Author has written 5 stories for Twilight. *The Diva Diaries has been picked up for publication! BAD ROMEO will be released December 23rd, 2014, and BROKEN JULIET will be out in April 2015. Can't wait for you guys to read them!* BAD ROMEO is now available for pre-order! Amazon * Barnes & Noble * iBooks * KOBO * INDIE BOUND Social Media Leisa Rayven on Wattpad (Exclusive bonus material for BAD ROMEO!) Hi, I'm Kiya. I'm a quiet Gemini who likes long walks on the beach. Wanna chat? Come find me on Twitter. *PLEASE NOTE: I'M NOT ALLOWING ANY TRANSLATIONS OF MY FICS RIGHT NOW. THANKS ANYWAY!!* BEAUTIFUL SCREAMERS REVIEW BY LINDZ BANNERS & FAN ART The Screamers Banner for Twilighter's Choice Awards Banner for Faithful Shipper Awards Grasping Darkness The Faithful Shipper Awards - Best Alternate Universe The Diva Diaries Inspired Fanfic Awards - Best UST Sparkleteer Awards - Best Kiss Birthday Blinkie by Irritable_Grizzly Phoenix (One-shot written for Anonymous Angst Contest.) COMPETITIONS The Screamers Twilighter's Choice Awards - 1st Place The Damsel in Distress Award (Best Bella), 2nd place The Wonderland Award (Best Alice). The Faithful Shipper Awards - Best Secondary characters (Alice & Jasper) The Gigglesnort Awards - Runner up - Best Edward. Twilight All Human Fanfiction Awards - 3rd Place - Most Original Plot. The Glove Awards - 3rd Place Best Alice & Jasper. The Fanny's - Best Alice Grasping Darkness In The Dark Competition - Runner up - Best Darkward. Golden Lemon Award - Outstanding Achievement in Dream/Fantasy Lemon The Faithful Shipper Awards - Best Alternate Universe The Diva Diares Inspired Fanfic Awards - Best UST The Sparkleteer Awards - Best Kiss |