Chapter 45

I had been eyeing Amu for several seconds, guffawing and shaking my head at her statement. I mean…

Me? Dating Nagihiko? Just…just no. Ew! I mean, I know that I like the guy but our relationship is nowhere near dating. Heck, he was with Saaya just a little while ago! Also, he is clinging to me just to make Kirishima-kun jealous! There's no point pretending to myself that it doesn't offend me…

Why this little jerk-face is offending me…

"Anyway, Rima…" Amu mumbled as she shifted her gaze from Nagihiko to me. "Where is Kirishima-kun?"

I froze.

Oh dear oh dear oh dear oh dear oh dear…

I know that Amu sees Kirishima-kun as a good guy! She'd be sad if she realized that I left him…

"He's…uh…" I trailed off.

"Got lost! Rima got lost and now we're looking for him!" Nagihiko piped in. Yaya suddenly scurried before me and Nagihiko.

"Wow!" She squealed, her eyes sparkling. "Yaya didn't know that Naddy's brother and Rima-tan are so close! They don't even use honorifics to address each other!"

I saw Nagihiko glare at Tadase-kun when he sent the two of us a knowing smile –cough- a demonic smirk hidden behind an innocent smile –cough-

"We aren't close! This guy just so happened to pass by and I though that he was Nadeshiko at first and I decided to go along with him until I realized that he wasn't Nadeshiko and then-"

At that moment, Kirishima-kun came running towards the group, all the while screaming, "YOU!"

He pointed an accusing finger at Nagihiko when he finally made it to us. He stopped for a moment to catch his breath. All the while, six pairs of eyes bore into him.

"I finally caught up to you! How dare you run away with Rima-chan!"

Amu and Yaya raised their brows at me.

"Got lost, huh, Rima?"

"He just happened to be passing by huh, Rima-tan?"

Suddenly, Kukai ruffled Nagihiko's hair, causing the violet-haired boy to wince. "Calm down, everyone! I'm sure this guy just wanted to borrow the Queen for a moment!"

"But she is not an animate object to be passed around and-"

Kairi was cut off when the two boys started a staring contest.

"No need to get involved, Kirishima-kun" Nagihiko mumbled, his arms crossed.

"I'm just saving Rima-chan from a pervert who takes advantage of his disgusting skills to get closer to her…"

Nagihiko narrowed his eyes. "Disgusting?"

As Kirishima-kun's next sentence slowly progressed, Nagihiko's eyes slowly widened. "Yes. Disgusting because by using your creepy alter ego, you go to girl's locker rooms to see-"

Black plasma dashed right into a nearby tree, bursting into flames, hence, cutting Kirishima-kun off. Plenty screamed, others grabbed their kids while some just stood there in shock.

Kirishima-kun was one of the people who just stood there in shock.

"W-what was…?"

We, the guardians, slowly turned to the source of the plasma- an x egg that seemed to be holding a different, darker aura.

"W-why did the tree suddenly explode just now…? What are you all looking at?" Kirishima-kun asked as he followed our gaze- his eyes not locking on the black egg.

"Kirishima-kun…" I hissed. "Go somewhere far from here. I can't let you get hurt…"

At the corner of my eye, I caught a glimpse of the boy flush. He opened his mouth to argue but Amu pushed him away from us. I realized that if he hid in a place where he could see us, we would have to prepare a long explanation as to why Amu and the rest are all randomly transforming into crazy getups.

However, just as he was a few feet away from the group, a stray blast stabbed him in the back, causing him to fall unconscious.

"Kirishima-kun!" I yelled. Realizing that I didn't have Kusukusu with me, Tadase instructed me and Nagihiko to watch over the boy. The three of us headed to a space between two overlapping bushes. I watched in mild interest as my friends changed into their transformations, although my worry grew when Amu's remake honey didn't have an effect on the egg.

"Tsk. Why won't that stubborn egg just get cleansed?!" I grumbled. Nagihiko slowly shook his head.

"I think I have an idea. Let's just hope that I'm wrong…"

Kukai attempted to distract the egg by riding the skateboard around, only to get blasted. I instinctively stood up when the brunette fell hard on the earth- his cheeks and shoulders getting scraped by the pebbles and roots.

"The egg's dangerous!" I gasped. Nagihiko frowned.

"Just like Kusukusu when she turned into an x…"

I turned to Nagihiko then said, "Somehow, I get the feeling that x eggs aren't supposed to be this difficult to handle…"

"There's no doubt about it…" Nagihiko whispered, his eyes narrowing. "They're being manipulated…"

Amu was pushed towards the ground, though she luckily landed on her feet. At that very moment, Nagihiko yelled, "Yaya-chan! Use your giant rattle attack!"

The pig-tailed girl obeyed without question. She flung the gigantic toy towards the black egg. It turned away from Amu to smash the rattle into bits.

"Amu-chan, now!" Nagihiko yelled.

"Negative heart, lock on!" Amu chanted as she casually placed both hands before her- her fingers forming a heart shape. When the egg turned to look at her, it was too late.

"Open heart!"


"Well, I definitively learned my lesson for today…" I sighed as I slowly pushed Kirishima-kun's bangs away. Amu fidgeted with the grass for awhile, and although she was tired, she managed to smile at me.


"I will never leave Kusukusu again"

Everyone let out silent chuckles; silent chuckles that were abruptly stopped by Kairi's much awaited remark.

"Still, something's been bothering me…" he mumbled before slowly turning to Purple-head. "-you seem to know about guardian characters. I mean, you even looked at the egg and you were a little too calm about everything…"

Amu squint her eyes at Nagihiko, causing the boy to shiver. She leaned in until they were eye-to-eye. Although my full attention was not on him, I could sense his muscles stiffen at Amu's rare glare. "Now that I think about it, Nagihiko, you seem to know an awfully lot about the whole situation. It's as if…you were with us the whole time…"

"Of course I haven't bee stalking you or anything, Amu-chan!"

Tadase sighed then sipped from a carton of milk.

"I mean, Nadeshiko's told me all sorts of things about everyone…"

Kukai's eyes shot wide open at the mention of 'Nadeshiko'.

"She also told me about Easter and guardian characters and x-eggs…" He trailed off, causing Amu to frown.

"And you believed her?"

"Actually, Amu…" I said, causing all eyes to lock on me. "The thing is, Nagihiko also has a chara"

I decided to keep a stoic mask when everyone screamed out loud 'EEEHs'.

It's not everyday I'll do something nice for Nagihiko. Besides, what's the harm of telling this one little lie? To be honest, when it comes to Nadeshiko, I don't think that Amu's even an ounce ready to hear who she truly is.

"W-why didn't she tell us?!" Amu cried. Nagihiko just chuckled nervously before sending me a dubious glance.

With a hanky, I continued to dab traces of sweat off Kirishima-kun's face. "She just didn't get the chance to tell you because his chara is new…" I glanced threateningly at the violet-haired fiend. "Isn't that right, Na-gi-hi-ko?"

Nagihiko nervously cackled.


I nodded in satisfaction before tracing a finger through Kirishima-kun's brow. I sighed before allowing my very own brows to scrunch up.

Something's wrong. I could feel someone…someone staring at us…

I immediately turned to my back- my hair whipping fast- only to get a glimpse of Tsukiyomi Chou hastily making her way away from us.


Was she the one staring at us this whole time…?

"Rima-tan!" Yaya broke me out of my trail of thoughts my roughly hugging me. I winced for a second before forcing a smile.

"What?" I said, my voice turning out a lot sourer than I expected. Yaya, however, was too dense to notice the meaning of the edgy tone.

"There are still a lot of things you need to explain to us!" She whispered giddily. I cocked my brows at her. What?

"Yaya's right…" Amu giggled as she leaned in to join our secretive conversations. Meanwhile, behind us, the boys were sending each other clueless glances. The only one who didn't seem curious at all was the unconscious Kirishima-kun, who lay sprawled on my lap- his features and expression calm and oblivious.

"Tell me, Rima…" Amu smirked…wait! Since when did Amu smirk?!

"Who do you plan to marry? Naddy's twin or Kirishima-kun?"

I felt my eyes widen as realization slowly dawned unto me.

"N-no one!" I screamed.

Hi, everyone! Omigod, it's been…a year?! I reread the entire story so that I could remember the details and while reading, I saw some mistakes. I fixed it. Anyway, here's what happened so far:

Rima knows Nagihiko's identity (obviously!)

–so does Tadase (chapter 4)

–and Saaya and Kirishima (see chapter 41-42)

Amu, Yaya and Kukai have already seen Nagihiko, not knowing that he is Nadeshiko (chapter 21)

The school knows about Ngihiko; they all think he's 'Nadeshiko's twin brother' (chapter 23)

Rima was Kirishima-kun's first love

Tsukiyomi Chou- otherwise known as Hoshina Utau- is still in Rima's class, trying to break the guardians apart.

Everyone knows about Nikaidou and Yukari's past relationship (chapter 28)

The guardians know that Yukari is a part of Easter; Kairi has quit Easter and is now siding with the Guardians (both are in chapter 38)

Rima's dad is now overseas; both parents are working hard to be a family again. Right now, Rima lives alone with her mama (chapter 26-27)

Rima already mentally admitted that she likes Nagi after he was forced into a kiss by his fiancé, Mei (capter 35)

…and of course…

Rima has already kissed Nagi near the lips (chapter 37)

If I remember more details, I'll add it in the next chapters. I'm sorry for making such a long author's note, and for those who are still reading this story, I LOVE YOU! Muahmuahmuah!