12: The L Word & The inner workings of George Weasley

Hermione stood as still as a living person can stand, she didn't dare breath… he wasn't there, her bravery waned as she realised that key items were missing from his office, his beloved laptop, his signed copy of 50 shades of Silver and the photo he kept on his shelf of he and Hermione at the opening of the department, fake grins plastered on their faces as smoke billowed from the door behind them. Hermione's heart seemed to tighten when she noted the small empty vial identical to the one she'd taken from George… she looked at her watch… it had only been minutes ago, it felt like hours, three hours. He had remembered too and now he was gone, her doubts coming to fruition as she realised she had been abandoned by the one man she may have actually been compatible with, the one man she may have actually been in love with. Righteous anger and indignation replaced her doubts and fears, he had behaved exactly as she had expected him to and it made her seethe. She turned on her heel and marched from his office slamming the door open violently.

"What's going on Boss?" George asked from his position in the doorway.

"I'm leaving, you and Sparks are in charge… don't fuck up!" Hermione barked as she marched towards her office.

"When will you be back?" George squeaked in panic

"When I fucking feel like it George." Hermione growled as she stomped towards her fireplace, she grabbed a large handful of floo powder from the jar on the mantle.

"There's no need to swear." An older balding wizard said as he poked his head from one of the smaller labs.

"Archie get back to your desk and the fucking charm for treating male pattern baldness we all know you're secretly working on." Hermione snapped as she threw the large handful of powder into the fire, making it glow green, Archie sidled back into his lab with no further objections.

"Malfoy apartment, Waverly" Hermione yelled at the fire as she stepped in and began to spin.

George Weasley was not a natural leader, well he could be but the responsibility was just too much, he hated being responsible. He looked up from the scratch on the work bench he'd been staring at to see the large round eyes of Sparks trained on him. She hadn't been a bad addition to his life when he'd come to think of it.

Since the hiring of Sparks he'd certainly been showering more, his mother had said he was 'taking better care of himself', he'd varied his eating patterns beyond tortilla wraps and scotch eggs, she'd brought him in a mango smoothie and he'd liked it. She was also good fun; it had been her idea to alter Archie's charm to make his hair fall out faster in retaliation to Archie's nasty comments about her height. They had both agreed that Archie was a "dick" on her second day at work, thus firming a strange alliance between the pair and it had only grown from there.

The best thing was that she was funny and mischievous, but only with him, and It made him feel (he'd never admit this to anyone) special. Special that she didn't show the real her to anyone but him, when she was around ministry people she was reserved, shy and quiet but when they were alone she was loud and witty and always grinning. He had grown rather fond of her, and he hadn't been 'fond' of anyone in a long time, accept for maybe Hermione and Draco… Hermione had gone from his little brother's annoying know-it-all kid girlfriend, to his little brothers hot girlfriend to his boss/work mother in the space of ten years and Draco well… he was just an anomaly, here was this little shit of a kid, now a grown up man who was almost guiding George through what the therapists at St Mungo's called arrested development and helping George grow up… a bit.

George never spoke of it, but he had spent 3 months in the confines of the St Mungo's mental health ward and while the staff knew he was no longer a danger to himself they worried that he would regress to a happier time and never move on… well thy were wrong cause he was moving… a bit.

"Where's Hermione?" an out of breath Minister of magic panted as he skidded to a halt outside their lab door.

"She's taking some personal time Sir." Sparks said diplomatically, Hermione had been gone for almost twenty minutes.

"Personal time? Personal time? I can't get her to take a holiday… then today of all days she…" Arthur Weasley's voice had at this point reached a pitch only dogs could hear. "Where's Malfoy?" he croaked clutching his chest.

"Personal time" George parroted, rather enjoying seeing his father panicking.

"You have got to be fucking kidding…" Arthur was interrupted by the sudden appearance of his wife.

"Arthur! Language in front of the children!" Molly scolded slapping the minister for magic on the back of the head "Hello dear" Molly smiled pleasantly at Sparks "You must be Sparkle Wohlfahrt, my goodness we've heard so much about you from our George I hope he's invited you to our celebrations this Saturday?" Molly smiled kindly

"I was going to mum…" George started to protest, but he also received a slap from his mother, who many called "the real minister"

"Well dear, I must insist you join us at the Burrow for the party, it's our Grandson Teddy's 7th birthday party and we'd be so happy…" Arthur was the one doing the interrupting this time.

"Molly, this is no time for niceties! George, the Korean minister for magic has arrived unannounced…" George's impassive face made Arthur feel the need to expand "The Korean ministry have not visited the British Ministry in over 500 years, in fact the Korean ministry hasn't visited any other ministry in over 500 years… we are now having to organise a bloody dinner in his honour and he's especially keen to meet the bloody wunderkinds behind the work of the Department of Bloody experimental magic… and this all has to happen tonight as he's only staying for one BLOODY NIGHT!" Arthur was panting, his tone was on the whistle register and his eyes were bloodshot. Molly was so preoccupied with his physical appearance she forgot to scold him for his language.

"I've tried owling, flooing, emailing and messaging them both in the last half hour and nothing!" Arthur wheezed as he leaned against the doorframe.

"We can stand in for them." Sparks said suddenly, everyone turned to look at her with incredulity including George. "I'm familiar with everything that's gone through the department, Mr Malfoy sends me all the paperwork to file… he gets confused with the filing system on his laptop… and George is the best practical developer in the department in terms of the actual physicality of the work we do… nobody knows it better than George!" Sparks said nervously, she wasn't sure why she was so eager to help Mr and Mrs Weasley, all she knew was that she was.

"Fine… I'll need you dressed and ready in formal attire in two hours, we're banqueting in the main hall… I'm running the bloody elves ragged… Molly, remind me to slip a bonus in their pay check this month" Arthur sighed as he slumped onto the desk in front of him "Sparkle it was a pleasure to see you… George, she's a lovely girl I hope you're being nice to her." The minister groaned as he dragged himself up and moped from the room.

"Sparkle…" Molly started but was interrupted by the Amazonian girl who stood before her "it's Sparks miss, everyone calls me Sparks" the girl said shyly.

"Of course now Sparks, I have a lovely emergency tailor here at the Ministry for times like these; come with me and we'll fix you up in something to wear… save you from going all the way home and back… George, your father keeps a spare tux in his office; Blinkworth his butler will make the necessary adjustments… well hop to it children we've got no time to waste!" Molly clapped her hands and both of them jumped to attention and followed her to the Ministers floor.

Hermione Granger arrived at Draco's large apartment feeling a mixture of rage and terror, there were no wards placed around the floo which was a relief but his living room was staggeringly dark and as loathed as she was to admit it… she didn't like the dark.

"Malfoy?" she called, her voice breaking slightly "I know you're here Malfoy… I can…" she daren't finish that sentence; she didn't want him to know she knew his scent.

She lit her wand effortlessly and began to walk slowly through the living room finally reaching the door to his drawing room… a thought suddenly occurred to her, what was she going to say? What was she going to do? Perhaps this wasn't a great idea, she knew she was behaving irrationally and she was terrified of what he would say when she found him. She entered the drawing room…

"Hermione Granger entered the bleak drawing room, her eyes stung with tears of fear as she crept through what she hoped would turn out to be another empty room." Hermione felt sick as she realised in some weird way she was now enacting scenes from the porn book she starred in and so took the opportunity to shout again "Draco fucking Malfoy… get in here and face me!" she hollered, her voice carried through the spacious apartment. The far door to the small Library opened and Draco exited flicking the light switch and illuminating the room;

"Why are you walking round in the dark?" he asked bluntly.

"I don't know" Hermione spat in a harsh tone which was not befitting the words coming out of her mouth.

"What are you doing here?" he asked, again bluntly.

"You ran away!" she shouted, pointing an accusatory finger at Draco "You behaved exactly as I feared you would… you… you dick!" Hermione barked still waving her finger.

"I don't know what you're talking about." Draco said with deadness in his voice, his face was paler than usual and he was holding an almost empty glass of Whiskey.

"I saw the vial on your desk Malfoy, I know you remember what I remember… I can't believe you ran away." Her voice trembled and she threw herself into a large wing backed chair facing the bare hearth. She buried her face in her hands and shook her head repeatedly.

"don't play the victim here Granger, you were the one who wanted to forget! Do you know how that makes a man feel? Knowing the woman he… the woman he… likes… doesn't even want to remember the one intimate moment they had, my god am I that awful a human being?" he snapped pacing in front of the fireplace, before lighting it, the bare logs irritating him for some reason.

"You didn't seem to be complaining at the time!" Hermione shot at him, her face warmed by the crackling fire.

"I was high, drunk and had just experienced muggle flight for the first time… I was hardly of sound mind!" Draco shouted before draining his glass and marching to the ornate drinks trolley which was parked by the bay windows.

"Oh so I took advantage of you did I? All those things you said, all those things you did were a result of what, me plying you with drink and drugs?" Hermione barked, tears welling in her eyes.

"I didn't say that." He barked back as he shoved a large glass of amber nectar at her, she accepted but her hands trembled.

"Well what are you saying Draco? Cause as I remember it I told you… I told you I was sorry, I told you I wished I hadn't cast the charm, my god I think I told you I loved you!" tears flowed freely down her reddened cheeks, she drained the glass and stood to leave, Draco was silently staring at her "Obviously I was right, it was a bad idea, we did it and now you hate me and you've taken all your favourite things home from the office and no doubt you're going to resign or something and I'm going to die alone… but do you know what? It's fine because at least I'll die with the knowledge that I was right and fuck it I'm a swotty know it all and we love that shit!" she stated sardonically before slamming her empty glass down on a side table and turning to leave, she stopped at the feel of a firm grasp on her forearm.

"Stand still George!" Molly shrieked as she fussed with his bow tie, she looked regal in a long form fitting, blue velvet gown, her neck draped in the jewels of office, sapphires and diamonds glinted in the fire light, her head topped with a dazzling tiara comprised of square cut diamonds and tear drop sapphires "This bloody necklace is weighing me down and this damn tiara makes me feel like a drag queen." She hissed as she retied Georges tie for the seventh time."

"You look lovely mum" George said, trying to quietly appease his clearly flustered mother.

"Thank you darling, you look rather dapper yourself." She smiled kindly as she finally managed to tie her sons tie, magic never seemed to do it straight… there was something for the kids to work on "who would have thought it eh?" she said wistfully as she patted her sons impeccable dress attire fondly "us, throwing a ball for the Korean minister… the Weasley's wearing diamonds." She sniffed lightly, her eyes welling "I know it's silly but I can't help thinking that Fred would've loved all this, not the diplomacy…"

"he probably would've started world war three with a joke about three men walking into a bar." George whispered, not used to talking about his lost twin.

"I'm very proud of you my boy, you've made a very successful man out of yourself and I know that Fred… that Fred's proud of you too." Molly said wiping the tears from her large kindly eyes. George nodded sombrely trying to hold back the tears which threatened to spill. He cleared his throat gruffly and shook his head, making his shaggy red mane wild. "Where's sparks?" he asked, his voice cracking.

"she'll be meeting us down there, I've left her with my stylist" Molly said turning from her son to pick up her cloak, George leant down swiftly and pecked her cheek "He'd be proud of you too mum, he always said you'd make the best minister"

"I'm not…" she ended her protest however at the sight of George rolling his eyes. "yes well I help your father a little, nothing wrong with that!" she smiled and promptly headed from the room indicating that he should follow.

George found himself sitting next to one of the delegates from Korea, the empty space beside him indicated that his right side would be occupied by Sparks, which was a relief as his Korean counterpart wasn't saying very much at all. The chatter in the room dropped almost imperceptibly when Molly Weasley entered the hall with a very tall girl by her side. The girl was radiant, her raven hair hung loosely in large ringlets round her shapely white shoulders, the long emerald off the shoulder dress may have had a very modest neckline, the material cutting across the collar bone, but when the girl turned to shake hands with a diplomat George couldn't help but notice the material plummeting revealing a whole swathe of creamy white back crisscrossed with green ribbon. He couldn't work out how the dress was staying up… must be magic he thought as the girl walked towards him her eyes wide and meaningful, she pulled out the chair and plonked herself into the vacant seat before George could do the gentlemanly thing of pulling it out for her.

"Your mum had to come rescue me from the stylist lady who was trying to make me wear high heels and I was trying to explain that I'd fall over and she was all French and fancy and telling me it'd elongate my back and stop me slouching and then Mrs Weasley came in and said I couldn't wear High heels cause that'd make me taller than you and so I was allowed to wear flats and now here I am feeling utterly ridiculous in a dress not made for nerdy girls who are good at math!" she expounded in one long breathless whisper to George who was still shocked that Sparks had such lovely shoulders. She leaned over George and stretched out a hand to the Korean delegate who looked back at her with wide eyes "Hello, I'm Sparks I work in the department of experimental magic, welcome to our ministry!" she said kindly and quietly. The man shook her hand for a few seconds before responding "I am Nelson Shin, I am the director of international relations for Korea."

"Oh, that sounds exciting how long have you been doing that for then?" Sparks asked awkwardly, running on nervous energy.

"Two days" the young Korean man said nervously. "It's a relatively new department; we have recently elected a new minister and he's keen on innovation."

"You speak very good English." An older woman said condescendingly as she joined their table, she was sitting opposite Sparks, some British official's wife by the looks of it.

"I attended university in America M'am, Harvard." He said politely.

"Oh I'm sorry dear I thought you were a wizard." The old woman said, clearly terribly at social interaction.

"I am M'am It is common for young Korean wizards to explore muggle education, we believe the muggle community have a lot to offer, that is why our minister is so keen to meet the team behind the Department of Experimental Magic and your new minister. We have been informed that the British ministry is working with some Muggles in Westminster to the benefit of all, and that many magical muggle technological developments have been facilitated by the D.O.E.M" Nelson said, his tone informative but not warm.

"You are very well informed" Sparks said as she smiled kindly at Nelson, before the older woman could make any more comments she was joined by her Husband who appeared to be a member of the Wizengmot.

"This dress doesn't allow for a lot of arm movement" Sparks whispered to George as she struggled to scratch the spot between her shoulder blades.

"it looks very pretty." George whispered back before quickly reaching out and scratching the spot she couldn't reach.

" yea well your mums got a pretty amazing dress maker stowed away up there so…" she said looking down at the swathe of green silk covering her knee, enjoying his scratch immensely

"no I mean you look pretty in it." George clarified withdrawing his hand from her back.

"Oh… thanks George" Sparks whispered, a blush creeping up her neck.

Hermione looked at the hand clasped round her arm and then up at face connected to that hand, he looked annoyed, his pale features ravished with confusion and annoyance.

"Let me go." She groaned as she tried to pull away from him, he held fast.

"Oh no, Oh no no no Granger, you don't get to use the L word and then strop off making me the bad guy!" he snapped pulling her towards him so their noses were almost touching.

"Like you said Malfoy, we were high and drunk… you said lots of things right?" she snarled back at him, feeling every inch the woman scorned.

"I meant everything I said, I'm no coward Granger, I didn't need some Whack a doo brain wiper charm to make the moves on you." He growled from his throat, jutting his head closer to hers.

"Oh so I'm a coward? Well excuse me 'Mr High and Mighty Malfoy', excuse me 'Mr I wear my heart on my freaking impeccable sleeve' some of us aren't heart throbs with hoards of suitors banging down the door, some of us need to take a little care with our hearts." She sang back gesticulating wildly, he stilled her other arm by grabbing it too, holding it firmly next to it's partner between them.

"I understand Granger, I just can't help but think that if you needed to forget then perhaps you didn't really want it in the first place, perhaps there's one thing 'miss I know it all' doesn't know… 'Miss eternally right' doesn't know what she wants." Draco whispered his nose a micron away from hers.

"Shows how much you know Malfoy, it wasn't that I didn't want to, I think we can both say with a certainty that I was more than a willing participant… it was you I was worried about Malfoy. I was terrified that you'd reject me or freak out on me or bloody tell everyone and have it all be some incredibly extended Slytherin prank and you'd pour pigs blood on my head." She blabbered feeling angry and anxious and oddly aroused.

"That's a very irrational fear, I have no idea where I'd get pigs blood from and… I thought you trusted me?" he said sharply, his brows furrowed.

"I do… in everything else I trust you, with my friendship, my career, my mental health… but with my love? No I didn't and maybe that's my issue Malfoy, maybe your little psychoanalysis of me was right maybe Ron broke me." She had lost the anger, she was now just feeling sad, her head sank and her eyes welled afresh.

"Hermione." He said softly, his grip on her wrists loosened and he moved his hands down to hold hers. "don't cry" he whispered bending his head low to rest next to hers.

"I fucked it all up. And now you hate me and you took home your favourite stuff and you'll resign and… and… it's all because I'm some damaged goods or something." She sobbed violently.

"no I fucked up, I freaked out and then packed a little sack of trinkets like a three year old running away… and I shouted at you… which I shouldn't have done because you came after me… which is obviously what I wanted, I don't hate you and I'm not resigning… now later we'll have to talk about these gender reversals in our relationship, I feel like the girl in one of those stupid flickchicks you make me watch and I'm finding it very confusing" He said childishly, a lopsided grin playing on his pale features.

She looked up at him with red rimmed eyes "I said I'd be braver." She stated, extricating her hand from his to wipe her nose on her sleeve.

"I could have given you a tissue" he stated, a look of mock disgust playing on his features.

"I just didn't want to get snot on you when I did this." She stated as she threw her snot sleeved arm round his shoulder and pulled him into an almost feral kiss, he pulled her closer lifting her from the waist. When they finally pulled apart for breath she let out a relieved sigh and slumped her head onto his shoulder.

"Feel better?" he asked, dreamily stroking her back.

"Yes." She sighed into his shoulder

"Want to see my room?" Malfoy asked sounding like a twelve year old with a new dance mat.

"uh-hu" Hermione nodded imitating his immaturity. He took no more permission, lifting her bodily and running from the door, Hermione's almost hysterical laughter filling the once cold apartment.

They were on to course number 7, George had panicked about cutlery and had tried to drink from the finger dipping bowl, but Sparks had kept him straight, whispering cutlery instructions to him throughout the night. People were looking at them funny, George had caught his mother eyeballing him and giggling when Sparks had been whispering the basic instructional uses of lobster eating tools.

Now he had some tiny piece of meat in front of him and he had no idea if he was supposed to cut it up or not… I mean it was a mouthful size, surely he could just pick it up and pop it in his mouth. Sparks leaned over to him and placed her lips very close to his reddening ear "If you ram that in your mouth like a fruit pastel I will prong you with my fork." She chuckled; he laughed too making the older couple at the table smile nostalgically.

"So we were told you guys wanted to know more about the Experimental Magic Department, what is it you're interested in Mister Shin?" Sparks asked politely leaning forward to look at Nelson.

"It's the minister Miss Wolfehart he has interest in your work, I mainly only know of your work within the tech sector… My Iwand 2 is my best friend." He laughed nervously.

"They're on model 2 already?" George asked conversationally.

The empty plates where the tiny pieces of meat had once sat vanished and large plate of profiteroles appeared, "Finally, pudding time" George sighed happily being completely aware of how to eat a pudding.

"Yes" Sparks hissed almost inaudibly "I freaking love Profiteroles" she smiled at him and on seeing the chocolate moustache she now donned he couldn't help but grin back. He lifted his finger and wiped her lip clean "chocolate tash" he said to the table at large as if to justify the intimate gesture he'd just made.

"George and Miss Wolfehart the Korean Minister for Magic would like an audience with you in the cigar room." One of Arthur's footmen was standing to attention behind George.

"Can we bring our puddings?" George asked as he eyed his mini pastry delights longingly.

"I don't think that's a good idea George." Sparks said standing, all the other men at the table including George stood "Are we all going?" Sparks asked suspiciously looking round at the men on their feet

"No, they're just being polite… cause you're a lady." George said quietly. Sparks smiled.

"You sure this time?" Draco asked. He was standing on one side of his large bedroom, Hermione on the other her breath hitching.

"Yes" she whispered breathily as she pulled her pinafore over her head and started unbuttoning her shirt. Draco followed suit and removed his shoes, followed by his tie and shirt and finally his trousers, until they stood on either end of an ever shrinking room in their underwear, hearts pumping blood frantically.

"No excuses Malfoy, no drugs, no trauma, no champagne." Hermione said challengingly.

"Well I have had two whiskey's… but that's milk to me… so yea no excuses Granger." He smiled and took a step forward.

"No charms Granger… no hiding from this?" he asked lowering his head slightly and looking at her from a furrowed brow.

She smiled slyly before running at him and jumping into his arms, she wrapped her legs round his waist making him stumble back a few steps, but he soon caught his balance. "This is real?" He whispered, almost convinced he was stuck in some sort of dream like state.

"Very much so." She groaned as she lightly bit into his shoulder.

Rather than walk the seven paces to the bed Draco impatiently pushed Hermione into a wall which was three paces away, letting Hermione's thighs and his hips bare the brunt of Hermione's weight his hands dived straight for the clasp in her bra, he fumbled with it and frowned in frustration, Hermione giggled slightly and patted his cheek fondly. Draco growled, feral and unwanting of sympathy and pity he ripped the garment from her eliciting a gasp from his now trapped prey, her pants were soon ripped and discarded with her bra, he was frantic in his motions and before she knew it he was inside her and sighing contentedly as if he were in flames and her body was the water.

"I love you Granger… I love you." He said breathily his forehead resting on hers, his arms locked either side of her already sweating head.

"I love you Malfoy." Hermione mumbled as through kisses, butterflies swarming in her gut, tingles spreading from her toes.

Sparks and George entered the smoking room nervously; there was a lot of smoke, and minister Weasley and to his right a square jawed handsome man with jet black hair, his eyes glittering, and his robe splendid.

"Ah this must be young George Weasley; I am very pleased to see you." The Korean minister said jovially.

"It's an honour." George wasn't sure what to do so dropped a half curtsey.

"and this must be the talented Miss Wolfeheart, it's a delight miss." The minister continued happily.

"sir." Sparks said respectfully, bending slightly in a half bow.

"So… down to business shall we?" The foreign minister said curtly, indicating the pair should sit on the two vacant chairs situated across from him.

"I have three daughters." The minister said solemnly, his face seeming tired.

"Congratulations." Sparks said awkwardly, not sure how to answer the ministers statement.

"Mmhh… my daughters are very keen on one thing, a phenomena in Korea… a youtube video named "panda Kittens" I'm sure you've heard of it George?" the minister asked with a lilt to his impeccable English.

"Ah." Was all George said, he swallowed hard, Sparks reached out and patted his arm.

"After trying to hunt these blasted kittens down for my girls I was soon told to perhaps look at my own world, and you can imagine my shock when I discovered that it was wizards who were responsible for the most popular pop culture reference in Korea… a cultural phenomenon you might say, well I would like the specifics of these kittens. I want them for my girls." The minister said wearily "they aren't exactly keen on my new position, they are still young and demand a lot of time and attention… I am feeling guilty I believe the blasted panda kittens will get me off the hook for at least a few months. I will of course make this worth your while, we have been working on your current technical developments and we believe we have improved a few aspects… I believe this could be the beginning of a very fruitful friendship" The minister finished with a grin at the gathered minister, his son, his sons partner and Molly.

"Take them" all four said at once.

"I'll box up the homeless ones and have them sent over… there are 40 you know that right?" George said quickly forgetting his diplomatic tone.

"The more the merrier, I was thinking about gifting some to the newest students of our magical academy."

"You probably wont need the instructions on how to make more… they're pretty frisky sir… em they mate a lot… and they never get bigger than a tea cup…" George said, wondering if perhaps the Korean minister was confused.

"Wonderful, well… I don't think this could have gone better, Minister Weasley I'm pleased that we have forged this new tentative alliance." The minister said as he stood and shook hands with his British counterpart who was still dumfounded by the simplicity of this major international breakthrough.

"I've got a tea party with 5 year old triplets to attend in exactly fifteen minutes, you'll have to excuse the briefness of this visit, I'm sure we'll be seeing a lot more of each other." The Korean minister said before bowing his head and disappearing in a puff of smoke, judging by the gasps from the main hall the rest of the delegates had vanished as suddenly.

George and Sparks found themselves giddily exiting the panda kitten nursery, they had just completed boxing up the kittens, both secure in the knowledge that their own panda kittens were safely playing at home… the consignment had been picked up by the Korean minister's porters and the panda kittens were gone.

Sparks sashayed down the long darkened corridor, wanting to enjoy the last few minutes of a proper gown. She twirled suddenly and giggle as the floating end of her dress blossomed out caught up by the surrounding air. "it's a shame they cancelled the dancing." She said wistfully.

"There was no point, the Korean delegation went home, they only do those dances to show off." George stated as he whipped off his bow tie and undid his top button. With a sudden surge of confidence he grabbed Sparks round the waist and dipped her gently and elegantly, she giggled frantically before straightening, the tip of her nose rested against Georges. He maintained his grip around her waist as he tried to remember what to do next. Her breath caught as he leaned in and kissed her lightly on the bottom lip. "You do look very pretty Sparks." She blushed lightly before wrapping her arms around his neck and planted her lips back on his; they swayed slightly as if dancing to some unseen band.

Draco Malfoy squirmed under his duvet as the first wave of waking washed over his aching, sweating body. 'what happened last night' he thought groggily, this thought woke him up fully and he flipped over urgently his heart stopping for a second when he saw a smiling Hermione looking groggily up at him. "Remember last night?" she asked sleepily.

"Yea." Draco said happily as he leaned down and covered Hermione's body with his.

"Was brilliant wasn't it?" Hermione giggled as she wriggled beneath him.

"that was just the warm up Granger." He growled into her neck.