Chapter Fifteen
Bella let the door latch gently behind her and leaned against the cool wood as her drowsiness snuck up on her. It wasn't until now that she realized how truly tired she was.
Her room was dim but not dark, and now, it's Bella's turn to watch.
Leah stood near the foot of her bed, facing away from her. Her head was bowed as she studied something in her hands. The soft yellow lamplight caressed the sharp cut of her body's agile profile juxtaposed with female softness. The long-sleeved shirt that was normally too big on Bella had fit Leah just right. With the sleeves pushed up to her elbows, it hugged the muscular curves and angles of her shoulders and biceps.
Bella placed a steadying hand on the doorframe as the butterflies fluttered up from her chest to her throat, suddenly aware that parts of her were very much wide awake.
Feeling heat slip over her cheeks, Bella moved into the room. As she started towards her bed, she caught a glimpse of what was in Leah's hands and her steps stuttered.
"Yanno, you could've just asked Billy about all this stuff." Leah said dryly, "These writers never get it right."
Leah's hand moved in the duskiness. Her fingers ran over the book's fabric cover. The Quileute Nation and its Legends. Bella bought it ages ago on that trip to Port Angeles with Angela and Jessica. It's kind of funny how life played out. If she hadn't of gone off on her own to buy it, she wouldn't have gotten cornered and then saved by Edward. It was like she opened Pandora's Box that night.
Maybe it was inevitable.
Bella pulled herself onto her bed and tucked her feet under her. "Would he have told me the truth?"
Leah snorted and set the book back down on Bella's desk. "Yeah, probably in riddles."
The corners of Bella's lips slipped up. "Definitely."
Leah leaned against her dresser and traced over the spines of the few books on the desk. Just a fraction compared to Leah's collection. "Besides you already knew the legends."
That much was true. She'd heard them from all the times her father took her to Billy's as a kid. And then the refresher Jacob gave her on First Beach when she moved back. Everything was so different now that she knew they were real.
It must've been a million times worse for Leah. She had no preamble to guide her transition into this world.
She glanced up out of her thoughts to find Leah watching her, their eyes caught each other's easily.
"Screw legends." Leah huffed and Bella's brow arched. Leah let out a low laugh at her expression. "We can make our own stories, right?"
"Sure." Bella shook her head, smiled softly through the layers of melancholy. "Better not say that in front of Billy."
"Yeah, I stopped caring about what old people thought of me like, forever ago." Leah's nose wrinkled adorably as she pushed off from the dresser. "And you shouldn't either. Save yourself the wrinkles."
"I'm starting to think maybe you're a bad influence on me." Bella teased halfheartedly, her heart fluttering because part of what she found so breathtaking about Leah was her wholehearted ability to not care about what the world thought of her.
"Now you're starting to sound like my mother." Leah winked and stretched her arms to the ceiling. Muscles rolled in concert down her long limbs and torso, her shirt riding up just enough for Bella to catch the dance of hardened abs under smooth, toffee skin.
A hot flash of desire crackled to life in Bella's stomach, and she dropped her eyes to the sheets, her hands moved under the guise of fluffing the thick comforter. The mattress bounced heavily as Leah flopped face down beside her. She was almost as tall as the bed was long, her feet hanging off the edge.
Bella couldn't help her soft smile as she watched the tension melt away from Leah's shoulders like it was never there. Somehow it made her next sentence easy.
"I think I should meet with the council."
Leah's hazels swung up to Bella's face. "Are you sure?" There wasn't any judgement in her voice, just soft trepidation.
Bella nodded. "I think… I think I have to." After all it was the least she could do. The pack was taking the brunt of this fight and they were pretty much swinging blind.
A soft growl loosened from Leah's throat. "You don't have to do anything—"
"I know…" Bella soothed, her hand automatically found Leah's elbow, "I meant; I think I need to. There's just so much that they don't know…"
Leah contemplated silently, her teeth working at her full bottom lip.
"Are you talking about the creepy Italian Vampire Mob stuff?" She murmured after a moment.
Bella's lips tiptoed around a smile that fell into a grimace. She couldn't help but feel like hands were wringing her stomach dry. Although she told Leah the gist of it, she hadn't told her everything.
Not that the only reason the Volturi let her walk out of Italy alive was because they're biding their time until Bella gets turned.
It was a pill of discomfort growing too large to swallow; like life was playing some sick twisted joke on her as outside forces decide her fate without any of her input. From Edward's initial interest in her, to ripping himself out of her life, Jacob's insistence in being with her… Everyone else decided how Bella's life would go except for Bella.
She was so tired.
The feather touch on her thigh had Bella's eyes fluttering up to meet Leah's aching concern.
"Hey…" Leah murmured, watching Bella closely. "I'll let Sam and the others know tomorrow, okay? And when they meet, you won't be alone again." Her thumb stroked small circles on the blanket. She felt the heat of her touch as it bled through the fabric and let it burn away the stress that bittered the back of her tongue.
Bella nodded, tried to find the words to voice her frustrations and came up empty.
Leah shifted beside her and yanked down the comforter in one smooth move before she wriggled under the sheets.
Bella let her lips fall into an easy fondness as Leah pulled most of the blankets her way and rolled onto her back. She yawned hugely, and Bella couldn't help but think its far too exaggerated to be genuine.
"My, what big teeth you have." Bella sunk into the mattress with what little corner of her thick blanket she had left.
"All the better to bite you with, my dear." Leah stuck out her tongue.
Her tone was soft and joking but Bella's cheeks flushed scarlet all the same. She was thankful that the room wasn't too brightly lit.
Ignoring the dangerous thoughts that floated in her mind, she grabbed the edge of the comforter that covered Leah's shoulders and yanked playfully. "You don't even need that, you blanket hog."
With a sly glint in her hazel eyes, Leah flowed with the tug. Bella fell back, laughing as the blanket unraveled Leah on top of her. The impact of Leah's hard body colliding with her was hardly enough to knock the breath out of her and yet she ends up breathless all the same.
Absorbing the force with both palms braced on either side—Bella could feel every ember of heat but none of the pressure—Leah pulled back just enough to look down at her properly.
Bella felt the blush warm her cheeks, but she didn't feel embarrassed.
Leah's gaze was open and without judgement, her undivided attention sprinkled over Bella like early-morning dew.
It's another bullet point to add to the growing list of things Bella really liked about Leah: No matter how snarky her mouth got; Leah's eyes could never lie for her heart.
"What's goin' on up there, princess." Leah whispered, her words a husky croon that made Bella ache.
Bella dropped her eyes, her fingers curled into the material of Leah's borrowed shirt.
"Sorry... I just get into these moods. I mean, I've never been an uppity person; Unless I'm around you or the pack..." She paused and remembered how Jake tried to get her to let loose all those weeks ago before he phased. "It gets worse when I'm by myself. I start to overthink and then…" She shook her head, "Maybe I just need to sleep."
"Don't do that."
Bella frowned. "I have school in the morning."
"No, I mean…" Leah sighed and dropped down on one elbow. It brought her closer, and for a moment Bella couldn't think of anything except the way her raven hair tumbled around her face. How it smelled faintly of Bella's coconut shampoo. "You don't need to dismiss your feelings like that, as random mood swings. I want to know how you feel."
Bella shouldn't be surprised by the heat that gathered behind her eyes. Had anyone ever asked that of her before? Sure, people ask if you're okay as a courtesy, but she knew they wouldn't know what to do with the burden if she gave it to them.
Leah looked at her like she'd carry that burden for the rest of her life if Bella let her.
"I want to know how you feel too." Bella answered, her voice wobbly.
Leah smiled down at her. Like everything about her, it's warm and steady and cozy.
A hesitant smile curved Bella's lips as her fingers played at Leah's sides. She knew she should tell her. Tell her that her days are numbered and that she didn't think the Volturi are the type to forget or hold grudges. But she can't exactly drop a bomb like that and expect things to go smoothly, especially after the day they've had.
"I'm scared." She whispered instead.
Leah stared down at her, her brow puckered as her lips pursed. Her eyes fluttered closed.
"Me too."
Bella's hands moved thoughtlessly, slowly, ghosting up Leah's sides and over her solid shoulders. She drowned her anxiety in Leah's firm, burning touch… in the sharpness of Leah's jaw, in the softness of her lips. Until she couldn't think of anything except how badly she wanted to kiss them.
Leah's eyes flickered open and then dropped to Bella's own lips as if she had read her thoughts.
Bella felt lissome fingers curl gently in her hair but all she could focus on was Leah's eyes melting into hers as she dropped her other elbow down beside Bella's head. It brought her even closer.
"You make it better though." Leah murmured, the words whispered over her skin.
Bella smiled, and this time it was steady on her lips.
All she had to do was tilt her head up just so...
Leah met her halfway, searing the vow with a kiss. Her lips were soft as they caressed, giving without expecting anything back just like the heart she felt beat against her own.
It was tender kiss, and yet the fires of Bella's desire still burned. It wasn't the flashfire from before. No, it was molten lava that slipped over her bones.
Bella's palms slipped over Leah's jaw as they parted with the soft smack of moist lips. Her breaths were ragged, at odds with their heart's tandem beat. The intimacy was almost painful, like the friction between their souls.
Leah's cheek rubbed against hers, silk against satin, and that magical purr blossomed in the depths of her chest. They were so close, Bella felt it vibrate through her being as Leah's face settled in the crook of her neck.
I want to know how you feel.
"Nobody's ever kissed me like you do." Bella whispered, her fingers slipped around the nape of Leah's neck.
Leah huffed, a puff of air against her sensitive skin that made her shiver. "Not even Pissyboy Cullen?"
The sharp jab of anxiety she was expecting doesn't come as Bella shook her head gently. "He was always so careful… before."
The words hung heavily in the air, and it's not lost on her that this was the first time she's spoken about him post-accident without feeling the wave of distress that usually came with it.
"So…" Leah ventured. "You guys never…"
Bella blinked and then blushed so ferociously, she felt it in the tips of her ears. "Oh! No… nope."
Leah laughed; tugged her face free to grin down at Bella. All embarrassment was razed by surprise and Bella frowned. "What?"
"Shoulda' seen the look on your face."
"Stop it." She slapped her arm playfully, but her lips had no choice but to curve up in response to that devastating smile. "Besides, this isn't news."
"I know, but it's funny to hear you say it." Leah squinted down at her. "Did you ever think about it?"
Now Bella must drop her gaze as the residual heat gained momentum in her face. Because, yes, she had thought about having sex with Edward. She thought about a lot of things. And most of it lingered in the subject of whether she'd live to have those human experiences at all.
She could feel Leah's gaze on her, patient like always as Bella silently parsed through her thoughts. It helped that Leah was so… calm talking about it. She could hardly imagine talking to Jake about this stuff, he would've checked out a long time ago.
"Yeah." Bella sighed, like letting go. She waited for Leah's reproach and disgust. It didn't come.
"Welp. I guess it goes without saying that you really dodged a bullet." Leah remarked softly.
"I know." Bella gripped her tighter, just because she could. "Trust me, those feelings are long gone."
Leah was quiet as her head lowered to the space beside Bella's. The tip of her nose rubbed over Bella's temple, the barest of touches that somehow stoked the fires of Bella's yearning. Her abashment was melted by the feel of those strong arms.
Experienced arms?
Bella hid her face against Leah's shoulder with a groan.
"I haven't even been kissed properly until I met you and you're already miles ahead of me…" She mumbled, almost incoherent against the fabric of her shirt.
Leah's soft chuckle strangely soothed her. "Yeah, well, we're both on the same boat."
Bella's head shoots up to pout at her. "I'm serious."
"So am I." Leah's lips stretch into a glorious smile, and Bella's heart jumped at the sight. "This is all new to me, too. I wasn't lying when I said I've never felt like this with anyone before. You make me feel like… like I'm a fuckin' nervous, giddy kid."
Bella could feel her heart picking up like a wind-up toy. "But you and Sam…"
"I'm kinda insulted on your behalf." Leah snorted. "You and Sam aren't even in the same universe. I mean, yeah, I loved him. But I never wanted forever with him. I guess we were both looking for vices in all the wrong places."
Bella exhaled with a wavering, breathless fragility. "What?"
Leah mulled her teeth over her lip, oblivious to the shockwaves. "Everyone knew it too. We were so toxic together…"
"No, no." Bella's mouth free falls into a smile. "You said… you didn't want forever with him…"
The implication of her own words seemed to hit Leah at last and her face broke into a gazillion kilowatt grin, like the first rays of sun after a storm.
"Just with you."
There was a time when a word like forever would have shaken her to the core with frigid uncertainty. When forever meant saying goodbye to everything she knew for a world of bloodlust.
Now, it felt like a weight lifting from her shoulders because maybe she can still have her happily-ever-after-take-two.
"I want that with you too." Bella licked her lips, wetness built in the corners of her eyes and she reached out to tuck a lock of chaotic raven hair behind Leah's ear.
Leah's face turned into her tender touch, eyes closing as she inhaled with a hum. "Are you asking me to be your girlfriend, Swan?"
Bella laughed and rearranged herself against Leah until they were chest-to-chest, cheek-to-cheek again. God, she felt so good. Like her body was molded to hold Bella's.
Bella inhaled her sweet scent. Girlfriend. It felt right. Maybe because Leah had already carved a place for herself in Bella's heart from the moment they saw each other on the beach. Giving a name to it felt easy. Like turning her face to the sun's glow in the summertime.
"Sure." Elation flowed in her veins with syrupy relief. "Sorry, I don't have flowers."
"Aw, boo." Leah sighed dramatically. "I think that might be a deal-breaker for me…"
Bella swatted her again, giggling gently. "Says the one who's gonna take me to McDonalds as a first date."
Leah smirked and squeezed her; her gaze lidded. "Just one of many, sweetheart."
Bella doesn't have anything cheeky to say to that as her lips fall into a soft smile. It's almost as if she'd imprinted too, because everything she felt with Edward doesn't hold a flame to how she feels now. Leah had an incredible way of making her feel acknowledged without trying. She was patient. She listened and waited and read the sheet music of Bella's body before Bella herself even knew the tune.
It was rare, a relationship where Bella didn't feel disadvantaged or unequal. Sure, Leah was still a wolf and that was a whole other barrel of worms altogether, but Leah was also human.
Bella had spent so much of her time looking for what she thought was perfection, she never knew humanity could be so beautiful.
Leah shifted under her, her long arm reached out to Bella's lamp to click it off. They were swallowed by darkness and Bella felt her heart finally slowing, her breaths evened out. She didn't even want to think about how late it was and how much it would suck waking up in the morning.
"Hmm?" Leah grunted; sounded as if she was on the edge of sleep.
"Thank you."
Bella could only sigh because there weren't enough thank you's to repay everything Leah had given her. Crazy to think that it was only the beginning.
"For… you know. Everything." Bella squeezed her eyes shut against the avalanche of emotion.
Leah doesn't reply and Bella wondered if she finally dozed off. She let herself start to doze too. She sunk into the comfort in the soft thud of Leah's heart, in her slow breaths.
"It's you I should be thanking." Leah's lips barely murmur.
"Too bad because I'm thanking you first."
She doesn't see Leah's smile so much as feel its soft stretch against the crown of her head.
"You're welcome."
When she finally fell asleep, she dreamed of sun-drenched skies. Of a smile that never faded, and fingers interlocked with hers, leading her into forever.
It seemed like only an instant later that she's blinking groggily, stirring awake. She lay still, burrowed into her pillow and unable to register what awoke her in the first place.
Knock, knock. "Bella?"
Bella mumbled something incoherent as her door hinges squeaked and she rolled onto her side to catch her father peeking his head into the room.
"Yeah?" Bella rasped.
"Quarter to seven, kid." Charlie sounded apologetic. "Are you sick?"
"No, no…" Bella yawned, her head heavy as she lifted it. She noticed he was already dressed in his police blues, looking as tired as she felt. "I'll be down in a minute."
Mumbling about putting some coffee on, he shut her door quietly.
The damp, early morning chill filtered in through her cracked open window, her drapes billowing gently. Bella couldn't remember when she opened her window last night.
Last night…
Bella jolted fully awake, her hand flew out to the space next to her only to find it empty. Leah was gone; Her faint scent still clinging to Bella's sheets was the only reminder that Bella hadn't dreamt up last night after all.
She lets herself sink into the soft cocoon, just for a moment.
Something crinkled in the press of fabric and Bella twisted around, hand grasping before coming up with a slightly frumpled piece of paper.
A note? No… a heart. A small, simple origami heart made from a torn piece of notebook paper that fit in the palm of her hand. It was achingly sweet.
Bella hugged it to her chest and wished she could just stay in bed. A bigger part of her wished Leah was there with her.
Was it too late to call in sick?
With a sigh, Bella pushed herself up and out of bed.
Twenty minutes later, she's dressed, teeth brushed, hair brushed, and stepping out into the chilly morning air. The storm seemed to have well and truly passed, the sky gray but not overly cloudy. Her father's cruiser was already gone, and Bella considered skipping school again knowing nobody would really catch her. She just didn't have the energy to face Jennifer Ford and her bitch patrol.
Shoulders slumped, Bella started towards the driveway.
A figure peeled away from her truck and stepped out from under the cover of the trees.
Bella jumped, her pulse skyrocketed before it registered in her brain that it's only Embry.
"Whoa." Embry held up his palms on either side of his bare chest. "Sorry!"
Bella sucked in a lungful of crisp air and gripped the rusty red edge of her truck bed, letting her heart settle as Embry careful eased into the space beside her.
She peeked up at him; He met her gaze, his face tight and apologetic as he brushed his hair back from his forehead with a nervous hand.
Swallowing, Bella tried a smile. "Morning, Emb."
"Hi, honey." He exhaled and shoved his hands in his pockets casually. "I'm sorry… Emily mentioned somethin' about that."
At her furrowed brow, he gave her a kind smile. "She said that it was normal to have an exaggerated startle reflex… after a trauma."
Bella let her bookbag drop into the bed of the truck and frowned down at it. She had startled easily for as long as she could remember… although it only started getting worse after meeting Edward.
"I guess it shows, huh?" She sighed, hating that it made her feel so fragile.
"I'd say you're holding up really good, yanno, considering." He tipped his head and chuckled, his breaths turning wispy in the chill. "You could give the guys a run for their money."
Bella half-smiled. "Lemme guess, they keep things sealed in and let it pent up until it's too late?"
He snorted. "You have no idea. Sometimes they even explode into wolves."
Bella smiled fully at that and played with her keys as her pulse settled. Embry toed at the pebbles, looking as if he was pondering the weather. What was he waiting for?
"So, did you stop by to just to say hi?" She murmured.
"Nope." He gave her a grin that barely concealed his boyish pride. "You didn't think my chauffeur services would end just like that, didja?"
Bella just raised a brow at him and moved around him to tug the driver side door open. "You know school is only like a ten-minute drive, right?"
Embry shrugged and leaned an arm against the open door as she sat. "Boss-man tells you to do something, you do it. Scooch."
Bella huffed. "It's my truck..."
Embry just smiled and folded himself in anyways, not really giving her much of a choice. Bella scooted across the seat begrudgingly and forfeited her keys. Secretly, she was grateful. She'd rather let him drive over her potentially falling asleep at the wheel.
Embry started the truck and maneuvered onto the road. She leaned her head on his shoulder and let his comforting scent soothe her nerves. It wasn't anywhere near Leah's spice, but it was familiar, and it was pack.
"How's Seth?" She whispered, watching the trees flit by.
"Better." He soothed in his baritone. "They got to him in time… Set the breaks so nothin' healed funny. He'll be good as new by next week."
Bella grimaced. Poor Seth. She couldn't help but feel guilty over it. He was just a kid. Sure, he didn't look it but, Jesus, he was only fourteen.
Embry flicked her knee. "Whatever you're thinkin', stop. It's not your fault."
She glanced up at him; his gaze was trained on the road ahead. "How'd you know?" She sniffed humorlessly.
Embry looked as if he couldn't decide between a smile or a frown. "Your breathing changed."
Wow, wolves were scary good with that.
"I just wish…" Bella took a resetting breath. "I hate that I can't do more."
"That's not your burden to carry, Bells. We're all doing the best we can. Besides…" He squeezed her knee, "You gotta take care of you, too."
Bella pondered, letting her mind spin out as they neared the school. It seemed like only a minute later they were pulling into a parking space of the quickly-filling school lot.
Embry silenced the ignition and it was only then that she noticed his hands were shaking subtly. She glanced up to find him watching her with worried eyes.
"Are you gonna be okay?"
Bella lifted her head reluctantly and looked out at the groups of other students. "Yeah." She sighed. "Another day in paradise."
His silence made her glance up again. He gave her a small, tense smile.
"What's wrong?"
"I can hear them talkin' about you." He growled; his eyes darted over her head. "Jeesh… makes me so not miss high school."
They were talking about her already? Bella rubbed a palm over her face. "Didn't you hear? I'm front-page gossip around these parts."
"Must've missed that issue."
"Lucky you."
They shared an empathetic smile before pushing out into the cold. Bella shouldered her bag as Embry came around to meet her.
Her truck stood out like a sore thumb, and people looked over expectantly, though they stared more at Embry than her.
It was strange, because she swore she'd heard the usually bustle quiet just a notch the second he unfolded from her truck. Embry handed her the keys with a cheeky smirk. He must've heard it too.
"Are you picking me up after school?"
"Nah. I think Leah wants to do that."
Bella's heart fluttered in her chest, warm feelings stirring in her stomach. She tried to hide her smile and lost.
"Ouch. Don't miss me too much…" Embry laughed and swung his meaty arms, like he was stretching before a race.
"Sorry, Emb. You know you're my favorite." Bella giggled.
Embry tossed her a grin that was downright adorable. "I know."
The warning bell rang, urging a few students inside. Some of the larger, more stubborn groups lingered, hanging around their cars and chatting casually.
"That's my cue." Bella bumped Embry's arm with her shoulder – it was like nudging a tree. "Get outta here before you get in trouble."
"Trouble is my middle name." He arched a brow over a smirk.
Yeah, right. Bella shook her head with a smile and watched as he lifted his chin. The transformation was subtle; He rolled his shoulders back, straightening to his impressive six-foot-four, and held himself so that every bulging, brown muscle flexed for display.
A couple of juniors lingered two spaces over, whispering and staring openly… Until Embry sent them a scathing look, brows furrowed over an intense gaze that meant business.
Faces paling, they turned abruptly and damn-near jogged toward the main building.
Embry turned back with a wink, and Bella burst into laughter. She had to admit, he could look downright scary when he wanted to. It was still so odd to imagine anyone afraid of Embry; He wouldn't hurt a fly.
Until you messed with his pack. Then all bets were off.
"See you later, Bells." He whispered and then sprinted off into the forest.
Bella watched him disappear and then turned towards the school. She was almost alone in the parking lot now, just her, a few students, and a teacher out front who was waving in the stragglers.
She'd faced vampires, werewolves and everything in between, damn it. She could do this.
Lifting her chin just like Embry had, Bella started walking.
A/N: Happy 1 year anniversary WOOOOO! Thank you for loving these characters as much as I do. Every word I write is for you! Love ya.
Im considering putting together a playlist of musics I listen to when I'm writing, would ya'll be interested in that? Do people still do that? lol lemme know
Your reviews are my main source of nourishment