AN: new fiction, Sam and Bella, it starts as Sam/Emily and is set in New Moon. I hope you'll enjoy it. Updates as of now won't be frequent because I'm going to finish Endless night.

If you ever

Keep holding on
'Cause you know we'll make it through,
we'll make it through
Just stay strong
'Cause you know I'm here for you,
Avril Lavigne (Keep holding on)

Bella ran towards Jacob as soon as she saw Paul bursting into a wolf, the biggest shock arrived when Jacob jumped over her head and transformed in mid-air into a wolf as well. Bella had fallen down and watched half in awe half in horror the two enormous wolves biting into each other and crushing into trees until they disappeared into the forest.

Sam Uley looked at her and then turned to the other two and in a commanding voice said, "Take her to my house." He glanced at her once again and then followed the destructive path that Jacob and Paul had left behind.

The boy who now she identified as Jared, walked to where she was and placed one of his warm hands on her arm and pulled her up. "Let's go Bella, Sam doesn't like to repeat twice the same order and I don't want to be in trouble."

She had the feeling that nobody wanted to be in trouble with Sam, he exuded an aura of raw power and authority that was hard to miss, even for a girl as clueless as her. She followed Jared and Embry to her truck, Jared asked for her keys jokingly saying that she was too preoccupied to drive.

"But Jacob will be okay?" She whispered feeling very apprehensive.

Embry chuckled. "Don't worry Bella, I wager that Paul will be the one getting out the worst from their fight."

By the time Bella's heart was settling to a normal beat they had arrived at what she supposed was Sam's house. The place looked secluded, but well kept. Before they got in, Embry stopped her and whispered in her ear. "You're going to meet Emily, Sam's girlfriend, don't stare at her." Before she could ask anything, she was pushed into the house and she saw a Quileute woman cooking at the stove.

Jared and Embry flopped into two chairs while she hesitated to move into the house, Emily turned and Bella understood why Embry had made that comment, the woman was beautiful but one side of her face was marred by huge scars. She reflected sullenly that some people have them outside, others have them into their hearts and she was one of them. Nobody knew how deep her heart was scarred after his abandonment.

Emily smiled softly and motioned for her to get closer. "Hi I'm Emily and you must be the vampire girl."

She almost recoiled; only hearing the word vampire caused the hole in her heart to throb painfully. She braced her arms around her body; it was the only way she could keep herself together.

Sam took that moment to enter; he glanced at Bella and then walked to where Emily was, he kissed her softly and lovingly on the scarred side of her face. Bella noticed that Emily didn't look as happy as he did. Then Sam turned his eyes on her again, with disdain he said, "You should eat something Bella, you'll disappear soon. How long do you want to keep starving yourself?"

Bella was taken aback by his rude words; nobody had ever addressed her that way.

"Sam!" Emily exclaimed looking shocked.

He shrugged his shoulders. "I'm just saying as it is Em." Then he walked out of the living room and went into the hall.

Emily smiled kindly. "Don't take his words to heart Bella, he's used to speak with teenage wolves and he doesn't really know how to behave with girls."

Bella nodded and gulped, but her heart was still throbbing painfully, because in that house between strangers the absence of him was even more painful to bear.

Was she really trying to disappear? Did she really look that bad that Sam had to call her on her behaviour? She felt tears prickling at her eyes when she saw Emily's pitiful look in her direction. "Ex-excuse me I need to use the bathroom." She went into the hall where Sam had disappeared and tried to run, but she met a concrete wall.

When she opened her eyes she realized that the wall was none other than Sam, who was now holding her by her waist. The warmth of his hands was seeping into her body, and the first traitor tear was running down her face. She looked down, not wanting to meet Sam's eyes.

She felt one of his hands leaving her waist, and after a moment her chin was pulled up by his blazing hand and she met his eyes that for once weren't dark and unreadable but concerned and serious. "Bella you can't keep doing this to yourself. You're not hurting just your parents, Jacob and Billy care for you too. I know it's difficult to get over heartbreak but you can do it. I didn't save you that night in the forest to have you die slowly a little bit every day."

"I… you don't know what you're talking about." She whispered. "He… he left me, I wasn't… wasn't good enough."

He looked angry then. "Listen carefully, that corpse is not even good enough to lick your shoes, I don't care if you love him, he tricked you and now he left. Do you really want to give him this satisfaction? Live Bella, he gave you this gift, your life… don't waste it this way."

His words hit her hard; nobody had ever talked to her this way. She mulled it over and she realized that she had never openly talked to anyone the way she was now taking to Sam. "I don't know where to start." She admitted bitterly.

Sam sighed and his hand moved from her chin, he caressed her cheek for a moment and then went down to take her hand in his; slowly he placed hers with his on top on her heart. "Listen Bella, it's still beating, your heart might be damaged but it's still there. Start eating, speak to people, and pay attention to what is going on around you. Life is such a precious gift, and although sometimes fate throws us some curve balls, we should still leave our life to the fullest, do you really think I would have chosen this life for myself?"

Bella felt her heart beating, and she felt his warm hand on hers. Her eyes met his again and for a moment they watched each other like there was nothing but them. The intensity and the energy flowing between them was fizzling the air around. The moment was broken by a door banging and Sam let her go quickly, before she could say anything else, he had moved away and left her there, alone in the semi-dark corridor.

Slowly she slid down on the floor and laid her back on the wall. She pulled her knees closer and hugged them. Sam had said some harsh but true words; she was dying a little bit every day and for what? For someone who had left her. But Sam's word had lit an idea in her mind; he hadn't left because he didn't love her anymore! She had a moment of clarity there and then; Edward loved her so much that he gifted her with her life. She knew that she would have asked to be turned eventually and he had always thought that they had no soul.

The notion that Edward loved her for a moment left her breathless, her heart almost exploded of joy and then reality caught up again, he loved her but he was gone and no matter how much she hoped he would never come back. If she loved him as much as she knew she did, the only thing to do was start living again, and show him that she was going to have a long, happy and satisfying life.

Jacob found her there, sitting and brooding. "Bells." He kneeled next to her. "Is everything all right?" He asked looking vulnerable and scared.

She realized that he might be frightened by her reaction to his 'change'. "Jake… I'm okay. Just recovering, are you well? I thought he was going to hurt you."

Jacob relaxed, and grinned. "Awww Bells, you were worried for me. I can look after myself… and even after you if you let me." He said winking at her.

For a moment Bella saw the carefree Jacob of before his transformation, and she smiled back at him. A voice in her mind whispered that she should start to get better somewhere and Jacob deserved to be thanked for all his efforts to make her happy. "Jake, regarding you… changing into a big wolf…" She noticed him stiffening. "I don't care… you've been my best friend and you've helped me through one of the worst moment of my life… I want you to know that I'm here for you as long as you'll want." She placed her hand on his and she saw his warm smile.

Jacob put his other hand on hers and squeezed it. Clearing his throat he stood up and pulled her up into his arms. They hugged each other for a long time, she was breathing his unique scent and for as much as she felt at ease with him it didn't spark anything, not like with Sam and then she shook her head, what a weird thought that was. "Let's go to eat something."

She nodded, but stopped him before they could get into the living room. "Jake… at the moment I just need a friend…"

He smiled softly. "I know Bells, I'm here and I'll be here for you as long as you'll need me. A step at a time."

She nodded and he pushed her into the room where all the werewolves and Emily turned to look at her. Bella blushed and met only Sam's eyes. Something sparkled in his eyes, but it disappeared before she could understand what feeling it was.

Jacob sat and pulled Bella to seat near him, before she could protest he gave her a huge muffin and ordered to eat it all.

Bella studied the muffin, and sighed, she heard a growl and she caught Sam's eyes again. He looked at the muffin and then at her pointedly, she felt her cheeks burning and before losing her courage she bit into the muffin and started chewing.

Sam winked and turned his attention to Jared, Bella's heart missed a beat. She glanced at Jacob and he was happily talking with Embry, no one had noticed that exchange and she was happy about it, she went on munching on her muffin.

The day had started strangely and was ending even more so. She hoped that after her huge epiphany about Edward's true motives for leaving her, she would start to heal and maybe one day she could love someone again.