Disclaimer: I don't own Special A except for my OC, Alexander.

Forming Doubts

Ushikubo Sakura stood by the street, shocked at what she saw. She wasn't expecting Yahiro to be this rough with Megumi – holding her on the wrist and dnot letting her go until red marks appeared on it. She knew Yahiro can become selfish sometimes, and this results to him being rash about things. But not this kind of Yahiro. Sakura knew Yahiro has come to like Megumi, so why on earth was Yahiro acting that way towards Megumi?

Sakura was supposed to intervene, but God knows that this might become an out-of-hand situation. She thought that maybe this was just a simple argument and that Yahiro was just trying to be reasonable. But still, something is telling Sakura that what she just saw wasn't right. Something was wrong, but she couldn't pinpoint what it was exactly.

'Contemplating will bring me nothing,' Sakura thought, making her way to Café Night, the shop she usually frequents and the meeting place she and Jun have decided whenever they go on a date. 'Maybe if I ask Jun…' her thoughts were cut off when suddenly a hand touched her right shoulder.

"Jun!" Sakura exclaimed. "You scared me!"

"Sorry about it," Jun replied, taking the seat in front of Sakura. "You were deep in your thoughts. Care to share?" Just by the tone of his voice, it was the other 'Jun' who's around, and not the usual shy Jun.

"Well, before I do that, would you kindly tell the other Jun to show up? I need to tell him something." Sakura replied, eyeing the small tissue holder in front of them.

"What's that something that my useless, shy self needs to hear? Can't you just tell it to me directly?" Jun retorted, a playful glint in his eyes.

"Seriously Jun. What's gotten into you today? I'm up for the gig, but I really need to talk to you today. Seriously,"

But before the other Jun could reply, Sakura hit her with a loud THWACK on his head.


"Gomenasai~" Sakura started, pressing her palms together and facing Jun. "I didn't really mean to do that, but I had no choice. I just really need to talk to you. The Jun with sense,"

"No. It's okay. Don't worry about it, Sakura. My other self got ahold of me today too, and I let him carry on with himself." Jun replied, fixing his chair so that he could directly see and talk to Sakura. "What is it that you wanted to say or to ask?" He inquired.

"It's about Megumi." Sakura began, looking for the right words to describe what she saw earlier.

"What about my sister?" he asked, concern etched on his voice.

"Well. I just want to know if she and Yahiro are going well…" She trailed off, not hinting at anything so as not to worry Jun.

"Oh. That." Jun visibly relaxed, pressing his back against the chair. "I think they're going pretty well. I don't really try to pry on her love life, especially concerning Yahiro." Jun replied. "I mean, I'm all for Yahiro, and it seemed that he can make my sister happy. As long as Megumi's happy, I'm happy. Ryuu and I don't see the need to interfere with her relationship." He continued. "Why the sudden question anyway?"

"Nothing," Sakura replied, trying to brush off the topic. "Anyway, where do you want to go today?"


'Crap' Sakura thought. 'This is serious Jun talking.'

"Yes Jun?"

"What is it you're not telling me?" A look in his eyes told her that Jun was serious. Way serious.

"Ahhhh. Hahaha. What are you talking about? I'm just asking how Megumi and Yahiro are doing. They are my friends after all. Especially Yahiro." Sakura replied.

"I know that," Jun said. "But you're not telling me something completely. What is it?"

A defeated look came on Sakura's face. "Fine. But don't do anything rash, okay?" She said. "Promise me this."

"I promise."

Slowly, Sakura told Jun what she saw earlier.


"That bastard! I told him to be –" before Jun could finish his sentence, Sakura put a hand on his arms.

"Stop." She ordered.

"Why are you stopping me? I need to see him ASAP. I told him. I told him! I warned him!" Jun replied, raising his voice.

"Jun. You promised me. Besides, listen to me first." Sakura said.

Jun just looked at him as if what she suggested was the craziest thing to do.

"Please." She pleaded, waging a battle through her eyes. "Just listen to me first."

"Fine. What is it?"

"I don't think that it was Yahiro."

"What do you mean by that?" Jun asked, raising one of his eyebrows.

"It's not Yahiro. Yahiro wouldn't do that to Megumi. She is too important to Yahiro for him to be like that. To do that to her, Megumi must have done something bad that would make Yahiro go berserk. But I believe in Yahiro and in his actions. He just wouldn't do that." Sakura explained, carefully looking at Jun at gauging his reaction.

Long silence followed. Sakura was beginning to doubt whether Jun believed her reasons or not.

"Let's call him."

"Eh? Call who? Yahiro?" Sakura asked, surprised by Jun's request.

"Yeah. Who else? Better him than Megumi, I guess. Give me his phone number."



"So, what is this all about?" Yahiro asked as he took the seat beside Jun. "Please spare me the lecture again on what to do and whats not," he added, carefully eyeing Jun and Sakura.

"I won't be giving ANOTHER lecture if you're taking good care of my sister," Jun sarcastically replied, ignoring the snide remarks Yahiro is making. "Besides, I think you very much know why we called you here,"

"I do?" Yahiro asked, confusion in his face.

"Please Yahiro. Don't make this even more complicated for us," Sakura replied, begging Yahiro to keep his comments all to himself.

"What do you mean? I don't understand,"

"You were hurting Megumi."

It took exactly two minutes before Yahiro understood what Sakura has said.

"WHAT?!" Yahiro exclaimed, raising his voice. "That's the most bullsh – " Before he could finish his sentence, he was abruptly cut off by Jun.

"Calm down, Yahiro," Sakura said, holding Yahiro's wrist firmly. "That's why we called you down here. For you to explain everything."

"I don't have any explanation to offer you." Yahiro said. "I love Megumi. Jun, you know that. I would be more than willing to give anything for the sake of Megumi."

Yahiro cannot accept such treatment coming from both Jun and Sakura. They both knew that he love Megumi. He promised them – even to Akira – that he will never do anything to hurt Megumi. He had his second chance at love, and he was too proud to lose this the second time around. He has experienced too much already. Megumi was there for him, even if the world was against their relationship in the first place.

"We know that," Sakura chided.

"Then what brought you here? How come you're asking me if EVER I have hurt Megu?"

"Because I saw someone who looks exactly like you being rough on her,"

"And when did this happen exactly?"

"Just awhile ago."

Time stopped. For Yahiro, this was the most excruciating time. Megumi was supposed to meet him. They were supposed to go on a date. But hearing this information form them has spurged an unknown emotion from Yahiro. The deepest desire. Too much overwhelming. Surge of many emotions that he couldn't possible point at.

He was jealous.

"I was supposed to meet her today," Yahiro finally said, after long moments of silence.

"Then what happened?" Jun asked.

"She didn't come. I thought something happened to her. She wasn't even answering my calls,"

Just then, Jun's phone suddenly rang.

"Hello?" Jun answered, holding the phone near his ear. "Megu?"

Yahiro's eyes suddenly widened in disbelief. Here he was, waiting for Megu to call him back, but didn't. Then she went off calling her brother instead.

"Where have you been? Hang on." Jun said, noticing Yahiro signing him not to mention that he is with Yahiro.

"Alright. I'll be home quick. See ya." Jun replied, putting down his phone.

"She's home. Would you like to come?"

"I do," Yahiro replied. "But I have a favor to ask you,"
