Disclaimer: Not sure why this is necessary anymore, but I don't own Yu-gi-oh.


Abandoned. Broken. Controlled.

A… B… C…


Children learn the alphabet in preschool. The teachers always put words to the letters. They are always happy, simple words to which the kids can relate. After all, they are meant to make them understand…


Distant. Envy. Fragile

D… E… F…


Somehow, the carefree pictures no longer appear when those letters are uttered. Sad, isn't it?


Glare. Hikari. Innocence.

G… H… I…


Different words link with these letters. Words describing what no child should be… what no child should experience…


Jeers. Knife. Lost.

J… K… L…


More words… More pictures… More hated memories…


Millennium. Nonchalant. Owned. Pain.

M… N… O… P…


A child's learning tune. Yet, another twisted aspect of my life… if it can be called that.


Quiet. Resistance. Shadows.

Q… R… S…


But it's not truly mine anymore, is it? I lost it long ago… I wonder if I'll ever claim it, again…


Trust. Unwanted. Vessel.

T… U… V…


Foolish thoughts, all of them. What is the point? It only leads to increased longing…


Wishes. Xenophobia. Yami.

W… X… Y…


Twenty-six letters… Twenty six words that paint a picture of who I am… what I've lived through… what I've done…





It's my life. From letters to words… words to pictures… pictures to memories… All twisted descriptions of my pointless existence. I'm a host of darkness… Fate has written my sorrowful existence in the blood of innocents… people who never needed to be involved.

Yet, it's unavoidable. This is what children recite in remembrance of me… of my struggles… my deeds. I never wanted these to be the remnants that people scraped from the tablet of time. But this is how I will carry on… in this song children sing… for this is who I am:

Abused Beaten Child Slave.



Author's Note: Depending on how you look at it, this could be from the perspective of Ryou or Theif Bakura. Both were used by the same evil. Anyway, the letter groups were not necessarily meant to go together with any particular theme, it's just how it is written. Hope you liked it. If you did...

Please review.