I know you

"Vlad, can I have a word?" I directed my thoughts at my husbands' rival. Vladislav Tepesh is the original Dracula. Just never call him that. And at the moment, he was deep in a heated discussion with a long haired brunette. The woman was about my height, and had a scar from her cheek all the way to her wrist. She was dressed in work out attire (spandex top and boxer shorts) and was clearly not happy. Vlad hissed something at the girl, causing her to roll her eyes in exasperation before turning to stomp up the grand staircase.

Sighing, Vlad came towards me.

"Why are humans so frustrating?" He asked.

"Ahem?" I raised an eyebrow at him; he sent me a wry smile.

"You know what I mean Cat."

"What's the big bad human girl done now?" I said in a teasing voice.

"She keeps overusing her powers. It'll be the death of her, and all she worries about is helping me!" A shadow darkened his face and as I looked down, I couldn't help but raise my eyebrow again.

"Vlad, your hands are smoking." I nodded pointedly to his clenched fist. With a sigh, he forced his flames away.

"I don't want her to die because she has no sense of self. It wouldn't be right."

"Vlad," I dusted ashes off the shoulders of his black silk shirt. "You can't keep her in a little glass ball. We both know that. No matter how hard you try to protect her, she will have to face danger again. And her willingness to do so, especially for you, is one of the things you love about her."

His emerald and gold eyes narrowed at me.

"I don't love her. Not in the least."

I couldn't help it. I laughed. The prince of night was in total denial. Reading my mind, Vlad shot me a dark look.

"If you say so…" I trilled as I sauntered toward the exit. A thought popped into my head and I spun back around to face the Master Vampire who was currently housing me and my husband Bones.

"Make sure you tell her Vlad; let her know how you feel. Because if you don't, you'll risk losing her. You don't want to spend the rest of your very very long life regretting what you never said. I know you Vlad. You're probably thinking that not telling her is the best way to keep her safe. But if you think evil will stop attacking her if you don't express yourself, then you're incredibly wrong.

"You're one of my closest friends." I continued the sentence in my head. "You know I'll support you, no matter what you decide, even if I disagree with it."

I then exited Vlad's gym, and went to go find Bones.

"There's a place within our hearts
and you'll always be there
You're earth water fire and air"