Author has written 7 stories for Twilight, and Vampire Diaries. I started reading FanFic a couple years ago and well, let’s just say my husband refers to it as my crack. Reading, writing, art, movies, and T.V. have always been my escapes from the real world. The first sentence out of my mouth as a wee babe was something sarcastic so except a lot of that from me, I honestly can’t help it. If you knock on that door, I will answer it. If it’s not sarcastic, it’s probably dirty or riddled with curse words. I believe laughter is truly a great medicine and without it, life would be extremely hard to get through. Oh yeah, I don’t own Twilight. Clearly. I’m on the Twitter- @lil_HBWT (changed it) Check me out, follow me, tweet me. I love hearing from you. I also have two blogs: [email protected] with bff Kimmie |
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