AN: I know it's been a while since I've updated this. Don't worry, I haven't forgotten about it, I don't plan on forgetting about either. Also, I know it's not very long, but my brain couldn't pump out any thing else for this chapter. I hope you guys enjoy this one.

The next day, a pack meeting was called. Everyone, including the imprints were expected to be there.

Bella and Paul were walking to Emily and Sam's house when an unfamiliar pickup truck screeched to a stop, gravel flying every which way. The drivers side door opened and out stepped a man bigger than the largest pack member.

Huge, tall, extremely well built, muscles that bunched under his russet skin. His hair closely cropped to his head. Eyes so dark, they looked almost black. He was dressed in dark denim jeans, a white tee that stretched over his chest without looking gross, and a pair of sneakers on his feet.

Paul came to a stop, pulling Bella behind him carefully. She grabbed his shirt in her fist, holding him back slightly.

"Can we help you?" Paul called.

The man glanced at them before turning their way. "I'm looking for my sister?"

"You Lydia's brother?" Paul questioned him.

He nodded, "Yes. My name is Nick. You are?"

"Pissed off at your sister." Bella said, poking her head out from behind Paul.

Nick laughed, "She does have that effect on people." He became serious after a minute. "What did she do?"

Bella confidently stepped from behind Paul as her anger showed itself. "She tried to trap the Chief's son in a relationship by using some sort of shaman magic. "Needless to say, I put a stop to it."

Nick look thunderous, he took a calming breath before asking, "Where is my sister?"

"Currently on her way." Paul told him as he saw Jacob and Lydia walking toward Sam's house.

Nick turned around and saw his sister, "LYDIA!" He roared. Lydia's eyes comically widened before she hurried to her brother's side. "What the fuck is wrong with you?"

Lydia looked down, not meeting his gaze. "I don't know." She whispered.

"Well, you made a big mistake. You done pissed off the wolves, is what you did." Nick told her, his eyes narrowed in anger.

Lydia's eyes flashed dangerously as she brought her eyes to her brother. "It would have been fine. But no, she," pointing to Bella, "had to go and ruin it."

Bella made a dash at the other woman, growling low in her throat, "You fucking bitch." Luckily, Paul caught his mate before her fist could make contact again.

A growl rumbled in Nick's chest that made everyone freeze. "What the actual fuck, Lydia?"

Lydia froze immediately when her brother growled, not speaking.

"What are you?" Paul questioned the other man. "You obviously know what we are but we don't know what you are."

"Clearly a disadvantage." chimed Bella.

Nick glanced at the two, amused. "You a wolf?" He asked Paul.

"Both are." Jacob told the other man, gesturing to himself and Paul.

"Thought it was a tribal secret." Bella smirked at her best friend.

Jacob shrugged, "Things are fucked up as it is."

"And the one behind him?" Nick gestured to Bella.

"She's a bitch, is what she is." Lydia snarked.

Bella shrugged in response.

"She's mine." Paul stated, glaring at Lydia.

"Mate?" Nick asked, a bewildered look on his face.

Paul nodded before turning to Bella, "Go inside and get Sam, just hang with Emily until everyone shows up."

Bella nodded slowly, before turning to go inside. She turned to look at Paul before she went through the door.

"You need to take your sister off our land. She isn't welcome anymore." Jacob growled.

Nick nodded, "Understandable. I'll take her shortly."

Lydia gasped, "Like hell you will."

Nick snarled before catching Lydia's throat in his hand, squeezing slightly. "I'm not one to hit a woman, let alone choke, but Lydia, you are pushing." With that he let her go.

"Jake!" A voice called from behind them. They all turned and saw who it was.


"Oh. What's going on? She leaving?" Leah asked Jacob.

"Shortly." He stated, nodding to Nick.

"Good." She looked up at Nick, freezing when her eyes met his.

"Oh shit!" Paul exclaimed.

"Damn." Jacob chuckled, shaking his head.

"What? What's happened?" Lydia demanded.

Leah's eyes narrowed dangerously as she came back to herself, "Nothing that concerns you."

"What the fuck is going on out here?" Sam demanded as he stepped out of his house onto the porch.

"Lydia's brother showed up yo pick her up. Leah, um," Jacob murmured too low for Lydia to hear, "imprinted."

Sam smirked, "Really? Well, that's interesting."

Lydia screeched, "What's happened? Tell me what's happened."

The Quileutes winced as her screeching hit their sensitive ears, Nick shook his head as if to clear it.

"Sam?" Emily called from the doorway. "Is everything okay?"

Sam nodded, "Everything is fine." Emily smiled at him before going back inside.

"I'm going to be taking her back home now, if that's okay." Nick told them.

Leah jerked her head toward him, "You're leaving?"

Nick nodded solemnly, "I have yo get her back home before she does something even more drastic." He met Leah's gaze, "I can come back though."

Leah nodded, "I'd like that." With that she turned to go into the house with Emily and Bella.

Nick turned to Jacob, "I can come back right?"

Jacob smirked, before saying, "I don't think anything could stop you, or her." He gestured toward the way Leah went.

Nick smiled, "True." He sighed, "I'll be back later. I'll then tell you guys 'what' I am."

"By the way, I'm Leah." She called as he turned away with his sister in tow.

He glanced back at her, with a smile on his face, "Nick."

'Nick' Leah whispered as she watched him leave.

Paul couldn't stop it. He just laughed. "You imprinted."

Leah snarled, "Your point?"

"On that bitches brother." Paul gasped as he doubled over in laughter.

Leah's eyes widened a fraction, "Well, shit. I get to make her life hell."

Sam chuckled. "Only if he accepts the imprint."

Paul sobered after a bit. "I think it happened on his side also. He is something else."

But what? Everyone wondered.