The Avengers Emails
Hey, sorry haven't updated recently, being having issues at home, but they're all better now
Disclaimer: I own nothing but the thoughts inside my head.
Chapter 10
From: agentcoulsonshield
To: srogers1940s , hulksmash , robinhood , nat3 , mjolnirrules
Phil: Hello Misters Rogers, Banner, Barton, Odinson and of course Miss Romanoff.
Clint: Hey Phil
Natasha: Hi Phil.
Thor: Son of Coul! What a pleasure it is to speak to you through this magical item.
Bruce: You mean by email?
Thor: Yes! The thing you name "email".
Phil: Yes... Well, I believe we need to throw an intervention for Misters Stark and Laufeyson.
Steve: Are we telling them then?
Clint: Is it for their drinking issues? Cos they drink like a gallon of vodka a day.
Bruce: Not everyday. He doesn't drink when we are hanging out inside the lab.
Thor: What problem has my brother caused this time?
Phil: Yeah Steve, we're telling them.
Natasha: Telling us what exactly? -_-
Steve: Do you want to or shall I, Coulson?
Phil: Please, call me Phil, not Coulson.
Steve: Sorry, force of habit.
Clint: Aww, aren't they cute Nat?
Natasha: Not really.
Clint: But they are! :P
Natasha: Clint. No.
Clint: Fine... Sorry Nat.
Natasha: That's okay.
Phil: Okay... I'll tell them Steve.
Steve: Alright.
Thor: What do you need to say, friend?
Phil: I feel I should inform you of their relationship.
Bruce: Yes, they're friends. Good friends at that.
Steve: Bruce, they're more than that.
Bruce: So, best friends? :( What about us science bros?
Clint: It's Tony, he's still your science buddy.
Phil: Indeed, as Steve said they are more than friends.
Clint: O.o they're not... ya know are they?
Thor: What is meant by this Midgardian phrase "more than friends"?
Natasha: Loki and Tony are dating. Like a relationship.
Thor: I do not understand...
Natasha: Thor, he's gay.
Clint: He can still be your brother and gay. Just don't strip in front of him.
Bruce: Is everyone missing the fact that the Playboy is not only tamed, but with a guy?
Steve: I knew earlier.
Phil: He told me, and we have evidence.
Natasha: Did you hack into his emails?
Phil: Yeah, simplistic really. Thor, shall I invite them?
Natasha: But I'm interrogating them.
Clint: Yeah, she's awesome at that. And she looks so hot whilst doing it...
Natasha: Clint. Don't.
Bruce: O.o...
Clint: Sorry Nat. Love you.
Phil: I will invite them now.
Lokidehehehe and Ironmanisawesome have joined the chat.
Tony: Hey guys, what's up?
Nat: It's about you and Loki. We need to talk.
Okay, I'm leaving it there for now. I'll let you know the result next chapter. If anyone has any ideas they would like to share then feel free to let me know.
As always, please R&R xx