![]() Author has written 21 stories for Harry Potter. Well, hey! So you found me. I’m just a granny who likes to write fantasy. Fairy tales, stories about magic….and of course, the enchantment of romance, of soulmates finding each other. I love to create and imagine. I keep my stories in the universe of Harry Potter. Please note: the romance I write is Dramione. I know that’s not everyone’s cup of tea. But it’s mine. I always thought the character of Draco should have had a chance at redemption. I felt sorry for the kid; no one should be doomed forever to be the foul, loathsome, evil little cockroach. I thought he should be allowed to grow; to have a change of heart. In my stories, it’s his burgeoning regard and admiration for Hermione that is the motivating force behind that change for good. Because love can work wonders. My story, The Hawthorn, has been translated into Korean by Rlafkwp. You can find it here: www joara com literature view book intro html book code 1259920 My story, Lake of Mirrors, has been translated into Vietnamese by Pham Minh. You can find it in the below two locations: Wordpress: liaskyland dot wordpress dot com slash 2020 slash 06 slash 14 slash dramione hyphen oneshot hyphen lake hyphen of hyphen mirrors slash |