Author has written 1 story for Harry Potter. I love Harry Potter, Twilight, The Black Dagger Brotherhood, The Belgariad, The Fever Series and way too many other books to list here. I am a fan of mismatched socks and I drink way too much tea. My favorite pairing is Draco and Hermione and I will never put Ron and Hermione together because he is much too dumb to keep her attention. Update 8/1/11: Ok people, cat is being let out of the bag. I also write under the pen name Andy'sGirl4485 if you want more stories. I wanted this to be separate from my original stuff because it is a re-write and I might do some more re-writes in the future and thought it would be good to have a whole page just for them. Thank you so much to all of you for the awesome reviews and the requests for more stories! I would not have felt compelled to reveal the connection if it weren't for your wonderful words =) XOXO AG |