Disclaimer: I own nothing but the original plot points and any original characters therein. No copyright infringement intended.
A/N: Yeah, it's short, I know, but I've been stuck on this one forever, and I'm lucky to get this much out. So, yeah...
He (Felix) groaned at the feel and taste of her, his body responding eagerly, especially when she pulled herself close. She moaned against his lips when she felt just what she did to him. God, she wanted him… "Hold that thought," she whispered while palming his hard cock. She drew back with a smirk. "This virgin shit's for the birds and I intend to solve that little problem, with your help, of course…"
She broke away and opened the door, throwing a look back over her shoulder as she finished with a hissing growl, "Just as soon as I get a little payback."
Yep … glorious.
He smirked and left the room to join her.
This, he had to see…
Chapter 10
With caution and interest, he followed her as she took the stairs down to the main level at a human pace, her head held high and back straight as she glided into the spacious living room. Then she stopped, surveyed the room and turned on her heel to face Felix. "Baby, it's a little chilly in here, don't you think?" she asked while every able-bodied vampire in the house gathered to watch her.
Felix raised a brow, but decided to indulge his beautiful, newborn mate. Especially since he had a hunch where she was going with this. "I believe you are right, Tesoro, but I'm sure a fire would remedy the discomfort." A sly smile played on her lips and he continued, "Would you like me to build one?"
She glided across the room and placed her hands on his broad chest while smiling at him from under heavy lashes. "Yes, please," she breathed before tugging him into a soft, unhurried kiss.
When she pulled away with a grin, he smirked and made his way to the massive rock fireplace while she turned to the wide, living room entryway. There, she spotted the next person she needed to speak to, casually leaning against the frame, his arms and ankles crossed and one brow arched in amused curiosity. "Demetri!" she chirped.
"Yes, Bella?" he drawled.
"Would you be a dear and bring poor Edward in here? I'd really like him to … benefit from the fire too. Can't have him shivering, all alone in a bag somewhere, now can we?"
Demetri's red gaze connected with Felix who was dusting his hands together after building a roaring fire. The subtle nod he got from his brother was enough for the Tracker and he vanished from the spot only to return seconds later carting the Ed-duffel. "Where would you like it?" he asked and Bella hastily pushed back chairs to clear the floor-space in front of the hearth.
"I think here would be perfect! My Felix built such a cheery fire, and I really want dear Edward to get the full effect. I mean, the warmth is great and all, but the ravenous, licking flames...? Well, I find them positively mesmerizing to watch!" she sang with a wide smile as Demetri dropped the squirming Ed-duffle at her feet. As if someone had flipped a switch, she went cold and stared down at it, her red eyes flinty and smile absent as she canted her head to one side and murmured in a tone that chilled the venom in their veins, "I suspect he will too."
"I—I can't watch this!" Esme cried, wrenching herself from Carlisle's arms to run from the room. He watched her go, then looked back from the direction she'd taken and locked eyes with Bella, who raised a challenging brow.
"Don't even think," she bit out in a cold, hard tone, "to ask for mercy on behalf of the lousy, insane piece of shit you call your first childe. He's earned everything he gets, and more."
To his credit, he held her gaze and inclined his head. "I know he has, Bella, and though it will probably mean little to you, I apologize for all you've suffered. Just know that I will not interfere, and that I intend to make sure that you and your father are well set for the future."
Felix growled at Carlisle's words not liking the thought of anyone else providing for his mate, but Bella just rolled her eyes. "Quit with the sentimental monologue, Carlisle, you're killing my buzz." She clapped her hands and looked back at the eerily squirming duffel bag. "Now, where was I? Oh, yes!" She crouched and slowly unzipped the bag, then burst into gales of laughter at the sight of Edward's face firmly wedged between two pasty ass cheeks.
Her laughter trailed into a chuckle as she glanced at the casually propped Tracker. "Oh Demetri, I think I'm gonna love having you for a brother."
He smirked and inclined his head, and she focused back on the task at hand by burying a hand in that messy, bronze hair and yanking his head from the bag.
The eyes were wide and black as pitch and it looked fearful and desperate as she dangled it by its hair. Then she turned it to face her and smiled widely. "Hello asshole. How about a look around?" She slowly rotated the head so he could see everyone in the room, then she turned it back to face her. "We're all gathered for a weenie roast!" she declared with a flourish toward the roaring fire. "And guess what?!" The mouth popped open and the eyes went impossibly wide, drawing a slow, delighted nod from her. "Yessss," she hissed through a wide smile, "I think you've guessed, haven't you?" She brought the grisly thing closer and stage whispered by its ear, "That's right, fucker. You are the main event."