Author's Note: Apologies for not updating sooner. Life demanded my attention for a time…actually it still is, so I'm not sure when the next update will be. Not to mention I had a bit of writer's block. I just couldn't get anything written, the words wouldn't come. I must admit this is the first time it's happened. Granted, I've struggled with direction in a story before, but not actually the inability to write. I hope I don't experience that again anytime soon. For someone who enjoys writing, it was a rather unpleasant experience. Anyways…I sincerely hope you enjoy this short chapter.
Chapter 37
[One and a Half Weeks Later]
"Do you want me to catch you?" Jace called out with laughter in his voice as he tread water beneath the tree limb that held the rope swing.
"Why, do I look like I need it?" Obi-Wan called back, a mischievous twinkle in his eye.
The older boy shrugged indifferently. "Just checking."
"I do know how to swim in case you've haven't noticed," was the mumbled reply.
The elder boy turned his attention to Garen who was currently in the middle of the lake dunking the Abrams youngest son. "Psst…think he needs a safety net?" he whispered loud enough for his immediate younger brother to hear.
Garen glanced at his friend, who had one eyebrow raised as if daring him to comment, and with an amused tone replied, "Nah! He does okay on his own." He pretended to think a moment as Obi-Wan backed away so he could get a bit of a running start. "Although, he did have trouble on this one mission…let me think…oh yeah! He fell into a water hole and couldn't seem to get his feet under him-"
"That was a swamp Garen, not a water hole!"
"Is there a difference? They both have water!" The padawan asked innocently.
"You well know something had grabbed hold of my ankle, Muln!" Obi-Wan called out with a shake of his head, a smirk gracing his lips.
The Padawan chuckled and turned his attention back to Jace. "Anyway, Master Jinn had to jump in and get him turned the right way around. He almost pulled the poor man un–" he stopped suddenly, spluttering water from the force induced wave that hit him in the face. Wiping a hand over his eyes to clear his vision, he turned and saw his cousin floating nearby.
"You were saying?" The youth asked, an eyebrow raised for good measure.
Garen grinned and shook his head. "Nothing, nothing at all."
"Rig-" The teen's voice cut off as he was pushed beneath the water. Resurfacing, he swam toward his younger brother and diving under grabbed hold of the younger boys legs and pulled him under before swimming back toward the surface.
The four boys spent the afternoon behaving much younger than their years. Loud laughter could be faintly heard from the back of the house. Nyla smiled as she turned away from her garden to enter the kitchen door.
"Sounds as though they're having fun," she commented, taking a vase from the cabinet to use for the flowers she had picked. "I think they're finally relaxing."
Anen pointed the spoon she had been using to stir the contents of the large pot on the heating unit at her former charge. "It's finally being away from that chaos that has them so carefree," she explained. "Out here in the country side they only have the cares of children. No media hounding them and with all due respect to the Jedi, no Temple spires in the distance. I think this trip is just what the boys needed: a chance to reconnect on their own terms."
Flowers arranged in the crystal container, Nyla placed them on the dining table before stepping back to examine the array. Satisfied with the display, she turned toward the counter where her long time nanny was preparing lunch. "I've noticed Rayfe and Trae have left the political arena behind on Coruscant. They've made a pact to refuse to discuss business. I'm so glad he's taking the time to rest; he's been so stressed lately." She sat down on a stool on the opposite side of the counter. "Can I help with anything?"
Anen handed her a cutting utensil and pushed over some vegetables. "You can cut these for me and place them in that pot."
Nodding her ascent, she began her task, deep in thought. Several moments passed in silence before she quietly stated, "He's going to return to the Jedi, isn't he?" She looked up briefly, a sad reflection in her eyes. Shaking her head slightly, she returned to her task. "I don't think he's even entertained any other option."
Turning from the heating unit, Anen offered a look of understanding. "Would you want him to be anything other than what he is?"
The younger woman shook her head. "No, but is it so wrong to want our family to be permanently whole?"
"No, of course not, child, but being whole can come in different ways. It doesn't necessarily mean living under one roof." Anen moved over to lean across the counter. "The question is, what will you and Rayfe do should the Judge rule in your favor in regard permanent custody? Would you force him to stay when his heart longs to be out there helping the galaxy?"
"How can we send our son out into such danger?" Nyla questioned. "I don't know how Alys does it, knowing some of the things Garen faces on missions."
"Jace is at risk each time he goes on those humanitarian missions with Doc," Anen reminded. "And yet you allow him to go."
"He's an adult, An, it isn't like we could stop him. He knows I worry." A sigh escaped the mother of three. "I have a lot to think on."
"I think this holiday is a good time to do it." Anen pushed away from the island counter and walked over to rap on the window. "Jenson!"
The guard who was walking past came to the back door and peered in. "You called?" the words were spoken with warmth and a bit of mischief as the middle aged man stood leaning in the door way.
Anen smiled and pointed a finger at him. "Now don't be pretending you haven't missed my constant hounding, young man."
The Abrams long time guard spread out his hands in supplication. "I wouldn't deny such a thing, Anen, but only if I can steal a sweet."
His only answer was a roll of the eyes before he was handed an apple cinnamon danish. "Lunch will be ready shortly," she announced. "Would you be so kind as to go down to the lake and tell the boys for me."
"Aha, so there's a catch!" Shaking his head in mock disappointment, he continued, "Should have known…nothing's free."
Anen shooed him out the door. "Go on with you!"
"Yes, ma'am!"
The sun shone down on the four boys who lay on their backs, their heads next to each other in a circle, facing the sky. The breeze gently blew the clouds overhead, creating a peaceful scene. Silence stretched for some time before it was broken by the youngest member of their group.
Turning his head toward his immediate older brother, Ty asked, "Are you gonna go away?"
Surprised, Obi-Wan turned to face his younger brother. "What do you mean?"
"Ty," Jace warned in a soft tone, "don't push."
The younger boy sat up, turning himself around to face his brothers and cousin. Not heeding his elder brother's words, he expanded on his question. "Are you going to leave us when the six months are up?"
The padawan eyed his younger brother for a moment before pushing himself up to a sitting position. "Ty, I belong with the Jedi…" he raised a hand to stall the boy's coming interruption. "But being here…I find this fits too," he tried to explain. Looking at Garen, he held the other's gaze for some time before Garen nodded slightly. Turning back to his younger brother, Obi-Wan continued, "I'm not sure what I'll do yet. Besides, it's not just up to me. The Judge and the Abrams have a say in the decision too."
Since the topic had been breached, Jace asked, his eyes begging for the answer he and Ty wished for, "If it were only your choice?"
Sighing, Obi-Wan shook his head. "It's not, so it's not worth the what if's."
A nearby engine caught their attention before Jace could push the subject. Rising from his reclined position, the elder boy stood and waited for the transport. As the vehicle got closer, he smiled and waved. "Jenson!"
Pulling up beside the teens, Wren Jenson smiled. Stepping out of the small transport, he greeted the eldest Abrams son with a pat on the back and then waved to the others.
"What brings you out here?" Ty asked.
Jenson gestured back toward the way he had come. "Anen wants you all back at the house for lunch."
Nodding their understanding, the others began gathering their things in preparation for the short trek back to the house.
"Thanks, Wren. We'll head back in a few minutes," Jace answered for them.
The guard gestured toward the vehicle. "I can give you all a lift if you like."
Obi-Wan shook his head to the negative and caught his elder brother's gaze. "I'd like to walk if you all don't mind."
"No problem." Turning back to the guard, he relayed his brother's wishes, "Thanks, but no thanks. We'll walk."
Jenson eyed the teens before getting back into the transport. "All right, if you're sure? I'll tell Anen she can expect you soon."
"Thanks, Jenson."
Once the transport had left, Garen moved over closer to Obi-Wan. "You okay?"
The teen shrugged. "Yeah, why?"
"I don't know." Garen studied his friend a moment before explaining his query. "You had that unfocused look you sometimes get. You sure nothing's wrong?"
Obi-Wan started walking toward the house. "Don't make something out of nothing, its fine." He smiled at his cousin. "I promise."
Ty darted past them, yelling over his right shoulder. "Race ya!"
The three older boys looked at one another, smiled and took off running.
Hope you all have a wonderful Labor Day Weekend! :)