A/N: So a wise friend of mine told me that I was perfectly capable of writing 3 stories at the same time so I thought why not. This one is on the shorter side anyway and easier to update. So along with this one, I also have Dear Marvel: Captain America and Once Upon a Time:) Please enjoy and feel free to leave reviews! I love hearing from you all!
A word about the story – it has a bunch of TWS spoilers, like major, and while it may seem like I'm just doing a recap of the story… I promise you, everything is not what it seems;) yeah I'm a sadist I know…
Chapter One
"Get me off the grid!"
Director Fury was currently pissed. After being constantly shot at by his own damn people, he was being chased, still, with virtually nowhere to go. He knew he should have picked a smaller car... He clenched the steering wheel tightly as he shouted at the AI in his car but it stopped responding a while ago. He spun around the corner, clenching his teeth together and focusing on where the hell he could go. He couldn't return to any of the SHIELD bases, not when he didn't even know what was going to happen next. He didn't trust anyone.
As he rounded the corner, his car almost spun out from underneath him and he gripped the siding to stay in place. This couldn't be happening. Who would want him dead anyway? Upon regaining control of the car, he hissed under his breath before swerving the car yet again to avoid more gunfire to his left. This was really getting old.
He had to bash a couple of heads in and explode a few cars before he was able to finally lose the "police officers" that were pursuing him. But what he saw in front of him was far worse when his eyesight came back into focus.
There was a figure down the road, standing in the middle of the street without a care in the world. Fury knew that something bad was going to happen way before the figure lifted up its arm and fired some sort of explosive at the car. He felt himself being lifted up in the car and smashed back on the ground. The numbness was beginning to sink in and for the first time in a long time, he felt panicked.
It was several moments before he moved quickly. He just lay there on the ground with the car collapsing on top of him, just staring at this new figure. Was he behind it all? Long brown hair. Metal arm. Slim physique. Black mask. He couldn't be sure who or what this new figure was but it was about to kill him if he didn't act fast.
It was several moments before Fury finally felt safe underground. Those electric weapons certainly came in handy, especially for creating rather large holes in the ground. A perfect escape route. It took him a minute to get his mind in order before he had to seriously figure out where to go.
And there was only one person he truly almost trusted right now. The Captain.
He crawled his way to the apartment and broke in easily, after picking the lock and removing all evidence of a break in. Biting his lip, he collapsed on the chair by the record player and waited.
If SHIELD was really behind all of this and wanted to kill him, then he had to play dead. But who? That was the bigger question. Who had compromised SHIELD so deeply that his men were willing to kill the damn director? He couldn't be quite sure but he knew that if the truly good agents were to survive, they had to be suspicious of everyone. Even their closest friends.
Upon turning on the record player, he had to bite his lip and sigh softly. This was going to be a long ride to freedom but it was one that he was willing to take. He heard the door open several minutes later and he leaned back further. Sure enough, right on cue, Captain America himself came bursting through the door, shield in tow. Fury could only give a small smile as he relaxed at the sight of him.
There wasn't much he could do except to tell the Captain via sight and not sound everything he knew. SHIELD COMPROMISED, he wrote. EARS EVERYWHERE. Luckily for them both, the Captain took the hint. He would have said more as soon as he stood up but then three bullets passed through his body and he collapsed to the ground.
The last thing he heard was the sound of the door bursting open and Sharon Carter's voice flooding through his head. He gripped the Captain's hand, handing him the flash drive that contained everything he had discovered on the Lemurian Star, thanks to Agent Romanoff.
"Don't trust anyone."