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![]() Author has written 50 stories for Yu Yu Hakusho, Anime X-overs, Batman, Yu-Gi-Oh, Fairly OddParents, Vampire Hunter D, Dragon Ball Z, Batman Beyond, Resident Evil, Code Lyoko, Treasure Planet, X-overs, Ghost Busters (Real/Extreme), Cold Fear, Nightmare Before Christmas, Danny Phantom, and Game X-overs. Just a note: I sign into FF infrequently and am very slow to reply to messages. Apologies in advance. I do not mean to offend. I'm working on a large project that I hope will be done by the end of this year. With luck, I'll be able to share it with you all. FICTIONAL CITY POLICE DEPARTMENT STAFF MEMO # 1638237 Date: 25-01-2019 This memo is to inform the staff of FCPD that there is a slight possibility of the author known as Death 101 - Fox Version (here-forth referred to as "D101") becoming an active re-offender due to the release of the video game "Resident Evil 2: Re-imagining". The FCPD has already alerted the RLD (Real Life Distraction) department and they will be taking proactive measures to prevent this from happening. As you all recall, the RLD's tactics have proved effective in the past and we expect them to be just as effective in the future. Nevertheless, officers need to be aware that there is an increased risk of D101 re-offending against not only the Resident Evil department but other sections. It it possible this video game may be a catalyst that reawakens her writing abilities. Offenders are cautioned to act after carefully considering the consequences of their actions (This means you, Officer YYHM1) until we have evidence that the RLD tactics have once again taken root. Officers who disagree with this action may place their concerns (hard-copy only) in the box labelled suggestions located beside the garbage disposal chute. Please note, the location of the suggestion box is purely consequential. FICTIONAL CITY POLICE DEPARTMENT INCIDENT REPORT DATE: 03-02-2019 Author Name: Death 101 - Fox Version Incident Type: Unlawful writing in the first degree, Defying the RLD's orders in the first degree, Unlawful attempt to amuse in the first degree, Failure to check in with parole officer, Failure to appear in court, Failure to be act like an adult Offending story (stories): The Mystery of Raccoon City (MRC) and Children Playing (CP) Summary: Author had begun updating MRC on a weekly basis (so far most updates have been posted on Sunday) and had indicated her intention to continue doing so. Author also posted a new chapter for CP and has also indicated a willingness to continue making stories. A review of her notebook revealed many ideas for additional stories for CP. During conservation with the author, she indicated she was going to try to work on her old holiday trio series as well although a review of her most recent notebook showed no active signs of this. Verdict: Guilty on all counts FICTIONAL CITY POLICE DEPARTMENT AUTHOR'S HISTORY To the characters who intend to review her old stories for clues as to where the author will strike next. Below is a listing of the author's series and her best works. As you may note, one series is missing. For some reason (perhaps because the author hates that series?) whenever we try to add the series to this report, a virus begins destroying all our records. Nevertheless, below is a mostly complete listing of the author's series and her best stories as well as recommended reads. Use this information as you will. Series Currently Unnamed: 2/Unknown Stories Completed No one knew what to make of the warnings sent to fan fiction authors. Everyone thought it was a prank. Unfortunately, they were wrong and will now pay with their life, freedom, and perhaps sanity. Twisted Logic / Sayōnara / Fictional City PD (in progress) / Unwanted Firsts (in progress) The Holiday Trio: 6/7 Stories Completed What started as a simple Halloween rescue mission has horrifying results for Yusuke, Kaiba, and Trunks. Now it seems every holiday wants a piece of the action. Will the trio be able to save their friends or they arrive too late to see their deaths? (Dragon Ball Z, Yu-Gi-Oh, Yu Yu Hakusho) Lock, Shock, and Barrel / The Trials of Psyche or The Trials of Eros / Welcome to 2011 / All Hallow's Eve / Return to Halloween Town / Who Ya Gonna Call? / Kidnap a Mazaku (Expected in late 2019) The author has a compilation of reworked versions of Lock, Shock, and Barrel, The Trials of Eros, Welcome to 2011, and Return to Halloween Town, posted under the title The Holiday Trio which takes into account differences between the stories as originally posted and Kidnap a Mazaku (expected in 2018). Yusuke's Travels: 2/3 Stories Completed It's hard being a spirit detective but it's even harder to survive when you find yourself in the wrong plot line and body. (Yu Yu Hakusho) Fighting Evil by Moonlight / Winning Love by Daylight / Spirits, My Dear (not yet published) Author's Favourite Stories Additionally, you may want to watch the stories she considers to be her best or most amusing which are also as follows. To be Human, I Am, Sayonara, Had I Known, End of the Legend, You Give Batman a Bad Name To those characters who now wish to read something worthwhile and enjoyable please consider the following stories and authors recommended by the down-classed author. She prepared this list a while ago along with her notes. Authors: Nameless Boast, niteryde, Scribbler, forthright, , Griselda Banks, Pranktical Joker, Lights Aura858 CROSSOVERS - A thought-provoking piece of time and friendship and not in the traditional sappy Yu-Gi-Oh! English Sailor Moon sense. It's called Stop All the Clocks by Scribbler. It is a crossover between Danny Phantom and Yu-Gi-Oh! And is the best. If you love Calvin and Hobbes and can picture the chaos caused by Calvin at Kaiba Corps read YuGiOh! Enter the Calvin Realm! by Kitt Chaos. DANNY PHANTOM - A Danny Phantom story called Jazz's Bedtime Story by Monica Moss. Go to the profile to learn more. This story is only for those of you who either need a good cry or have high emotional barriers (like insanely high.) The story is called Wondering by Phantomrose96. Basically, Danny's parents manage to capture him and this follows the painful aftermath. Please note, I do not recommend this story if you have high empathy. Similar to Point of No Return below, this story pulls at your heart strings and makes it painful to read. The story is divided into present and past and I've only read the present so I didn't even see half the stuff in the story. So while the story is recommended, please be careful if you have high empathy for fictional characters. And looking at these recommendations, I think it's time I find some happy stories. DRAGON BALL Z - It's called Future Trunks Getting One Up on Vegeta by Legolas Anime Luver. I found this story a long time ago, and even though no one really cares, I think this story is thought-provokingly awesome. I highly suggest that you read it, even if you hate Dragonball Z. You don't need to know the plot of Dragonball to understand this story, but it might help. Also you might learn something. Giving Everything by Sabu.d. It's a Trunks and Bra story and an interesting look at their relationship as siblings and even a look at Trunks and Vegeta. The Yamucha Chronicle by DoraMouse. No, you don't get a choice. You will read this! Seriously, this is probably the best characterization ever of any character because it's the whole freaking story! Yamcha is not quite my favourite character but he is pretty close and I swear, it is scary when reading this story. You'd think he was writing it. Which is really scary! Basically the series from Yamcha's POV. Just read it! I'm an American/Canadian football fan and a Dragon Ball Z fan but what really sold this story was the use of outsider's POV and the emotions that jump off the page and into your mind. Seriously suggested read. Touch Down by FreyaCat. Point of No Return by niteryde. The best part about this DBZ story: great detail, formatting, characterization, and original plot regarding Future Trunks' travel to the past where everything that can go wrong does. (No seriously. EVERYTHING!) Worst part about this story? You can't freaking put it down! So yes, read it. But read it when you have lots of time on your hands! Make A Wish and Aftershocks by aria710. A story which completely rewrites the Dragon Ball and Dragon Ball Z universe as we know it and keeps it that way until the end. Nothing remains the same except for the characters. Personally, I prefer these two over Point of No Return. To the Victors Go the Spoils by HIGH and MIGHTY COLOR. It's an A/U story where characters remain themselves. A few of our favourite saiyans come back from the dead, secrets are everywhere, formatting is awesome, and the plot is interesting. Also the update schedule is awesome. (She updates every day it seems!) There's nothing else really to say without saying, if you enjoy Trunks and Goten getting in over their heads with a few of our favourite saiyans and a save the world plot, try it. Future Changes by DragonShenron. Rather than Vegeta going back to the past with Future Trunks (yes I love these plots) Gohan is. The detail is awesome in this story as are the characters. Oops by sooperspicy386. You have three guesses about what this story is about... Trunks (Chibi only he is older) and Goten screw up and end up in the past. The story isn't really humour. It's more action/adventure and looks deeper at the characters. Thus why it is recommended. No Tears by Krillin Fan. Oh my gosh. Something not related to Trunks this time. Haha. This story though follows a what if situation that I think it worth looking at. FULL METAL ALCHEMIST - Just want to say this before I write down the recommendation. I have not watched FMA. I know only bits and pieces about the characters but this story still holds my attention and from what I see, keeps the characters in character and offers something new each chapter without losing sight of the goal. More importantly, even though the chapters mention key events in the anime/manga, it is still easy to follow if you haven't seen the episodes. So for those of you who don't know FMA but know Ed (or maybe Roy) I strongly recommend this. And just to be clear. This is non-yaoi. (Duh.) Till I'm A Hundred, You Idiot by Griselda Banks. VAMPIRE HUNTER D - If you love Vampire Hunter D and wanted to read a story that is really well written and looks into the story of Polk mentioned in Bloodlust read Polk's Prayer by Kitt Chaos. YU-GI-OH! - A Public Service Announcment by Kaira-chan. Basically a fic from Anzu's point of view about fanfiction. At The End Of All Things by Caleigho Meer. Honestly, the story speaks for itself. "Kaiba's diagnosis of a terminal illness causes him to reflect on his life." The detail is amazing as is the attention paid to the characters. YU YU HAKUSHO - The story is called The Main Character Never Dies by Migoto Kuragari. Basically, Hiei and Kurama follow a demon into a Twilight movie. Hiei's thoughts on the movie make this a very amusing read as do the other amusing situations which happen to a midget and a guy who looks like a girl. READ IT!! Black Fire by ghostwriter1341. A story that is unlike most of the stories found in the Yu Yu Hakusho section. It is not yaoi or shonen-ai. It does not directly follow the guys. It does not sort the canonXOC colour. A nice read but long. Unsung Hero by . I think they said it best. "Drabble about Kuwabara's feelings towards the other three Spirit Detectives." There is probably another story in my favourites along this line but heck if I can remember what it's called. When I have time, I'll find it and add it here. How Do You Like It? by Lord Raizen. Found said fic. Again, the author (and title) says it best. "This fic is for all the Kuwabarabashers [and] Kurama fans." Stop Obsessing over Kurama! by Mikageshi. Just read it. Even if you are a die-hard Kurama fangirl, I'm sure you'll be smiling and nodding if the reviews are any sign. If you hate him, you will REALLY like it. Yu Yu Hakusho: Tentei Tokushuu by KitsuneWannaBe. Takes place where the manga/anime left off. Great characters. Great detail. Epic plot (although a bit confusing). Seriously recommended read if you like Yu Yu Hakusho. Following After by S.V Random. The relationships between the characters are really well done and it holds all the charm of the original story. It just started so I'm not too sure where the plot is going but I think I have an idea. Thus I recommend this story if you are looking for the magic of the original anime/manga. |