Author has written 7 stories for Harry Potter. Hello, and thank you for visiting and reading my stories. I am a life-long, avid, book collecting, story devouring, bibliophile. To the point where I drive my family bonkers. My ultimate goal here is to learn how to craft a good novel length story. I've tried to explain to my exasperated husband why I'm writing fanfiction, and this is what I came up with: An aspiring musician learns how to appeal to his target audience by playing songs everyone knows. Songs written and performed by others who've already figured it out, and who've already MADE IT. Classics, party songs, whatever. This is how the musician learns what it takes to be a good performer, no matter what instrument he plays. He improves as he goes along, and if he listens to his audience and responds accordingly, he will find a voice that appeals to his audience, and eventually people will want to hear his original material. My husband is a life-long, avid, guitar picking, drum beating, music whore. He's no longer exasperated with me. So, I want to hear from you. As you read my work, please let me know how I'm doing. I want to use my voice. I want to be heard. But, by God, I want to do this right. acro Oh, and as of June 2013, I created a Twitter account so I can stop posting ginormous Author's Notes, and so I can share all the little oddities that slap me upside the head throughout my day that make my writing believable, cohesive and possible. If you're interested, look me up! As of April 2014, I have given no one permission to translate my works into other languages, or post them under other names on other sites. I also post under my own pen-name at Hawthorne and Vine, but nowhere else. If you guys see my work pop up anywhere else, will you do me a favor and give me a heads-up? I'd do the same for you! Not that I don't want to see my work re-posted in other languages - I just got one of those really strange PM's that made me paranoid. We writers make ourselves very vulnerable posting our creations out here in fanfiction-land, and it would be devastating to have our vulnerability here exploited. I solemnly swear to play nice, and I hope everyone else does too! acro |