off the council just because the man behind the desk said she looked Greek!" "To live would be an awfully big adventure." -Peter Pan (2003) Brickman: *yelling loudly* "YEAH! MY POINT!" Luke: *Kelsey and Maria enter the house, Kelsey is screaming* "Hello Maria. :) Hello screaming girl!" -Sarah Jane Adventures:Invasion of the Bane Rory: "I'm stuck inside a giant metal robot that looks like my wife." *looks around* "I'm really trying not to see this as a metaphor." -Doctor Who:Let's kill Hitler Beth: "Lightning, goats, you get hit a lot." -When in Rome Excel: "Please don't worry, Mister, I only came here to obliterate you- not rob you." -(Excel Saga) Tsukushi: "It's a bad habit of mine. When I concentrate on one thing, I forget other important things." -Hana Yori Dango Spike Spiegle: "There are three things I hate in the universe, children, animals, and women with bad attitudes. So tell me Jet, WHY DO WE HAVE ALL THREE NEATLY GATHERED ON OUR SHIP?!"-Cowboy Bebop Kaname: "Do you want to be my friend?" "Don't you know it's rude to grow mushrooms in other people's closets?!!"' -Haruhi (Oruan Highschool Host Club) Yuki: "They say that we should love our self first before other people learn to love us. but it’s not as easy as it seems. sometimes, we need someone to accept us and love us first. then, we would learn to see ourselves through that person’s eyes and learn to love our self." -Fruits Basket King Bumi: "All old people know each other, don't you know that?"-Avatar:The Last Airbender Yuki:If we are to trade insults on flamboyant lifestyles, you may not come out with the upper hand." -Fruits Basket Usui: "Please don't be bothered by it, I'm just another stalker" -Maid Sama(Manga) Usui: "Being able to be cute is so sly of you." -Maid Sama Misaki: "Usui you perverted outer space human being!"-Maid Sama Satsuki: *watches Misaki destroy the Idiot Trio in a game of cards* "As expected of Misa-chan. Not a bit of mercy on opponents! :) " -Maid Sama(manga) "Grayle was the scariest man I'd met. If something scared him...I kinda wanted to shake its hand." -New York P.I (Doctor Who:The Angels Take Manhattan) "Shut up and read me a story." -Amy Pond(The Angels Take Manhattan Edward: "Make her see sense." Alice: "I feel so useless...so normal." "Leah, you don't like me, I don't like you." Alice: *holds out hand* "The Ring." Luke: "You look happy." Sarah Jane: *dazed* "Harry?" Making Introductions) Morgan: "You know there’s got to be a faster way to do this. How about we just change the first question to ‘have you recently dated a homicidal pyromaniac?" Hotch: "[about Reid] Isn't it amazing he knows what he knows and he's only 24?" Elle: "Um, Reid? You probably saved my life in there." (JJ enters the room where Hotch is speaking with Jacob) Lester: "You spend your entire career planning just about every crisis imaginable - up to and including alien invasion - then this happens. So much for thinking outside the bloody box." -Primeval: Episode 1 Nick: [on a Velociraptor] It's beautiful. [The Raptor destroys a security camera, everyone looks at Nick in shock] I said it was beautiful, I didn't say it was friendly." Lester: Give me some good news! Lester: Let's hope it's something small and fluffy. Something from a quieter moment in history. Something cute. Perhaps something furry with big eyes. Or something pretty and bird-like. I don't know, something- Lester: "You'll be dealing with a highly strung and and temperamental team of rank amateurs who just happen to be brilliant at what they do. Your job's to stop them getting themselves killed...Oh, by the way, Professor Cutter won't like you, and he'll go out of his way to make your job as difficult as possible. Don't take it personally." Matt: Well hurry up without power we can't get back through the anomaly. Gwen: "You know, I'm so tired right now, I'm actually NOT tired. Does that make sense?" Duncan: "Wake me up, and it's the last thing you EVER do." Izzy:"Genius runs in my family... so does psychotherapy... HEY did I tell you guys I have an IQ of 188? cuz I do" Lindsay: "Look, that cloud is following him. Aww, its like his own baby cloud, I want one too!" Courtney: "Oh you mean Katie and Sadie? I'm pretty sure they got eaten by wolves last night." Shin: "I have been reincarnated many times over the years to protect the Yin warrior from evil." *Shows ancient scroll with pic of wendy as a warrior* Wendy: "Aren't you gonna stretch? If we're gonna do kung fu, you should stretch first." "Sometimes it feels like the entire world is conspiring to destroy my house." "I swear, if he so much as blinks without my say so, he'll be back to China before you can say 'oum.'" "It means your boyfriends' full of crap, Hobbit." Morgan: Do you have any idea how many cases run through there every year? "When a woman tells a man about her feelings, she doesn't want him to fix her, she wants him to shut up and listen." old monk appears and bows to Wendy* Wendy: *looks at light pole* "You want me to climb that? Forget it." Mrs. Chesterfield: "Hello, may we come in?" John: *talking about Peter claiming he can fly* "You offend reason sir." Cam: "That is one really fast decay." Booth: "I really REALLY hate psychology." "I'm going to destroy the forest. But, I'm only going to do it once so pay attention." Oliver: "No, we want to be alone!" *reaches for Brennan* Howie: "Caroline's the best I can do in here." Brennan: "If you drive one more block, I'm yelling 'kidnap' out the window." Booth:"You know, you're not the only forensic anthropologist in town." Hodgins:"The Senator, ah, he is smart. He gets an intern pregnant, then murders her when it threatens his career. And he has the connections to get away with it." Booth: (to Zack, in the thermal imaging suit)"How's it going there, Darth? Seen anything on Saturn? (to Bones) Please tell me you've seen at least one Star Wars movie." Virgil: *seeing little kids surrounding him* "I think we landed in munchkin land." Simon: *when they realize River is masquerading as Serenity* "Well...my sister's a ship. We had a complicated childhood." Early: "Where'd she go?" Zero: "You may have raised me, but I don't remember ever becoming your son!" Tsukushi: "What are you doing here?" Soujiroh: "Let us help!" Brennan: "I hate psychology. It's not practical." Jayne: *clinging to inside of ship* "C'mon Mal! That ain't no way for a man to die!" Jayne: "He was huge! He jumped me!" Saffron: *about man* "He's my husband." Inara: *to kaylee* "So, what have I missed?" "You are such a boob." Booth: I don't know if I have to stay here. Angela: Yeah. Men aren't like us. They're much more fragile and needy. The fact that they think we're the needy ones is a testament to our superiority. "Ask me if I sparkle, and I will kill you where you stand." -Bones, Halfway to the Grave “Movies. Drinks. Headless chickens. You know, girl stuff. ” -Cat, Halfway to the Grave "No, I do my torturing in the dungeon like any other respectable castle owner" -Vlad, Once Burned "Faith is taking the first step even when you can't see the whole staircase." -Martin Luther King Jr. "I've never been afraid to fail."-Michael Jordan "Courage is knowing what NOT to fear"-Plato "In the end we will not remember the words of our enemies, but the silence of our brothers." -Martin Luther King Jr. “I just want you to know that you’re very special… and the only reason I’m telling you is that I don’t know if anyone else ever has.” “I think the idea is that every person has to live for his or her own life and then make the choice to share it with other people. Maybe that is what makes people "participate.” -Stephen Chbosky: "Perks of being a Wallflower" “It's strange to describe reading a book as a really great experience, but that's kind of how it felt.” -Stephen Chbosky: "Perks of being a wallflower" "Well, there's been an outbreak of Anthrax here in Hastings and he's responsible, so if I'm not in his office in the next two minutes, I'll be back with the army, the police, the home guard, and the press. Would you please convey this to him at the earliest opportunity?" -Foyle's War Abby: "We're alive." Jess: [Because Becker was ordering her to drink] "You're mean...you know that?" Morgana: "You are many things Arthur Pendragon but I never thought you a coward!" Arthur: We have to go through these caves here. Arthur: *seeing Catrina in troll form* "She's a troll!" Bianca:*on the phone* "Hey Kat, it's your sister calling from a deserted parking lot. "*fakes talking to someone else* "Oh, hello creepy man in a van, no I don't need a ride, my sister's picking me up. Thanks. "*turns back to phone*. "Call me!" Damon: "What's so special about this Bella girl? Edward's so whipped!" points towards satellite next to them* "You know, if that thing crashes to earth Candace is in charge." -Phineas Candace: *hears explosion* "MOM!!" "The farther backward you can look, the farther forward you will see." -Winston Churchill "All that we see or seem, is but a dream within a dream." -Edgar Allan Poe "You may be deceived if you trust too much, but you will live in torment if you do not trust enough." -Frank Crane "All the art of living lies in a fine mingling of letting go and holding on." -Henry Ellis "Everybody wants to go to heaven, but no one wants to die." -Joe Louis "Find a place inside where there's joy, and the joy will burn out the pain." -Joseph Campbell "All things truly wicked start from an innocence." -Ernest Hemingway "Nothing inspires forgiveness quite like revenge." -Scott Adams "What lies in our power to do, lies in our power not to do." -Aristotle "Sometimes human places create inhuman monsters." -Stephen King "When I let go of who I am, I become what I might be." -Lao Tszu "The best and most beautiful things cannot be seen or even touched-they must be felt with the heart." -Helen Keller "All truths are easy to understand once they are discovered; the point is to discover them." -Galileo "Without heroes we are all plain people and don't know how far we can go." -Bernard Malamud "All humanity is one undivided and indivisible family." -Ghandi "Nothing is so strong as gentleness and nothing is so gentle as real strength." -Ralph Sockman "I have found the paradox, that if you love until it hurts, there can be no more hurt only more love." -Mother Teresa "Oh what a tangled web we weave when first we practice to deceive." -Sir Walter Scott "Experience is a brutal teacher but you learn. My God, do you learn." -C.S Lewis "What lies behind us and what lies before us are tiny matters compared to what lies within us." -Ralph Waldo Emerson "It's love that makes the world go 'round." -W.S Gilbert "And if you gaze for long into an abyss, the abyss gazes also into you." Friedrich Nietzsche" "I have always found that mercy bears sweeter fruit than strict justice." -Abraham Lincoln "The test of the morality of a society is what it does for its children." -Dietrich Bonhoeffer "In a time of universal deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act." -George Orwell "Other things may change us, but we begin and end with family." -Anthony Brandt "In the end, it’s not the years in your life that count. It’s the life in your years." -Abraham Lincoln "What you do for yourself dies with you. What you do for others lives forever." -Albert Pike "Ohana means family, family means nobody gets left behind. Or forgotten." -Lilo and Stitch "My thoughts are stars I cannot fathom into constellations.” “Some infinities are bigger than other infinities.” “Maybe our favorite quotations say more about us than about the stories and people we're quoting.” “When I look at my room, I see a girl who loves books.” “Books so special and rare and yours that advertising your affection feels like a betrayal.” “If you don't imagine, nothing ever happens at all.” "I thought I'd lie on the floor and writhe in pain for awhile. It relaxes me." "My Romanian is pretty much limited to useful phrases like 'is this snake poisonous?' and 'But you're much too young to be a police officer." "You had to make a crazy jail friend didn't you? You couldn't just count ceiling tiles or tame a pet mouse like normal prisoners do?" Luke: "Jesus!" Alec: "How do you manage to never get mud on your clothes?" "Wonderful. It's quite boring really, the way you beat me to death with your hands and feet, Katsa. It'll be refreshing to have you come at me with a knife.” "It matters not what someone is born, but what they grow to be." "Wit beyond measure is a man's greatest treasure." "We are only as strong as we are united, as weak as we are divided." "Holey? You have the the whole world of ear-related humor before you, you go for holey?" "I don't believe in the kind of magic in my books. But I do believe something very magical can happen when you read a good book." "We do not need magic to transform our world. We carry all of the power we need inside ourselves already." "What happened down in the dungeons between you and Professor Quirrell is a complete secret, so, naturally the whole school knows." Mad-Eye Moody: "Don't put your wand into your back pocket! Better wizards than you have lost buttocks from it!" "Book lovers never go to bed alone." "A good book on your shelf is a friend that turns its back on you and remains a friend." "I would be most content if my children grew up to be the kind of people who think decorating consists mostly of building enough bookshelves." "Tell me what you read and I'll tell you who you are" is true enough, but I'd know you better if you told me what you reread." "Books are a uniquely portable magic." "One of the joys of reading is the ability to plug into the shared wisdom of mankind." "Whatever happened to chivalry? Does it only exist in 80's movies? I want John Cusack holding a boombox outside my window. I wanna ride off on a lawnmower with Patrick Dempsey. I want Jake from Sixteen Candles waiting outside the church for me. I want Judd Nelson thrusting his fist into the air because he knows he got me. Just once I want my life to be like an 80's movie, preferably one with a really awesome musical number for no apparent reason. But no, no, John Hughes did not direct my life." Mrs. Weasely: "Alright, Fred: You next." "I did not see that coming." -J. Daniel Atlas on The Recruiter for the Eye (Now you see Me) "Here's looking at you, kid." -Casablanca "What we do in life echoes in eternity." -The Gladiator "I'd take our family over normal any day." Dean: "You have something Max didn't." "Demons I get. People are crazy." "Hope is the thing with feathers "Scars remind us of where we've been; they don't have to dictate where we're going." -David Rossi “The greatest trick the Devil ever pulled, was convincing the world he didn’t exist.”-Charles Baudelaire "I may not be the girl who dreams of flying anymore. She crashed too many times, hit the ground too hard. Now I dance with my feet on the ground and my eyes open, which means I can better appreciate this adventure I’m on." -Tara Webster(Dance Academy) "I have five rules. Memorize them. Rule number one, don't bother sucking up. I already hate you, that's not gonna change." -Dr. Miranda Bailey(Grey's Anatomy) "Oh screw beautiful, I'm brilliant. You wanna appease me, compliment my brain!" -Cristina Yang (Grey's Anatomy) "She's my person. If i murdered someone, she'd be the person I'd call to help me drag the corpse across the living room floor. She's my person." -Cristina Yang on Meredith Grey(Grey's Anatomy) "We're adults! When did that happen? And how do we make it stop?" -Meredith Grey(Grey's Anatomy) "Sometimes all it takes is a voice, one voice that becomes a hundred, then a thousand, unless it's silenced." -Bryan Denton (Newsies) "Fathers are kind Fathers protect Fathers raise you. I was protected by the monks of Azarath. I was raised by my friends. They are my family. This is my home. And you are not welcome here!" -Raven (Teen Titans) "[about Bumblebee] Another spy! Tell me, was anyone at my school actually there to LEARN?" --Brother Blood (Teen Titans) "I'm just saying, if you guys don't come back alive I'm gonna be really pissed."-Felicity(Arrow) Oliver: You hacked into a prison system network? "His last name is Blood, that can't be a good sign." -Felicity(Arrow) "You, you little kleptomaniac, get to break into the Pentagon." -Xmen: days of future past "Ladies and gentlemen, I'm not a doctor I don't even play one on TV but I believe young J.J's in labour." -Garcia, Criminal Minds "“Doubt thou the stars are fire, “Sometimes, you read a book and it fills you with this weird evangelical zeal, and you become convinced that the shattered world will never be put back together unless and until all living humans read the book.” -John Green, The Fault in Our Stars Cheerfully* "It seems you people respond best to displays of violence." -Klaus Mikaelson, Vampire Diaries "If you don't shut your mouth the next thing to come out of it will be your teeth." -Rebekah Mikaelson, Vampire Diaries "Don't mistake the fact that we haven't set you on fire in your sleep as trust." Damon Salvatore to Katherine, Vampire Diaries "We know a little about a lot of things; just enough to make us dangerous." -Dean, Supernatural "Family don't end with blood, boy." -Bobby, Supernatural "Cheer up mate. We just saved the sodding world together." -Crowley, Supernatural "Books have to be heavy because the world's inside of them." -Cornelia Funke, Inkheart "Books loved anyone who opened them, they gave you security and friendship and didn't ask for anything in return; they never went away, never, not even when you treated them badly." -Inkheart "Listen, Luke. When weirdo nuns turn up on your doorstep asking about freaky glowing alien gizmos, one thing you never do is tell them you’ve got one!" -Clyde (The Sarah Jane Adventures: Eye of the Gorgon) "Oh, please don’t be offended, but this isn’t the first time I’ve had a gun pointed at me. And guns from other planets – ooh, afraid I’ve rather lost count!" -Sarah Jane(The Sarah Jane Adventures: Warriors of Kudlak) "Come on, Rani, use your brain; Clyde and I swapped places, yes? So I'm where he was, he's where I was, which means right now— oh. He's in a lot of trouble..."-The Doctor(The Sarah Jane Adventures: Death of the Doctor) "There’s a woman called Tegan in Australia, fighting for Aboriginal rights. There’s Ben and Polly, in India, running an orphanage there. There was Harry. Oh, I loved Harry. He was a doctor, he did such good work with vaccines. He saved thousands of lives. There was a Dorothy something. She runs that company, A Charitable Earth. She’s ...raised billions. And this couple in Cambridge. Both professors. Ian and Barbara Chesterton. Rumor has it, they’ve never aged. Not since the sixties. I wonder… echoes of the Doctor, all over the world. With friends like us, he’s never going to die, is he?" -Sarah Jane(The Sarah Jane Adventures) Esther: "You brought me back from the dead to torture me." "This may come as a surprise to you Camille, but I'm not a terribly good person." -Klaus Mikaelson, The Originals |