The silence breaks her heart.
He stares indignantly down the long, dim-lit corridors. Violet on dripping brown mud. Salty tears alight with the silent fire of ten billion heart-aches.
They have been here before. She's said this before. He knew how she felt. He had wanted proof and there was none; at least none that he would acknowledge.
And so the page turned. And turned… and tore. And turned… and disintegrated. And turned some more.
No matter how many times the melancholy narrator reads they are stuck on the same chapter: She admits, He rolls it off his shoulders. She cries, He comforts, they forget. The End.
Happy Endings Don't Exist
This time it's different— too real. He feels it, rotten in his core.
Her eyes are swollen and shiny with tears. Her mouth is chapped and painted with angry lines of blood from the nervous biting of her lips. She's sorry, she's sorry. He feels sick.
Nanami hides her face in the long fortress of her hair. She wants to hide, hide, hide, but she can't. He still stares at her, expressionless. Just waiting…
"What I felt for you, Tomoe… doesn't exist anymore." She gulps for air. "I'm tired… so tired. And I can't wait anymore. I thought I could, but I can't. I can't. I tried but…"
She peeks up. She desperately hopes for some kind of change, an inkling of acknowledgement that he has heard her. There is none.
She hates herself. She's a fool. She should hate him… but she can't. He cannot help that he doesn't love her. That he will never feel the same. That his heart belongs centuries in the past…
She stands and even now his eyes do not flinch. He is the perfect sculpture of stillness. Cold carved marble and stone.
"From now on, I will no longer envision our relationship as anything other than Master and Servant—nothing more… maybe less. I don't know anymore." The blunt slab of ice is far from hidden in her words. It wraps around his core in silent agony. Cold and slicing, like the worst blizzard.
She tightens the ascot around her neck, smoothing the wrinkled fabric of her school uniform with her quaking hands.
All the while he says nothing. Says nothing… Nothing!
If he did in fact have anything to say to her what would it be? He wouldn't tell her to stay. Scream at her to go. No, no, none of that. But there are words. They exist. Crackling and swirling and hot, glowing under a thick screen of impenetrable glass.
She steps out and falls into the snake's arms. His hands touch her hair. Soothes the trembling frame of her back and whispers sweet comfort in her ears.
Jealousy heats Tomoe's being. And yet… what right does he have to feel that? The answer is none. Not anymore.
Mizuki's frost-green eyes rise to meet his over Nanami's shoulder. You lost, they say without words. And He knows. He is once more defeated… though from this battle, he carries the wounds of refusing to act at all.
The glass will not break. It cuts, however; deeply and agonizing and silent.
He watches as the other shinshi gingerly places a kiss atop Nanami's head. She begins to cry harder and wraps her arms tightly around his neck like an iron vice. She bleeds too but at least she has something to slow it. Ease. Make the pain at least a bit more bearable. Over time, she will forget that she had ever had feelings for Tomoe. She hopes. He had hoped.
Good things are often viewed as a nuisance until they leave you forever. They are like smoke through the hand.
He says something that makes her smile and she nods. Hand in hand they turn to leave.
Tomoe lies there now, bleeding to death.
A/N: I… don't exactly know where this came from. Weird things possess me whenever I write in my little black journal. LOL so there were a lot of grey-areas with the pairings and such so… I guess I'll call this a Tomoe x Nanami x Mizuki shot. Thank you all who favorite and followed! I appreciate it immensely, guys! (ow^)