Reviews for An Undefined Affair
Aleksandra24 chapter 27 . 7/24
oh i have to wait quite long to get to prologue but I really really love this story even while Bella were pissing me all the time. lol. aI Wonder how did that happen that I've found this fanfiction so late.
Aleksandra24 chapter 15 . 7/23
I don't get it. I loooove this fic so do much but I do not get that who Jack is to say Edward with whom he can or cannot date. it's ridiculous really. Edward is not he's property...The idea of doing what Jack wants is even funny. He may be Edwards boss but it does not give him right to decide about woman he's sleeping with
Guest chapter 22 . 4/15
Their breakup lasted so many chapters I got out of the mood for them to get back together. A shame really because it was a really good story well written just went on n on.
cctwilight chapter 3 . 4/10
Edward was certainly up for that challenge!
pinkshoes81 chapter 27 . 3/31
Loved this, thanks for sharing x
MsLiss chapter 27 . 2/20
Thank you
MsLiss chapter 22 . 2/20
Omfg just sit down and get the god damn story out.
Bella needs therapy
How on earth can you hear 1/100th of the story and then enjoy a morning sight seeing.
I couldn’t do it
She is Queen Of denial
She needs therapy
MsLiss chapter 17 . 2/19
These two are acting like teenagers.
God Edward talk to her.
God Bella let the man talk .!
MsLiss chapter 16 . 2/19
Ok so I’m disappointed but it’s not unexpected as per the prologue.
But what I wouldn’t do for an epov. Yeah nit much!
I thought the way he was acting he felt more for Bella’s he either more emotionally stunted than i thought. And it won’t hit his until he is without Bella
There is work drama going on that he is gutless to address.
Could very well be a bit of both
MsLiss chapter 15 . 2/19
Ok so it must have been jacks doing.
We already know he wants rise and Edward together
Why if he doesn’t like her ! Would he do tat to his daughter?
More business deals?
But Edward must have and been compliant.
Already is being compliant
No saying to jack he will wait until the campaign is over ?
Why is a grown man panicking ? What was really said?
Oh the plot thickens
Thank you
MsLiss chapter 11 . 2/19
Oh my god blurred lines all over he place.
My bet is they won’t talk about it.
Hmm I do wonder how far away the prologue is.
It would make sense they hadn’t talked for that to happen.
I can’t see Edward saying no to a relationship with the way he is acting. And now Bella seems to have her head around the fact it’s more. So something must hit the fan ! Lol
MsLiss chapter 10 . 2/19
I know we do not have Edwards thoughts but his actions say he is very much into more with Bella.
As for Bella she is in complete denial. Justifying everything that hints at a relationship as ok and claiming it meaningless. It’s no wonder why she is not picking up Edwards vibes.

Edward is also feeling very insecure as he keeps restating that they are exclusive. Vibes Galore
Thank you
MsLiss chapter 6 . 2/18
Both are in denial
No wonder they end up hurting
MsLiss chapter 4 . 2/18
Famous last words
Oh dear
Nicoconsd chapter 27 . 2/6
This was such a fun adventure, thanks for the wild ride :)
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