
The wind blew through the night, rustling the leaves of the trees. Something sweet was caught in the salty scent of the ocean; something that caught his attention. He wondered if it was the scent of an early spring flower or the morning dew mixed with a light frost. All he knew was that the scent reminded him of something from the western plains… something from home…

As the breeze stopped, the scent disappeared and the salty scent of the ocean water remained. It was early morning, at time where the sun had yet to rise over the horizon. He returned to this place often, but always on the same day every year… A day that had been a large piece of his childhood.

He broke through the trees and stood on the high cliff, listening to the waves thrashing against the stone wall. Winter had come to the end of its season, turning into early spring. The day began as it had every year, rather gloomy but peaceful.

His peace was disturbed however when he heard something hit the rocks to his left. The noise drew his amber orbs and he was surprised to see a girl lying on the cliff not too far away.

"Make it stop!" she growled as she nearly jumped to her feet.

The wind blew in his direction, blowing the same sweet scent as before toward him. He took the scent in before he watched the girl take a leap off the edge of the cliff into the ocean.