This Fic will contain some spoilers, if you have not read the manga or seen The Final Act then you should if you don't want to be surprised by some of the stuff in this Fic. I will warn you readers when a spoiler section is coming up to kind of give you a heads up.

www. mangareader 226-16775-1/ inuyasha/ chapter-519. html. Here is where this fic will be picking up from (remove the spaces) more or less, read if you don't want any surprises

Full Summary:

With a new plan in motion Naraku goes all out before deciding on a wish. The twisted half demon transforms Kagome into a half demon and begins to use her to torment the land while she remains trapped within her own mind. Naraku has the upper hand on Inuyasha and company now that the Jewel of Four Souls is only one shard away from completion, he's not done toying with our heroes! He turns the table on Inuyasha by forcing him to fight the one he loves, half demon Kagome, and our hero doesn't even know it. Will Kagome be able to overcome her instincts, or will Naraku succeed in corrupting her heart turning her into a mindless puppet?!

Just a heads up, this Fic also contains two Original Characters. If you're not a fan of OCs then don't worry they don't hog the spotlight or steal the glory.

Also if you don't like Kagome then this probably isn't the Fic for you being that the Fic mostly, in the beginning at least, focuses on her and how she's dealing with being a half demon. This is an Inu x Kag, San x Mir pairing Fic as well.

Anyway, enjoy o3o

Disclaimer: I don't own Inuyasha, but I do own Clouse.


Chapter 1: Doubt

"Power, my son, is what we demons fight for. The honor of claiming the title 'Lord' is the greatest anyone can earn, power is what humans so desperately seek and half demon crave." said a large silver wolf like creature, his voice was deep and aged but full of wisdom.

The wolf turned its massive head and looked down to the tiny pup that sat next to its hand like paw. The pup, no bigger than the wolf's paw, looked back at the larger canine in awe. Turning its head back to the sky the wolf continued to speak

"Power can do many things to a creature my pup. Honorable demons can become selfish and belligerent, caring mothers can become wicked and cruel, even brothers can become corrupt with the idea of betrayal... So my son, what does one do when they have acquired power?" at this the wolf again turned to the small pup and waited for an answer.

"Umm... They fight to protect it?" the pup guessed which made the wolf chuckle

"That is partly true, but don't you think protecting the pack is more important than protecting yourself alone?"

"But father you said the greatest honor a demon can earn is winning the title of Lord. Isn't protecting yourself also protecting the pack? I always hear the other elder members saying a weak lord is a weak pack" the pup said and again the wolf chuckled

"Yes my son a weak lord does indeed make a weak pack, but when that lord only cares for himself he loses the true meaning of being a lord. You should learn to listen as well; demons alone do not have lords. Many packs of humans have lords as do smaller packs of demons and half demons alike. But remember all beings of this world honor the Lords of the Land. Would you like to know what it means to be a lord Clouse?" The wolf asked the pup

"Yeah tell me father!"

"Being a lord means not only do you get to be the boss of everyone but you must also be their protector, their guide, and if necessary their father. With power comes responsibility and only you can choose what kind of lord you will be-"

A howl far off in the distance shattered the silence of the cold night catching the attention of the silver wolf, interrupting the pair's conversation. With a sigh the wolf stood from his sitting position and stood tall he did. Clouse, the pup, seemed twice as small when his father arose standing on two legs and not four. The massive wolf man like demon stood at ten feet while Clouse, still young, stood only at two feet.

"I'm glad we had this talk Clouse. Kengi has signaled that the enemy pack moving into our territory, go back to the den and watch over you sister; protect her with your life if you must. We will have to finish this discussion another night." his father said very seriously. Clouse nodded and turned around launching himself into the forest sprinting on all fours, he glanced back for a moment to catch a glimpse of his father jumping down from the hilltop. A sudden feeling of dread came over the young wolf as his father faded from his view, he swallowed back the feeling and quickly thought 'Goodbye father' hoping it wasn't really goodbye...

Clouse jumped up with a gasp, the vivid memory of his father raced through his mind as he awoke from his dream. He sighed rubbing his face with his large paw like hand wondering why he had ventured to the very hill he and his father had spoken that night so long ago. The now grown wolf closed his eyes and lifted his head to the sky letting the cool night breeze roll over him. He smiled slightly at the sway of the wild grass that now dominated the hilltop.

"I can't believe it's been 75 years..." he inhaled deeply loving the scent of his old home.

Clouse's ears shot upward suddenly as a strange sound flooded his sensitive ears, his eyes shot open and he began to focus on the scent he had just faintly picked up on. The large demon quickly jumped back into a thicket of trees that lined the open space of the hillside watching as the scent approached.

Not too far off in the sky Clouse saw what appeared to be a shadowy face. Confused he sniffed in the shadows direction but picked up no demonic sent at all, but Clouse could feel the defiant presence of an extremely evil demonic aura coming from the shadows direction.

He watched the shadow pass; shortly after it passed two small bee like demons flew from the direction the shadow had come and quickly followed after the departed shadow. Clouse sniffed the air as the bee demons passed and could smell evil emitting from the two demons; it was the same faint scent he had picked up on. This confused Clouse even more, never before in his life had a demon nor human given off the smell of evil or hatred like the two bee demons did, smells reminded the wolf of objects and creatures not intentions.

Confused yet interested by what he saw Clouse let his curiosity get the better of him and followed the strange demons.

Byakuya stood lazily at the mouth of a cave his arms were crossed over his chest as he seemed to be looking for something off in the distance. The cave mouth was a small one, barely noticeable from the ground below. It sat dead in the middle of a jagged and dead mountain. He turned his gaze to the area below the mountain side which was miles of dead barren waste full of rotted trees and a sea of rocks destroyed by Naraku's miasma, but farther away from the mountain the land came back to life and was full of lush green trees.

"Hey, Naraku he's not coming back" Byakuya called over his shoulder into the cave.

"The body he borrowed from me is dead in its entirety" Naraku's voice echoed around the small cave from his spot at the far back, safe from any prying eyes. Not like there'd be any with his miasma killing anything that steps foot into it, the half demon wasn't taking any chances however.

"So that Magatsuhi guy is, too?" Byakuya asked facing Naraku as he spoke

"He's not dead, plus...' I have a hunch about what Magatsuhi intends to do from here.'" Naraku said as a smile slowly crawled its way onto his face. He called two Saimyoushou over to him and gave one a bundle of green cloth. The two bugs buzzed quickly out of the cave and into the distance.

"I think it's time we check on our wolf Byakuya" Byakuya nodded at Naraku. He casually pulled an origami crane from his hair and threw it randomly out the cave mouth. Not really paying attention to where he was stepping the incarnation strolled out the cave plummeting downwards, after a few seconds he reappeared on a much larger version of his origami bird. He floated gracefully away from the jagged mountain side with Naraku watching.

Snoring, this was a normal sound coming from the small group of friends, but this night the consistent sound only enforced the sleeplessness Kagome was trying to fight. The priestess 'in training', as Kaede called her, glanced around the hut she and her companions slept in. She felt a pang of gilt in her heart as her eyes fell to Kohaku, who was still unconscious. For the third time that night her mind raced over the many things she could of done differently that night two days ago, although there was nothing she could of done during the fight between Sesshomaru and Magatsuhi.

Doubt. Kagome could not shake the feeling of doubt since she awoke from Magatsuhi spell, the constant thought of her unable to get the job done now that her spiritual powers had been somehow sealed. Her mind began to race again thinking of all the horrid things that would befall her friends if she should fail to stop Naraku. She sat up slowly being careful not to wake the sleeping Shippou and crawled out of the sleeping bag she and the fox kit slept in. The hut they were in belonged to Kaede and it was a bit more crowded than usual. Sango and Miroku were on the left side of the hut with Sango in one of Kagome's sleeping bags, next to the pit where Kaede's cooking pot sat and Miroku at the edge of the hut floor leaning against the leftmost wall with the hut door to his left. Kohaku was laid behind Kagome and Shippou who were to the right of Kaede's cooking pot and against her storage closet in the far right of the hut. To the left of Kohaku and past Sango was the sliding door to Kaede's room.

Kagome smiled at the sleeping form of Shippou but her smile quickly faded as an image of the innocent demons body lay limp in a pool of his own blood, Naraku's sinister figure standing over the young demon drenched in the kits blood. Tears started to swell in the brims of her eyes as she thought of the horrid site and blamed herself. Kagome quickly wiped away the tears that threatened to fall from her eyes she knew she had to be strong. A sound from the roof caught her attention suddenly the wooden planks creaked slightly as if something had been moved. The young woman looked up to see what had caused the sound when she didn't see the familiar shade of red from the small hole in the roof her breath caught in her throat, her heart increased its pace and a wave of fear washed over her as she thought the worst.

"Kagome? Are you OK?" Kagome jumped at the sudden sound and snapped her head in the direction of her name. Relief flooded her and she took a breath that she hadn't realized she been holding when she saw the owner of the voice. It was Inuyasha; he was standing in the hut doorway.

"Kagome, are you alright?" the half demon asked again, worry was clear in his voice.

"Yes Inuyasha, I'm fine... Couldn't sleep is all" Kagome whispered back.

Kagome could feel Inuyasha's eyes staring daggers into her skull and even though it was pitch black out she could clearly see the scowl on his face. She sighed and knew he wouldn't go back to bed without an explanation so she stood and slowly made her way to the hut door. After a few moments Inuyasha realized Kagome couldn't see where she was going, with a 'keh' he walked over to her picked her up bridal style and walked out of the hut. Kagome was to say the least surprised by Inuyasha's actions but at the same time thankful, she couldn't even see her own feet let alone the hut doorway.

Inuyasha glanced down at the girl in his arms and smiled slightly as he felt her relax.

"I never knew she was this comforted by me. I wonder what made her so upset earlier-" Inuyasha's thoughts were interrupted by Kagome leaning her head against his shoulder. He blushed lightly at the sudden action.

"Where are you taking us Inuyasha?" Kagome asked sounding quite relaxed

"Keh, where do you think?" Inuyasha answered stopping his slow walk in a small clearing. He looked down at her and waited for a response.



"I can't see anything..." Kagome said softly reminding Inuyasha that it was too dark for a human to see clearly.

"We're at my tree," he looked up for a moment to admire the large tree "I thought you might like sitting in it a while. It always seems to help me..." Inuyasha said with his blush deepening. Kagome smiled and looked up in Inuyasha's direction, in the dim light it was hard for her to tell where his face was,

"I'd like that Inuyasha. Will you sit with me please?"

"Of course I will, I'm not gonna leave you out here alone to get eaten by some demon. Or worse let Naraku get to you" Inuyasha said with a small growl.

"Thank you Inuyasha" Kagome said with little emotion which worried Inuyasha. The half demon looked back down at the young woman in his arms and knew she couldn't see him looking at her but they still ended up looking into each other's eyes. His demonic amber eyes glowed ever so slightly in the dark which made it easier for Kagome to meet his gaze. The two of them stood in a comfortable silence completely content with just gazing into each other eyes. After a long moment Kagome spoke up,


"Yes Kagome?" Inuyasha answer softly, which surprised the both of them but Kagome continued

"Can I ask you something?" Kagome asked with a hint of nervousness

"Sure." He answered in the same tone. Kagome bit her lip before continuing

"Do you think I'm a reliable member of the team? I mean now without my spiritual powers I'm as good as dead! Especially now that Sango's Hiraikotsu has that new demonic aura absorbing ability... You have the Tessaiga with its new techniques, dragon scaled and black bladed... How am I gonna help at all?" she rambled to Inuyasha, the stress she was feeling about the situation was tangible and this made Inuyasha frown.

"Kagome, you're just as important to this team as I am. We all are it's why we're such a good team in the first place. Don't worry about it OK. Now I don't wanna hear any more about you doubting yourself," Inuyasha said sternly "...I don't like when you're upset" he finished in a slight mumble.

With that said Inuyasha jumped up into the Gods Tree landing on the highest branch and sat with his back against the trunk of the tree. His spot was covered just enough by the surrounding branches to let in the starlight but was dense enough to block the sun in the morning. Inuyasha was quick to get comfortable and placed Kagome in his lap hoping she wouldn't find their closeness awkward.

"Just enjoy your time in this tree..." Inuyasha said leaning up against the tree and closing his eyes. Kagome smiled at his behavior and to Inuyasha's surprise Kagome leaned back against his chest. The two sat quietly enjoying each other's presence for a good while.

"Kagome?" Inuyasha called


"Were you upset before because of your powers being sealed… or was there something else bothering you?" Kagome shifted slightly at Inuyasha question but thought about earlier.

"You know Inuyasha, I can't remember why I was upset. You're a very good distraction it seems." Kagome teased. Inuyasha chuckled and wrapped his arms around her waist, holding her close to his chest. She seemed nervous by his gesture at first but quickly relaxed into his chest. Inuyasha smiled,

"Go to sleep Kagome, I'll wake you in the morning" with that the two slowly drifted off to sleep.

Deep in Inuyasha Forest Magatsuhi flew towards Kaede's village. He was still furious with Sesshomaru for injuring his left eye and was planning an attack. The shadowy head stop far from Kaede's village and waited for Naraku's Saimyoushou to catch up to him, once the two demons reached him he spoke,

"Tell Naraku to send Byakuya to me at once" at that he continued onward. The Saimyoushou buzzed and flew off to find the illusionist.

Clouse kept his distance as he followed the pair of evil creatures, using his sense of smell to find them. At one point he noticed that the bee demons had branched off from the shadow creature. He thought for a moment and concluded that the shadow must have scared off the bees and continued to follow the creature now even more interested in finding out what it was.

The afternoon sun glistened in the sky making the day seem like a perfect afternoon. A small song bird chirped happily on a branch in the Gods Tree, it hopped from one branch to the next looking for a break in the thick leaves. The bird chirped again as it found some small berries on one of the branches. The chirping bird continued to pick at the berries when suddenly it jumped from its perch and burst through the leaves of the tree leaving a small hole where a warm beam of light entered the dimly lit inner branches.

The small beam didn't add much light to small opening within the leaves but it let in just enough to bother Inuyasha. The half demon squinted for a second and brought his hand up to block the bright light, he grumbled to himself. He yawned stretching as much as he could without bothering Kagome. He looked down at the girl in his lap, sleeping. Inuyasha smiled and lightly shook Kagome's shoulder. She groaned much like he thought she would.

"Kagome the sun is up." He said shaking her again, no response.

"Hey wasn't there something you had to defeat in your era? What was the demon called… hmm… an X-ham I think-" Inuyasha was cut off by a yawn from Kagome,

"... Yeah. It's not until tomorrow though..." She said snuggling close to his chest. Inuyasha blushed but enjoyed the contact. He relaxed again turning away from the light the bird had made. Kagome sighed suddenly which caught Inuyasha's attention; he loosened his hold on her as she sat up,

"Can't get back to sleep now..." She said looking at him. Inuyasha chuckled.

"Let's go then." He said with a smile. Kagome smiled back as they stood. Inuyasha scooped Kagome up holding her waist close to him as he leap up landing softly on the ground. They walked back to Kaede's hut in no rush at all, enjoying each other's company. As they got closer they could hear the rest of the gang was already up and probably eating breakfast. The two walked in together with Inuyasha holding open the curtain that acted as a front door for Kagome which made Miroku grin. He turned to Inuyasha standing in the doorway,

"I saw you two leave late last night. What were the two of you doing so late at night that would make you too tired to awaken on time my dear friend?" Miroku asked trying to sound innocent.

"What the hell you talking about monk?" Inuyasha asked genuinly confused. Kagome simply shook her head sitting next to Sango.

"Oh please Inuyasha, were all adults here. You can tell us what the two of you did together, I personally think it's a good thing." He turned to the two woman, a big smile on his face, "Sango, my dear let us follow in our comrades paces and-" WHAM Sango knocked Miroku in the head with her boomerang effectively shutting up the monk.

"Pervert" Sango said standing over the monk leaving her boomerang on the mans head. He smiled however happy she hadn't hit him as hard as she used to.

Just a few yards from the village Sesshomaru and his followers walked closer to Kaede's. Jaken walked slowly behind Sesshomaru and dragged his feet clearly not liking the direction they were heading. Rin on the other hand was happily walking beside Sesshomaru

"Lord Sesshomaru why must we return to the human village? Jaken asked not looking up from his feet.

"Were going to meet Totosai." the demon lord answered glaring at the little imp like demon over his shoulder. Rin smiled and looked up to Sesshomaru and asked,

"Can I see Kohaku while you talk with master Totosai?" Sesshomaru nodded lightly which made Rin giggle. The group walked only a little farther before Kaede's hut was in view, Rin quickly ran to the hut and through the door. Sesshomaru motioned to Jaken to follow the young girl as he continued to walk past the hut. Jaken ever so slowly made his way to the hut as well.

~a/n: Spoiler time~

Jaken made his way to the hut but remained outside, "Honestly… to drag Lord Sesshomaru all the way to this human village…" Jaken thought annoyed. As Rin ran inside the hut she just barely missed running into Kagome.

"Oh hi Miss Kagome, I didn't mean to be in the way" Rin said with a bow. Kagome smiled at her as she continued to pack her bag.

"You were most serenely not in the way, I am though" Kagome chuckled. Rin smiled as she stood and excused herself so she could join Sango my Kohaku's side. She looked at him and then to Sango,

"What's gonna happen to Kohaku?" she asked but everyone in the hut was thinking the same thing.

Outside Sesshomaru walk only to the end of the dirt road and found Totosai cleaning a sword sheath. The old demon looked up noticing the demon lord

"Ah right on time," he said handing Sesshomaru the sheath "Here's the sheath for Bakusaiga" Sesshomaru took the sheath from the blacksmith and held it in his new left arm, with his right arm her retrieved his new sword from his waist. In one fluid movement he safely sheathed his sword, he then walked pass Totosai without a word. Jaken becoming bored with just standing around glanced to Sesshomaru and watched him start to walk off but a voice from behind him caught his attention.

"Wait Lord Sesshomaru!" It was Rin, she had just exited the hut to see Sesshomaru walking away "Kohaku hasn't woken up yet… so please let's wait a little" Sesshomaru stopped at her words he spoke without turning around,

"Kohaku is staying here, Rin you too" once finished he continued to walk off

"But why Lord Sesshomaru? Rin protested. Jaken watched the two talk and thought, "He's leaving Kohaku as well as Rin… but..."

Rin called out as Sesshomaru kept walking, "No, take me with you!"

"Hey do as your told Rin!" Jaken scolded raising his staff over his head, "Lord Sesshomaru has always lived to fight. Isn't it strange for him to have been wandering around with you children up until now?" He stated pointing his staff at the young girl.

"Jaken, you too. Stay here" Sesshomaru said again not turning around. Jaken turned to his lord and stared in disbelieve.

"But why Lord Sesshomaru? No take me with you!" he called in a panic as he ran over to the demon lord and latched on to the end of his long fluffy tail. All the shouting caused Miroku and Inuyasha to leave the hut to see what was happening. Inuyasha saw Sesshomaru and knew what he was going to do

"Sesshomaru you… intend to follow after Magatsuhi, right?" he asked with a hint of worry. Sesshomaru stopped

"He is my prey" He answered as Totosai moved over to Inuyasha.

"Isn't that all right? Since Magatsuhi isn't a being of the world, the only one who can kill him is Sesshomaru." the blacksmith said placing his hammer over his shoulder. Sesshomaru ignored the old man and focused on his thoughts,

"I remember his sent. He will definitely fall by my hands." With the sent in his mind he leap up into the air and flew off into the distance, Jaken tried to chase after him calling out to him as he went. Rin sighed,

"Thank goodness, this is just leaving us like he usually does Master Jaken" Rin said to the now teary eyed demon.

"Hurry back soon Lord Sesshomaru" Rin thought as Sesshomaru faded from view. Miroku stepped closer to Inuyasha, the half demon turned to meet him.

"There's no doubt that the one sealing Kagome's power is Magatsuhi, and what that miko Hitomiko said to Kagome... 'Something is sealing you. Most likely ever since you were born..." That's the evil part of the Shikon Jewel... Which is Magatsuhi" Inuyasha was quiet for a moment but answered

"Yeah... 'So does that mean if Sesshomaru kills Magatsuhi the seal on Kagome will break..?'"

The night consumed the afternoon sky and flooded the village below with starlight. Miroku, Sango, Kirara, Shippou, Kaede, Rin, and Jaken sat in the middle of the old priestess hut. Kaede slowly stirred the group's supper occasionally glancing at Jaken

"Little demon, you intend to settle here a well?" She asked

"Call me Jaken!" he said with annoyance. Rin stared at him oddly

"Master Jaken you sure do talk big."

"For such a little body..." Miroku chimed in.

In Kagome's era Inuyasha and Kagome talked by a fence in her courtyard, they had just left to her era and were relaxing before she had to study for school. Kagome was leaning against it while Inuyasha sat upon it. The young priestess seemed sad her head was held low with her looking at the ground but she spoke,

"I'm sorry Inuyasha..." she said

"You don't have anything to apologize about." He said back immediately. She continued to stare at the ground none the less but Inuyasha waited for her to continue.

"I... It hurts...that I can't do anything..." she trailed off. Inuyasha turned to her a calm expression on his face

"Like I said before, don't worry about it. Besides... The fact that he went to the trouble of sealing your power means that to Naraku and Magatsuhi, you're a force to be feared." he said looking away. Kagome was quiet

"I'm... that powerful?" she thought.

"Well shit" Clouse cursed at himself, "That creatures scent vanished..." the wolf demon thought a loud. He sniffed the air for the fifth time but still nothing. Clouse sighed and looked up at the stars

"A fine waste of two days, way to go Clouse" he said to himself annoyed. "I might as well rest here" he thought as he stretched out his legs. The large wolf was just beginning to relax when a snapping twig caught his attention. He turned his head in the direction of the sound, his ear were scanning the area as well as his nose but oddly enough there was no scent to the person that was walking towards him. Clouse could tell this person was human by the way they walked through the forest and so he kept his ears alert for when the human saw him and panicked.

After a few moments a man with a cloak came out of the forest, he stood only six feet from where Clouse sat. Clouse was a bit surprised that this human didn't scream and run off like most of them do so he lazily turned his head to look at the man and spoke,

"Be gone human, I'm not in the mood to hunt you down. Consider yourself lucky" he said waiting for the man to run, but again to his surprise the man stayed and with a smile.

"Finally, a demon that hasn't tried to eat me" The cloaked man said. Clouse huffed,

"I never said I wouldn't eat you human"

"Yes that's true, but if you were going to do it you would have by now." The man said back. Clouse smiled

"I like you human, you have an attitude. Maybe I won't eat you. What's your name human?" Clouse asked

"Naraku" The man answered with another smile.

"Hmm... Naraku... Well Naraku why are you looking for the rare and allusive neutral demon?"

"You see I'm searching for a young woman by the name Kagome, she is a very powerful priestess and I'd like to lend a hand in her quest" Naraku said "I have this very rare and powerful herb that can amplify her spiritual powers but it seems I miss her and her companions by a few days every time I seek her out." Naraku then pulled out a small bundle of cloth from his kimono and showed it to Clouse. The large demon took the bundle and gave it a sniff to see if what Naraku was saying was true, the bundle had a pungent odor similar to herbs with a strong bitter taste to them. These herbs however he had never smelled before. Clouse returned the cloth and asked,

"So what you're getting at is you need someone who can travel and track much better then you can to deliver this herb? Correct?" Naraku nodded

"Neutral and smart, must be my lucky day. Yes that's exactly right but there is something else I need done and it can only be done by a demon. You see this herb reacts to demon saliva or blood, in order for the spiritual powers of the herbs to be transferred to a person a demon of neutral intent much first eat the herb and then bite the person of choice. You must draw blood though or the herbs full power will not be released." Naraku finished with a smile which had Clouse doubting his intent.

"How do I know this herb won't poison me? Or the person it's intended to?"

"As the herb is now it's completely harmless. Its powers are awakened by a demon's saliva depending on the demon, once the herb is awakened, the herb will either drain the person of their spiritual powers temporarily or amplify it. In conclusion an evil demon will drain their power and a good or neutral demon will enhance it." Naraku said not liking to have to explain himself but smiled anyway.

"To prove its harmless I'll eat one," pulled out a small leaf like object from the cloth bundle and placed it in his mouth "See?" He said while chewing.

"Hmm... What would I get from doing this for you?" Clouse asked and Naraku smiled

"I'm a traveler, if your ever looking for someone I can find them within the day" Clouse didn't like this man but he didn't smell him lying and he was in fact looking for someone.

"Alright you have a deal."


Chapter 2 Preview

Chapter 2: Magatsuhi Arrives!

Sango's face paled a bit "If the shard is taken then Kohaku will die! I can't just let him go like this..." His thoughts were interrupted by a loud rumbling sound followed by the creek of wood being bent past its limit.

The next instant a crowd of demons burst through the back wall of Kaede's hut Kohaku turned and jumped on the back of one of the charging demons.

Miroku instantly reached for his prayer beads, Sango was confused by this and Magatsuhi was irritated

"You intend to kill this boy by sucking him into your Wind Tunnel?" Magatsuhi asked

"The only one I'm sucking up is you!" Miroku shouted as Kohaku's body flew into his chest, he immediately opened his Wind Tunnel and pointed it at Magatsuhi shadowy form.