![]() Author has written 30 stories for Twilight, Sherlock, Lord of the Rings, Young Justice, Harry Potter, Thor, Avengers, Avatar: Last Airbender, Journey into Mystery, Big Hero 6, Assassin's Creed, and DC Superheroes. Hello, I'm Ice Jazz Elleth and I hail from Albion, also known as England. I am currently at College! Which isn't University Anyhow, I've been into several things in my life time; the most noticable things you'll find on here being Twilight which I have grown out of. Still into Sherlock, need to re-read Warrior Cats, fairly keen on Harry Potter, obsessed with comics. Comic-wise, I like Teen Titans, JSA, Green Lantern and stuff with Loki on it. I'm more of a DC person but I love Marvel's Movies! A Childhood Dream, A Childhood Lost Another hour passed and Mycroft realised that he was beginning to feel worried, when finally the door opened. His Daddy stopped pacing and Mycroft stood up. A nurse was there with a serious face. "Is she alright? Is the baby alright?" Daddy asked, walking towards the nurse, Mycroft behind. "Mrs Holmes is in perfect condition, she is just resting at the moment, although she has been asking for you." The nurse said. Mycroft frowned. She was avoiding mentioning the baby. Either it hadn't made it or there wasn't a good chance of it making it through. The baby was nearly a month premature, so Mycroft knew that problems were a possibility. He looked over at Daddy to see his he had noticed this. "And the baby?" Daddy asked, his voice shaking as if he were too scared to ask. "You have another son, although he isn't in a good condition. There's a fifty per cent chance that he won't make it through the night. Sherlock meets Fish “Sherlock, it’s time to go.” John said. “But the fish!” Sherlock said, his voice sounding devastated at the idea of leaving the fish. “No, really, Sherlock, we have to go. We can come back tomorrow and look at the fish, but I’m getting hungry.” John said, starting to get a little irritated at Sherlock’s lack of action. “But the fish!” His companion replied desperately. John sighed and thought for a few minutes. “Sherlock, look, Moriaty’s destroying the town.” He lied, hoping this would snap the great detective away from his fascination with the existence of fish. “BUT THE FISH!” Came the protest. Hale Wars Today is going to be dreadful. Thought Jasper as he drove in Edward's Volvo through the streets of Forks, why on earth did Rosalie and Emmett have to adopt a kid and then send him to pick her up after Pre-school? It just wasn't on, but Esme had supported them, so Jasper had been left with no choice but to obey. Silently, he glared through the window as the dismal town went past, too slowly for his liking. Rosalie apparently had to study with Emmett. Jasper wasn't so sure about that, he didn't believe them. What was even worse about the child, though, was that it was a human! Jasper hadn't enjoyed it when he had to put up with Bella, other than the fact that everything was so much better and his brother was happier. Bella's blood was just so tempting, like all the blood of humans. Why on earth did the family have to keep bring humans into their lives? Punishment, that's what this is. I'm getting punished for all the lives I have taken. Thought the silent figure darkly as he continued driving. Arriving at the Pre-school, Jasper got out of the car and locked it. Leaning against the silver bonnet, he pondered on what path was the best way to tread. Golden eyes watched as a mother walked into the building without conduct, not even bothering to knock and then a few minutes later walk out with a child. Presumable that was hers as it looked like her. They both seemed happy, the child more so than the adult, and it appeared this must be the usual conduct for picking up the little humans. A small sigh escaped Jasper's lips and he walked forward to enter the building. Opening the door, he was greeted with the smell of blood, sweet and fresh in the young children and Jasper bit his lip, worried that he might attack. After getting acclimatized to the new scent, he walked forward, grateful that he had hunted earlier today as a precaution towards this job that he had been deployed to. Moving forwards, taking long strides, Jasper further penetrated the building so he could perform his task. Looking around, his golden eyes fell on a woman who appeared to be organizing the kids. The way she did this was considerably different to how Jasper had organized newborns in his days in the vampire army. The kids listened and obeyed with more conduct and they giggled a lot. One or two would disobey the kind orders the woman was giving to them, but Jasper could tell that they were only doing this for fun. The woman looked up and walked over to him. Taking his hand, she shook it. Just then, the little girl Rosalie had adopted, Myra, came running forward. Her long white blonde hair was messed and Jasper figured out that this would give Rosalie some time to play mothers and daughters. Give Mercy Angel of Fate If you wake at Midnight, and hear a horse's feet, A Smuggler's Song It smelt so good; I could imagine thousands of different ways to get at the blood, to savour the warm, sweet taste as it poured down my throat. The quenching solution to my parched throat. My throat flared up and it was too painful to stay. I moved without thinking towards the sleeping body. I was by the bed, the man was still. I leaned in, quickly, faster than I had run. My lips hit the warm flesh of the human’s; I could feel the blood pulsing as if it was aware of the danger. In that split second I could almost taste the blood. Then I sank my teeth in without thinking. I drank heavily. The blood was so sweet and flavoursome. It flowed quickly and smoothly from the man into my parched throat. It felt good and the burning in my throat seemed to die down, to quieten. I felt as if my body was trembling in delight at this wonderful taste, the sensation of drinking blood. It was the best thing I had ever tasted in my whole life. I could have closed my eyes in delight at the taste, the texture. Although it brought me pleasure it also brought me disgust. I didn't know I could love the taste of another man's life so much. It seemed to barely take any time at all. The corpse was soon finished, no more blood to be had and the fire had turned to embers. I looked over to the doorway. I heard Maria coming up. She watched me and looked into my eyes, hers had become blood red. “It’s good, isn't it?” she asked. I didn't move but the look in my face told her all she needed to know. The fact that my throat was better, that the blood had given me such enjoyment. “We all feel like this. It is the only way we can live. We all have to fight so we can feed otherwise the fire will get us. That is why you are now one of us. We... I need you. So we can quench the fire that forever burns.” she told me. I knew that I wanted more blood, even if my throat was no longer dry. I understood why we had to fight. It made sense after what I had felt. The lust for blood was the only reason we existed. It was the core of us. We lived off it, but in the end it brought us the fight that Maria kept talking about. “Shall we leave?” asked Maria. I wondered why she asked that. She was obviously the one who was in charge. Why should my opinion mater to her. Maria shifted. “We shall, then.” she said. Captain Whitlock "A woman," I smiled, turning to look at my crew who smiled. This ship would give us enough money to pay off our annual debts to Maria, the head of this operation. She had stolen me when I was barely able to walk and raised me in these ways. She never changed, always looking young and perfect. "Now what do you suppose we do with her?" I asked my crew who laughed. "I demand you take me to the ambassador!" glared the woman, tossing her black heir over her shoulders. "What kind of a captain would I be if I didn't let my crew have a say?" I asked her. "One which may win favor with the courts and not have a death sentence over their head!" protested my captive. "Oh, I don't think they will catch me," I replied. "So what do you intend to do with me?" she glared. "Keep you hostage, demand a ransom, and a large one at that. I'll send some of your hair back to your family every day until they pay up." I told her, my voice turning serious. "You wouldn't dare touch my hair," she said, almost gasping in shock. "And who are you to tell me this, my loverly?" I asked her. "Mary Alice Brandon, daughter of Lord Brandon." she told me. "I think we will call you Malice. 'Ma' from Mary and 'lice' from Alice," I smiled, she just glared. "Alice, then. Mary is just too common among us." I shrugged. "So, who do I have the dishonor of speaking to?" she asked. "You mean the parrot? Don't have one." I answered smugly. "Surely you have manors where you come from." Alice rolled her eyes. "So, who do I have the unexpected pleasure of speaking to?" she amended. "Captain Whitlock, of the good ship Texan Blood. Ante Mortem, Vivere Liberum." I replied. 1. Grab the book nearest to you, turn to page 81, and find line 4. ‘…come back from the dead before – at least, not the way she…’ – Heroes of Olympus, The Son of Neptune by Rick Riordan 2. Stretch your left arm out as far as you can, what can you touch? Speakers, air, books, homework, water bottle, printer, wall. 3. What is the last thing you watched on TV? Formula 1 4. Without looking, guess what time it is: 10:00 5. Now look at the clock. What is the actual time? 10:02 6. With the exception of the computer, what can you hear? Nightwish- Amaranth 7. When did you last step outside? What were you doing? Yesterday, cycled a complete eight miles and went under a very good Victorian bridge. 8. Before you started this survey, what did you look at? My Reviews 9. What are you wearing? Pyjamas 10. What did you dream last night? Castles, invaders, vampires, Formula 1, Speaking German to non-German speaking Germans. 11. When did you last laugh? Yesterday 12. What is on the walls of the room you are in? Mirror, painting and white paint 13. Seen anything weird lately? My Life? 14. What do you think of this survey? Pointless? 15. What is the last film you saw? Does Sherlock count as its Movie length? If not, then probably the Hunger Games as I went to the movies. 16. If you became a multi-millionaire overnight, what would you buy? The college next door. 17. Tell me something about you that I don't know. I adore cats. 18. If you could change one thing about the world, regardless of guilt or politics, what would you do? I would slightly alter the Laws of Physics to allow warp travel so we could meet aliens. Although that may be slightly more than just this world… 19. Imagine your first child is a girl, what do you call her? … Irene? Ash? Bob? 20. Imagine your first child is a boy, what do you call him? … Sherlock? Mycroft? Bob? 22. Would you ever consider living abroad? Probably not. |