Disclaimer: Questioningly not mine.
A/N: I set this as a creative writing task for several of my classes, using themselves and someone precious to them as their subjects. The brief is simple: twenty lines after the question 'Who is (insert name)?' and nothing obvious or dreary. As they were scribbling away, I found myself writing versions for fandom characters in my head. This was actually really fun, and so easy to use in any fandom. I heartily encourage everyone to try it. I may do more myself, but it's always interesting to see other people's take on characters too.
Who is …?
© Scribbler, April 2010.
Who is Anzu?
Anzu is battement frappe, tombé en avant and pirouettes at three in the morning to distract from nightmares of falling metal crates and glowing artefacts.
Anzu is the voice in Yuugi's head not even Yami can hear.
Anzu is dozens of discarded fabric scraps used to practise the perfectly even stitches every serious dancer uses to attach ribbons onto her ballet slippers.
Anzu is an encouraging smile and a clichéd but welcome cheer from the sidelines.
Anzu is not sticking to the sidelines when things get tough. Or dangerous. Or both. Especially both.
Anzu is trying to cook, failing, and then trying again because if her friends won't be defeated by magical megalomaniacs there's no way she'll let tempura defeat her.
Anzu is the first girl to impress Mai despite being sucky at Duel Monsters.
Anzu is an inimitable sense of fashion nobody actually wants to imitate.
Anzu is a broken Gameboy.
Anzu is ignoring the kid with the weird hair until, one day, she sticks up for him and he evermore sticks to her like glue.
Anzu is a shared sunset and trying not to hurt that it's actually the other you watching it with her.
Anzu is a singed Burger World uniform stuffed in the very back of a wardrobe.
Anzu is hopes and dreams and optimism about a future none of them may actually see.
Anzu is choking on sand while screaming uncontrollably on the roof of a runaway train.
Anzu is a shredded tissue fluttering onto the floor beside a bed in a burns unit.
Anzu is Jounouchi falling sideways, clutching between his legs and cursing stupid girls, their stupid pointy shoes and their stupid hurt feelings when a guy makes a perfectly complimentary remark about her rack.
Anzu is a very particular scowl from Seto Kaiba.
Anzu is ice with all the give of steel no matter how many times you punch it.
Anzu is being too perceptive and yet, in some ways, totally oblivious of the world – and people – around her.
Anzu is a friend. A best friend. A preachy friend. A bossy friend. A loyal friend. A throw-in-the-towel-with-the-popular-set friend.
Who is Anzu?
Well, most of all Anzu is Anzu, and those who know her agree that's quite enough.