What a Tangled Web We Weave
My name is Rei Mori. I have done terrible things. I have betrayed and abandoned everyone I called friend. I have never stopped running from the one place I hate the most, and yet must never leave. If somebody told you my story was happy, if someone said no one got hurt, or that we all lived happily ever after, somebody lied.
Chapter 1: Lost along the Way
"You have brains in your head. You have feet in your shoes. You can steer yourself any direction you choose. You're on your own. And you know what you know. And YOU are the one who'll decide where to go..."
-Doctor Seuss: "Oh the places you'll go"
I was walking down the sandy path trying to get as far away from the huge mansion as possible. Stumbling over the flowered patterned kimono that I hated so much, I fell on my face. Again. At this rate, they'd find me quickly and then I'd have to go back, and he'd punish me. He'd punish us all…. Shuddering, I ripped part of my overlong hem off and balled the cream colored fabric up, continuing my desperate run. Eventually, the Sohma main house (the mansion I had been running away from) disappeared from view. Slowing slightly with relief and fatigue, I glanced around me. I was in a forest; I could hear birds twittering and the babbling of a brook to the east. The trees were tall and sturdy; I leaned against the thick trunk of one for a rest. Inhaling deeply, I began to walk some more. I knew I wouldn't be able to make it far. But I needed to at least find some place to shelter and hide until I got my strength back. Tripping once again, I realized I couldn't stand again. I was shaking all over and I had no will to go on. If they found me here, I would be punished and punished badly. I hoped I could at least die here. I could faintly hear voices as I closed my eyes, but I was too tired to run anymore. Let me die here. Please just let me die! Were my last thoughts before I passed out.
"How did she get here?" The voice was familiar, but loud. I was tired, and weak. I wanted to sleep. Something cold was on my forehead cooling me down, and irritating me. Keeping my eyes closed, I tried to distinguish voices. If Hatori was here, he might be able to slip me some pain killers before Akito beat me. I shuddered involuntarily at the thought of what was waiting for me.
"Why is it your business rat?" The voice was louder than the first one, and angrier. I felt a warm flow of affection surprise me. I didn't know who this person was, but I obviously cared very much for them.
"Why do you think?" The calmer voice said. I recognized this one too. Why couldn't I remember? "She's shows up half-dead on our doorstep. So, call me crazy but I think it's my business just as much as yours you stupid cat!" The names, they were so dear to me! Why couldn't I remember?
"Call me that again!" The angrier voice got so loud that if I'd been able to, I would have covered my ears.
"Stupid Cat." Came the reply that I was surprised to see, I had anticipated. Following the comment was a yell of rage and then a loud crash. Followed by a growl of pain and a slight laugh. I couldn't stand it anymore. Groaning, I tried to open my eyes. Suddenly complete silence enveloped the place where I lay. Blinking slightly, I looked up to see a pair of dark eyes gazing back at me. I screamed slightly with shock and then quickly clamped a hand over my mouth. Instinctively backing up against the sofa that I realized I was lying on, I quaked with fear. What were they going to do to me?
"Easy, it's ok. I'm not gonna hurt you." The voice was deep and reassuring. I stared at the owner of the eyes. He was tall, and dressed in a black tank top with baggy pants the same color. A spiky bracelet was on one wrist and he had heavy looking chain necklace. His spiky white hair stuck out every which way, he was about my age or a year older. And not exactly a reassuring person to wake up to.
"Rei?" Two more boys came from another room in the small house I realized I was in. The boy with short silver hair stared at me with a mixture of sorrow, happiness, and pain. He had a sharp, preppy sort of refined look that came only with popularity, money and friends. His eyes were a startling violet and I couldn't help but feel slightly disconcerted. But when I saw the boy next to him, I stopped breathing for a second. It couldn't be….
"I don't think she remembers us." The boy with the spiky white hair murmured.
"Rei-san, it's all right. You are safe." The sudden appearance of a teenage girl the same age as the boys in front of me, startled me, and I felt a thrill of fear. I glanced around the house quickly, watching the group with my peripheral vision. The house was small compared to the Sohma main house. It seemed to be a 2 floor home. I was sitting in what I suppose was the living room. I lay on a ragged couch with stuffing falling out of it.
"Honda-san, just stay where you are for now," The boy with silver hair said quietly. "She's obviously very nervous around people right now." The girl brushed her long brown hair out of her eyes, and nodded eyeing me with concern.
"Rei, it's alright. You're safe." I shook my head furiously. I couldn't stand them taunting me! How dare they? Hadn't I been through enough? Why couldn't they just call Akito? Did they think me stupid? I knew they were either lying about my safety, or were going to later suffer by Akito's deadly hand for helping a surly little fugitive like me. Angrily I grabbed the nearest object to me (a small china pot) and threw it against the wall. It exploded with a loud bang, and the silver haired boy pulled the girl out of the way of the cracked porcelain. I then sank to the ground cowering in fear. I choked back sobs. I had nowhere to go. Even as these people helped me, they were signing their own death warrants with Akito. I couldn't stop the tears anymore. They poured down my face. The boy with the spiky white hair took a step forward, placing a restraining hand on the orange haired kid. Resting on the other end of the sofa, he stared at me.
"You are safe here Rei. You must know that. Tell us why you're scared." I stared at him in disbelief. Was he kidding? Akito is what I'm afraid of. And he should be as well.
"Ah. I see." The boy muttered. "Rei, would it help if we told you our names?"
Wiping my face and eyeing him warily, I nodded. I felt I should know them but I couldn't place the faces or the voices.
"Alright then. I'm Haru." He said calmly. Staring at him, I felt a faint pull at my memory. The name was familiar.
The silver haired boy walked forward, to stand behind Haru. "Rei-san, my name is Yuki. Welcome." He gave a small smile of encouragement. The orange haired boy had not stopped staring at me since I had woken up. But seeing my inquisitive look, he bowed his head and muttered:
"And I'm Kyo." Kyo? I doubled over in agony as a sharp pain shot through my skull. Memories flashed in front of my eyes. Me sitting on a swing while the orange haired kid pushed me; dancing in circles with his hands on my waist, helping me perform flips; Kyo showing me how to incapacitate and attacker at the dojo; and then most clear and painful, was the memory of being beaten, of being screamed at.
"Kyo?" I breathed as I looked at him with new eyes. He looked up from the floor, his brown eyes hopeful and yet fearful. "Kyo! It really is you!" I tried to run towards him but fell, into the ready arms of Haru. He picked me up as easily as a little girl picks up a doll, and laid me back on the sofa. Kyo sat down next to me, and pulled me into his arms.
"Rei, you're ok. It's ok." He murmured comfortingly as I began to cry again into his shoulder. "It's ok. Welcome home little sister. Welcome home."