Welcome back avid readers for the last time of this story!
It has been quite a journey no? I would like to thank you all for reading/reviewing/alerting/ and simply just clicking on this story. Honestly I never thought it would be so popular! who knew a small idea could turn into something so big.
Any way enjoy and au revoir
(a little note at the end)
Pepper rolled her shoulders as she put her work down for the night. It had been a few weeks since Tony's teammates had left them to their own devices… and Pepper was thankful she could catch up on some much needed work. Needless to say it was exhausting; she felt some satisfaction that she could take some time off in the coming future. Pepper picked up her phone and dialed Tony.
"Hey babe." He answered on the first ring.
"Why are you not here?" She sighed.
"Well I promised Brucie boy he could play with the Deutronium Extractor a while ago."
Pepper frowned.
"But Tony we don't have one of those."
Pepper tapped her fingers on her desk.
"Tony…" she hardened her voice.
"Well….we do now."
"Tony!" she raised her hands.
"Well it's not like I could say no… I mean pep…. he looked so sad, it was tragic."
Pepper sighed. Tony always played on his whims not fully understanding the consequences. No doubt she would be receiving a hefty bill at Stark Industries in the next few days.
"Fine fine."
Pepper heard Tony beginning to mumble his replies, which indicated he was distracting himself from their conversation. Sighing she hung up knowing Tony wouldn't notice and looked around the empty floor. It was not often she had time by herself and Pepper was left wondering what she could do. Rolling her shoulders again she sat back down and unraveled her work again.
An hour passed before she looked up from her figures and sighed at the time.
Tony was late as always.
Pepper looked down at her work unable to continue. Tony had changed much during the years, but there were always times where he would honestly forget the important things. Pepper didn't like holding it against him, but there were moments such as these that she would.
Leaving her by herself at nights while he toyed away.
Pepper felt lonely.
Rustling her papers together she almost missed hearing the slight knock against the windows. Thinking nothing of it she stood up and placed her work away for the second time, until she heard the noise again. Raising her head at the sound she turned to the windows.
A small shocked smile graced her face as she hurried towards the balcony door.
Through the glass she gestured at her guest to wait while she toyed with the lock. When she couldn't get it to budge she watched as her guest waved his hand over it from his position. A slight click was heard and he opened the door.
Loki bowed gracefully.
"Good evening Lady Pepper."
Pepper held her hands close to her.
"You're… I mean, you …" Pepper shook her head. "You're back to yourself again." Was all she was able to manage.
Loki smirked.
"The Allfather was merciful." He said softly looking above her shoulder before fixing his gaze back onto hers.
Pepper took the hint and ushered him inside. Her cheeks flushed with embarrassment that she had left him waiting. Pepper tried to calm herself… it wasn't every day that she had guests arrive from another world on her balcony.
She shrugged, times change.
"I'm assuming Thor knows you're here?" She asked.
Loki merely nodded as he wandered about the space, brushing his hands against objects that captured his interest.
"Are you looking for Tony?"
Loki looked at her with raised eyebrows.
"Guess not." She mumbled awkwardly.
"I was merely nearby," he said turning over one of the kitchen utensils with fascination. "If my memory serves me right it was promised that I pay future visits," he said casually picking up another object, "and I always uphold my promises." Loki said with a hint of darkness.
Pepper shifted in her position and Loki put down the object to meet her attention.
"So how long are you here for?" Pepper asked lamely.
Loki thought for a moment, placing his hands behind his back. He frowned as he fidgeted in silence.
"What is the Midgardian custom that you follow?"
"A few hours I spose."
"Then that will suffice." Loki raised his head high as he contemplated his next move. Casting out his aura he sensed no one was close and inclined his head.
"Lady Pepper, there is a matter of importance that I must fulfill before we engage in my visit."
"You know you and Thor can just call me Pepper."
"Pepper," Loki said cautiously, before he straightened up again and stared at a spot above her head. "It came to my attention that on our last parting I acted foolishly and may have caused you great insult."
Pepper tilted her head, unsure where his conversation was heading but remained silent to let him continue…even as he looked like he was struggling.
Loki took a deep breath.
"Acknowledgment is often a seldom thing I am able to experience where I come from…"
Pepper looked down, memories flashed in her mind briefly from the times Thor had absentmindedly told them the tales of his brother.
"And so when I do experience it…" Loki was visibly becoming uncomfortable.
"You don't have to say –"
Loki raised his hand quickly to silence her.
"I wish to extend my gratitude that you treated me with the same level of respect you treated the other mortals…even though they are somewhat imbeciles."
Pepper smiled.
In truth Loki had rarely had anything to be thankful for… Asgard had given him nothing and left nothing for him to savor. He always had to work to get even the slightest acknowledgement or respect. While times had changed, and Thor had begun to recognize the problems that initially turned him bitter he still felt estranged.
But Loki would never admit it.
Thor was trying.
Thor was trying so hard Loki almost had to roll his eyes.
But it was enough.
However Midgard was truly different from Asgard and Loki finally understood why Thor loved it so dearly.
Midgard was something different.
Loki took one of Peppers hands and gently placed a kiss.
"Thank you." He managed quietly.
"You are welcome." She replied.
Pepper had spent the rest of the night talking about non important things while the god sat there listening, occasionally murmuring a reply. Pepper would have stopped talking thinking she had offended them if it had been any other person, but she knew this was just Loki's way of showing he was truly paying attention… even if he were constantly exploring new things. She couldn't help but smile as she sipped her hot drink as Loki's face sparked in fascination over the simple things like a pen. His fingers would click it open remarking how strange it was that there was no need to dip it in ink.
After a few hours Loki had deemed his visit fulfilled and stood, alerting Pepper to his departure. The mortal stopped for a moment and nodded, accompanying him towards the balcony again. The night was clear and Pepper looked up at the stars as Loki stepped into place.
"It must be wonderful traveling the stars." She said.
Loki followed her gaze and hummed.
"I cannot describe it I'm afraid." Loki looked down at her. "Perhaps in the future you may be able to experience it."
Pepper chuckled.
"I don't think Tony would like that… he didn't really like that time he was in space." She said missing his subtle invitation.
Loki shrugged.
"My brother intends to bring his mortal Lady Jane to Asgard soon."
"I know how my brother thinks." Loki smirked.
Loki placed his hands behind his back and bowed slowly.
"Until next time."
"Pep!" Pepper heard her name from inside.
Turning around she saw Tony walk in with a pleased looking Bruce. Pepper waved as she caught his attention before turning back around to Loki.
Except there was no one there
All that remain was the empty clear space of the night.
Pepper smiled, as Tony walked out.
"Hey Bruce is gonna crash here for tonight, jeez its cold … why are you out here." Tony ranted putting an arm around her.
"No reason." Pepper said as she let Tony led her back inside.
Thor wandered down the familiar path to his brother's quarters. It was at this particular time of the day he always knew where his brother would be, it was something that had never changed. The hallways leading to his brother had been repaired and returned to their former glory. The tapestries mended and the glowing candles burned anew. Thor had personally seen to this and he hoped Loki had noticed. Pushing the door open to his brother's room he walked without question to the balcony.
His brother sat relaxed against one of the railings, turning the pages to one of his books as he drank in the last rays of the sunlight. Thor had noticed this was Loki's favorite moment of personal time before he attended the nightly feasts and conversations. Leaning against the door that separated his room from the outside he smiled as he crossed his arms watching his brother.
Loki continued to turn the pages, eyes scanning contently over the words.
"Is there a reason for your staring?" Loki said without looking up.
"Sharp as always brother." Thor smiled pushing himself off the door and sitting down opposite Loki.
Loki finally placed his book down near his feet and stared out to the fading sun before turning his gaze to his brother.
"It's a little early for you to collect me." Loki stated.
Thor shrugged.
"I just wanted to sit here for a while. I'm beginning to understand why you like it so much." Thor noted.
"Half truth." Loki told Thor, he recognized an ulterior motive when he saw one.
Thor smiled to himself looking down before looking out at the kingdom.
"Things have changed so much in the last few years. I have learned much, and seen truths that had been so plainly before me…but was too foolish to notice"
Loki sat up straight.
"And I as well brother." He admitted.
Thor gave his little brother a comforting look before it fell away.
"What has brought this on, what bothers you?"
Thor sighed deeply. Ever since Loki had let go of Gungnir there had been a question about that year's events that had been tormenting his heart.
"The year, when you…" Thor hesitated and Loki immediately understood his direction.
"Will you ever tell me what happened to you in the void?" Thor whispered.
Loki looked down. Old memories began to surface, ones he thought he had managed to bury deep within him, never to be brought into the light.
"Someday I will." Loki whispered, "someday…" he repeated.
Thor smiled accepting his promise and bent down, picking up his brother's book. He looked at the cover as he dusted the back before giving it gently to his brother. Loki took it silently.
"I would suggest you get ready."
"The sun hasn't fallen yet." Loki said.
Thor grinned widely.
"Yes but you take as long as a maiden."
This earned Thor a hard swat on his arm.
"At least I don't look like a kilnberg." Loki muttered.
Thor laughed, truly those animals lacked appeal.
Thor turned to leave his brother and stepped back inside his room, noting how more notes and scribbles had been added to his desk.
Some things change Thor smiled as he exited the room.
Some things stay the same.
For completing this story you all receive a complimentary *I did it* cookie.
I do have another story in the works right now. It is going strong and will be posted in the THOR fandom in the next few weeks.
it is part of a series that all relates to Stone of Command.
I hope to see you there
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