A/N: So….. This SHOULD be the last we see of our duo...but… I mean… I'm REALLY attached to these assholes. Like really. Like whoa. *sigh*

So many thanks to the group discussion that helped me figure out where to send them on their honeymoon. I really love you guys.

"Wow, this place is a trip."

Carlisle's lip twitched as they navigated the cramped corridor of The Witchery. As soon as Edward unlocked the door, Carlisle dropped his luggage and hurried forward, gathering his beautiful husband up in his arms. Edward gasped, his arms going around his neck, and he laughed as Carlisle carried him across the threshold.

"You cheesy bastard," Edward said, brushing his nose against Carlisle's when he set him on his feet. He sighed, crossing his arm behind Carlisle's neck as he pressed a breathless kiss to his lips. "You already did that part, remember?"

"Hmm." Carlisle put his hands to Edward's waist, swaying them. "I'm not sure. I'm an old man, baby. My memory isn't what it used to be. Maybe you should remind me."

"You remember." Edward's fingers scratched along his scalp. "It was that day we decided to invite a few friends over, and for no apparent reason, I put on a suit." He tilted his forehead against Carlisle's, his voice smooth and low. "We may have vowed some things. Something about to have and to hold, for better or for worse." He sighed-a contented sound. "For as long as we both shall live."

A wide smile spread across Carlisle's face. He rubbed his hands in slow circles against the small of Edward's back. "I vaguely remember. It's almost there."

"Someone said something about pronouncing us husband and husband." Edward kissed him-barely a brush of his lips. "And there was much frivolity."

"Oh, frivolity."

"Yes. And then, because you're a goddamned show off, you carried me up the steps and over the threshold of our house."

"Yes. It's coming back to me now." He kissed Edward. This kiss lingered. "God, you were so beautiful. I'd never seen anything so stunning." He cupped his face, his touch gentle. "I love you. Do you know that?"

Edward's smile was mischievous, but adoring. He put a hand against Carlisle's at his cheek. "I had an inkling, but it's nice to know for sure."

"Brat," Carlisle said, and he kissed him soundly.

"Mmm." Still grinning, Edward took a step backward. "Come on, husband mine, let me actually take a look at this place."

As he said the words, he looked around and his eyes went wide. "Holy hell." Standing in one place, he turned three hundred and sixty degrees, looking around. He laughed. "This is ostentatious."

"I think the words the website used were 'flamboyantly gothic,'" Carlisle said as he went out into the hallway to retrieve their bags.

Edward might have helped, but he was wandering around the room, trying to take it all in. It was a crowded, busy room, filled floor to rafters with lavish furnishings and days-of-yore memorabilia. The wide room held a deep window seat, a table set for two with champagne in a bucket, several sofas and chairs, and a huge, four poster bed.

Carlisle chuckled, watching Edward explore out of the corner of his eyes as he opened the suitcase to unpack. He was long in the habit of putting things in order first.

Edward had no such qualms. He came darting back into the room and took Carlisle by the hand. "Come on. You have to see this."

"I did my research. I know what the suite looks like," Carlisle said, but he let Edward pull him through the tiny anteroom into the bathroom.

Pictures couldn't have done it justice. The bathroom was glorious. Well, the toilet was small and ugly, but the bathtub was one of those free standing numbers-an updated relic from the days when tubs were filled by hand.

Carlisle had hardly set foot in the room before Edward's hands were at his pants. "Baby, what-"

"Carlisle, we've been travelling all damn day." He furrowed his eyebrows. "Actually, with all the time changes, I'm not even sure if it's the same day we left." He let his hands travel up Carlisle's belly, under his shirt, tickling him lightly. "Tell me a nice, long soak in the tub with your very hot, very naked new husband isn't exactly what the doctor ordered."

"I've been a doctor a long time," Carlisle said, lifting his arms so Edward could pull his shirt off. "I have yet to prescribe anyone a bath with their spouse."

"Yeah?" Edward squeezed his ass and pressed a kiss to his chin. "Well, you should try it first."

Some minutes later, Carlisle could have sworn he was in heaven. He was in Scotland with his husband. Edward was happy and peaceful in his arms, his back against Carlisle's chest, their lips brushing in the occasional lazy kiss as the steam curled around them.

Edward tilted his head, nuzzling Carlisle's cheek. "So this is what happens when I let you plan a honeymoon, hmm? You take me to Scotland, birthplace of the tawse-don't think that escaped my notice-put us up in a gothic manor that looks like there has to be some kind of dungeon somewhere. That bed alone. Jesus Christ, that bed was made for bondage. Very sturdy."

Carlisle chuckled. "You have a one-track mind, pet. They also have castles here. And standing stones. And Lochs."

"And men in kilts."

"Ah, you've figured out my secret. I'm here for the men in kilts. It's an unfortunate twist in timing that I had to bring you along-the old ball and chain."

"It's okay, babe. This works out for both of us. Men in kilts with Scottish accents are a freebie, right?"

Carlisle raised his hands to Edward's nipples beneath the water and gave them a sharp squeeze, making his young husband gasp.

Edward craned his head back to catch Carlisle's kiss. He moaned into his mouth as Carlisle's hands began to wander. Edward's fingers traced patterns to his kneecaps as Carlisle pressed and caressed. Pulling back, Carlisle ran the tip of his nose along Edward's hairline, peppering the occasional kiss to the line of his chin.

Every time Carlisle's wandering hands drifted down, down, Edward's hips raised ever so slightly. "Eager, aren't you, little boy?" Carlisle said into his ear. He tangled his fingers into the coarse nest of hair between Edward's legs.

Edward whimpered. "For you?" he asked, breathless. "Always."

Carlisle skimmed his fingertips along Edward's cock. He clucked his tongue. "You're beginning to make a mess, baby. You're getting water all over the floor with all your wiggling."

"You ever… Ahhh. You ever think about, about what other people. Oh, hell. What other people have done in this same room?" The splash of water against the edge of the bath, spilling against the tile floor, was getting wilder as Edward moved against Carlisle.

"You talk too much." Carlisle took a firm hold of Edward's cock and began to stroke him. As he did, he rubbed his own cock against the curve of Edward's ass. They both threw their heads back, their words lost to more primitive grunts and groans.

Quite a while later, both men were gasping for breath. They weren't in the tub anymore. They'd ended up bent over the bed, hands gripped tightly together above their heads, bodies coming together hard and fast as Carlisle fucked his beautiful boy right into the mattress.

Now, they were both spent several times over. Carlisle, collapsed with Edward pinned beneath him, tried with limited success to get himself to move. He wasn't sure his limbs could hold him at that point. The room was a mess. They were both overheated and sticky, slick with sweat, among other things.

Carlisle groaned and pushed up off Edward. He crawled up the bed enough that he could lay down on his belly. Edward flopped down beside him, looking at Carlisle with a goofy, lovely smile on his face. "I sense this trip is going to cost us a lot in tips," he said with a wicked grin.


Edward woke slowly to the most pleasant sensation. He was in a big, comfortable bed. The blankets were down around his waist, his bare back being warmed by the sunlight coming in through the window. His husband was stroking him gently from his head to the small of his back.

This-this was what bliss felt like.

He allowed himself a few moments to enjoy this tender touch before he shifted, turning his head to find Carlisle staring. Neither of them spoke right away. Edward lay his hand, palm up, in the limited space between them, and Carlisle twined their fingers together.

"What time is it?" Edward asked after a minute.

"Somewhere around noon." Carlisle yawned. He rolled onto his back.

"We're bad tourists." Edward crawled across the small space over to Carlisle so he could rest his head on his chest. Just as he'd wished, Carlisle began to stroke his hair. "What's the plan today?"

"I don't have anything planned, actually. I thought we could play it by ear. What do you want to do?"

"Sex. Lots and lots of sex."

Carlisle snorted. "That's exactly what I brought you to Scotland for. This is a very expensive fuck."

Edward raised his head. "I'm worth every penny."

Carlisle's answering smile was tender and indulgent. He ran the backs of his knuckles down Edward's cheek. "Of course you are, baby boy, but still, we should see something uniquely Scottish."

"We could bring one of the kilted guys in here to fuck."

Rolling his eyes, Carlisle gave Edward's ear a tug, and the younger man laughed. "Fine. Fine," Edward said. "There's a whole book series on how we should stay away from standing stones…"

"I'm not sure you've read that series. Have you seen Sam Heughan? Time travel back to eighteenth century Scotland wouldn't be so bad if that was what I ended up with." He whistled appreciatively.

Now it was Edward's turn to smack at his chest. "Yeah, you go to eighteenth century Scotland and see what happens if you tried to take a husband. See how quick you'd end up extra crispy."

Carlisle's lips tugged down at the corners. "Good point."

"Ah, that's what you get for being okay with leaving me." Edward pretended to pout.

"Sweetheart." Carlisle leaned down and teased his lips until Edward kissed him back. "I assure you, time travel is entirely fictional." He kissed him again. "However, I'd never stop trying to get back to you."

"Even if Sam Heughan in a kilt wanted to fuck you?"

"Not even then." Another kiss, and Carlisle grinned against his mouth. "But we're not leaving here without investing in several kilts for you."

"Ooo. You too."

"Fair enough. Now. What do you want to see today?"

"Hmm. Castles? You said they have castles here. And history. Shall we go see the history?"

"Edinburgh Castle is here, as you might have guessed," Carlisle said, rolling into a sitting position. "And it's on top of an extinct volcano, so that's neat."

"Ooooh, neato," Edward said, teasing. "Is that, like, totally groovy, baby?"

Carlisle pulled him backward so he was laying down, face up on his lap. He leaned down to press a kiss to his lips. "The seventies, Edward. I was born in the seventies not the sixties. I'm more a child of the eighties, you ass."

Edward got up, and got out of bed. "Okay, my handsome prince. Take me to your castle in the clouds."


Despite getting up late, they had more than enough time to tour the castle grounds thoroughly. It was a beautiful place, and Edward was happy to add to the first of their collection of photos as a married couple.

As they walked around old town, Edward twined their arms together and took his hand. "I have a question."

"Imagine my surprise," Carlisle said.

"Are you trying to starve me to death?" He rested his head on Carlisle's shoulder, trusting him to keep them walking straight. "Is it because I've put on weight? You could have told me. I'll do more push ups. Just feed me."

"Where is this weight you've supposedly put on?" Carlisle pinched his side, making Edward cackle and push him away before he let himself be drawn back. "Stop whining, Edward. It's unbecoming."

"Feeeeed me."

"Yes, little one. Daddy will feed you." Carlisle rubbed his back and kissed his forehead as they walked. "But we have to be quick about it this time. We have somewhere to be."

"I thought we were playing it by ear."

"We are for the most part, but I do have a few surprises up my sleeve."

"I should have known." There was an excited bounce to his step as he let Carlisle pull him in the direction of a pub. "So what are we doing tonight?"

"That's for me to know and you to find out."

Edward clucked his tongue. "Aren't you supposed to be the mature one in our relationship?"


When he saw where they were going, Edward laughed. "Oh my god. Really? What is this?"

Carlisle grinned. The sound of his husband's laughter and the sight of his gorgeous smile always made him happy. "Of course. I see the word dungeon and think of you, it seems."

The Edinburgh Dungeon was actually a live action show. Guests loaded into boats to watch one of a few different, scary, dungeon-themed shows enacted as they floated along. It looked like a fun time, and it was an excuse for Edward to start in surprise, curling into Carlisle's arms for moral support and protection.

Well, Carlisle did his fair share of jumping. The show was riveting and caught him by surprise several times. Either way, they had a good time holding on to each other and laughing along with the rest of the audience.

"I know they played it off, but it occurs to me, I wouldn't like being shackled in a real dungeon," Edward said. He leaned in, his lips near Carlisle's ear. "Not nearly as sexy as when you do it."

"Yes, well. When I torture you, I'm not trying to kill you, baby boy." Carlisle curled an arm around his side, pulling him closer. "As much as I like to hear you scream and beg, it's much sexier when you're still in one piece and breathing afterward."

Edward looked to him and winked. "Been a close call a time or two."

Carlisle was about to lean down to collect a kiss when a voice distracted them.

"Edward Masen. That can't possibly be you, can it?"

They both looked up to see a good-looking man coming toward them, a broad grin on his face. Edward detached himself from Carlisle's side, taking a step toward the man who was looking at him. "Benjamin?" he asked, incredulous.

Benjamin? As in Edward's first Dom, Benjamin? Carlisle had to work to keep his automatic frown in check.

"Oh, my God. It is you." Benjamin pulled Edward into a back-slapping hug, but he let him go quickly. "What the hell are you doing in Scotland?"

Edward put one arm around Carlisle's waist and splayed his other hand across his chest in a possessive gesture. "Honeymoon. This is my husband, Dr. Carlisle Cullen. Carlisle, this is Benjamin Touma."

Carlisle relaxed and smiled, any trace of ridiculous jealousy waved away. Edward had never introduced him as his husband before, and he sounded so proud to say it. Carlisle had to struggle not to smirk at Benjamin as though he'd won some kind of competition. Somehow, he checked his smugness as he shook the other man's hand with a firm grip. "Nice to put a face to the name."

Benjamin offered him a genuine and charming grin. He stepped back to the side of the pretty young woman who'd been with him. "This is Tia, my best friend." He looked to Edward. "You remember we'd just met around the time you and I parted ways."

"I remember." Edward smiled and shook Tia's hand in greeting before curling it back around Carlisle's waist.

"How funny to meet again across the world." Benjamin chuckled. "What do you say we have a pint on it? Take in a little local culture and catch up?"

Edward and Carlisle looked at each other having a brief conversation with their eyes, each gauging the willingness of the other. Edward seemed eager, and Carlisle had no problem with the idea. "What did you have in mind?"


An hour later, they were all chatting like old friends.

Carlisle found he liked Benjamin. It was easy to see what attracted Edward to him. He was thirty-four, an age gap of about eight years. Slightly skeevy given that Edward was barely nineteen when they'd met, but it made sense for him. Benjamin made sense for him.

Given that Edward was perfectly attentive and physically affectionate, Carlisle could afford to be generous in his assessment of Benjamin. The man had been good to Edward. The first Dom, like the first of any kind of relationship, had the power to set the tone for every other interaction a sub had. It had taken Carlisle a lot of soul searching to figure out just how dangerous Aro had been. And then there were people like Esme's first-a man who had decided for a naive and innocent girl that she wanted to be a sub and had told her she should like it when he beat and controlled her.

But Benjamin had been patient with Edward. He'd recognized the need in the younger man and guided him into their world with care and respect. Edward only ever spoke of the man with fondness. Their relationship had ended when Benjamin had to move away.

When Edward announced he had to take a piss, Tia said she would go with him. They stumbled off arm in arm, cackling like loons about which one of them would go in the other's bathroom.

Benjamin tapped on his glass and looked over to Carlisle. "He's happy. Marriage suits him. That's interesting."

Carlisle raised an eyebrow. "Interesting?"

Benjamin hummed. "Well, what nineteen-year-old kid even thinks about settling down anyway? When I knew him, he spoke disdainfully about marriage, which isn't surprising given how his parents went about it. That relationship doesn't look appealing at all."

Carlisle huffed. "I can't argue with that."

Holding Carlisle's gaze, Benjamin tapped his own wrist, indicating the place where Edward wore his cuff. "And you have all of him?" he asked, his tone unassuming.

"Yes," Carlisle said, unable to keep a note of pride out of his voice. There were so few people with whom he and Edward could acknowledge all they were to each other. He had a handsome, brilliant husband, a man so worthy of admiration himself, and yet he put Carlisle on a pedestal. He had a beautiful, giving sub. A man who had deemed him worthy of his trust in every sense of the word.

He was lucky, and so in love.

"That's good. That's beautiful, man." Benjamin straightened up, a curious look on his face. "I'd often wondered… Well, perhaps I can ask you a personal question."

Carlisle arched an eyebrow in invitation, waiting.

Benjamin didn't speak right way. He was obviously choosing his words carefully. "Edward is such a natural submissive," he said with a sigh of admiration. "The way his parents raised him was such a detriment to his nature. Do you know what I mean?"

Carlisle gave a bitter laugh, but he hesitated. He had a brief debate with himself-was he sharing things he had no business sharing-but decided it was a permissible topic. Edward's biggest roadblock to full submission, to full release, was the control he maintained over his emotions. "You mean the way he thinks it's a defect in his character to cry or seek affection?"

"Yes. Yes, exactly. So he still does that?"

A small smile played at the edge of Carlisle's lips. "He's better now," he said simply.

Edward was learning to let go of his self-loathing at his displays of emotion. They'd had a number of powerful scenes at this point, one of which had left Edward shaking with the power of it, crying because he was so overwhelmed with the bliss of relinquishing every ounce of control he had. It had been an intense, aweing moment to witness.

"Good. That's good." Benjamin grinned, genuinely happy. "He's special, that one. That was what I always hoped for him." He downed the rest of his pint on it and shook his head ruefully. "I always thought it was ironic."

"What's that?"

"People who aren't in the scene… You know, I hear it often that they think the reason we are the way we are is because of things like the way Edward was raised."

Carlisle nodded. "Or worse, because of abuse."

"Yes. In reality, that kind of bullshit affects us the same way it affects any other kind of relationship. It's a roadblock, not a reason. It's something we have to work around to get where we want to be." He waved to get the waitress's attention. "I'm glad for Edward, then."

"I'm glad for Edward, too," Carlisle said, watching the man in question from across the pub as he made his way back. When he was close enough, he pulled his husband down on his lap rather than letting him take his seat.

Edward grinned and wrapped his arms around Carlisle's neck. He brushed the tips of their noses together. "Did you miss me?"

"Oh, of course." Carlisle cupped his face in his hands, taking a moment to bask. He kissed him once, twice, three times and sighed, reminding himself they weren't alone. He didn't mind much, though. This beautiful man was his; body, heart, and soul. It was a gift, a treasure Carlisle didn't think he would ever truly comprehend.

He played with Edward's fingers as they spoke, twirling the ring around his finger that matched the one he wore, and reminded himself he had the rest of his life to try.

A/N: So many thanks to Packy, Nikki, Jess, MoH, songster, Eleanor… my docs… I love my docs so much, and you all make me better.

As for you out there in fanfic land… I love you too. I hope you've enjoyed our boys… I can tell you, I thought I'd NEVER want to write a sequel to any fic, but right now...DAMN I want to write a sequel.

Too bad I have no plot!

Ta for now.