Title: Shattered Remains

Author name: MissRose727

Category: Angst

Sub Category: Romance

Rating: M

Spoilers: Up to DoM of OotP then AU, Sirius is alive, cleared of charges and is the new DADA teacher! Harry defeated Voldemort at the Department of Mysteries! Death Eaters are still out there, following their final orders.

Summary: Insomnia seems to be an issue for Draco and Hermione. Unfortunately for Hermione, her insomnia brings her more horrors than just lack of sleep. Draco finds her and everything changes. Who could possibly have broken and bloodied the Head Girl so completely and why was he the one who had to fix her?

DISCLAIMER: This story is based on characters and situations created and owned by JK Rowling, various publishers including but not limited to Bloomsbury Books, Scholastic Books and Raincoast Books, and Warner Bros., Inc. No money is being made and no copyright or trademark infringement is intended.

Author notes: This story will deal with adult issues, including rape, self abuse and mild suicidal thoughts at some points. Eventually sexual content of the consensual variety will be there. If this isn't your cup of tea, please don't drink it, that's all I ask.

This is my first full length fanfiction, and my first Dramoine. Please Read, Review, let me know how I'm doing. Constructive criticism is wonderful :) Thanks! Enjoy!

Shattered Remains

Chapter One: On Insomnia, Troubles With…

Warnings in advance: Angsty teenagers and foul language. Be afraid ;-)


Draco had been staring at the ceiling for approximately two hours. He was waiting for it to do something strange, or at minimum mildly amusing. It was still the same as before he began looking at it. There was still the same soft green across the smooth stone walls from the reflection of the lake through the portal windows as when he had climbed into his bed. He had always loved the dungeons, especially in the quiet of the night. It was just he and his thoughts with an occasional mer-person or giant squid in the small windows for company.

His new accommodations, now that he was Head Boy, were quite like his former room with Blaise, Theo, Greg, and Vince but with more space and less snoring. Their snores were the mood music for his nightly thought perusal for the past six years. On some nights they were unfortunately the cause of his restless-ness. It had been a wonderful change having his own private accommodations this year. He had high hopes that he would be able to sleep more, and much more soundly, now that he was alone. That didn't seem to be his fortune however. So even though he had less musical accompaniment to his thoughts at times like this, it seems he was having a worse time sleeping now than ever before. The normal comfort of his home-away-from-home that had been Hogwarts hadn't been quite as comforting this year as in years past. For what reason, he wasn't sure.

He did a lot of thinking when sleep resisted him. He pondered deep thoughts of things that had passed and worried over things that were now. Such things as his pathetic father, who was now wasting away in Azkaban because of his obsession with power and standing with the late Dark Lord.

Thoughts of his mother, trying desperately to clean up the Malfoy name from his father's disgrace. It had taken Draco an entire year to make up for his father's wrongs. They'd tried to say he was his father's son, that he was a bad seed. That all he was after was power. He couldn't disagree with them more. Was he blind to who and what Lucius was for 15 years of his life? Yes, he was willing to admit that. Draco had idolized him for the better part of his life. He had bought into all the blood purity nonsense and did his best to make his father proud.

That was then, this was now. His father's actions at the Department of Mysteries proved just how wrong Draco was about his father and his beliefs. Lucius had fired on Draco's fellow students for Merlin's sake! They had been but fifteen, and some fourteen. Babies, they were then. He had fired on children and then expected praise and idolization from his son? A well practiced "I'm proud to be a Malfoy" speech from Draco when he returned? Bloody fucking hell, what if I had been there? Draco thought bitterly. Would he have tried to eliminate me because I stood in his Master's way? Bugger him and his ideals, he got what was due.

So in his sixth year he set out to prove that just because he had inherited his sperm donor's looks did not mean that he had inherited the same ideals and aspirations from him. They'd tried to tell him that he didn't deserve Head Boy, so he had made sure they couldn't deny his right to it. He had earned it. He had worked day in and day out, dawn to dusk in his sixth year to prove he was not his father. Everything he did in his sixth year was to prove that he was not Lucius Malfoy.

He had even called a truce with the Golden Trio. They still bickered and made good fun of each other but it wasn't with malicious intent any longer. He came to find that Granger wasn't too awful either, though he'd never admit that allowed. Especially since she was Head Girl and he had to see her on a more than regular basis.

He was still staring out at the unchanging, non-amusing Head Boy room, which he deserved! All he could think about was what all was left? What's left of him, his namesake, and his future? If he had had to work this hard just to achieve this honorary post in school, how was he ever going to get the rest of the world to see him for who he is, and not for who his father was?

His future had been planned out for him since day one. He was to follow in his father's footsteps, make one hell of a Death Eater, take over the family businesses and be addicted to power for the rest of his life. That path had turned out well for Luciusdidn't it? No, he may not know what he wanted to do after Hogwarts but it wouldn't be anything that had been expected or planned. He had always been a decent artist, sketching and creating things throughout his childhood. Perhaps architecture, he had looked into that once and it didn't seem too awful of a job. Merlin forbid anyone ever found out about that juicy piece of information. Draco Malfoy: failure to his father and poncy artist to boot. Yes, I'll just kill myself now thanks, he though dryly.

How much more can I depress myself tonight, hmm? Oh here was a humdinger that had plagued him. He hadn't ever known love…couldn't you just see daddy-o raining praises, kisses, hugs and all that nonsense on his son? His mother had tried in her own way but it always was followed by a look that said 'don't tell your father I showed you affection because I will deny it to my grave'. Hell he didn't even think he could learn how to love. It wasn't a part of his genetic coding. Malfoy's don't show emotion. Malfoy's don't have emotions! Well except scorn and hatred, and smug superiority. Those were acceptable for a proper Malfoy.

He was supposed to be a hateful prick that spurned everything and everyone below him. He was supposed to be the bastard who went over to the dark side and become chummy with the almighty Voldemort. News flash to the world…he hated that man, if you could call him a man. No tears were shed from Draco's eyes when Potter had finally done him in.


Hermione hated being unable to sleep. Insomnia had always plagued her. It tended to be a larger burden on her than necessary. She would toss and turn all night. Tonight found her staring at the top of her four post bed, exhausted, exasperated and perhaps a touch melancholy. Even when her mind went into a numb state, she still couldn't sleep. She couldn't stop her brain from thinking. She always seemed to think about everything wrong in her life.

Some people would think about what they were going to do to better their lives, or what new Quidditch plays they would do at practice the next day. What does she think about? Oh nothing much, just everything that had happened in the last six years at Hogwarts. Not exactly the best thing to think about in her opinion, but there it was. With each year a new and terrible thing was there for the 'Golden Trio' to defeat. Last year, their sixth year, was the most normal she had felt since before finding out she was a witch. But she'd been so busy studying and trying to do her prefect duties to achieve Head Girl status, she never noticed that her relatively normal life was passing her by.

Hermione's life had always been about books, learning and being the best at everything she set out to do. She was Harry's never ending encyclopedia during his quest to defeat You-Know-Who. She would forever be Ron's second choice. He barely noticed she was in fact a girl. It had hurt when she realized that the small crush she had developed during third and fourth year would never amount to anything. But that was okay, when she thought about it; she probably wasn't really all that infatuated with him. It was more she was expected to get together with him.

Aside from the boys' keeper she was also supposed to be the perfect model student. Do you know how lonely that is? Let me tell you, it is very lonely, she thought sadly. The boys forget about me if there are no questions are to be answered or quests to unfold, she snorted to the empty room. She never did share their love for flying and Quidditch.

She was a book worm, she was not usually one go to the house parties. People didn't see her as a fun, get wild and crazy, drink herself stupid type of girl. They believed her to be the one to crash the party, to even prevent them. Designated driver as her muggle friends would call her. Oh how I would love to get drunk, do stupid things, and suffer the consequences just because I liked having fun. Unfortunately… it wasn't her, and she doubt it ever would be her. It wasn't what everyone else was expecting. She would hate to disappoint.

She sometimes wondered what it would be like to get less than perfect scores. Just once let someone else beat me. People expected her to be perfect, get straight Outstanding's on all her OWLs and now the NEWTs and then go on to be bloody perfect at everything else life threw at her. It got rather annoying and very stressful. I mean think about it! She challenged the silence. What if everyone was coming to you for all the answers? Always assuming that you, above all people, should know the answers to their problems! Well, sometimes, you don't know the answer! Sometimes you're just human!

To some people she supposed it was a nice feeling, a sense of power having seemingly unlimited knowledge. To be the one who people know they can rely on is honorable at the very least. To her it was the exact opposite. Hermione tended to get annoyed with those who wanted her to solve their problems or expected her to help them with their essays.

I wish I could just tell them to bugger off! I mean, if I can find the answer to whatever ridiculous nonsense they wish to know, then they should be able to find it as well! I am Hermione Granger! A person. A woman. A woman with feelings! Not a dictionary, not a seer, and not your bloody homework savior! Growling and mentally gnashing her teeth, she tossed herself to her side, glaring now at the wall.

Aside from all the negative feelings towards how she was supposed to run her life, she couldn't deny all the benefits her hard work had gotten her. Being told she was going to be Head Girl had been such an amazing feeling. It had only been about a month since start of term but she didn't think she could ever give up her rooms and return to the Gryffindor Dorms. No more sharing a small bathroom space with four other girls! That in itself was glorious and not to be taken for granted.

It had been expected, her being Head Girl. Everyone had always said from her first year on that she would get it. It had been a lot of pressure to be the brains of the trio, keep perfect grades, take extra classes, keep up with prefect duties and not have a nervous break down!

All that work had left Hermione with so little personal reflection time. Everyone wonders why I don't use hair taming potions or learn glamour charms. Well when in the bloody bleeding hell would I have time for that with all my other duties? Sadness filled her heart for a moment at her musings.

It wasn't that she didn't think herself pretty, just that no one else seemed to want to see her gussied up, so why bother at all? She had no doubts that the boys around her would notice her if she didn't look twelve still. No, not boys, men. Men who had no idea what she could give them if only they saw past the books and cleverness.

This train of thought is going nowhere, she chastised herself. Perhaps a walk? After all she was Head Girl and although she had already done her rounds for the night, once more couldn't hurt. If she was caught she'd simply tell them that she lost track of time studying but wanted to fulfill her duties as Head Girl. Yes, that would make anyone who may catch her happy and then they would be on their merry way. I'll start with the edges of the Forbidden Forest and work my way back inside. I should be plenty tired by the time I am back to my bed.

Sliding out of bed she threw on a loose pair of warm lounge pants and a sweater over her t-shirt. It was still early fall but enough of a nip in the air to need some kind of protection. How I wish it would only get cold and snow in December and be back to sunny days and cool evenings for the rest of the year. A white Christmas is a must but otherwise cold does not suit me at all! She shivered at the thought of the biting wind and snow storms to come.


Another two hours later and sleep was still just out of reach for Draco. I'm way too restless to get any amount of sleep in right now. Bugger, I need to get out of this room. I'll do rounds, or at least that will be the excuse if I am caught out of bed at this ungodly hour. It was technically Granger's night for rounds but Draco didn't really give a rat's arse whose night it was. If I don't get out of this room… he sighed wearily, well let's just say don't lock up a restless dragon. It never bodes well for anyone in the end.

With that resolve he donned on his thickest trousers, his favorite warm turtleneck and his cloak, just in case, and swiftly left his rooms. His usual path would do fine for tonight: the forbidden forest line to the greenhouses around to the entrance gate and back inside. If he got the outside dealt with first he would have the rest of the castle to warm up in and therefore not be going back to his bed cold.

How I hate cold. I hate being cold and I hate it being around me. Although I have always been fair skinned, it is not from lack of sunshine. He smiled, there was a not so silent bet that the Malfoy's had vampire blood in them, but it wasn't true. They just had fair skin and platinum hair, like the Weasley's who have freckles and red hair.

Winter is my least favorite season, followed closely by fall, as it leads into those four bloody months of freezing temperatures, crazy winds, snow storms and ice. No, give me the bright warm sun on a beach any day and I will be a happy Malfoy.

As he reached the large oak main doors he braced himself for the chill about to sear his sensitive skin. It was only the beginning of October so the weather hadn't gone completely to hell. He opened the doors and was pleasantly surprised it wasn't too freezing out. He still put his cloak on.

I really do hate being cold. I wish my duties didn't include going outside. Who in their right mind goes outside at this time of night anyway? I should just go back and check the hallways and call it good. But the thought of perfect Granger braving the outdoors made him reconsider. Fine, out I go, he grumbled silently.

That brought him to thoughts of the Head Girl. He knew what he was getting himself into, going after Head Boy. As if anyone else could have come close to beating out the prissy, perfect Hermione Granger to the Head Girl post. No, Draco knew from year one that she would be the bane of his existence if he were to achieve Head Boy, even more so than she had been academically through their years at Hogwarts.

I don't see her as a filthy mudblood anymore, but she is still an insufferable know-it-all. She thinks she's so damn perfect. The Gryffindor Princess, brains of the Golden Trio… pain in my arse. Growling at his thoughts he turned toward the forest.

Looking around the night sky, his wand light out and only the moon to see by, he thought about the space they shared being Head Boy and Girl, the head common room. It was truly the only space Draco would ever have wished to share with her, and that only being because he had wanted- no needed- the Head Boy post. That being said, only his messages and the Prefect meetings brought him to visit the hole in the wall room they shared.

I suppose it isn't that bad. If anyone else was Head Girl, I would probably risk the chance of being in their company by being in there more often, he reasoned. It was larger than his personal rooms, with a large sofa in black leather with a few throw pillows tossed about. There was two plushy tan suede lounge chairs next to the couch facing the fireplace. In the center of the room was an oversized table for meetings with the appropriate amount of chairs gathered around it. The table had small nicks and scrapes from years of dull prefect meetings and bored students.

I'm sure I have made a scratch or two, a smile twitched at the corner of his mouth at the thought. Along the left wall with the two large picture windows looking out over the lake was Draco and Grangers' desks…set as far apart as the room would allot for. This was Draco's doing at the first chance he could after being told they were allowed to adjust the room to their liking.

There was a small restroom to right side of the room, with an equally small bath-shower combination. There was also a small bedroom at the back of the sitting area.

I shouldn't call it a bedroom, Draco scoffed, it is more like a closet with a bed in it. To be honest we have broom closets bigger than that room at the Manor. It had just a small, single bed with a night stand and lamp, presumably for the poor student who had lost track of time and had fallen asleep studying, too tired or too late to head back to their dorm room, to crash in.

It could also be used for other, not as innocent acts, by the two Heads, he thought devilishly, thinking of a few students he wouldn't mind being partnered with as head boy and girl. However, that room will not be used in that fashion this year, he vowed. Merlin forbid even the thought! No, even though Granger wasn't a mudblood in his eyes anymore, he still would never stoop to that level of desperateness.

Once he had reached the edge of the forest he lit his wand with a quick Lumos, now needing to see his surroundings. He started his walk, continuing his mental tour of the head common room, not really paying much attention. Grumbling to himself again about the late hour and who in their right mind would be outside at this time, he didn't see the two figures up ahead of him. They went unnoticed as he glanced around the forest trees half heartedly. Anyone out here, aside from myself of course, is out of their mind if you ask-

What the bloody hell was that? He turned his gaze out to the castle grounds, looking for the source of the sound that had interrupted his thoughts. Nothing but the still of the night and a cool gentle breeze greeted him however. I know I heard someone. It had sounded like the start of a scream but then it had been hushed quickly. Don't tell me someone really was dumb enough to come outside. Bloody hell, now I have to find the imbecile and deduct points, maybe detention. He pinched the bridge of his nose, so much for a calming walk to clear his head. He set out to look for the foolish student.


It was chilly out but not overwhelmingly so. Hermione was starting to wish she had brought her cloak along. A small warming charm would work fine though. She wouldn't be out there much longer. She had already made it through the forest edge and had just finished with the first greenhouse. Only two houses left and I can go back inside. At least it is warm in here, she sighed happily when the warmth from house number two hit her face and hands. This was the house where the NEWTs class was located.

They were working on growing and coaxing the divination properties out of Coltsfoot. It was a common flower in Europe, blooming stunning yellow petals and soft leaves once a year. Muggles used it for soothing sore throats and coughs. But when it was grown in the correct soil and thirty days of devoted care and nourishment, the plant could choose to give away its petals and leaves at their most potent moments. Normally you couldn't even budge the petals until the flower had run through its life cycle. You could still acquire the qualities you needed for divination with the later shed petals and leaves, but no where near as potent as when the flower offered them to you early. They say that if you could manage to grow and harvest the petals with the flowers gift, the person who used the leaves could, at least for the moment, become a Seer and have a prophetic vision. Foretelling had never been Hermione's strong suite but at least with this herb you didn't have to deal with that 'inner eye' nonsense Trelawney continuously spouted off.

Hermione stroked her plant gently, trying for whatever it was worth to show she cared for the little seedling. Something caught her attention, though, just outside the greenhouse. Who in their right mind would be out this late, other than me of course! It is still undecided if I am even in my right mind. She sighed and headed for the door, fully intending to deduct a large amount of points for being out and being foolish enough to get caught!

She went outside and looked around. Nothing jumped to her attention right away. She reached inside her sweater for her wand to cast a Lumos, but as soon as she did a hand clamped over her mouth. She gasped and tried to struggle against whoever had her. It was a large hand, larger than most women's hands.

Who ever this was had to be male and definitely not a child, possibly as young as a seventh year, she reasoned with her mind, trying desperately not to lose her levelheaded calm that she was known for. She kept struggling but the hands and arms holding her still were so strong!

Where is my wand! She panicked for a moment but then remembered that she may be able to get her wand from her sweater. Reaching as far as his arms would allow, she found it. For a brief moment her heart jumped with glee, only to have it drop to the floor and stepped on as her attacker ripped the wand from her hands and then it was out of sight. It was as if he was waiting for her to find it and save him the trouble.

Okay, don't panic, that's what he wants. She tried to tell herself. Moody's voice filled her head, "Constant Vigilance!" Yes, that would have been well and great if she had thought of that about thirty seconds ago! She tried to turn her head to see who her attacker was, but to no avail. It was so dark outside, with little to no light, and he was standing behind her.

"What's a precious little Mudblood Princess doing outside so late, hmm?" She froze her movements when his smooth deep voice filled the night air. Oh God, I know his voice! Her fear alarm was growing to dangerous levels. I know this person. Merlin, could this be a student, or a teacher? His hand was still covering her mouth so she didn't even attempt to reply.

"I'm going to let go of your mouth now," He started again. Now she was listening intently. He can't be that stupid? I'm not completely without a wand I could call it to me and stun him. I could scream…she silenced her thoughts to pay attention to what he was saying. Maybe he will unknowingly give me a clue as to what he wants, she though hopefully.

"You are not going to scream. You are not going to make a sound. I have my wand," He pressed his wand to the side of her neck for emphasis. "You have nothing. I've banished your wand to the forest. You won't get but a squeak out before I silence you and then I'll knock that head of yours so hard, you won't remember who you are. I will have my way with you, you filthy piece of garbage. If you be a good little mudblood and do the only thing mudbloods are good for, I'll let you go free. Free, with all the fond memories of our time together. I might even try to make it good for you. You'd like that wouldn't you? Have a real man show you how to feel oh so good?" His tongue slid out over her ear and licked the tip. Hermione shuddered on the inside, determined not to show the man her fear and repulsion to him.

"Try to get away," he continued, "to run or scream and you will regret it. I'll make sure there is pain, a lot of it and I'll come back for more. It is in your best interest to do as I say." Hermione nodded her head in silent agreement. That was at least the first step in gaining her freedom from this wizard before- no she didn't even want to think about what was coming. I may loose all my Gryffindor courage if I think about it, not that I'm feeling all that brave at the moment.

Then she saw it. Someone else was out on this cursed night! She can see a faint wand light in the distance, over by the forest. The man released her mouth. He must not have seen the light. This could be my only chance, she thought, and with a very slight look around for her wand, she mumbled under her breath "Accio Wand."


He did send it too far away to summon, she groaned inside. He chuckled then. A most terrifying chuckle if Hermione had ever heard one. The she heard a small whisper and her hands flew behind her of their own accord and she could feel a tight coil of harsh rope around her hands and wrists. He jerked at the rope on her hands and pulled her body closer to him in display of his irritation with her. She could feel his chin against the side of her head as he leaned in close to her ear again, only a breath away from his lips touching her skin.

"Quiet! I told you your wand was lost to the forest you disgusting mudblood. Believe me now? Take heed to the rest of what I said as well. I meant every word. Now move!" He hissed and pushed her away from him, and away from the light. Screaming was her only option now. If she could get out a scream loud and long enough for whoever it was by the forest to hear, maybe they would see her or at least come looking. He tugged and pulled at her bound hands, walking her towards a different greenhouse further away from the forest.

She gathered up all her remaining Gryffindor courage and threw her head back as hard as she could. Stars shone in her eyes as she had managed to hit him in the nose…or maybe his mouth, she wasn't sure, and she didn't care! She screamed with everything she had but it was only a second, if that, before her scream turned silent. She kept screaming, just in case. He had recovered quicker than she thought he would from her assault and silenced her before she could get much out.

Shit. That was the last thing she thought before her head exploded in more pain and everything went dark.

a/n: okay, so how did I do so far? Read, review! Love it? Hate it? points its right there, the little button right there! :D