![]() Author has written 15 stories for Twilight. Hello Lovelies, I am…. Iamtwilightobsessed, or as some of you may know me MP, and last but not least @ilikedirtywords on Twitter. Uh yeah, I was a creepy stalker… shy admirer, and ended up with more names than Elizabeth Taylor, before I decided to be social. I was late to the party not reading the books until they were already out and on the bestseller list. I honestly had no intention of ever reading the “teen drama” as I referred to it, but an international move that left me sitting in a canvas chair staring at a blank wall as all my earthly possessions were shipped back the US changed my mind. I was hooked! I didn't discover fanfiction until just over a year ago, and I’ve been an addict in need of a good rehab ever since. I am a veracious reader and love to write my own fics as well. I am a Non Can Wolf Girl, a fact my dog hates, since I yell at her to magically turn male and stand 6’6, muscly and resembling Kiowa Gordon (my secret lover, he just doesn't know) in my living room. She has yet to comply. I am a massive Kiowa Gordon lover, and am currently plotting ways to lick him…just a little one. I’m a huge smut fan, the more graphic the better… Dear Hustler …. Anyone? Find me on Twitter but I’m still learning so ignore anything that sounds crazy. I just stopped saying I was Twitting on Tweeter. ((Hugs!)) Check me out on my website https:// Pictures or 'Inspiration' for my stories. http:///albums/i458/Iamtwilightobsessed/ For all you vamp lovers who graciously read my wolf stories. If you find your favorite stories missing from FF or are in need of new stories to read, please check out http:/// |