Reviews for Hallett Hall
Debs0608 chapter 36 . 2/2/2019
One more epi please? Regardless- great story. Loved humor along with the sincerity between Edward and Bella. Thanks fo writing
BellaTesoro chapter 36 . 1/24/2019
Bella finding out she's pregnant is perfectly THEM. I loved it! Would have loved to see her face when she found out the baby would be twins. Oh I wish this story would go on and on. It was lovely.
I left you my thanks in the form of comments/reviews after each chapter. Thank you for keeping this here so readers like myself can enjoy and appreciate your story. I hope all is well with you. Please write more...
BellaTesoro chapter 35 . 1/24/2019
The house in Colorado sounds perfect for them. And I love how open E/B are with having, for example, Esme (not mom mind you?) to pick out their home and it being just fine. I love how laid back they are as parents, all of them...I thought Edward would have been rather OCD about parenting but seems he treats his kids like he did Bella, loving and open to their wants and needs. And Bella, well you knew she'd be a hands on parent and letting her kids explore who they yeah, monsters have been created and I'm sure they will regain some manners too. lol Love that Bella is already working with Alice and that Emmett is a stay at home dad now of four! Love it all...I'm going to miss these guys.
BellaTesoro chapter 34 . 1/24/2019
I loved seeing this far ahead in their future. Good to know that Edward got to live out his medical passion and Bella going along and being supportive but also getting her own passions experienced. They got to go to some very exotic places and do good and be good and explore the world and each other outside the bubble of their tight knit family and friends. But I am happy they got to spend some years with the Forks crew and good to note that Tyler did end up with Tia...would love to know what Tia is doing as a career and if Tyler still has his second hand used business...(the things I wonder...) And now it's time to be with the crazy Cullens...And yes they need to be back in Boulder I think. Their 'monsters' are what I'd expect these two to raise, a mix of wild and sweet and both them. Loved this chapter!
BellaTesoro chapter 33 . 1/23/2019
Bella needed that closure with her mother. Man that was hard to read. Bella really has healed herself and is handling her life with such grace, she handled her mother that way too. I really appreciated Edward's freak out about his understandable concerns and worries that he'll make a good doctor and Bella being the best supportive wife ever, said just the right things. I'm so proud of these two. And happy they are going on a long honeymoon. Hey and why do they have to live on the attic floor of a Boston apartment given all the money Edward has? The boy needs to spend some for good reasons like his this year in Boston.
BellaTesoro chapter 32 . 1/23/2019
As lovely and uniquely quirky Bella and greedy Edward, I feel that the small event to celebrate their wedding is too small. I mean, these two have gone through so much, they should each want to show off the other to the world. And yes I get they aren't into big shows and being front and center and of course they didn't need frilly traditional wedding but why not be surrounded by their friends like Ben and Angela and Mike and Jessica and little Robbie and the Forks crew that helped Bella when she needed friends the most...etc. But it was sweet anyway. I would have loved for Phil to have 'walked her down the aisle' Phil supported her even when her mother took off...anyway, glad they are married and Bella is supportive of Edward this time around as he's been so patient and supportive of her all this time. Oh and I love 'the crazies' Alice and the crew have remained as crazy and loving as they always were.
BellaTesoro chapter 31 . 1/23/2019
Although I felt James showing up out of the blue was awful, it did help to bring closure for both Edward and Bella. It was good for Edward to get to punch the jerk and for Bella to see that whole life is over and she's solid in her life now. I also hated that this shitstorm had to happen at the wedding. I hope no one of the guests, including the bride and groom never got wind of it all. So Bella now knows Edward has forgiven her and trusts her and it's Bella that now needs to forgive herself. I like seeing her mature, both emotionally and in her everyday life, like taking care of her health and not looking so hippie poor. She's going to be a doctor's wife, she's got herself a job nice to see her life grow and develop as it has.
BellaTesoro chapter 30 . 1/23/2019
Oh and it was such a nice wedding and Bella was so happy sharing in this family celebration and Grandpa had to go and ruin everything. I think though, that Bella shouldn't have brought it up in front of Ben and Angela. She should have waited in private to let Edward know what Grandpa said to her. And I'm thinking the worst person to end this night would be James. Would make sense I guess if Victoria was invited that he might show up too? And why would Rosalie need to get free hair and make up from Victoria anyway, she's got money, Emmett sure has money so...
BellaTesoro chapter 29 . 1/23/2019
First, I've been wanting to ask why Edward calls his parents by their first names? I know why Bella does but why does he? He's got the mom and dad loving relationship so what's up with that? And I don't think Alice calls them by their first name. Anyway, just a thought.
I liked the scene with Bella waking up feeling abandoned while Edward was merely changing locations because he couldn't sleep and then in the end when Edward tries to make sense of why he's so jealous of the Forks people and then, with the help of Bella, he realizes that what they share is so intimate and that no one gets to see all of Bella like he does...I think that shift he talks about is truly a big step.
BellaTesoro chapter 28 . 1/23/2019
Alice pregnant and Rose and Emmett getting married, oh my these characters are growing up. I think Bella and Edward seeing the twin and older brother getting married and moving on with their lives might pave the way for E/B once they see it's more good than bad this commitment thing...I just love how cozy and true these two have become, especially of course Bella. I'm proud of her.
BellaTesoro chapter 27 . 1/22/2019
Loved this chapter! Had heart and soul and humor, win win. Loved Bella's practicing the I love you...and then blurting it out while cleaning off tables at work...and then well the best part was outside in the snow and how lovely that was to read...ok so a little romance never hurt anyone and this chapter was very romantic even the last part with Alice and Rose walking in on them with Edward with his face in know where in the mist of making her very happy...Oh and the little detail of Bella being busy not only working as a barista but that she's volunteering and she's writing! I really need to hear she's 'making' something of herself outside of Edward and using her education which she worked hard for and that Phil helped her out with financially. I hope we see that she and Edward keep in touch with him too...
BellaTesoro chapter 26 . 1/22/2019
I think part of what Edward didn't like abut Maggie was how similar Bella was to Maggie. Bella was rather crude and pushy like her, she was flighty and nomadic etc. And I understand Edward being so cautious about whether or not Bella has truly changed. Apparently she has and that's all for the good, the bad parts that is. And although I get why Bella needed to at least put closure to Maggie and Liam, I think she didn't give that amount of care to her true friends ever in the past so it must hurt to see her care about these two. I hope they've left now. Loved the Jake and Edward friend thing. Would love an outtake of Jake taking Edward's weed cherry.
BellaTesoro chapter 25 . 1/21/2019
I wanted to hear Bella tell Rosalie that she didn't know what she didn't know about the baby herself. But I take it someone told Rosalie about what really happened to the baby. Rosalie's apology seemed realistic for her. And I'm so glad Bella told Maggie off and that she saw right through her wanting Bella to hook back up with them. I hope they don't stay around longer and cause and trouble.
BellaTesoro chapter 24 . 1/21/2019
I am so very proud of Bella in Forks. She really, really, did the hard work. She actually made friends with 'vanilla' kind of people. She didn't need to rely on drinking or weed or drugs or being over the top quirky, rather she was humble and as honest as she could ever be...Mostly I was so happy to see she could heal enough about the loss of the baby to bond with Roberto and show herself she really can care for someone teeny tiny like this baby and she was helpful to Mike and Jessica and she even talked with Esme. I was hoping she would even get closer to Esme so Esme could help 'mother' her too. And the good doctor was awesome and so glad Bella finally faced her demons for herself and now she can try with Edward. Loved this chapter.
BellaTesoro chapter 23 . 1/21/2019
I am so proud of Edward. He really understood Bella's pain when he read the journal and he needed to see her in person to get the rest of the information first hand. Him on the floor and Tia trying to help him make sense of what to do next and him leaving half dressed and taking the bus to Bella...well I could picture it all and feel his pain and confusion...then Bella and his talk, they really finally talked honestly...and then Edward strong enough to pull away before they used their sexual attraction to ease the pain, he knew that would only be temporary and not good for their healing process. And you know what else I would have thought about if I were medical science Edward? Is Bella 'clean' I would insist she get tested, not only for his sake but for hers. So glad he is strong enough and brave enough to go back and do the friend thing first...but I'm glad he's going to get more information about Forks.
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