Jealousy in the Key of C - Epilogue

Disclaimer: Twilight and its characters belong to Stephanie Meyer

AN (1): To all of my readers, reviewers and friends. I thank you, for your continued support over the last…five years OMG! This story started as a five to seven chapter exploration into the idea of Jealousy within a vampire relationship. Twenty three chapters and three outtakes later, I feel I have only scratched the surface of the story of these two vampires.

AN (2): The end of 'Jealousy' brings the timeline up to its companion story 'Recrortus' (see my profile). I will continue to write E/C with my AU AH story 'BulletProof'.

AN (3): To the kindred souls who have come in and out of my life both on FFn and LJ over the last five years: sandraj60, lucidscreamer, Pace is the Trick, kinnetikdreams, whitwhit, heylady, sandfish, avioleta, sisterglitch.

AN (4): To all my wonderful reviewers, your comments have been invaluable, and have, truly influenced the way a number of chapters or character were written.

AN (5): Please note that this chapter has been neither pre-read or beta'd, so all poor grammar is my own. This epilogue was originally written five years ago before the first chapter was published. It is nice to know they still fit.

AN (6): WARNING: Slash. I will stop 'talking' now!

Edward and Carlisle stayed in Alaska for a number of years.

Eleazar and Carmen relocated the healing couple to Denali allowing Eleazar to undertake his other duties to the Volturi and Vampire society.

During this time Edward came out of semi-catatonic state and appeared to be little worse for wear. While he never said so to the others, Edward was somewhat horrified at how many years for which he had no recollection, he recalled being flooded by what seemed like every thought that ever existed in the world and then a sensation of drowning and being pulled apart and scattered.

Edward did not consciously remember healing but would often have periods of awareness when he felt a part of him was awake and responsive. These moments were soon over but in a way allowed him to judge the passing of time.

Despite the watery fog, he became aware of Carlisle's presence, which was solace and security as he undertook the complex task of rebuilding the structures in his mind. The task was complicated as much because he had never had to consciously do so before, the original structure had developed organically and he wasn't entirely sure how to duplicate the past whilst also develop proactive measures to thwart future catastrophes.

It was with the last wall, the last structure, the last lock, the last piece in the puzzle that Edward had what he could only describe as a hideous mind suck; a sensation of everything drawing together in perfect balance. It was at this moment that he found himself next to Carlisle, pouring all of his love and thanks in a single kiss on the cheek.


By 1960 the couple were given leave by Aro, on application and assurances by Eleazar, to join again as true mates and once again a coven.


March 1999 - Oberlin, Ohio

They sat in the car looking out to the cemetery.

Driving through the city had been a bit of a shock to them both. They were no strangers to the changes that happen over time, however this was different. They had not been here since 1939 and their memories were so sharp and intrinsically linked to the horror that happened here, to see that it was no longer as they remember was both a relief and paining.

Carlisle turned to Edward, his mate was staring blankly out the window. They had already been to the lake shore; Edward had mumbled something the day before about seeing the Island again. Carlisle had gone along with his mate with some trepidation and was not surprised at Edward display of grief even just standing on the shore; they did not leave the shore.

Carlisle leaned over and gently touched Edward cheek. "Are you sure you want to do this?" Carlisle's voice soft with concern, "we can come back tomorrow."

Edward sighed loudly, leaning into Carlisle's touch. "Yes I want to do this, before I chicken out."

Carlisle nodded, "Before WE chicken out," his own hesitance showing how much he was struggling with their decision to come back.

Kissing Edwards cheek he grabbed the others hand squeezing it, "Let's go."

Exiting the car, Carlisle opened the rear door and removed a small bunch of cyclamen while Edward removed two white roses. Reaching out his hand to Carlisle, they walked hand in hand into the cemetery.

Carlisle went to pause at the monument map, to have Edward take his arm and lead him into the headstone garden. "I know where they are."

Carlisle cocked an eyebrow at his mate, there was clearly a story here that Edward hadn't told him.

Edward stopped at an expansive tree which provided cover for a dozen or so headstones. Closing his eyes he drew in a breath and then turned to look at the head stone. Carlisle turned with him and putting his arm around Edward stood quietly as they both stared at the Meastro's grave.

Carlisle read the headstone, without moving he asked quietly. "When did you organise the headstone?" Now understanding Edward's knowledge as to where the graves were located.

"Eleazar helped me organise it, I am sorry if this upsets you, I couldn't leave him with a pauper's grave, it was wrong," Edward had been concerned that Carlisle would see this as some sort of betrayal.

Carlisle wrapped his arms around Edward, "why would I be upset, I am so proud of you that you would want to give him a proper resting place." Carlisle looked over Edwards shoulder and noticed a twin graves down from the Maestro.

Edward picked up the thought, separated from Carlisle and turned to look at William and Mary Pearson's grave.

He dropped his eyes to the ground and whispered "I had to, no one claimed them."

"But how did you know…" Carlisle started.

Edward shrugged, "I knew that they had no other family, so Eleazar contacted the mortuary and the war office and arranged for them to be buried together. It was the least I felt we could do for them."

He looked up at Carlisle; there was no apology in the gaze. Carlisle thought about this information and on consideration decided that he was proud of his mate for both his actions and unapologetic.

Kissing Edward's head he verbalised his thoughts, "This was your decision to make, it is not up to me to approve or disapprove." He tenderly cupped his hands around Edwards face. "But I will say this again, I am so proud of you."

They kissed gently and then turned back to the graves. Carlisle lay the bunch of cyclamen's on the Meastro's grave then turned to watch Edward place a single white rose on Mary's grave and then gently laid the second on William's. He paused then laying his hand on the headstone.

"I am so sorry my friend that I was not able to tell you, to warn you of your death sentence. I had hoped that you would survive, that they would consider you of little or no consequence. I am sorry that you were the sacrifice for the mistakes made by others, by me. I wish I could have seen you grow old and achieve all you had potential to, I wish you got to hear the piece of music that you inspired, it is beautiful and honest and pure, just like you,"

Carlisle stood listening to Edward bare his soul to his dead friend. Even as recent as thirty years ago he would have felt the residual pangs of the jealous monster that reared its ugly head the last time they were in Oberlin.

But it had been a hard lesson to learn, to accept that he would not be the only person in Edward's life that others would cross their paths and some would be closer friends than others. But despite all of this, Edward was his and he was Edward's and nothing would change that, even in those times when they were not speaking…there was always those, their bond that could never be broken…no matter how stupid one or both of them were.

During his musings Edward had gone quiet. Lifting his head up his sad gaze fell on Carlisle. Carlisle opened his arms wide, "come here" he whispered.

Too fast to be human Edward threw himself in Carlisle's embrace and sobbed, head buried into Carlisle's jacket, enjoying the comfort in one who knew exactly how he felt without any words.

As they separated they heard someone coming up the path. Looking up, they noticed an old woman being pushed in a wheelchair by a younger one. The two vampires went to move to allow them to pass when the young woman halted the chair in front of the Pearson gravestones. They watched almost entranced as the old women pulled herself up from the chair and shuffled to William's grave, placing a white rose next to the one left by Edward.

The vampires stood quietly in front of the Meastro's grave acutely aware of the elderly woman murmuring softly to herself. William's name was mentioned regularly; it was only when she mentioned Mr Cullen, that Edward gripped Carlisle's hand tightly.

Who is she? Carlisle asked.

Edward concentrated on the woman and he knew it was a mind he had touched before.

"Oh! My goodness Carlisle, it's Kitty," he breathed almost silently. He flicked a glance in the direction of the two women to find them both looking intently at them.

The old women who Edward new now was one of his student's Kitty had her head tilted sideways as if to try and recall something.

"Can we help you young men," she asked.

Edward did not respond, instead letting Carlisle respond.

"No thank you ma'am. My partner and I are visiting the grave of a friend of his grandfather." Carlisle inflected a slight Italian accent to lend credence to the fact they were family friends of the Maestro.

"Your grandfather, knew the Maestro? Your grandfather was Mr Cullen, Edward Cullen!" Carlisle smiled but said nothing. The old women nodded sagely pleased that she had an seeming answer to the question.

She looked back over her shoulder to William's grave and then back to Edward. He dropped his gaze as she stared at him intently. He could see her mind trying to make sense of seeing someone so familiar at the wrong place, or in this situation, the wrong time.

Edward grasped Carlisle's arm to stop himself from shaking. The thought from Kitty, of William confiding in her about Mr Cullen being strange and almost not human rattled around in his mind.

He lifted his gaze and smiled at her. "Goodbye Madam, Goodbye Miss. Hope you both enjoy the rest of your day."

They strolled to the car, acutely aware of Kitty's eyes boring into their backs, watching them until they got in their car and drove away.


July 2004 - Berlin

The room is hot and smoky.

The barely clothed men are packed in close, the sweat invading his enhanced senses, while their minds assault him with thoughts of lust and predation.

He moved within this pack, wearing leather pants and cut off t-shirt. His dance partner grinds into him from behind, tries to remove both pants and top while continuing to roll his hard erection into Edward's tight arse.

Edward can hear the moment Carlisle enters the club, and as his mate clocks Edward in the centre of the dance floor; intimately close to a human.

Edward can hear the others thoughts roll from shock, to horror, to anger, to fury. But this has a purpose. This is both Carlisle's punishment and cure. In the years since the horrific events at Oberlin, once a year they test Carlisle's limits and trust.

This year was the furthest Edward had ever gone, and while he was a little worried at Carlisle's reaction, he knew the other was ready. Deciding to ramp up the reaction, Edward turned in his anonymous partners arms and wrapping his arms around the human, moved against him in rhythm to the music.

Suddenly his mate's thoughts transform from fury to pure lust. Capturing Carlisle's gaze he watched the other move through the crowd, eyes pitch black eyes and intense.

"I believe this is my dance," Carlisle murmured his voice raspy with emotion. Edward made to let go of the other man, who grasped his wrists in an attempt to stop him. "I am sorry friend, but this pretty one is mine," the cocky stranger declared.

Carlisle took one step closer and growled, low and deep. The human stepped back quickly, letting go of Edward's wrists. He turned his back and moved away quickly, muttering "fucking weirdo" beneath his breath.

Carlisle grabbed Edward around the waist and crashed his mouth to his mates.

You had better have found a place that I can fuck you.

Edward smirked. Grabbing Carlisle's hand he took him back behind the stage, past couples screwing in various ways against every surface. Carlisle made to stop, but Edward shook his head, leading his mate up the back stairs to the deserted attic.

The moment the door shut, Carlisle ripped Edwards clothing off, pushing him face first against a vertical support beam.

You are in so much trouble, he growled.

There you were rubbing your body up and down that human like a slut. Was this about me? Or were you just playing out your own shameless fantasies?

Carlisle removed his own clothing and rubbed his hands and turgid erection over Edward's body.

Well answer me!

"Carlisle, for you! Always and only, for you."

Edward moaned as Carlisle rubbed along Edward's buttocks, one hand reaching around to Edward's erection.

Carlisle leaned in and whispers.

Well you should be rewarded then.

He slowly pushed his hard length into Edward, who responding with a guttural groan, pushed his rear backward to take Carlisle in fully.

Remaining still for a moment they both revel in the sensation, before Edward turned his head and kissed his husbands lips.

"I am so proud of you," he murmurs. "Now fuck me."

With that consent, a dam burst within Carlisle. He pulled out of Edward, then rammed back into him. He continued impaling his mate, the pace increasing to a ferocious level. The beam to Edward which steadfastly grasped was shuddering as his cries of pleasure reverberate around the attic, blending into the sounds from the club below.

Carlisle barely had time to be aware of his climax, before it hit him. As he coated Edward's insides, the sensation pushed Edward over the edge. The hard done by beam covered with Edward's release.

Carlisle slipped out of Edward and pulled the other around to face him, collapsing them both to the ground. He started to sob.

Edward wrapped his arms around his mate.

"Shh! I'm sorry, was it too much?"

Carlisle shook his head, no it was perfect and you are perfect.

He smiled looking up at Edward.

We are back to being us again.

Edward smiles back.

"Yes we are….now let's do that again," and crushed his hips into Carlisle's, whose eyes rolled back into his head.


January 2010 – London

Carlisle drove home, humming a victory march under his breath.

Life was good.

Edward was doing well, there had been no signs of an episode recently and his mate had been truly joyful within himself and with Carlisle.

Their relationship was doing great, well they had their moments and took turns to storm out or lash out, but that just made the making up oh so much better.

Coughing at the thought he shifted in his seat, his gaze dropped to the package of papers beside him.

Yes, things were great and to top it all off he had just been offered the opportunity of one of his many lifetimes. A step up in his career with the ambition to be involved in one of the top research fields in the world.

Relocation would always a bit tricky, but they had always both loved Switzerland…